FISA World Rowing Masters Regatta
- Sep 27, 2018 To Sep 30, 2018
- sprint
- Benderson Lake
- Sarasota-Bradenton, FL (USA)
- Hosted By: SANCA (SunCoast Aquatic Nature Center Association)
Event# | Time* | Code | Event | Competitors | Entries |
Thursday, September 27, 2018 | |||||
101 | WH-M 4+ | Womens H-M 4+ | 4 |
102 | I 4- | Mens I 4- | 3 |
103 | WA 1x | Womens A 1x | 39 |
104 | WD 2- | Womens D 2- | 16 |
105 | A 4x | Mens A 4x | 9 |
106 | D 4+ | Mens D 4+ | 14 |
107 | WG 8+ | Womens G 8+ | 5 |
108 | G 2- | Mens G 2- | 10 |
109 | J-M 4x | Mens J-M 4x | 1 |
110 | WB 4+ | Womens B 4+ | 20 |
111 | B 8+ | Mens B 8+ | 9 |
112 | E 2x | Mens E 2x | 70 |
113 | WE 4x | Womens E 4x | 29 |
114 | H 8+ | Mens H 8+ | 9 |
Composite: Ann Arbor RC,Ann Arbor RC, Potomac, Detroit Boat Club Crew, Rockford, University Barge, Seeclub Zürich |
M. Thibault/D. Wojdyla/J. Bernfield/R. Anderson/M. McGuirk/J. Montie/F. Wilkening/A. Baur/K. Nieman (Cox)
Composite: Cambridge, Marin, Christiania RK, Drammen |
I. Hoy/Ø. Brøymer/S. Randsborg/H. Refsum/J. Thygesen/L. Carter/H. Hamilton/S. Hoff/C. Boit (Cox)
Composite: Cambridge, Capital, Tallahassee Rowing Club, Avalon, Athlone, Carlow, Lee Valley Rowing Club |
B. van de Burgt/R. McClure/J. Davis/R. MACTURK/O. Simanovsky/P. Gallen/T. Corcoran/A. Dooley/A. Zettek-Sumner (Cox)
Christiania Roklub |
J. Olsen/R. Riktor/A. Værang/T. Lindemann/J. Bengtson/T. Lysdahl/M. Flood/G. Dürbeck/T. Rekkedal (Cox)
Composite: Mitsubishi, Dankaigo |
N. Shibata/M. Goda/I. Moriwaki/T. Tomita/M. Aoki/T. Ikeda/M. Kabashima/k. Saito/H. Honda (Cox)
Nagoya Rowing Club |
I. Mitsuyuki/H. Kenji/S. Masamitsu/T. Kanji/K. Motoyasu/H. Tsuneo/S. Norio/H. Mitsuru/O. Masanori (Cox)
Occoquan International |
J. Van Blom/C. Hamlin/R. Borggaard/D. Sayner/H. Rasmussen/P. Knight/E. Meyers/C. Pieper/J. Byrd (Cox)
Composite: Rocky Mountain, Detroit Boat Club Crew |
M. Shonstrom/T. Murphy/G. Fletcher/R. Case/R. Jones/J. Colosimo/P. Stevens/P. Francis/L. Steavpack (Cox)
Composite: San Diego RC, Palm Beach, St. Andrews Alumni |
G. Cadwalader/B. Negaard/G. Shuster/J. Burke/A. Parrish/K. Shuster/E. Cruikshank III/C. Baker/J. Schoonover (Cox)
115 | C 1x | Mens C 1x | 61 |
116 | WH-M 4x | Womens H-M 4x | 6 |
117 | F 4- | Mens F 4- | 14 |
118 | WC 2x | Womens C 2x | 43 |
119 | A 4+ | Mens A 4+ | 9 |
120 | D 2- | Mens D 2- | 13 |
121 | WF 4- | Womens F 4- | 7 |
122 | G 4x | Mens G 4x | 16 |
123 | WA 8+ | Womens A 8+ | 8 |
124 | B 2x | Mens B 2x | 43 |
125 | WD 1x | Womens D 1x | 32 |
126 | WG-M 2- | Womens G-M 2- | 3 |
127 | E 8+ | Mens E 8+ | 15 |
128 | WB 4x | Womens B 4x | 22 |
129 | H 2x | Mens H 2x | 35 |
Composite: Ann Arbor RC,Ann Arbor RC, Cincinnati RC |
J. Montie/R. Miller
Aviron Lachine (Club d'aviron Lachine) |
N. Bergeron/j. malabranche
Boat-Dankaigo |
N. Shibata/I. Moriwaki
Composite: Cambridge, Christiania RK |
H. Hamilton/S. Randsborg
Composite: Carlow, Lee Valley Rowing Club |
T. Corcoran/A. Dooley
Christiania Roklub |
H. Refsum/Ø. Brøymer
Christiania Roklub |
T. Lysdahl/J. Bengtson
Christiania Roklub |
M. Flood/A. Værang
Christiania Roklub |
T. Rekkedal/T. Lindemann
Christiania Roklub |
J. Olsen/G. Dürbeck
Club de Regatas "Lima" |
J. Crosby/J. Velasco Gonzales
Club de Regatas "Lima" |
G. De La Puente/R. Valega
Club de Regatas "Lima" |
J. Spihlmann/A. Ferreccio
Club De Regatas La Marina |
E. Pardo Galan/N. Knezevic
club regatas union |
R. Gamio/C. Reátegui Rosselló
CNR "El Mbigua" |
G. Scarpetta/G. Aguilera
Fairmount Rowing Association |
S. Jonik/P. Jonik/
Fredericia Roklub |
F. Nielsen/O. Thomsen
Composite: Fredericia, Middelfart RK |
O. Bendtsen/T. Staal
Gainesville Area Rowing, Inc. |
F. Southwick/D. Davis
Composite: Holstebro, Kolding |
O. Roemer/M. Pedersen
Mitsubishi Senior Boat Club |
T. Yamaguchi/C. Taeusch
Nagoya Rowing Club |
K. Motoyasu/T. Hashizume
Nagoya Rowing Club |
I. Mitsuyuki/T. Kanji
Composite: Occoquan International, Drammen |
H. Rasmussen/S. Hoff
Occoquan International |
J. Van Blom/C. Hamlin
Occoquan International |
R. Borggaard/C. Pieper
Passaic River Rowing Association (PRRA) |
A. FIORY/J. Lahm
Rowing Club Argentino |
e. peralta/E. Kenny
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC |
D. Schley/B. Pasternak
Stockholms Roddförening |
J. Ramsey/M. Arastoupour
Composite: Tuebinger, Lauffener RC |
D. Wilhelm/W. Roesch
Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia |
J. Cantrill/D. Kacala
Composite: Union, Duxbury Bay Maritime School |
H. Spurway/C. Kane Jr
Virginia Boat Club |
S. Bosshard/D. LeBlanc
130 | C 4- | Mens C 4- | 15 |
131 | WE 4+ | Womens E 4+ | 20 |
132 | F 1x | Mens F 1x | 84 |
133 | WC 4- | Womens C 4- | 7 |
134 | WF 2x | Womens F 2x | 29 |
135 | I 1x | Mens I 1x | 21 |
136 | A 2- | Mens A 2- | 13 |
137 | D 4x | Mens D 4x | 33 |
138 | WA 2- | Womens A 2- | 8 |
139 | G 4+ | Mens G 4+ | 15 |
140 | WD 8+ | Womens D 8+ | 22 |
141 | WG 1x | Womens G 1x | 12 |
142 | J-M 4+ | Mens J-M 4+ | 1 |
Friday, September 28, 2018 | |||||
201 | J 1x | Mens J 1x | 6 |
202 | WB 8+ | Womens B 8+ | 15 |
203 | WE 2- | Womens E 2- | 8 |
204 | B 4x | Mens B 4x | 19 |
205 | E 4+ | Mens E 4+ | 18 |
206 | H 2- | Mens H 2- | 8 |
207 | WH 1x | Womens H 1x | 7 |
208 | C 8+ | Mens C 8+ | 12 |
209 | F 2x | Mens F 2x | 51 |
210 | WC 4x | Womens C 4x | 35 |
211 | I 8+ | Mens I 8+ | 4 |
212 | WF 4+ | Womens F 4+ | 18 |
213 | WI-M 2x | Womens I-M 2x | 4 |
214 | A 4- | Mens A 4- | 5 |
215 | D 1x | Mens D 1x | 78 |
216 | G 4- | Mens G 4- | 8 |
217 | WA 2x | Womens A 2x | 21 |
218 | K-M 1x | Mens K-M 1x | 5 |
219 | B 4+ | Mens B 4+ | 8 |
220 | E 2- | Mens E 2- | 20 |
221 | WD 4- | Womens D 4- | 14 |
222 | WG 2x | Womens G 2x | 16 |
223 | H 4x | Mens H 4x | 17 |
Amoskeag Rowing Club |
M. Shields/E. Van Loan/R. Blair/J. Jablonski
Composite: Cambridge, Athlone, Carlow, Lee Valley Rowing Club |
P. Gallen/O. Simanovsky/A. Dooley/T. Corcoran
Composite: Cambridge, Marin, Detroit Boat Club Crew, Christiania RK |
L. Carter/S. Randsborg/j. montie/H. Hamilton
Chinook Performance Racing |
C. Kopf/J. Hurd/H. Brunner/A. Dolotov
Christiania Roklub |
J. Olsen/T. Lysdahl/J. Bengtson/G. Dürbeck
Christiania Roklub |
M. Flood/A. Værang/T. Lindemann/T. Rekkedal
Composite: Fredericia, Middelfart RK |
F. Nielsen/O. Bendtsen/O. Thomsen/T. Staal
Grêmio Náutico União |
M. Dias Flor/J. Donay Waichel/E. Zembruski/M. de Almeida
Composite: La Baie Verte, Cincinnati RC, Seeclub Zürich |
R. Miller/R. Shellman/F. Wilkening/T. Dryer
Occoquan International |
J. Van Blom/C. Hamlin/R. Borggaard/C. Pieper
Composite: Occoquan International, Christiania RK, Drammen |
I. Hoy/Ø. Brøymer/H. Rasmussen/S. Hoff
Rocky Mountain Rowing Club |
P. Stevens/M. Shonstrom/R. Case/D. Stevens
Sarasota County Rowing Club, Inc/dba Sarasota Masters |
R. Giannini/J. McKibben/K. Heitel/D. Sperrazza
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC |
D. Schley/B. Pasternak/J. Everett/S. Majd
Composite: Seta Rowing, Mitsubishi, Dankaigo |
N. Shibata/I. Moriwaki/M. Goda/K. Ueda
Composite: Tuebinger, Crefeld, RG Wetzlar, Lauffener RC |
D. Wilhelm/W. Roesch/E. Ruehl/W. Busch
Composite: Undine, Passaic River |
A. FIORY/J. Lahm/J. Cantrill/D. Kacala
224 | WB 2- | Womens B 2- | 4 |
225 | WE 1x | Womens E 1x | 30 |
226 | C 2x | Mens C 2x | 58 |
227 | WG-M 4- | Womens G-M 4- | 6 |
228 | WC 4+ | Womens C 4+ | 23 |
229 | F 8+ | Mens F 8+ | 14 |
230 | I 2x | Mens I 2x | 16 |
231 | A 1x | Mens A 1x | 58 |
232 | WF 4x | Womens F 4x | 21 |
233 | D 4- | Mens D 4- | 14 |
234 | G 1x | Mens G 1x | 52 |
235 | WA 4- | Womens A 4- | 9 |
236 | WD 2x | Womens D 2x | 41 |
237 | J-M 4- | Mens J-M 4- | 2 |
238 | B 2- | Mens B 2- | 12 |
239 | WB 1x | Womens B 1x | 29 |
240 | E 4x | Mens E 4x | 38 |
241 | H 4+ | Mens H 4+ | 11 |
242 | WE 8+ | Womens E 8+ | 20 |
Saturday, September 29, 2018 | |||||
301 | C 4x | Mens C 4x | 27 |
302 | WC 2- | Womens C 2- | 17 |
303 | WF 8+ | Womens F 8+ | 11 |
304 | F 4+ | Mens F 4+ | 23 |
305 | WI-M 1x | Womens I-M 1x | 6 |
306 | I 4x | Mens I 4x | 8 |
307 | A 2x | Mens A 2x | 29 |
308 | WA 4+ | Womens A 4+ | 14 |
309 | D 8+ | Mens D 8+ | 14 |
310 | WD 4x | Womens D 4x | 33 |
311 | G 2x | Mens G 2x | 44 |
Adelaide University Boat Club |
H. Newland/R. Dankbaar/
Composite: Santa Catarina, Martinelli |
V. Braz da Silva/C. Dutra
Composite: Athlone, Carlow |
P. Gallen/A. Dooley
Aviron Lachine (Club d'aviron Lachine) |
N. Bergeron/A. Journault
Boat-Dankaigo |
Y. Kodama/T. Ikeda
Cape Coral Rowing Club |
M. Knoche/J. Fentress
Christiania Roklub |
I. Hoy/Ø. Brøymer
Cincinnati Rowing Club |
R. Miller/T. Dryer
Composite: Lima, Akademiska RF |
G. De La Puente/G. Royo
Club De Regatas La Marina |
J. Fernández/N. Knezevic
Composite: Sausalito, Estrella Blanca |
B. Dondero/H. Aravena
Composite: Río Paraná Corrientes, Club Mbigua |
M. Negrette/G. Aguilera
club regatas union |
C. Reátegui Rosselló/A. Coz
Composite: San Fernando, Rowing Club Argentino |
M. Prado/e. peralta
Dart Totnes Amateur Rowing Club |
R. Stewart/P. Atkinson
Composite: Detroit Boat Club Crew, Occoquan International |
D. Sitek/C. Selden
Detroit Boat Club Crew |
M. Thibault/B. Maher
Drammen Roklubb |
P. Sandli/S. Hoff
Fredericia Roklub |
O. Thomsen/J. Mortensen
Composite: Fredericia, Middelfart RK |
H. Olesen/T. Staal
Hampton Roads Rowing Club, Ltd. |
J. O'Brien Jr/N. Conner
Composite: Hollywood Rowing Club, Bestumkilen RK |
A. Punter/A. Chavez
Composite: Lincoln Park Boat Club, Sarasota County |
J. Dobson/L. Sklyanskiy
Malta Boat Club |
T. Trocky/C. Patterson
Minneapolis Rowing Club |
T. Palmer/K. Conroy
Mitsubishi Senior Boat Club |
M. Goda/T. Nakamura
New Haven Rowing Club |
I. Duthie/D. Vogel
North Palm Beach Rowing Club |
B. Elliott/J. Merriam
Palm Beach Rowing Association, Inc. |
J. Green/D. Lill
Passaic River Rowing Association (PRRA) |
A. FIORY/J. Lahm
Composite: Polytechniker RC Zurich, Seeclub Zürich |
D. Steiner/F. Wilkening
Potomac Boat Club |
M. Alloway/B. Cox
Rock Creek Rowing, Inc. |
K. Fennelly/P. Gruber
Composite: Rockford, GMS Rowing |
R. Anderson/M. Verlin
Rocky Mountain Rowing Club |
P. Stevens/D. Stevens
Composite: Rowing Club Port-Marly, Royal Club Nautique Tournai |
P. Leulier/N. James
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC |
D. Schley/J. Everett
Composite: Seta Rowing, Dankaigo |
I. Moriwaki/K. Ueda
SK Jurmalas sports |
V. Meikaliss/J. Grikis/
Composite: Texas Rowing Center, Delta Deas |
R. Lynch/R. Stout
Uozaki Rowing Club |
T. Naya/I. Yokoyama/
Composite: Bohemians Praha, VK Neratovice |
J. Brunhofer/V. Burda
Composite: VK Smíchov, Slavoj Litomerice |
L. Dosek/M. Svagrovský
Winnipeg Rowing Club |
T. Pundyk/J. Reitberger
312 | WG 4+ | Womens G 4+ | 7 |
313 | J-M 8+ | Mens J-M 8+ | 1 |
314 | B 1x | Mens B 1x | 52 |
315 | E 4- | Mens E 4- | 14 |
316 | WB 2x | Womens B 2x | 36 |
317 | H 1x | Mens H 1x | 39 |
Amoskeag Rowing Club |
M. Shields
Anchorage Rowing Association |
G. Bryson
Ann Arbor Rowing Club |
J. Montie
Cambridge Boat Club |
R. Lee
Cape Coral Rowing Club |
J. Pokorny
Cape Fear River Rowing Club, Inc. |
J. Bell
Carlow Rowing Club |
A. Dooley
Chinook Performance Racing |
A. Dolotov
Christiania Roklub |
Ø. Brøymer
Club de Regatas "Lima" |
R. Valega
Club de Regatas "Lima" |
J. Spihlmann
Club De Regatas La Marina |
E. Pardo Galan
Clube de Regatas Piraquê |
A. Stirling
Crossrowing |
R. Schneider
Detroit Boat Club Crew |
B. Maher
Drammen Roklubb |
S. Hoff
Duxbury Bay Maritime School |
H. Spurway
Fairmount Rowing Association |
P. Jonik/
Fairmount Rowing Association |
H. Killen
Gainesville Area Rowing, Inc. |
F. Southwick
Holstebro RC |
O. Roemer
Kasteler Ruder-undKanugesellschaft1880 e.V. |
k. Opitz/
Lee Valley Rowing Club |
T. Corcoran
Lincoln Park Boat Club |
L. Sklyanskiy
Malta Boat Club |
C. Patterson
North Palm Beach Rowing Club |
J. Merriam
Occoquan International |
C. Hamlin
Rock Creek Rowing, Inc. |
J. Bracewell
Rocky Mountain Rowing Club |
P. Francis
Rowing Club Argentino |
e. peralta
Sarasota County Rowing Club, Inc/dba Sarasota Masters |
R. Wright
Seta Rowing Club |
A. Adachi
The Stewards Foundation, Inc. |
D. Jenkins/
Tübinger Ruderverein "Fidelia" 1877/1911 e.V. |
D. Wilhelm
Uozaki Rowing Club |
I. Yokoyama/
Virginia Boat Club |
S. Bosshard
Virginia Boat Club |
D. LeBlanc
Washington Rowing School |
J. Curran/
318 | C 4+ | Mens C 4+ | 16 |
319 | WE 4- | Womens E 4- | 9 |
320 | WH 2x | Womens H 2x | 8 |
321 | F 2- | Mens F 2- | 9 |
322 | WC 8+ | Womens C 8+ | 17 |
323 | I 4+ | Mens I 4+ | 4 |
324 | D 2x | Mens D 2x | 46 |
325 | WF 1x | Womens F 1x | 30 |
326 | G 8+ | Mens G 8+ | 11 |
327 | J-M 2x | Mens J-M 2x | 6 |
328 | B 4- | Mens B 4- | 12 |
329 | WA 4x | Womens A 4x | 13 |
330 | E 1x | Mens E 1x | 85 |
331 | H 4- | Mens H 4- | 6 |
332 | WD 4+ | Womens D 4+ | 25 |
333 | WG 4x | Womens G 4x | 11 |
334 | C 2- | Mens C 2- | 15 |
335 | WB 4- | Womens B 4- | 6 |
336 | WE 2x | Womens E 2x | 44 |
337 | F 4x | Mens F 4x | 36 |
338 | WH-M 8+ | Womens H-M 8+ | 2 |
339 | I-M 2- | Mens I-M 2- | 5 |
340 | WC 1x | Womens C 1x | 35 |
341 | WF 2- | Womens F 2- | 7 |
342 | A 8+ | Mens A 8+ | 8 |
Sunday, September 30, 2018 | |||||
401 | Mix D 4x | Mixed D 4x | 25 |
402 | Mix G 8+ | Mixed G 8+ | 6 |
403 | Mix B 2x | Mixed B 2x | 31 |
404 | Mix E 4x | Mixed E 4x | 27 |
405 | Mix H 8+ | Mixed H 8+ | 2 |
406 | Mix C 2x | Mixed C 2x | 38 |
407 | Mix F 4x | Mixed F 4x | 13 |
408 | Mix I-M 8+ | Mixed I-M 8+ | 1 |
409 | Mix A 2x | Mixed A 2x | 22 |
410 | Mix D 8+ | Mixed D 8+ | 10 |
411 | Mix G 2x | Mixed G 2x | 16 |
412 | Mix B 4x | Mixed B 4x | 9 |
413 | Mix E 8+ | Mixed E 8+ | 9 |
414 | Mix H 2x | Mixed H 2x | 5 |
415 | Mix C 4x | Mixed C 4x | 19 |
416 | Mix F 8+ | Mixed F 8+ | 9 |
417 | Mix I-M 2x | Mixed I-M 2x | 4 |
418 | Mix A 4x | Mixed A 4x | 7 |
419 | Mix D 2x | Mixed D 2x | 36 |
420 | Mix G 4x | Mixed G 4x | 9 |
421 | Mix B 8+ | Mixed B 8+ | 6 |
422 | Mix E 2x | Mixed E 2x | 43 |
423 | Mix H 4x | Mixed H 4x | 3 |
424 | Mix C 8+ | Mixed C 8+ | 10 |
425 | Mix F 2x | Mixed F 2x | 28 |
426 | Mix I-M 4x | Mixed I-M 4x | 2 |
427 | Mix A 8+ | Mixed A 8+ | 6 |
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change