USRowing Club National Championships
- Jul 16, 2014 To Jul 20, 2014
- sprint
- Melton Hill Lake
- Oak Ridge, TN (USA)
- Hosted By: USRowing
- 2016 Owned Regatta
Event# | Time* | Code | Event | Competitors | Entries |
Wednesday, July 16, 2014 | |||||
Events listed on Friday & Sunday are FINALS. | |||||
Heats for FRIDAY'S FINALS will take place on: | |||||
Wednesday, July 16th & Thursday, July 17th | |||||
Heats for SUNDAY'S FINALS will take place on: | |||||
Friday, July 18th & Saturday, July 19th | |||||
1 | Mens Intermediate 8+ | 18 |
2 | Womens Intermediate 4x | 6 |
3 | Womens Junior B 1x | 29 |
4 | Mens Intermediate Ltwt 4x | 4 |
5 | Mens Junior A 4x | 22 |
6 | Womens Junior A 8+ | 23 |
7 | Mens Senior 1x | 12 |
8 | Womens Senior 2- | 10 |
9 | Mens Intermediate Ltwt 4+ | 9 |
10 | Womens Intermediate Ltwt 2x | 11 |
11 | Mens Junior A 4+ | 31 |
12 | Womens Junior A 2x | 42 |
13 | Mens Senior 4+ | 14 |
14 | Womens Senior 2x | 6 |
15 | Mens Intermediate 2x | 15 |
16 | Womens Intermediate 4+ | 17 |
17 | Mens Senior Ltwt 2x | 6 |
18 | Womens Senior Ltwt 4+ | 5 |
19 | Mens Junior B 2x | 37 |
20 | Womens Junior B 4+ | 18 |
21 | Mens Intermediate 2- | 26 |
22 | Womens Intermediate 1x | 22 |
23 | Mens Senior Ltwt 2- | 6 |
24 | Womens Senior Ltwt 1x | 7 |
25 | Mens Junior B 8+ | 6 |
26 | Womens Junior B 4x | 14 |
27 | Mens Intermediate Ltwt 1x | 17 |
28 | Womens Intermediate Ltwt 2- | 5 |
29 | Mens Junior A 1x | 62 |
Alexandria Community Rowing (A) |
A. Leitner-Wise/
Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc. (A) |
j. tucker
Cambridge Boat Club (A) |
J. Mazzio-Manson
Dallas Rowing Club (A) |
J. Stener/
East Tennessee Rowing Organization (A) |
L. Jones
Jacksonville Youth Rowing Club (A) |
H. Eng
Long Island Rowing Club, Inc. (A) |
A. Dunn
Narragansett Boat Club (A) |
A. Hayda/
Niskayuna Rowing (A) |
K. Koste
Occoquan Boat Club (A) |
R. Applin
Orange County Rowing Association (A) |
L. Sendelbach
Orlando City Boat Club (A) |
A. Levin
Port Rowing (A) |
J. Brogan
Redwood Scullers/PACJC (A) |
S. Krappe
Resilient Rowing Club (A) |
J. Gainey
Sagamore Rowing Association (A) |
J. Poll
Sarasota Crew (A) |
S. Spivey
Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School (A) |
M. Scholl
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (A) |
H. Malec
Southern California Scullers Club (A) |
K. Gocan
St. Andrew Rowing Club (A) |
H. Smith
Steel City Rowing Club (A) |
K. Turksonmez
Texas Rowing Center (A) |
R. Hooper
The Stewards Foundation, Inc. (A) |
M. Malarkey/
Three Rivers Rowing Association (A) |
D. Redzanic
Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (A) |
J. Quaid
Vesper Boat Club (A) |
C. Taylor
Westerville Rowing Club (A) |
t. savoie
Westerville Rowing Club (A) |
D. Wexner/
Y Quad Cities Rowing (A) |
M. Trahan
Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc. (B) |
D. Akselrod
Cambridge Boat Club (B) |
R. Warming
Jacksonville Youth Rowing Club (B) |
M. Pentaleri
Maritime Rowing Club (B) |
P. Gelhaus
Narragansett Boat Club (B) |
P. McKendall
Occoquan Boat Club (B) |
T. Johnson
Sarasota Crew (B) |
j. Schofield
Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School (B) |
N. Arner
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (B) |
N. Balderston
Southern California Scullers Club (B) |
R. Gocan
Steel City Rowing Club (B) |
B. Akers
The Stewards Foundation, Inc. (B) |
E. Isenbergh/
Vesper Boat Club (B) |
M. Terwiesch
Westerville Rowing Club (B) |
C. Hake/
Y Quad Cities Rowing (B) |
M. Doyle
Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc. (C) |
H. Smith
Occoquan Boat Club (C) |
S. Newman
Sarasota Crew (C) |
A. Reger
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (C) |
C. Bub
Vesper Boat Club (C) |
D. Ramsey
Y Quad Cities Rowing (C) |
J. Schwirtz
Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc. (D) |
k. gage
Sarasota Crew (D) |
R. Bent
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (D) |
M. Smallwood
Vesper Boat Club (D) |
J. Rogers
Y Quad Cities Rowing (D) |
E. Engelke
Sarasota Crew (E) |
J. Wilberding
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (E) |
B. Waller
Sarasota Crew (F) |
m. Oakley
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (F) |
A. Lee
Sarasota Crew (G) |
k. choe
Sarasota Crew (H) |
t. whitten
30 | Womens Junior A 2- | 26 |
31 | Mens Senior 4x | 3 |
32 | Womens Senior 4- | 4 |
33 | Mens Senior 4- | 8 |
34 | Mens Junior A 2- | 30 |
35 | Womens Junior A 1x | 48 |
Alexandria Crew Boosters Club, Inc. (A) |
K. McClary
Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc. (A) |
D. Erickson
Atomic Rowing (A) |
s. Rogers
Boone Crew/ Braves Rowing, Inc. (BRI) (A) |
J. Spinelli
Cambridge Boat Club (A) |
S. Bohrer
Central Ohio Rowing (A) |
R. Serafy
Charles River Scullers (A) |
L. Tanski
Detroit Boat Club Crew (A) |
A. Platt
East End Rowing Institute, LTD. (A) |
C. Forman/
East Tennessee Rowing Organization (A) |
L. Krawczyk
Essex Rowing Club, Inc. (A) |
L. Bettencourt
Jacksonville Rowing Club, Inc. (A) |
M. Coyle
Long Island Rowing Club, Inc. (A) |
V. Korine
Maritime Rowing Club (A) |
L. Bell
Narragansett Boat Club (A) |
C. Mouradian
Occoquan Boat Club (A) |
T. Vitus-Dega
Port Rowing (A) |
D. Vlahos
Sagamore Rowing Association (A) |
A. Bielawski
Sarasota Crew (A) |
H. Todoroff
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (A) |
K. Grotto
Southern California Scullers Club (A) |
K. Power
St. Andrew Rowing Club (A) |
I. Pittaluga
Steel City Rowing Club (A) |
S. Bowman
Texas Rowing Center (A) |
C. Childs
The Stewards Foundation, Inc. (A) |
E. Watts
Unaffiliated (USA) (A) |
M. Smith
Vesper Boat Club (A) |
J. Zettlemoyer
Westerville Rowing Club (A) |
R. Brohard
Alexandria Crew Boosters Club, Inc. (B) |
M. Nakahata
Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc. (B) |
e. bramel
Charles River Scullers (B) |
K. Saraceno
Detroit Boat Club Crew (B) |
N. Perry
East Tennessee Rowing Organization (B) |
J. Cooper
Port Rowing (B) |
H. Rosen
Sagamore Rowing Association (B) |
J. Vascotto
Sarasota Crew (B) |
B. Klavin
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (B) |
S. Kurtz
The Stewards Foundation, Inc. (B) |
K. Dil/
Unaffiliated (USA) (B) |
H. Yoest
Westerville Rowing Club (B) |
E. Shilling
Charles River Scullers (C) |
G. Williams
East Tennessee Rowing Organization (C) |
Sarasota Crew (C) |
o. epstein
The Stewards Foundation, Inc. (C) |
J. Collins/
Charles River Scullers (D) |
E. Ferrara
East Tennessee Rowing Organization (D) |
D. Hurst
Charles River Scullers (E) |
B. Lichauco
Charles River Scullers (F) |
M. Beney
36 | Mens Senior Ltwt 4x | 2 |
37 | Mens Intermediate Ltwt 8+ | 6 |
Sunday, July 20 | |||||
38 | Womens Senior 8+ | 4 |
39 | Womens Intermediate Ltwt 4x | 4 |
40 | Mens Junior A 8+ | 20 |
41 | Womens Junior A 4x | 27 |
42 | Mens Senior 2- | 17 |
43 | Womens Senior 1x | 8 |
44 | Mens Intermediate 4x | 10 |
45 | Womens Intermediate 8+ | 14 |
46 | Mens Junior B 1x | 41 |
Dallas Rowing Club (A) |
J. Stener/
East Tennessee Rowing Organization (A) |
A. Knoll
Essex Rowing Club, Inc. (A) |
B. Thibeau
Harborside Rowing (A) |
S. Aral
Long Island Rowing Club, Inc. (A) |
G. Scimeme
Narragansett Boat Club (A) |
J. Luby/
Norwalk River Rowing Association (A) |
K. Petreski/
Port Rowing (A) |
Y. Philipson
Sarasota Crew (A) |
W. Michel
Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School (A) |
C. Cianfarani
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (A) |
N. Amato
Southern California Scullers Club (A) |
R. Gocan
Steel City Rowing Club (A) |
J. Ke
Texas Rowing Center (A) |
M. de Coatpont
The Stewards Foundation, Inc. (A) |
E. Isenbergh/
Vesper Boat Club (A) |
W. Gordon
Westerville Rowing Club (A) |
E. Lane
Y Quad Cities Rowing (A) |
j. english
Essex Rowing Club, Inc. (B) |
L. Basile
Maritime Rowing Club (B) |
M. Roy
Norwalk River Rowing Association (B) |
L. McDonough/
Occoquan Boat Club (B) |
J. Killion
Port Rowing (B) |
A. Small
Sarasota Crew (B) |
C. Dean
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (B) |
R. Caulfield
Steel City Rowing Club (B) |
D. Zaretsky
Texas Rowing Center (B) |
M. Genovesi
Westerville Rowing Club (B) |
R. Ferencz
Y Quad Cities Rowing (B) |
a. romanick
Essex Rowing Club, Inc. (C) |
T. Kapp
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (C) |
T. Innes
Texas Rowing Center (C) |
T. Crotts
Y Quad Cities Rowing (C) |
C. Boling
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (D) |
S. Agnew
Texas Rowing Center (D) |
z. vallow
Y Quad Cities Rowing (D) |
J. Schwirtz
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (E) |
D. Korsun
Y Quad Cities Rowing (E) |
Z. Burton
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (F) |
J. Friedman
Sarasota Crew (I) |
J. Lipford
Sarasota Crew (J) |
A. Kost
47 | Mens Intermediate 4+ | 26 |
48 | Womens Intermediate 2x | 18 |
49 | Mens Senior Ltwt 4+ | 5 |
50 | Womens Senior Ltwt 2x | 3 |
51 | Mens Junior B 4+ | 15 |
52 | Womens Junior B 2x | 26 |
53 | Mens Intermediate Ltwt 2x | 13 |
54 | Womens Intermediate Ltwt 4+ | 6 |
55 | Mens Junior A 2x | 44 |
Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc. (A) |
D. Akselrod/j. tucker
Cambridge Boat Club (A) |
J. Odegard/J. Mazzio-Manson
Jacksonville Youth Rowing Club (A) |
M. Pentaleri/H. Eng
Maritime Rowing Club (A) |
A. Langalis/D. Orner
Miami Rowing and Watersports Center, Inc. (A) |
j. morcos/A. van Puffelen
Narragansett Boat Club (A) |
J. Luby/A. Hayda/
Occoquan Boat Club (A) |
Peconic Community Rowing Association (A) |
L. Sment/N. Sandler
Port Rowing (A) |
A. Bosgang/S. McIntyre
Potomac Boat Club (A) |
L. Toch/G. Steigler
Resilient Rowing Club (A) |
S. Meiller/A. Zulauf
RowAmerica Rye (A) |
H. Conlon/T. Powell
Sagamore Rowing Association (A) |
J. Trivilino/A. Tanner
Sarasota Crew (A) |
j. Schofield/S. Spivey
Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School (A) |
M. Scholl/N. Arner
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (A) |
A. Lee/N. Burhance
Southern California Scullers Club (A) |
K. Gocan/R. Gocan
Steel City Rowing Club (A) |
K. Turksonmez/B. Akers
The Stewards Foundation, Inc. (A) |
M. Malarkey/J. Hentschel/
Vesper Boat Club (A) |
M. glaude/M. yaron
Y Quad Cities Rowing (A) |
M. Trahan/j. english
Cambridge Boat Club (B) |
A. Blaesser/J. Power
Miami Rowing and Watersports Center, Inc. (B) |
N. Montalvo/R. Pristo
Occoquan Boat Club (B) |
Port Rowing (B) |
J. Brogan/R. TAWIL
Potomac Boat Club (B) |
G. Crittenden-Toth/M. Roberts
Resilient Rowing Club (B) |
S. Stechuk/W. Randolph
Sarasota Crew (B) |
A. Reger/k. choe
Composite: Saratoga, Long Island RC (B) |
R. Gasparini/A. Dunn
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (B) |
M. Addessi/J. Richetelli
Steel City Rowing Club (B) |
H. Wise/I. Deynega
The Stewards Foundation, Inc. (B) |
C. Kambach/E. Isenbergh/
Vesper Boat Club (B) |
C. Taylor/D. Ramsey
Y Quad Cities Rowing (B) |
M. Doyle/J. Schwirtz
Cambridge Boat Club (C) |
J. Smith/C. Patton
Port Rowing (C) |
A. Herron/G. Dadourian
Potomac Boat Club (C) |
C. Boehm/F. Vasquez
Composite: Saratoga, Niskayuna (C) |
C. Cianfarani/K. Koste
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (C) |
C. Staunton/B. Waller
Vesper Boat Club (C) |
A. Winstead/O. Chemtob
Cambridge Boat Club (D) |
T. Ruggles/H. Bernstain
Sarasota Crew (D) |
R. Bent/H. Schofield
Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (D) |
N. Balderston/G. Holzhauer
Sarasota Crew (E) |
m. Oakley/t. whitten
56 | Womens Junior A 4+ | 37 |
57 | Mens Senior 2x | 6 |
58 | Womens Senior 4+ | 12 |
59 | Mens Intermediate Ltwt 2- | 15 |
60 | Womens Intermediate Ltwt 1x | 14 |
61 | Mens Senior 8+ | 11 |
62 | Womens Senior 4x | 0 |
63 | Mens Intermediate 1x | 21 |
64 | Womens Intermediate 2- | 31 |
65 | Mens Senior Ltwt 1x | 6 |
66 | Womens Senior Ltwt 2- | 0 |
67 | Mens Junior B 4x | 12 |
68 | Womens Junior B 8+ | 9 |
69 | Mens Senior Ltwt 8+ | 2 |
70 | Womens Open 1x - Dash | 12 |
71 | Mens Open 1x - Dash | 9 |
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change