USRowing Southwest Masters Regional Championships

  • Jun 24, 2023 To Jun 25, 2023
  • sprint
  • Chula Vista, CA (USA)
  • Hosted By: USRowing
  • USRowing Owned


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Saturday, June 24, 2023
1 MixPR22x Mixed PR 2 2x
2 WF4x Womens F 4x
    Composite: BIAC, Marin, Boulder, North Bay (A)
S. Lucas-Conwell/C. Callahan/M. Nicoletti/H. Popper
    East Bay Rowing Club (A)
D. Martini/L. Frame/M. Grover/N. Burke
    Newport Aquatic Center (A)
C. Kolling/L. Hay/M. Elder/D. Mack
    Rio Salado Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
P. Neuharth/K. Malcolm/R. Thomas/E. Slikas
    River City Rowing Club (A)
W. Tye/L. Vernasco/K. Ward/E. Pescosolido
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
S. Gjerset/L. Bouffard/J. Melberg/C. Kim
    Rio Salado Rowing Club, Inc. (B)
L. Etter/E. Pope/K. Charrier/J. Blatt
    Tempe Town Lake Rowing (C)
K. Tornero/N. Steele/D. Sahakian/J. Maltz
3 MAA-BNov1x Mens AA-B Novice 1x
    East Bay Rowing Club (A)
I. King II
3.0 (38)
    Rio Salado Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
a. hensley
2.0 (36)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
A. Thomas
0.0 (24)
4 MixPR34+ Mixed PR3 4+
5 MixPR32x Mixed PR3 2x
6 ME-FLtwt1x Mens E-F Ltwt 1x
7 MixF+4+ Mixed F+ 4+
8 MixC4x Mixed C 4x
    Rio Salado Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
E. Merkel/D. Antanovich/M. Covelli/L. McCarty
    Rio Salado Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
A. Mendoza/J. Miller/M. Wilkie/I. Malik
    River City Rowing Club (A)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
W. Lai/M. Stehly/K. Palmer/E. Brighton
9 WA+Ltwt2- Womens A+ Ltwt 2-
10 MF2x Mens F 2x
11 MAA+Ltwt2x Mens AA+ Ltwt 2x
    Bair Island Aquatic Center (BIAC) (A)
M. Marcacci/J. Serrano Cendejas/
0.3 (31)
    Lake Merritt Rowing Club (A)
K. Dekoninck/R. Gallagher
3.7 (40)
    Composite: River City, Casitas Rowing (A)
D. Tanhauser/J. Cech
70.2 (84)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
W. Lai/P. Tombesi
19.4 (57)
    San Diego Rowing Club (B)
C. Anderson/R. Hanna
34.6 (67)
    San Diego Rowing Club (C)
P. Rioux/T. Sommer
36.3 (68)
12 WC+Nov1x Womens C+ Novice 1x
13 MB1x Mens B 1x
14 MixD4x Mixed D 4x
    East Bay Rowing Club (A)
M. Jansen/I. King II/N. Ayacaxli/M. Nappi
    Long Beach Rowing Association (A)
A. Ivanov/S. Milosevic/M. Downer/W. O'Brien
    Composite: Marin, Boulder (A)
L. Thoron/I. Engstrom/D. Little/C. Battani
    Rio Salado Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
D. Antanovich/K. Boyle/D. Sahakian/J. Maltz
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
S. Mounier/D. Pili/D. Asper/T. Reed
15 WB2- Womens B 2-
16 MA+Nov4+ Mens A+ Novice 4+
    Marin Rowing Association (A)
J. Johnson/N. Mckitterick/S. Shepard/M. Katz/D. Fafette (Cox)/
20.8 (58)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
A. Thomas/A. Crisafi/R. Elliott/A. Brooks/C. Sheffler (Cox)
19.4 (57)
17 WCDLtwt1x Womens C-D Ltwt 1x
18 WE4x Womens E 4x
19 MA+Ltwt2- Mens A+ Ltwt 2-
20 WA+Nov4+ Womens A+ Novice 4+
    East Bay Rowing Club (A)
C. Gupta/A. Foraker/I. Ryzhankova/J. Medina/M. Fountain (Cox)
2.6 (38)
    Composite: Long Beach, Orange Coast (A)
S. Geddes/P. Richards/C. Paice/S. Wong/I. Sendowsky (Cox)
4.9 (42)
    Marin Rowing Association (A)
K. Yokoo/B. Colombo/S. Shepard/C. Bailey/D. Fafette (Cox)/
23.5 (60)
    Newport Sea Base Rowing (A)
C. Fickey/A. Johnston/G. Jacobson/P. Reiter/W. Gordon (Cox)
10.5 (49)
    River City Rowing Club (A)
1.7 (36)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
S. Luik/P. Orozco Cronin/T. Marek/S. Scovel/T. Boedeker (Cox)
13.5 (52)
    East Bay Rowing Club (B)
S. Cohen/S. Boranian/P. Ward/R. Pacheco/L. Randlett (Cox)
10.5 (49)
    River City Rowing Club (B)
7.8 (46)
21 ME4+ Mens E 4+
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
S. Burns/W. Saville/W. Foss/R. Cosgrove/D. Spoor (Cox)
    San Diego Rowing Club (B)
M. Weber/L. Nelson/B. Johnson/M. Kapicka/J. Vallese (Cox)
22 MixAA-B4x Mixed AA-B 4x
23 MG-HLtwt1x Mens G-H Ltwt 1x
24 MC+Nov1x Mens C+ Novice 1x
    Bair Island Aquatic Center (BIAC)
J. Lamb/
10.0 (47)
    Lake Merritt Rowing Club
R. Gallagher
14.4 (51)
    Marin Rowing Association
M. Katz/
44.1 (69)
    San Diego Rowing Club
A. Brooks
30.6 (62)
25 MAA-A2x Mens AA-A 2x
    Bair Island Aquatic Center (BIAC) (A)
E. West/C. Bezault/
    Rio Salado Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
E. Merkel/K. Wales
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
C. Cunningham/L. Stroud
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
K. McCaig/L. Uetrecht
26 WF+4+ Womens F+ 4+
27 MC2x Mens C 2x
28 ME1x Mens E 1x
    Lake Casitas Rowing Association (A)
B. Pegg
    Lake Las Vegas Rowing Club (A)
C. Palmquist/
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
G. Bolitho
    Wassersportverein Ottensheim (A)
M. Hausleitner
    Marin Rowing Association (B)
S. Shepard/
29 MA+Ltwt4x Mens A+ Ltwt 4x
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
P. Rioux/T. Sommer/C. Anderson/R. Hanna
32.0 (67)
30 MixB4+ Mixed B 4+
31 MD4x Mens D 4x
    Bair Island Aquatic Center (BIAC) (A)
M. Marcacci/J. Lamb/T. Wilk/M. Udisches/
    Rio Salado Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
D. Peters/K. Boyle/C. Johnston/D. Antanovich
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
R. Cosgrove/W. Saville/P. Tombesi/W. Lai
32 WD4+ Womens D 4+
    Bair Island Aquatic Center (BIAC) (A)
A. Hawkins/A. Bradley/S. Wienbar/T. Rico/B. Schiros (Cox)/
    Lake Merritt Rowing Club (A)
D. Kuta/Y. Weissburg/J. Martinucci/M. Glaeser/S. Campbell (Cox)
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
A. Timpe/R. Lopez/T. Spaulding/M. Hayes/M. Roskow (Cox)
    Marin Rowing Association (A)
P. Scott/J. Panko/L. Weidner/K. Keller/J. Stinnett (Cox)/
    River City Rowing Club (A)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
T. Yee/A. Allen/D. Asper/J. Rivas/D. Spoor (Cox)
    ZLAC Rowing Club, LTD (A)
R. Sinclair/M. Ancell Salemi/J. Phair/R. Gooding/L. Carpenter (Cox)
    Marin Rowing Association (B)
A. Ament/J. Bowman/K. Press/R. Scott/C. Craft (Cox)/
33 MC-D2- Mens C-D 2-
    East Bay Rowing Club (A)
F. Norton/S. Louis
9.0 (46)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
B. Johnson/M. Kapicka
19.6 (55)
34 WB1x Womens B 1x
    Dolphin Club (A)
R. Perry
    Long Beach Rowing Association (A)
K. Laub
    North Bay Rowing Club (A)
A. Smyth
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
M. Kaleta
    Long Beach Rowing Association (B)
A. Arriola/
35 WCLtwt2x Womens C Ltwt 2x
36 MixAA-A8+ Mixed AA-A 8+
    Bair Island Aquatic Center (BIAC) (A)
N. Arasa Bonavila/R. Hayes/E. West/C. Bezault/E. Marcacci/W. Morningstar/A. Meyer/J. Serrano Cendejas/E. Cheng (Cox)/
0.1 (29)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
T. Peszek/P. Hurley/C. Cunningham/P. Kington/C. Botterill/S. Scovel/K. Czajkowski/E. Wittenberg/T. Boedeker (Cox)
2.0 (37)
    San Diego Rowing Club (B)
K. Palmer/S. Pickus/K. McCaig/L. Uetrecht/T. Sommer/M. Stehly/S. Birath/E. Brighton/J. Vallese (Cox)
2.0 (37)
37 WD+Ltwt8+ Womens D+ Ltwt 8+
38 WGH4x Womens G-H 4x
    Composite: BIAC, Boulder, Capital, North Bay (A)
C. Callahan/M. Nicoletti/M. Atkinson/H. Popper
28.9 (65)
    Rio Salado Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
J. Blatt/R. Thomas/L. Etter/L. McCarty
32.0 (67)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
P. Pinkerton/L. Collins/J. Melberg/C. Flowers
28.9 (65)
    San Diego Rowing Club (B)
S. Gjerset/L. Bouffard/A. Brian/H. Imai-Dellario
30.4 (66)
39 MH+1x Mens H+ 1x
    Newport Sea Base Rowing
B. Gill
46.2 (70)
    Rio Salado Rowing Club, Inc.
P. Walsh
60.0 (76)
    San Diego Rowing Club
P. Curtin
46.2 (70)
40 MixE4+ Mixed E 4+
41 MG+4x Mens G+ 4x
    Rio Salado Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
A. Dolotov/J. Armstrong/R. Rosen/P. Walsh
42.3 (73)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
D. Kinzer/S. Burns/S. Krum/D. FROST
28.9 (65)
42 MI-KLtwt1x Mens I-K Ltwt 1x
43 WAA-A2x Womens AA-A 2x
    Bair Island Aquatic Center (BIAC) (A)
N. Arasa Bonavila/E. Marcacci/
0.1 (29)
    Bair Island Aquatic Center (BIAC) (A)
N. Cooper/A. Meyer/
2.2 (37)
    East Bay Rowing Club (A)
N. Consani/K. Armes
0.2 (30)
    Lake Merritt Rowing Club (A)
H. Walker/H. McCausland
0.8 (33)
    River City Rowing Club (A)
0.0 (28)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
S. Pickus/E. Brighton
0.2 (30)
    ZLAC Rowing Club, LTD (A)
I. Jambrecic/L. Sayre
0.0 (28)
    Composite: Lake Merritt, East Bay (B)
C. Cahill/A. Aiello
0.1 (29)
    ZLAC Rowing Club, LTD (B)
F. Digney/M. McPherson
1.1 (34)
44 MPR11x Mens PR1 1x
45 WPR11x Womens PR1 1x
46 ME4x Mens E 4x
    Composite: Long Beach, Boulder (A)
I. Engstrom/D. Little/T. Noyes/R. Glidden
    River City Rowing Club (A)
A. Ericsson/R. Osborn/A. Delorena/d. billingsley/
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
R. Cosgrove/S. Mounier/P. Tombesi/W. Saville
47 WE2- Womens E 2-
48 MC4+ Mens C 4+
49 WC4x Womens C 4x
    Bair Island Aquatic Center (BIAC) (A)
A. Wessel/A. Hawkins/R. Park/A. Webb/
    East Bay Rowing Club (A)
D. French/F. Prada/C. Jourdan/S. McFadden
    Long Beach Rowing Association (A)
S. Faustina/V. Miller/K. Green/K. Laub
    Composite: Marin, Dolphin, North Bay (A)
R. Perry/L. Thoron/A. Smyth/C. Battani
    Newport Aquatic Center (A)
A. Tobin/A. Lindhorst/J. Billyou/M. Harrison
    Newport Sea Base Rowing (A)
C. Shults/K. Brikmane/K. Chadwell/L. Fox
    Rio Salado Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
H. Romero/J. Miller/E. Jewell/A. Stark
    River City Rowing Club (A)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
S. Scovel/K. Czajkowski/M. Kaleta/M. Nielsen
    ZLAC Rowing Club, LTD (A)
J. Phair/A. Ferrari/C. Bannister/L. Schuster
    ZLAC Rowing Club, LTD (B)
T. Vander Vis/T. Ferguson/L. Toniolo/A. Herr
50 WAA-ANov1x Womens AA-A Novice 1x
51 WBNov1x Womens B Novice 1x
    Lake Las Vegas Rowing Club
M. Walter/
    San Diego Rowing Club
J. Rivas
52 MixF2x Mixed F 2x
    Lake Casitas Rowing Association (A)
C. Warren/J. Kirby
    Long Beach Rowing Association (A)
R. Glidden/M. Mowery
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
C. Kim/K. Bennett
    Tempe Town Lake Rowing (A)
N. Steele/R. Rosen
53 WDLtwt2x Womens D Ltwt 2x
54 MF4x Mens F 4x
    East Bay Rowing Club (A)
G. Shelver/T. Horton/M. Jansen/R. Kostecki
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
J. Woods/J. Bowen/W. Kaplan/J. McMillan
    Newport Sea Base Rowing (A)
B. Hartley/B. Gill/D. Johnston/R. Cunard
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
D. Kinzer/T. Sommer/S. Krum/M. Kapicka
55 MB2x Mens B 2x
56 WAA-A8+ Womens AA-A 8+
    Bair Island Aquatic Center (BIAC) (A)
N. Arasa Bonavila/N. Cooper/A. Webb/R. Hayes/A. Bradley/I. Joyce/E. Marcacci/A. Meyer/M. Dietz (Cox)/
1.0 (34)
    Composite: Long Beach, Orange Coast (A)
E. Smith/A. Neel/S. Geddes/L. Broussard/C. Paice/P. Richards/M. Nieto/S. Wong/I. Sendowsky (Cox)
2.4 (38)
    River City Rowing Club (A)
2.0 (37)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
M. Dahl/K. McKerrihan/S. Scovel/C. Botterill/M. Felix/S. Prado/J. Dahl/E. Wittenberg/C. Sheffler (Cox)
0.1 (29)
    River City Rowing Club (B)
3.4 (40)
57 MD8+ Mens D 8+
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
L. Nelson/P. Rioux/D. FROST/S. Durkin/B. Johnson/L. Uetrecht/K. McCaig/W. Lai/J. Vallese (Cox)
    San Diego Rowing Club (B)
P. Hurley/C. Cunningham/P. Kington/G. Bolitho/W. Foss/W. Saville/S. Burns/R. Cosgrove/D. Spoor (Cox)
58 WD2x Womens D 2x
    Lake Las Vegas Rowing Club (A)
B. Hill/M. Walter/
    Marin Rowing Association (A)
L. Thoron/C. Battani
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
M. Nielsen/M. Jaastad
59 WAA+Ltwt4+ Womens AA+ Ltwt 4+
60 MixAA2x Mixed AA 2x
61 WB4+ Womens B 4+
62 MG1x Mens G 1x
63 ME+2- Mens E+ 2-
64 WAA-BLtwt1x Womens AA-B Ltwt 1x
65 WE1x Womens E 1x
    Rio Salado Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
P. Neuharth
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
M. Jaastad
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
C. Flowers
66 OG2x Open Gender 2x
67 MixB8+ Mixed B 8+
68 MC1x Mens C 1x
69 MixG+2x Mixed G+ 2x
    Long Beach Rowing Association (A)
R. Glidden/M. Mowery
32.9 (66)
    Composite: Newport, Boulder (A)
T. Noyes/L. Hay
45.7 (73)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
B. Randall/J. Melberg
39.9 (70)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
R. Johnson/A. Brian
45.7 (73)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
K. Bennett/K. Trethewey
36.3 (68)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
B. Armstrong/H. Imai-Dellario
39.9 (70)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
R. Heinrich/S. Gjerset
39.9 (70)
    Tempe Town Lake Rowing (A)
K. Tornero/R. Rosen
32.9 (66)
70 MAA-A4+ Mens AA-A 4+
    Bair Island Aquatic Center (BIAC) (A)
C. Bezault/E. West/W. Morningstar/J. Serrano Cendejas/B. Schiros (Cox)/
    Rio Salado Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
E. Merkel/A. Mendoza/K. Wales/I. Malik/G. Medina (Cox)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
P. Hurley/C. Cunningham/P. Kington/L. Stroud/D. Spoor (Cox)
71 MF1x Mens F 1x
    Bair Island Aquatic Center (BIAC) (A)
T. Wilk/
    East Bay Rowing Club (A)
C. Kempf
    Lake Casitas Rowing Association (A)
J. Kirby
    Newport Sea Base Rowing (A)
R. Cunard
    River City Rowing Club (A)
R. Yaw/
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
G. Bolitho
    Wassersportverein Ottensheim (A)
M. Hausleitner
72 WC2- Womens C 2-
73 MAA+Ltwt4+ Mens AA+ Ltwt 4+
    Lake Merritt Rowing Club (A)
F. Chow-Kambitsch/C. Rolling/B. Nguyen/H. Nguyen/S. Campbell (Cox)
0.2 (30)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
P. Rioux/T. Sommer/C. Anderson/R. Hanna/J. Vallese (Cox)
34.6 (67)
74 WELtwt2x Womens E Ltwt 2x
Sunday, June 25, 2023
75 WAA-A4x Womens AA-A 4x
    Bair Island Aquatic Center (BIAC) (A)
    Lake Merritt Rowing Club (A)
H. McCausland/H. Walker/D. Kuta/E. Hazen
    Lake Merritt Rowing Club (A)
Y. Weissburg/R. Metzker/M. Houston/S. Feldberg
    Long Beach Rowing Association (A)
K. Green/M. Nieto/S. Wong/C. Paice
    River City Rowing Club (A)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
C. Botterill/S. Prado/K. McKerrihan/E. Wittenberg
    ZLAC Rowing Club, LTD (A)
I. Jambrecic/T. Vander Vis/L. Sayre/M. McPherson
    San Diego Rowing Club (B)
K. Palmer/S. Pickus/E. Brighton/S. Birath
76 WF+2- Womens F+ 2-
77 WD+Ltwt4x Womens D+ Ltwt 4x
78 MixD8+ Mixed D 8+
    East Bay Rowing Club (A)
G. Shelver/M. Jansen/I. King II/I. Ryzhankova/A. Foraker/T. McCulloch/M. Nappi/M. Smart/N. Miano (Cox)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
S. Burns/S. FOSTER/W. Foss/J. Levine/T. Yee/D. Pili/M. Smiddy/A. Allen/R. Marrujo (Cox)
79 MixC8+ Mixed C 8+
80 WF1x Womens F 1x
    Rio Salado Rowing Club, Inc.
E. Slikas
    San Diego Rowing Club
H. Imai-Dellario
    San Diego Rowing Club
C. Flowers
81 WG+1x Womens G+ 1x
    San Diego Rowing Club
P. Pinkerton
50.6 (72)
82 MD2x Mens D 2x
83 MH+2x Mens H+ 2x
    Boulder Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
D. Little/T. Noyes
45.7 (73)
    Rio Salado Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
A. Dolotov/P. Walsh
51.9 (76)
    Rio Salado Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
J. Armstrong/R. Rosen
39.9 (70)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
R. Johnson/B. Randall
51.9 (76)
84 WD8+ Womens D 8+
    Bair Island Aquatic Center (BIAC) (A)
N. Cooper/S. Wienbar/A. Wessel/A. Bradley/D. Emery/A. Hawkins/R. Park/T. Rico/M. Dietz (Cox)/
    East Bay Rowing Club (A)
S. McFadden/J. Krakauer/D. French/K. Armes/C. Jourdan/J. Mullin/L. Frame/N. Burke/A. Rezneck (Cox)
    Marin Rowing Association (A)
K. Keller/P. Scott/J. Panko/L. Weidner/K. Davis-Jones/K. Eichner/J. Vanneman/R. Scott/J. Stinnett (Cox)/
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
T. Yee/J. Rivas/M. Smiddy/D. Pili/E. Minteer/A. Allen/C. Kim/T. Farmen/T. Boedeker (Cox)
    ZLAC Rowing Club, LTD (A)
F. Digney/T. Ferguson/J. Phair/M. Ancell Salemi/A. Ferrari/R. Gooding/L. Toniolo/A. Herr/L. Carpenter (Cox)
85 MAA-B8+ Mens AA-B 8+
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
T. Peszek/P. Kington/S. FOSTER/P. Hurley/C. Cunningham/K. McCaig/L. Stroud/S. Burns/D. Spoor (Cox)
1.0 (34)
86 WF+Ltwt2x Womens F+ Ltwt 2x
    North Bay Rowing Club (A)
C. Callahan/S. Lucas-Conwell
32.9 (66)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
S. Gjerset/A. Brian
39.9 (70)
    Tempe Town Lake Rowing (A)
N. Steele/K. Tornero
23.5 (60)
87 WB2x Womens B 2x
88 MixC4+ Mixed C 4+
89 WE4+ Womens E 4+
90 MAA-B2- Mens AA-B 2-
91 WC1x Womens C 1x
    Long Beach Rowing Association (A)
A. Arriola/
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
S. Scovel
92 MixE2x Mixed E 2x
93 MA1x Mens A 1x
94 WAA-A2- Womens AA-A 2-
95 MD4+ Mens D 4+
    East Bay Rowing Club (A)
R. Kostecki/S. Louis/M. Hammarstedt/F. Norton/M. Fountain (Cox)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
L. Uetrecht/L. Nelson/M. Kapicka/C. Anderson/D. Spoor (Cox)
96 WD4x Womens D 4x
97 MixB2x Mixed B 2x
    Community Rowing of San Diego (A)
N. Marroquin/M. Phillips
    Lake Las Vegas Rowing Club (A)
T. Kennedy/C. Kennedy/
    Lake Merritt Rowing Club (A)
C. Reategui/D. Kuta
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
S. Durkin/S. Pickus
98 MixAA-A4+ Mixed AA-A 4+
99 WC8+ Womens C 8+
    East Bay Rowing Club (A)
D. French/K. Armes/N. Consani/F. Prada/P. Velez/L. Frame/C. Jourdan/F. Horton/J. Lordan (Cox)
    Lake Merritt Rowing Club (A)
H. Walker/Y. Weissburg/H. McCausland/M. Houston/A. Nelson/S. Feldberg/J. Martinucci/M. Glaeser/S. Campbell (Cox)
    Newport Sea Base Rowing (A)
C. Fickey/G. Jacobson/A. Johnston/K. Brikmane/C. Shults/K. Chadwell/P. Reiter/L. Fox/W. Gordon (Cox)
    River City Rowing Club (A)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
S. Scovel/K. Czajkowski/M. Dahl/E. Wittenberg/T. Yee/T. Farmen/M. Nielsen/J. Rivas/T. Boedeker (Cox)
100 MPR21x Mens PR2 1x
101 WPR21x Womens PR2 1x
102 WELtwt1x Womens E Ltwt 1x
    East Bay Rowing Club (A)
N. Burke
19.6 (55)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
M. Jaastad
19.6 (55)
    Tempe Town Lake Rowing (A)
N. Steele
22.5 (57)
103 MixE+8+ Mixed E+ 8+
    Long Beach Rowing Association (A)
S. Milosevic/T. Curwen/C. Steege/K. Plumb/T. Francis/K. Johnson/V. Wegener/E. Geil/T. Kohl (Cox)
23.1 (61)
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
P. McDonald/A. LAMBERT/M. Hayes/K. MOULTRUP/J. Woods/M. ROSKOW/J. McMillan/J. Kelm/M. Roskow (Cox)
28.9 (65)
    Marin Rowing Association (A)
J. Johnson/N. Mckitterick/S. Shepard/M. Katz/K. Yokoo/B. Colombo/S. Shepard/C. Bailey/D. Fafette (Cox)
20.5 (59)
    Rio Salado Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
P. Neuharth/K. Malcolm/D. Peters/K. Boyle/C. Johnston/D. Antanovich/M. Wilkie/L. Etter/G. Medina (Cox)
18.0 (57)
    River City Rowing Club (A)
D. Eernisse/M. Vellinga/A. Delorena/d. billingsley/T. Patterson/R. Yaw/W. Tye/L. Vernasco/R. Reynon (Cox)
21.8 (60)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
B. Randall/R. Johnson/K. Bennett/B. Armstrong/J. Melberg/A. Brian/L. Bouffard/K. Trethewey/C. Sheffler (Cox)
37.0 (70)
    San Diego Rowing Club (B)
T. Reed/W. Lai/W. Saville/D. Pili/M. Smiddy/E. Minteer/P. Tombesi/L. Collins/R. Marrujo (Cox)
19.2 (58)
104 MixF4x Mixed F 4x
105 WB8+ Womens B 8+
    Bair Island Aquatic Center (BIAC) (A)
N. Cooper/A. Meyer/R. Hayes/A. Webb/A. Wessel/E. Marcacci/A. Hawkins/T. Rico/B. Schiros (Cox)/
    Long Beach Rowing Association (A)
A. Arriola/K. Green/C. Paice/R. Jensen/L. Broussard/K. Laub/M. Nieto/S. Faustina/T. Glidden (Cox)
    River City Rowing Club (A)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
M. Dahl/K. Czajkowski/S. Scovel/S. Prado/M. Felix/L. Gallagher/J. Dahl/T. Farmen/D. Spoor (Cox)
    ZLAC Rowing Club, LTD (A)
M. McPherson/I. Jambrecic/F. Digney/T. Vander Vis/J. Phair/L. Sayre/C. Bannister/L. Schuster/L. Carpenter (Cox)
106 WH+Ltwt1x Womens H+Ltwt 1x
107 MG2x Mens G 2x
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
J. Bowen/W. Kaplan
    Newport Sea Base Rowing (A)
R. Cunard/B. Gill
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
D. Kinzer/T. Sommer
108 WF2x Womens F 2x
    Composite: BIAC, Boulder (A)
M. Nicoletti/H. Popper
    Rio Salado Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
K. Charrier/E. Pope
    River City Rowing Club (A)
M. Vellinga/N. Cronkhite
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
P. Pinkerton/C. Flowers
    Rio Salado Rowing Club, Inc. (B)
J. Blatt/J. Maltz
109 ME8+ Mens E 8+
    East Bay Rowing Club (A)
C. Kempf/M. Hammarstedt/C. Mills/S. Louis/R. Kostecki/T. Horton/G. Shelver/F. Norton/M. Fountain (Cox)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
L. Nelson/M. Kapicka/S. Durkin/S. Krum/D. FROST/L. Uetrecht/T. Sommer/M. Stehly/J. Vallese (Cox)
    San Diego Rowing Club (B)
S. Burns/R. Cosgrove/W. Foss/J. Levine/S. Mounier/W. Saville/T. Reed/W. Lai/D. Spoor (Cox)
110 WA-CLtwt2x Womens A-C Ltwt 2x
111 WE2x Womens E 2x
112 MixD4+ Mixed D 4+
113 MixA2x Mixed A 2x
114 MB-C4x Mens B-C 4x
    Bair Island Aquatic Center (BIAC) (A)
W. Morningstar/M. Udisches/T. Wilk/E. West/
7.2 (46)
    Lake Merritt Rowing Club (A)
A. Symington/T. Rice/C. Rolling/C. Reategui
2.9 (39)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
S. FOSTER/L. Stroud/G. Bolitho/T. Peszek
2.0 (37)
115 WC4+ Womens C 4+
116 MixG+4x Mixed G+ 4x
    Composite: Newport, Boulder (A)
C. Kolling/D. Little/T. Noyes/L. Hay
33.6 (68)
    Rio Salado Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
A. Dolotov/R. Rosen/D. Sahakian/N. Steele
30.4 (66)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
B. Randall/K. Bennett/A. Brian/L. Bouffard
38.7 (71)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
R. Johnson/B. Armstrong/K. Trethewey/H. Imai-Dellario
35.3 (69)
117 MixD2x Mixed D 2x
118 MixC2x Mixed C 2x
    Long Beach Rowing Association (A)
A. Ivanov/M. Downer
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
R. Cosgrove/M. Nielsen
119 MA+Nov8+ Mens A+ Novice 8+
120 WAA-A1x Womens AA-A 1x
    East Bay Rowing Club (A)
N. Consani
    Long Beach Rowing Association (A)
A. Neel
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
C. Botterill
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
M. Kaleta
    Long Beach Rowing Association (B)
H. Debray/
    Long Beach Rowing Association (C)
C. Paice
121 MAA1x Mens AA 1x
    Long Beach Rowing Association (A)
N. Damas
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
T. Peszek
122 WA+Nov8+ Womens A+ Novice 8+
123 MF+8+ Mens F+ 8+
    Composite: Long Beach, Casitas Rowing (A)
S. Milosevic/T. Curwen/C. Steege/M. O'Donnell/G. Warren/K. Plumb/C. Kannothra/D. Tanhauser/T. Kohl (Cox)
23.1 (61)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
M. Weber/M. Kapicka/B. Johnson/J. Levine/D. Kinzer/S. Krum/P. Rioux/M. Stehly/J. Vallese (Cox)
23.1 (61)
124 MD1x Mens D 1x
125 WG+2x Womens G+ 2x
126 WD2- Womens D 2-
127 MB4+ Mens B 4+
128 MF4+ Mens F 4+
129 WFG+Ltwt1x Womens F-G Ltwt 1x
    Long Beach Rowing Association
40.0 (67)
    San Diego Rowing Club
H. Imai-Dellario
34.2 (64)
    San Diego Rowing Club
A. Brian
48.4 (71)
    Tempe Town Lake Rowing
K. Tornero
32.4 (63)
130 WB4x Womens B 4x
    Long Beach Rowing Association (A)
A. Neel/S. Geddes/R. Jensen/K. Laub
    River City Rowing Club (A)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
M. Dahl/J. Rivas/L. Gallagher/T. Farmen
    ZLAC Rowing Club, LTD (A)
R. Sinclair/A. Ferrari/C. Bannister/M. McPherson
131 ME2x Mens E 2x
132 WE8+ Womens E 8+
    East Bay Rowing Club (A)
P. Ward/S. Boranian/I. Ryzhankova/T. McCulloch/M. Smart/K. Hebert/M. Nappi/J. Medina/L. Randlett (Cox)
    Long Beach Rowing Association (A)
    Marin Rowing Association (A)
K. Keller/P. Scott/J. Panko/L. Weidner/N. Aarsheim/T. VanderVeldt/D. Dobras/K. Boyd/J. Stinnett (Cox)/
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
S. Scovel/K. Czajkowski/T. Yee/D. Pili/P. Pinkerton/E. Minteer/M. Smiddy/D. Asper/T. Boedeker (Cox)
    East Bay Rowing Club (B)
D. Martini/J. Krakauer/J. Mullin/P. Velez/J. Gosselar/R. Nelson/N. Burke/F. Horton/J. Lordan (Cox)
    Marin Rowing Association (B)
K. Eichner/K. Davis-Jones/A. Ament/B. Wood/M. Benson/B. Merrell/R. Scott/J. Vanneman/C. Craft (Cox)/
133 WA-CLtwt8+ Womens A-C Ltwt 8+
134 MC8+ Mens C 8+
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
P. Hurley/S. FOSTER/P. Kington/C. Cunningham/W. Foss/W. Lai/S. Mounier/T. Reed/R. Marrujo (Cox)
135 WC2x Womens C 2x
    Bair Island Aquatic Center (BIAC) (A)
A. Bradley/A. Webb/
    Dolphin Club (A)
R. Perry/A. Smyth
    Lake Las Vegas Rowing Club (A)
m. belsky/M. Walter/
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
A. Timpe/T. Spaulding
    Newport Sea Base Rowing (A)
C. Fickey/G. Jacobson
    Newport Sea Base Rowing (A)
C. Shults/K. Chadwell
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
M. Kaleta/M. Nielsen
136 MixE4x Mixed E 4x
137 WAA-A4+ Womens AA-A 4+
    Bair Island Aquatic Center (BIAC) (A)
R. Hayes/E. Marcacci/N. Arasa Bonavila/I. Joyce/E. Cheng (Cox)/
    East Bay Rowing Club (A)
S. Cohen/N. Ayacaxli/A. Foraker/C. Gupta/L. Randlett (Cox)
    River City Rowing Club (A)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
E. Wittenberg/M. Felix/K. McKerrihan/J. Dahl/C. Sheffler (Cox)
    ZLAC Rowing Club, LTD (A)
I. Jambrecic/T. Vander Vis/F. Digney/L. Sayre/L. Carpenter (Cox)
    River City Rowing Club (B)
138 MA+Ltwt8+ Mens A+ Ltwt 8+
139 WA-CLtwt4x Womens A-C Ltwt 4x
140 WD1x Womens D 1x
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
C. Flowers
141 MAA-DLtwt1x Mens AA-D Ltwt 1x
142 MAA-A4x Mens AA-A 4x
143 MG+4+ Mens G+ 4+
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
J. Bowen/J. McMillan/W. Kaplan/J. Kelm/M. Roskow (Cox)
31.2 (65)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
B. Johnson/D. FROST/D. Kinzer/S. Krum/J. Vallese (Cox)
32.9 (66)
    San Diego Rowing Club (B)
B. Randall/R. Heinrich/K. Bennett/B. Armstrong/R. Marrujo (Cox)
49.8 (75)
144 WF+8+ Womens F+ 8+
    East Bay Rowing Club (A)
F. Horton/P. Velez/J. Krakauer/S. McFadden/V. Roe/R. Nelson/M. Grover/D. Mistry/A. Rezneck (Cox)
28.9 (65)
    Long Beach Rowing Association (A)
V. Miller/C. Phelps/T. Francis/K. Johnson/S. Faustina/E. Geil/V. Wegener/T. Luther/T. Glidden (Cox)
21.8 (60)
    Marin Rowing Association (A)
T. VanderVeldt/K. Davis-Jones/L. Weidner/N. Aarsheim/P. Scott/B. Merrell/K. Boyd/J. Vanneman/C. Craft (Cox)/
21.8 (60)
    Rio Salado Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
M. Wilkie/L. Etter/J. Blatt/R. Thomas/J. Miller/E. Pope/A. Stark/L. McCarty/G. Medina (Cox)
21.8 (60)
    River City Rowing Club (A)
D. Eernisse/E. Pescosolido/N. Cronkhite/M. Vellinga/W. Tye/D. Hedum/K. Ward/L. Vernasco/R. Reynon (Cox)
23.1 (61)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
T. Yee/P. Pinkerton/C. Flowers/D. Pili/M. Smiddy/J. Melberg/S. Gjerset/L. Collins/T. Boedeker (Cox)
24.5 (62)
    Composite: ZLAC, Marin, Boulder, Capital, North Bay (B)
S. Lucas-Conwell/C. Callahan/G. Boccia/M. Atkinson/M. Nicoletti/R. Gooding/A. Ferrari/M. Ancell Salemi/C. Bannister (Cox)
23.1 (61)
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change