USRowing Summer National Championships

  • Jul 13, 2023 To Jul 16, 2023
  • sprint
  • Bethel, OH (USA)
  • Hosted By: USRowing
  • USRowing Owned


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Thursday, July 13, 2023
1 WU171x Womens U17 1x
    Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc.
L. Dennard
    Augustine Classical Academy
    Augustine Classical Academy
    Augustine Classical Academy
    First Coast Rowing Club
A. Hinton
    Gordon Rowing Association
    Gordon Rowing Association
    Great Miami Rowing Center
M. Donahue/
    Lake Lanier Rowing Club
M. Ming
    Litchfield Hills Rowing Club, Inc.
    Litchfield Hills Rowing Club, Inc.
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy
K. Clarke
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy
S. Ryan
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy
J. Bousquet-Smith
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy
E. Gokey
    Prince William Crew Association, Inc. (PWCA)
O. Oliver/
    Queen City Water Sports Center
A. Zupan
    Queen City Water Sports Center
N. Smith
    Queen City Water Sports Center
L. Shafer
    Queen City Water Sports Center
C. Shafer
    Ready Set Row, LLC
    Resilient Rowing Club
A. Buice
    Resilient Rowing Club
    Riverside Boat Club
O. Weiss/
    RowAmerica Greenwich
C. Junius
    RowAmerica Rye
E. Chesley
    RowAmerica Rye
B. Berner
    RowAmerica Rye
C. Van Praagh
    RowAmerica Rye
L. Tunkey
    South Jersey Rowing Club
C. Viglietta
    The Port Jefferson Rowing Club
L. Durkin
    Y Quad Cities Rowing
P. Vanga
    Y Quad Cities Rowing
Z. Satterfield
    Y Quad Cities Rowing
L. Collins
    Y Quad Cities Rowing
I. Sels
    Y Quad Cities Rowing
    Y Quad Cities Rowing
2 MY4x Mens Youth 4x
    Annapolis Junior Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (A)
R. McLaughlin/M. Ruschmann/N. Kanefsky/J. Harrington
    Miami Rowing and Watersports Center, Inc. (A)
E. Niu/M. Taubman/G. Prine/P. Gaston
    Oakland Strokes, Inc. (A)
Z. Feldstein/L. Raymond/G. Young/J. Violich
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
T. Coomes/S. De La Espriella/M. Fulgieri/A. Lohle/
    Port Rowing (A)
B. Torio/J. Pittard/G. Cirker/A. Gelb
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Prince William Crew Association, Inc. (PWCA) (A)
A. Pierce/D. Pantzer/B. Legall/T. Farnum/
    Queen City Water Sports Center (A)
R. Smith/C. Birck/S. Rufener/T. Zupan
    Resilient Rowing Club (A)
    Ridley College Rowing Club (A)
B. Oabel/A. Schrompf/E. Leal/E. Postma
    RowAmerica Rye (A)
C. Walsh/S. Briano/B. Peron/T. Holtman
    South Jersey Rowing Club (A)
    U19 Selection Development Camp (A)
L. Smith/M. Laundry/L. Jordan/S. Lowne
    Utah Crew (A)
B. Perreca/o. park/T. McMillan/J. Billick
    Composite: V-Sculls, Oak Neck Rowing Academy, The Port Jefferson Rowing Club (A)
H. Davison/A. Simoni/O. Watson/S. Subramaniam
    Westerville Rowing Club (A)
J. McMullin/H. Cooke/B. Ritchie/B. Felty
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (A)
G. Matlock/F. Staelin/E. Matlock/T. Power
    Annapolis Junior Rowing Association, Inc. (B)
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (B)
A. Weaver/J. Sayer/H. Yoon/L. Miller
    U19 Selection Development Camp (B)
C. Inglis/A. Moakher/L. Eward/L. Lombardi
    U19 Selection Development Camp (C)
J. Caldwell/G. Messner/C. Seng/J. Archer
    U19 Selection Development Camp (D)
L. Parsons/A. Coit/S. Ako/C. Knopp
3 WU164+ Womens U16 4+
4 WY2x Womens Youth 2x
    Annapolis Junior Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
    Annapolis Junior Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
    Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
S. Kercher/S. Latz
    Augustine Classical Academy (A)
    Capital Rowing Club (A)
A. Woodring/S. Smith
    Composite: Charlotte Youth Rowing, Queen City (A)
M. Stetler/s. palacios
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (A)
G. Reaume/E. Cacciavillani
    Dallas United Crew, Inc. (A)
M. Field/L. Van der westhuizen
    First Coast Rowing Club (A)
M. Burt/S. Quirk
    Gordon Rowing Association (A)
    Great Miami Rowing Center (A)
A. Gaither/R. Kraft/
    Litchfield Hills Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy (A)
D. Besart/S. Louser
    Oakland Strokes, Inc. (A)
A. Worley/J. Jarotzky
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Prince William Crew Association, Inc. (PWCA) (A)
A. Dunnigan/A. Magnell/
    Ready Set Row, LLC (A)
T. Theobald/A. Evans/
    Resilient Rowing Club (A)
    Ridley College Rowing Club (A)
E. Egorova/N. Dunn
    Ridley College Rowing Club (A)
C. Thai/Y. Yu
    RowAmerica Rye (A)
K. Regan/A. Gnagy
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (A)
M. Gazoni/C. O'Grady
    South Jersey Rowing Club (A)
K. Balint/S. Stafford
    The Foundry (A)
C. Schmitt-Palumbo/N. Horstman
    The Port Jefferson Rowing Club (A)
K. Chambers/E. Carriero
    U19 Selection Development Camp (A)
I. Costello/Q. Swanson
    Unaffiliated (USA) (A)
A. Cadwaladr/V. Sweatt
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (A)
A. Mueller/M. Fincham
    Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc. (B)
K. Nicholson/A. Wickliffe
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (B)
A. Johnson/H. Laursen
    First Coast Rowing Club (B)
C. Elzie/A. Hinton
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy (B)
T. Dhariwal/G. Sherlock
    Oakland Strokes, Inc. (B)
M. Katzev/K. Concepcion
    Prince William Crew Association, Inc. (PWCA) (B)
G. DiCola/B. Plummer/
    Resilient Rowing Club (B)
    RowAmerica Rye (B)
E. Rolfs/M. Weiland
    Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc. (C)
H. Githuku/M. Gilliland
    Prince William Crew Association, Inc. (PWCA) (C)
R. Oliver/A. Foyes/
    RowAmerica Rye (C)
K. Twomey/C. Goldsholl
5 MU172x Mens U17 2x
    Annapolis Junior Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
C. Eacker/D. Lunsford-McBride
    Augustine Classical Academy (A)
    Dallas United Crew, Inc. (A)
E. Kraus/J. Bunge
    Dallas United Crew, Inc. (A)
E. Adler/M. Kim
    Gordon Rowing Association (A)
    Great Miami Rowing Center (A)
S. Maheshwaram/L. Angel/
    Lake Lanier Rowing Club (A)
E. Wright/A. Stolte
    Litchfield Hills Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
    Miami Rowing and Watersports Center, Inc. (A)
M. Montero Johnson/A. Sevillano
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy (A)
R. Dring/P. Liu
    Port Rowing (A)
J. Macri/S. Cohen
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Queen City Water Sports Center (A)
M. Clark/R. Haussman
    Ridley College Rowing Club (A)
L. Winterbottom/C. Gong
    Ridley College Rowing Club (A)
A. MacPhail/A. Kidd
    RowAmerica Rye (A)
H. Waters/M. Verille
    RowAmerica Rye (A)
O. Mogartoff/D. Boudaliez
    South Jersey Rowing Club (A)
C. McHugh/A. Cunning
    U19 Selection Development Camp (A)
C. Gennardo/B. Davids
    Utah Crew (A)
J. Khachatryan/G. Carmony
    V-Sculls (A)
A. Milgram/D. Moses/
    V-Sculls (A)
G. Kapp/Q. Evans
    Westerville Rowing Club (A)
J. Gao/N. Bogenrife
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (A)
J. Lindsey/J. Weeks
    Miami Rowing and Watersports Center, Inc. (B)
J. Juodzevicius/M. Martinez
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy (B)
H. Lerner/S. Matijak
    Westerville Rowing Club (B)
J. Rader/G. Wilson
    Miami Rowing and Watersports Center, Inc. (C)
D. Gonzalez/M. Taubman
    V-Sculls (C)
H. Roth/M. Ladyzhensky
6 WY8+ Womens Youth 8+
7 MY4+ Mens Youth 4+
8 WU174+ Womens U17 4+
9 MU178+ Mens U17 8+
10 WU174x Womens U17 4x
    Augustine Classical Academy (A)
    Capital Rowing Club (A)
C. Bernasconi/Z. Nash/E. Drechsler/A. Wang
    Gordon Rowing Association (A)
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy (A)
R. Kapoor/I. Watson/A. Kelly/S. DeMartino
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
S. Popper/J. Bao/I. Kincaid/M. Czaplicki/
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Ready Set Row, LLC (A)
M. Dansby/S. Batista/K. McBride/T. Theobald/
    RowAmerica Rye (A)
C. Van Praagh/F. Asgeirsson/E. Chesley/A. Ausfahl
    South Jersey Rowing Club (A)
C. Viglietta/G. Ayscue/C. Thomas/P. Russo
    U19 Selection Development Camp (A)
M. Glover/V. Ekstrand/P. Bryan/M. Chance
    Utah Crew (A)
E. Hilker/G. McLane/I. Raemisch/E. Maughan
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (A)
K. Tessen/S. Shemek/Z. Satterfield/M. Choudhary
    RowAmerica Rye (B)
E. Ryan/E. Francis/C. Latini/B. Berner
    RowAmerica Rye (C)
T. Laschever/M. Ford/C. Rabinowitz/M. Lee
11 MY1x Mens Youth 1x
    Annapolis Junior Rowing Association, Inc.
    Annapolis Junior Rowing Association, Inc.
    Augustine Classical Academy
    Central Ohio Rowing
K. Rucker
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc.
C. Rooney
    Davenport Rowing Club
R. Romani
    Gordon Rowing Association
    Gordon Rowing Association
    Great Miami Rowing Center
M. Anderson/
    Litchfield Hills Rowing Club, Inc.
    Montgomery Bell Academy
D. Rishel
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy
H. Davison
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy
O. Watson
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy
W. Gokey
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy
C. Stoneking
    Oklahoma City High Performance Center
G. Ward
    Oklahoma City High Performance Center
T. Hensley
    Potomac Boat Club
    Potomac Boat Club
    Prince William Crew Association, Inc. (PWCA)
B. Legall/
    Resilient Rowing Club
    Ridley College Rowing Club
L. McFarland
    Ridley College Rowing Club
Q. Kraus
    RowAmerica Rye
J. Schoenfarber
    Syracuse Chargers Rowing Club
B. Graff/
    Syracuse Chargers Rowing Club
R. Muldoon/
    The Foundry
G. Sax
    The Foundry
O. Shakelton
    The Port Jefferson Rowing Club
A. Simoni
    The Port Jefferson Rowing Club
P. Biedenkapp
    U19 Selection Development Camp
L. Smith
    U19 Selection Development Camp
S. Ako
    U19 Selection Development Camp
A. Coit
    U19 Selection Development Camp
G. Messner
    Unaffiliated (USA)
J. Foltz
    Utah Crew
T. Payne
    Utah Crew
L. Schlichter
R. Eddy
J. McEntire
N. Fischer
    Westerville Rowing Club
J. Vaughan
    Westerville Rowing Club
F. Mitchell
    Williamsburg Boat Club
W. Fuller/
    Y Quad Cities Rowing
T. Power
12 WY2- Womens Youth 2-
13 MU168+ Mens U16 8+
14 WU168+ Womens U16 8+
15 MY2- Mens Youth 2-
16 WY1x Womens Youth 1x
    Annapolis Junior Rowing Association, Inc.
    Annapolis Junior Rowing Association, Inc.
    Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc.
S. Lambert
    Augustine Classical Academy
    Capital Rowing Club
A. Nelson
    First Coast Rowing Club
C. Elzie
    Gordon Rowing Association
    Gordon Rowing Association
    Gordon Rowing Association
    Great Miami Rowing Center
A. Gaither/
    Lake Lanier Rowing Club
E. Lipscomb
    O.A.R.S., Inc. dba Albany Rowing Center
S. Breimer/
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy
T. Dhariwal
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy
G. Sherlock
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy
K. Davis
    Oakland Strokes, Inc.
J. Jarotzky
    Oklahoma City High Performance Center
H. McMahan
    Oklahoma City High Performance Center
A. Hahl
    Potomac Boat Club
    Potomac Boat Club
    Prince William Crew Association, Inc. (PWCA)
R. Oliver/
    Prince William Crew Association, Inc. (PWCA)
A. Magnell/
    Prince William Crew Association, Inc. (PWCA)
A. Foyes/
    Queen City Water Sports Center
s. palacios
    Ready Set Row, LLC
S. Harper/
    Ready Set Row, LLC
N. Barth/
    Ready Set Row, LLC
A. Holtey/
    Resilient Rowing Club
    Resilient Rowing Club
    Ridley College Rowing Club
E. Egorova
    Ridley College Rowing Club
N. Dunn
    RowAmerica Rye
M. Sisk
    South Jersey Rowing Club
S. Stafford
    The Foundry
K. Surovi
    The Port Jefferson Rowing Club
K. Chambers
    U19 Selection Development Camp
C. Shaber
    Y Quad Cities Rowing
A. Nix
17 WY4- Womens Youth 4-
18 MU171x Mens U17 1x
    Augustine Classical Academy
E. Gossman/
    Augustine Classical Academy
    Augustine Classical Academy
    Augustine Classical Academy
    Dallas United Crew, Inc.
J. Balestri
    Dayton Boat Club
J. Blust
    Gordon Rowing Association
    Great Miami Rowing Center
J. Adams/
    Lake Lanier Rowing Club
E. Wright
    Litchfield Hills Rowing Club, Inc.
    Litchfield Hills Rowing Club, Inc.
    Miami Rowing and Watersports Center, Inc.
R. Abad
    O.A.R.S., Inc. dba Albany Rowing Center
D. Burton/
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy
H. Lerner
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy
R. Dring
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy
P. Liu
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy
S. Matijak
    Oakland Strokes, Inc.
C. Marsala
    Potomac Boat Club
    Potomac Boat Club
    Potomac Boat Club
    Prince William Crew Association, Inc. (PWCA)
T. Farnum/
    Queen City Water Sports Center
R. Haussman
    RowAmerica Rye
G. Kohler
    RowAmerica Rye
G. Dolce
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
C. Cohen
    Syracuse Chargers Rowing Club
J. Vohs/
    The Port Jefferson Rowing Club
H. MacDonald
    Utah Crew
A. MacKenzie
D. Moses
G. Kapp
A. Milgram
    Y Quad Cities Rowing
G. Matlock
    Y Quad Cities Rowing
A. Nix
19 WU172x Womens U17 2x
    Annapolis Junior Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
    Augustine Classical Academy (A)
    Augustine Classical Academy (A)
    Augustine Classical Academy (A)
    Dallas United Crew, Inc. (A)
E. Viguerie/D. Farnworth
    Gordon Rowing Association (A)
    Gordon Rowing Association (A)
    Great Miami Rowing Center (A)
H. Anderson/M. Donahue/
    Composite: Lake Lanier Rowing Club, Atlanta (A)
M. Ming/A. Nalla
    Litchfield Hills Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy (A)
I. Watson/R. Kapoor
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy (A)
A. Kelly/S. DeMartino
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy (A)
S. Ryan/J. Bousquet-Smith
    Oakland Strokes, Inc. (A)
C. Mills/M. Fukuda
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Queen City Water Sports Center (A)
C. Shafer/N. Smith
    Queen City Water Sports Center (A)
L. Shafer/A. Zupan
    Ready Set Row, LLC (A)
S. Blake/K. Cokeley/
    Resilient Rowing Club (A)
    Ridley College Rowing Club (A)
C. Thai/Y. Yu
    Composite: Riverside, RA-Greenwich (A)
O. Weiss/C. Junius
    RowAmerica Rye (A)
M. Padovano/S. Knight
    South Jersey Rowing Club (A)
G. Ayscue/C. Thomas
    Utah Crew (A)
E. Guevara/R. Khor-Brogan
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (A)
L. Collins/I. Sels
    Dallas United Crew, Inc. (B)
H. Birdwell/M. Field
    Resilient Rowing Club (B)
    RowAmerica Rye (B)
T. Laschever/M. Ford
    Utah Crew (B)
A. Goodworth/R. Englund
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (B)
K. Tessen/S. Shemek
    RowAmerica Rye (C)
M. Charles/T. O'Reilly
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (C)
Z. Satterfield/M. Choudhary
    RowAmerica Rye (D)
C. Rabinowitz/M. Lee
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (D)
I. Yarbrough/I. Magarkar
20 MY2x Mens Youth 2x
    Annapolis Junior Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
    Augustine Classical Academy (A)
    Composite: Central Ohio, Great Miami Crew (A)
K. Rucker/G. Rought/
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (A)
M. Ruschmann/R. McLaughlin
    Gordon Rowing Association (A)
    Great Miami Rowing Center (A)
C. Pence/M. Anderson/
    Litchfield Hills Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
    Litchfield Hills Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
    Miami Rowing and Watersports Center, Inc. (A)
I. Hardin/F. Bonalumi
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy (A)
C. Stoneking/W. Gokey
    Oakland Strokes, Inc. (A)
L. Raymond/G. Young
    Oakland Strokes, Inc. (A)
Z. Feldstein/K. Boyd
    Oakland Strokes, Inc. (A)
H. Crabtree-Mansur/A. Marchiel
    Oklahoma City High Performance Center (A)
G. Ward/T. Hensley
    Pelham Community Rowing Association (A)
C. Gilder/J. Fisher
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Prince William Crew Association, Inc. (PWCA) (A)
D. Pantzer/A. Pierce/
    Queen City Water Sports Center (A)
C. Birck/S. Rufener
    Resilient Rowing Club (A)
    Ridley College Rowing Club (A)
L. McFarland/A. Schrompf
    Ridley College Rowing Club (A)
E. Leal/E. Postma
    Ridley College Rowing Club (A)
Q. Kraus/B. Oabel
    RowAmerica Rye (A)
M. DiMaggio/M. Altamura
    South Jersey Rowing Club (A)
S. Leming/C. Lymper
    South Jersey Rowing Club (A)
B. Czyzyk/J. Roman
    South Jersey Rowing Club (A)
C. McHugh/A. Cunning
    The Foundry (A)
E. Shelley/O. Shakelton
    Utah Crew (A)
A. Baber/H. Winkler
    V-Sculls (A)
S. Subramaniam/R. Eddy
    Westerville Rowing Club (A)
A. Bush/A. Bush
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (A)
F. Staelin/E. Matlock
    Annapolis Junior Rowing Association, Inc. (B)
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (B)
N. Kanefsky/J. Harrington
    Miami Rowing and Watersports Center, Inc. (B)
G. Prine/P. Gaston
    Queen City Water Sports Center (B)
L. Barger/M. Clark
    Resilient Rowing Club (B)
    V-Sculls (B)
J. McEntire/N. Fischer
    Westerville Rowing Club (B)
N. Kenderski/C. Fleishman
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (C)
L. Miller/H. Yoon
    Miami Rowing and Watersports Center, Inc. (C)
E. Niu/Y. Gupta
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (D)
J. Sayer/A. Weaver
    Miami Rowing and Watersports Center, Inc. (D)
D. Gonzalez/M. Taubman
21 MY8+ Mens Youth 8+
22 MU174+ Mens U17 4+
23 WY4+ Womens Youth 4+
24 WU178+ Womens U17 8+
25 MY4- Mens Youth 4-
26 WY4x Womens Youth 4x
    Annapolis Junior Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (A)
G. Reaume/E. Cacciavillani/A. Johnson/H. Laursen
    Gordon Rowing Association (A)
    Composite: Lake Lanier Rowing Club, Atlanta (A)
E. Lipscomb/A. Nalla/S. Kercher/S. Latz
    Litchfield Hills Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy (A)
D. Besart/S. Louser/G. Postiglione/K. Clarke
    Oakland Strokes, Inc. (A)
K. McCarrick/A. Gallacher/S. Clark/C. Lovell
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
S. Rietbroek/J. Bao/Z. Vadas/A. Raffle/
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Prince William Crew Association, Inc. (PWCA) (A)
A. Dunnigan/A. Magnell/G. DiCola/B. Plummer/
    Ready Set Row, LLC (A)
S. Chait-Walter/S. Bell/L. Pelton/A. McGowan/
    Resilient Rowing Club (A)
    RowAmerica Rye (A)
C. Van Praagh/F. Asgeirsson/E. Chesley/A. Ausfahl
    U19 Selection Development Camp (A)
I. Costello/T. Moore/A. Douglas/Q. Swanson
    Utah Crew (A)
M. Kemp/E. Fisher/N. Stehlik/A. Young
    Westerville Rowing Club (A)
K. Burns/S. McKee/L. Neville/S. Weber/
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (A)
A. Nix/I. Yarbrough/I. Magarkar/P. Vanga
    Oak Neck Rowing Academy (B)
S. Sattar-Reiss/S. Maynard/K. Davis/A. Kelly
    Ready Set Row, LLC (B)
S. Barbier/S. Marks/A. Steege/K. Vail/
    U19 Selection Development Camp (B)
A. Smith/S. Lowy/D. Swetz/A. Altenburg
27 MU164+ Mens U16 4+
28 MU174x Mens U17 4x
    Annapolis Junior Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
E. CABUCANA/M. Henceroth/D. Lunsford-McBride/C. Eacker
    Composite: Augustine Classical, Gordon Rowing (A)
A. Sharma/N. Patterson/A. Ekborg/C. Massimi
    Augustine Classical Academy (A)
    Dallas United Crew, Inc. (A)
J. Balestri/E. Kraus/J. Bunge/T. Statiras
    Litchfield Hills Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
    Miami Rowing and Watersports Center, Inc. (A)
M. Montero Johnson/J. Juodzevicius/M. Martinez/A. Sevillano
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
S. Simonfay/A. Rajagopalan/I. McGowan/J. Furnas/
    Port Rowing (A)
A. Swenson/T. Vaezi/V. Villalobos/B. Ollendorf
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Composite: Potomac, Y Quad Cities (A)
A. Nix/J. Roggen/J. Lindsey/J. Weeks
    Ridley College Rowing Club (A)
L. Winterbottom/C. Gong/A. MacPhail/A. Kidd
    RowAmerica Rye (A)
R. Hanrahan/B. Chen/B. Chapman/T. Briscoe
    RowAmerica Rye (A)
H. Waters/G. Kohler/J. Gallagher/M. Verille
    TBC Racing (A)
D. Leighton/E. Kuester-Ha/C. Sevcik/M. McCormack
    U19 Selection Development Camp (A)
B. Davids/A. Ballantyne/O. Baumann/C. Gennardo
    Utah Crew (A)
T. Perreca/J. Goodworth/S. Mahan/A. Pan
    V-Sculls (A)
T. Lugo/H. Roth/Q. Evans/M. Ladyzhensky
29 OG2x Open Gender 2x
30 MYInc2x Mens Youth Inclusive 2x
31 WYIncl2x Womens Youth Inclusive 2x
32 MixYIncl2x Mixed Youth Inclusive 2x
33 Mens Youth PR1 1x
34 Womens Youth PR1 1x
35 Mens Youth PR2 1x
36 Womens Youth PR2 1x
37 MixYPR22x Mixed Youth PR2 2x
38 MixYPR32x Mixed Youth PR3 2x
39 MixYPR34+ Mixed Youth PR3 4+
Saturday, July 15, 2023
41 Mens U23 2x
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (A)
M. Lexa/O. Maier/
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (A)
W. Johnson/A. McLellan/
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (A)
A. Manns/A. Love
    Crescent Boat Club (A)
L. Strain/R. Spellman
    Oklahoma City High Performance Center (A)
G. Cooney/C. Peterson
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
H. Thompson/R. Lovaas/
    Resilient Rowing Club (A)
    South Jersey Rowing Club (A)
A. Reese/A. Evans
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (A)
T. Saady/J. Bevenour
    Uni-Team USA 2023 World University Games (A)
N. Corsentino/A. Snow
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
A. Balsbaugh/I. Connelly
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (A)
W. Sharis/K. Wagher
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (B)
J. Yeager/R. Cuviello
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (B)
G. Matlock/E. Matlock
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (C)
S. Wentzell/M. Alexeev
42 Womens U23 2x
    Crescent Boat Club (A)
M. Page/R. Biddulph
    Gordon Rowing Association (A)
    Oklahoma City High Performance Center (A)
E. Rees/L. Coop
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
S. Rietbroek/A. Cuban/
    Ready Set Row, LLC (A)
S. Barbier/A. Steege/
    South Jersey Rowing Club (A)
G. Ayscue/S. Stafford
    South Jersey Rowing Club (A)
C. Thomas/K. Balint
    Syracuse Chargers Rowing Club (A)
E. Brookins/M. Holder/
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (A)
E. Saunders/D. Evans
    Oklahoma City High Performance Center (B)
P. Miller/I. Moreno
    Oklahoma City High Performance Center (C)
S. Sand/G. de Miranda
    Oklahoma City High Performance Center (D)
L. Simmons/H. McMahan
    Crescent Boat Club (X)
L. Bielinski/I. Albaitis
43 Mens U23 2-
44 Womens U23 2-
45 Mens U23 LTWT 1x
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc.
J. Schmidt/
    Davenport Rowing Club
A. Levin
    Marietta Training Center
J. Straw
    Marietta Training Center
C. Higginbotham
    Montgomery Bell Academy
S. Klassen
    Potomac Boat Club
T. Sibley/
    Riverside Boat Club
M. Koffler
W. Tran
    Syracuse Chargers Rowing Club
R. Muldoon/
    Unaffiliated (USA)
J. Foltz
    Y Quad Cities Rowing
F. Staelin
46 Womens U23 LTWT 1x
47 Mens U23 LTWT 2x
48 Womens U23 LTWT 2x
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (A)
M. Stack/C. Burchette/
    Davenport Rowing Club (A)
C. Boyle/A. Zaneski
    South Jersey Rowing Club (A)
C. Viglietta/P. Russo
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
M. McKenzie/M. Lach
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (A)
E. Ersan/K. Lough
49 Mens U23 LTWT 2-
    Davenport Rowing Club (A)
S. Gwitt/R. Romani
    Composite: Lake Lanier Rowing Club, Montgomery Bell Academy (A)
N. McCollum/S. Klassen
    Marietta Training Center (A)
J. Straw/C. Higginbotham
    RowBuffalo (A)
M. Burget/J. Dodman
    SOFA King Crossfit (A)
N. Antrim/E. Patterson
    TBC Racing (A)
M. Canniff/P. Rogers
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (A)
A. Anderson/N. Ramaraju
    TBC Racing (B)
B. Mattice/J. Galang
50 Womens U23 LTWT 2-
51 Womens U23 4x
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (A)
M. Stack/E. Rosenfeld/M. Konopka/C. Burchette
    Oklahoma City High Performance Center (A)
B. Ruszkiewicz/L. Coop/E. Rees/R. LACY
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
G. Williams/S. Williams/S. Wasserman/C. Stevens/
    Ready Set Row, LLC (A)
M. Dansby/L. Pelton/K. McBride/I. Menoyo Kossick/
    U19 Selection Development Camp (A)
M. Glover/C. Shaber/A. Douglas/P. Bryan
    U23 Selection Development Camp (A)
    Uni-Team USA 2023 World University Games (A)
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (A)
E. Saunders/A. Mueller/E. Ersan/D. Evans
    Oklahoma City High Performance Center (B)
H. McMahan/P. Miller/S. Sand/I. Moreno
52 Mens U23 4x
53 Mens U23 LTWT 4x
54 Womens U23 LTWT 4x
55 Mens U23 8+
56 Womens U23 8+
57 Mens U23 4+
58 Womens U23 4+
59 Mens U23 LTWT 4+
60 Womens U23 LTWT 4+
61 Mens U23 LTWT 8+
62 Womens U23 4-
63 Mens U23 4-
    Mendota Development Camp (A)
W. Klipstine/A. Soman/L. Truog/W. Stanwood
    RowBuffalo (A)
G. Rodgers/O. Neil/J. Eagan/W. Tran
    U19 Selection Development Camp (A)
L. Smith/C. Inglis/L. Eward/L. Jordan
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (A)
W. Sharis/N. Ramaraju/K. Wagher/T. Wakefield
    Mendota Development Camp (B)
J. O'Brien/T. Green/B. Peters/D. Hintzman
    U19 Selection Development Camp (B)
M. Bliss-Carrascosa/C. Gamse/J. Siddall/C. Gennardo
    Mendota Development Camp (C)
E. Dooley/L. Weinhold/B. Cook/J. Halom
    Mendota Development Camp (D)
Y. Baranovski/H. Wurdell/M. McCartney/A. Sabee
64 Mens U23 1x
    Bachelors Barge Club
J. Schmidt
    California Rowing Club
C. Palmer
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc.
A. McLellan/
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc.
W. Johnson/
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc.
O. Rulyak/
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc.
A. Love/
    Great Miami Rowing Center
M. Anderson/
    Long Beach Rowing Association
    Marietta Training Center
L. Sherman
    Marietta Training Center
B. Harper
    Marietta Training Center
J. Salvo
    Marietta Training Center
C. Schulitz
    Oklahoma City High Performance Center
G. Cooney
    Resilient Rowing Club
    Riverside Boat Club
S. Dowd
    South Jersey Rowing Club
A. Reese
    Unaffiliated (USA)
J. Foltz
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
J. Yeager
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
J. Bevenour
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
T. Saady
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
R. Cuviello
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
M. Alexeev
R. Eddy/
    Y Quad Cities Rowing
T. Power
    Y Quad Cities Rowing
E. Matlock
    Y Quad Cities Rowing
65 Womens U23 1x
66 WOpenLtwt1x Womens Open LTWT 1x
67 MOpenLtwt1x Mens Open Ltwt 1x
68 Mens Open Ltwt 2-
69 Womens Open Ltwt 2-
70 Womens Open Ltwt 4x
71 Mens Open Ltwt 4x
    Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. (A)
I. Holly/B. Konopka/D. Corr/J. Brewington/
    Davenport Rowing Club (A)
J. Stevens/H. Tsavaris/R. Romani/A. Levin
    TBC Racing (A)
M. Canniff/P. Rogers/M. Blacksten/H. Bedell
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (A)
N. Ramaraju/A. Anderson/F. Staelin/G. Matlock
72 Mens/Womens Open PR3 1x
73 Mens Open PR1 1x
74 Womens Open PR1 1x
75 Mixed Open PR2 2x
76 Mixed Open PR3 2x
77 Mixed Open PR3 4+
78 Womens Open 8+
79 Mens Open 8+
80 Womens Open 1x
81 Mens Open 1x
82 Womens Open 2-
83 Mens Open 2-
84 WOpen2x Womens Open 2x
85 MOpen2x Mens Open 2x
86 Womens Open Ltwt 2x
87 Mens Open Ltwt 2x
88 Womens Open 4-
89 MOpen4- Mens Open 4-
    Mendota Development Camp (A)
W. Klipstine/A. Soman/G. Waugh/L. Farmer
    Mendota Development Camp (A)
Y. Baranovski/P. Davis/C. Wallrich/E. Scott
    New York Athletic Club (A)
J. Irving/E. Megal/A. Cummings/V. Celaj
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
    Riverside Boat Club (A)
T. Gadsby/S. Dowd/J. Bilchik/K. Richardson
    Uni-Team USA 2023 World University Games (A)
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (A)
W. Sharis/P. Sharis/K. Wagher/T. Wakefield
    Mendota Development Camp (B)
M. Miller/B. Cook/S. Thompson/M. McCartney
    Riverside Boat Club (B)
N. Tsantes/M. Eaton/S. Luden/J. Cipolla
    Mendota Development Camp (C)
B. Whittaker/T. Dupont/W. Carey/A. Beer
90 Womens Open Ltwt 4-
91 Mens Open Ltwt 4-
92 Womens Open 4+
93 Mens Open 4+
94 Womens Open Ltwt 4+
95 Mens Open Ltwt 4+
96 WOpen4x Womens Open 4x
    Composite: Charlotte Youth Rowing, Queen City (A)
s. palacios/D. Robertson/A. Moset Zupan/M. Stetler
    New York Athletic Club (A)
A. Danyo/E. Goel/J. Lorusso/J. Schons
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (A)
A. Mueller/E. Saunders/M. Fincham/D. Evans
97 MOpen4x Mens Open 4x
98 Womens Open Ltwt 8+
99 Mens Open Ltwt 8+
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change