USRowing Southwest Youth Championships

  • May 5, 2023 To May 7, 2023
  • sprint
  • Gold River, CA (USA)
  • Hosted By: USRowing
  • USRowing Owned


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Friday, May 5, 2023
1 Mens Youth 8+
2 Mens Youth 2V 8+
3 Mens Youth 3V 8+
4 Womens U17 2x
    Artemis Rowing (A)
I. Warner/A. Lavin
    Berkeley High Crew (A)
I. Burak/S. Byrnes/
    Channel Islands Rowing Club (A)
B. Gittisarn/I. Caliari/
    Ikaika Hawaii (A)
S. Smith/L. Wilson/
    Lake Las Vegas Rowing Club (A)
I. Jerez/J. Mineo
    Long Beach Junior Crew (A)
B. Knapp/K. Kelly/
    Mission Rowing (A)
H. Bolton/J. Jensen
    Norcal Crew (A)
H. Brzozowski/F. Beasley
    North Bay Rowing Club (A)
    Oakland United Rowing (A)
S. Brunato/M. Zentner
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (A)
S. Tafoya/D. Flynn
    River City Rowing Club (A)
N. Riddle/G. Schwarz
    River City Rowing Club (A)
S. Ramdass/C. Nordstrom
    RowLA (A)
L. Demmer/N. Basmajian/
    Utah Crew (A)
A. Goodworth/T. Horsley/
    Waterford Crew (A)
I. Raemisch/G. McLane
    ZLAC Rowing Club, LTD (A)
O. Degodoy/L. Rumel/
    Artemis Rowing (B)
E. Haigh/K. Loghinov
    Lake Las Vegas Rowing Club (B)
N. Mineo/C. Rojo
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (B)
A. Naveen/K. Avila
    ZLAC Rowing Club, LTD (B)
S. Considine/M. Earley/
    Lake Las Vegas Rowing Club (C)
A. Kim/M. Moore-Cooper
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (C)
L. Abbo/S. Sanders
    River City Rowing Club (C)
P. Buck/J. He
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (D)
S. Nath/M. Soroka
    River City Rowing Club (D)
L. Krivanek/M. Noey
5 Mens U16 4x+
    Brophy College Preparatory Crew (A)
    Golden State Rowing Club (A)
S. Brodie/J. Hammond/L. Scroggins/E. Duransoy/X. Lopez Vergara (Cox)
    Lake Casitas Rowing Association (A)
N. McSorley/J. Evans/S. Diaz-Atkins/A. Kao/L. Mody (Cox)
    Long Beach Junior Crew (A)
K. Price/M. Roudabush/F. Rosenberg/G. Guettler/S. Lieber (Cox)/
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
    Marin Rowing Association (A)
B. King/D. Puccinelli/R. Judson/N. Hosseini/A. Wu (Cox)
    Newport Sea Base Rowing (A)
H. Umipig/G. Duncanson/R. Campbell/G. Klein/D. Costello (Cox)
    Norcal Crew (A)
W. Wood/S. Wood/S. Phillips/T. Thiyagarajan/D. Frakes (Cox)
    North Bay Rowing Club (A)
    Oakland Strokes, Inc. (A)
T. Ding/J. Braun/H. Billington/W. Mai/L. Ribay (Cox)
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (A)
Z. Perlroth/A. Kanteti/L. Pipkins/N. Hlupnov/B. Chung (Cox)
    Utah Crew (A)
T. Perreca/K. Agarwal/A. MacKenzie/S. Mahan/H. Jennings (Cox)/
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (B)
    Newport Sea Base Rowing (B)
A. Ranger/L. Fairburn/H. Nguyen/M. Shen/C. Tran (Cox)
    Norcal Crew (B)
J. Morris/B. Thompson/H. Pecore/L. Bai/G. Covotta (Cox)
    North Bay Rowing Club (B)
    Norcal Crew (C)
H. Sagar/N. Chan/O. Lundgren/A. Olariu/J. Lee (Cox)
6 Mens U17 4+
7 Mens Youth 1x
    Artemis Rowing
C. Fritz
    Artemis Rowing
R. Kasow
    Berkeley Paddling & Rowing Club
D. Malecki/
    Brophy College Preparatory Crew
    California Yacht Club
C. Fleckenstein
    Golden State Rowing Club
S. Cramer
    Humboldt Bay Rowing Association
K. Turpin
    Lake Las Vegas Rowing Club
C. Campbell
    Long Beach Junior Crew
T. Infante
    Los Gatos Rowing Club
A. Roberts/
    Newport Sea Base Rowing
A. Domingo
    North Bay Rowing Club
    Pacific Rowing Club
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC
A. Kawaja
    River City Rowing Club
M. Baur-Costa
    River City Rowing Club
A. Schafer
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc.
B. Shanle
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc.
B. Felli
8 Womens Youth 8+
9 Womens 2V 8+
10 Womens 3V 8+
11 Womens U16 4x+
12 Womens U17 4+
13 Mens U17 2x
    Artemis Rowing (A)
J. Boyles/P. Vergara/
    Brophy College Preparatory Crew (A)
    Golden State Rowing Club (A)
M. Eggert/M. Hammond
    Junipero Serra High School (A)
N. Loong/M. Hong
    Lake Las Vegas Rowing Club (A)
D. Cooper/J. Davison
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
    Newport Sea Base Rowing (A)
B. Ahmedov/R. Mehrali
    North Bay Rowing Club (A)
    Oakland Strokes, Inc. (A)
A. Abar/C. Marsala
    Oakland United Rowing (A)
J. Alvarez Wedderburn/A. Karigaca
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (A)
D. Gurenkov/W. Dent
    River City Rowing Club (A)
J. King/K. Bzoskie
    Utah Crew (A)
J. Goodworth/T. Perreca/
    Artemis Rowing (B)
R. Arroyo/N. Willacy/
    Brophy College Preparatory Crew (B)
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (B)
    River City Rowing Club (B)
N. White/M. Bloom
    Brophy College Preparatory Crew (C)
    River City Rowing Club (C)
A. Whyte/J. Dodd
14 Womens Youth 1x
15 Mens U16 2x
16 Mens U17 8+
17 Mens U17 8+ "B"
18 Womens U16 4+
19 Mens Youth 2-
20 Womens U17 1x
    Artemis Rowing
E. Haigh
    California Yacht Club
M. Bruce
    California Yacht Club
S. Milic
    Lake Las Vegas Rowing Club
I. Jerez
    Los Gatos Rowing Club
L. Bader
    Marina Aquatic Center Junior Rowing
S. Stuart
    Newport Sea Base Rowing
P. Ranney
    North Bay Rowing Club
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC
S. Frankel
21 Mens Youth 4x
    Brophy College Preparatory Crew (A)
    California Yacht Club (A)
T. Hildebrandt/S. Chanes/S. Lunskis/W. Reimers
    Community Rowing of San Diego (A)
L. McAllister/A. Hagler/D. Ramirez/D. Hernandez
    Long Beach Junior Crew (A)
C. Josephbek/E. Young/T. Griffin/T. Infante
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
M. Kramer/I. Moss/A. Lasso/J. Thieme/
    Newport Aquatic Center (A)
C. Sitzman/A. Buda/N. Gonzalez/N. Samen/
    North Bay Rowing Club (A)
    Oakland Strokes, Inc. (A)
Z. Feldstein/L. Raymond/N. Kuesel/J. Violich
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (A)
A. Kawaja/C. Vaksman/M. Calalang/J. Crown
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc. (A)
J. Falls/B. Felli/N. Dahl/A. Kim
    Waterford Crew (A)
o. park/H. Winkler/H. Brown/L. Schlichter
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (B)
R. Cassetta/A. Vinneras/J. Kessel/M. Huang/
22 Mens Youth 4x "B"
    California Yacht Club (A)
S. Halligan/S. O'Donnell/Q. Domyan/S. Ispendjian
    Long Beach Junior Crew (A)
A. Rodriguez/C. Sandahl/W. Soto/B. Kitchens
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
E. Kim/D. Tarbet/Z. Mordecai/V. Venkatesh/
    Newport Aquatic Center (A)
C. Ramus/P. Kane/B. Duntley/N. Murphy/
    Oakland United Rowing (A)
K. Bengs/M. Spagat Spalding/M. Davis/S. Khambatta
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (A)
M. Flynn/D. Gurenkov/N. Pazmino/H. Slinger
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (C)
A. Panezic/B. Adelman/P. Cho/G. Sun
23 Womens U16 2x
    Artemis Rowing (A)
I. Dreyfus/M. Tuden
    Humboldt Bay Rowing Association (A)
A. Seiler/D. kalson
    Lake Las Vegas Rowing Club (A)
A. McCarty/M. Moore-Cooper
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
C. Scott/M. Matsumoto
    Mission Rowing (A)
J. Dingman/E. Loya
    North Bay Rowing Club (A)
    Pacific Rowing Club (A)
M. Hirsch/M. Saltiel
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (A)
J. Oh/A. Bollyky
    River City Rowing Club (A)
T. Ali/A. Houk
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc. (A)
C. Ryan/B. Hanson
    ZLAC Rowing Club, LTD (A)
    Artemis Rowing (B)
Z. Underwood/A. Arroyo
    ZLAC Rowing Club, LTD (B)
A. Shomphe/M. Earley
24 Womens U17 8+
25 Womens U17 8+ B
26 Mens U16 4+
27 Womens Youth 2-
28 Mens U17 1x
    Artemis Rowing
J. Boyles/
    Brophy College Preparatory Crew
    Golden State Rowing Club
D. Grasman
    Lake Las Vegas Rowing Club
D. Cooper
    Lake Las Vegas Rowing Club
C. Lackey
    Long Beach Junior Crew
K. Nucum
    Los Gatos Rowing Club
    Los Gatos Rowing Club
    Marina Aquatic Center Junior Rowing
G. Faynsod
    Mission Rowing
D. Stephenson
    North Bay Rowing Club
    North Bay Rowing Club
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC
C. Corso
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC
P. Cho
    River City Rowing Club
J. Wortmann
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc.
H. Singh
    Waterford Crew
A. Pan
29 Womens Youth 4x
    Artemis Rowing (A)
I. Warner/J. Landreth/A. Campbell/A. Lavin
    Long Beach Junior Crew (A)
S. Macklin/T. Griffin/T. Donato/C. Mason
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
A. Olson/E. Fasoli/L. Boillet/U. Kausik/
    Marin Rowing Association (A)
K. Stevenson/T. Chang/A. Post/A. Foley
    Marina Aquatic Center Junior Rowing (A)
A. McCulloch/K. Ward/E. Derse/M. Subin
    Newport Aquatic Center (A)
S. Harris/K. Odeen/O. Aceves/M. Banta
    Norcal Crew (A)
E. Pecore/E. Qian/L. Varni/G. Adrouny
    Oakland Strokes, Inc. (A)
C. Tahawi/S. Clark/K. Concepcion/J. Jarotzky
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (A)
O. PETRI/V. Sun/A. Ha/L. Henn
    River City Rowing Club (A)
A. Barrett/M. Nordberg/A. Bercutt/L. Dixson
    RowLA (A)
M. Willis/G. Petruzzi/I. Yin/E. Lopez/
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc. (A)
H. Strickbine/N. Nemanic/L. Pierce/L. Edelstein
    Utah Crew (A)
S. Atherley/R. Englund/S. Bauman/E. Barrow/
    ZLAC Rowing Club, LTD (A)
G. Costello/A. Zollman/L. Heaney/A. Acosta/
30 Womens Youth 4x "B"
    Long Beach Junior Crew (A)
Y. Marin/M. Ferguson/S. Lim/V. Villery
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
E. Snyder/A. Iversen/G. Kaufman/A. Collins/
    Newport Aquatic Center (A)
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (A)
S. Tafoya/A. Dommer/I. Costello/G. Bollyky
    River City Rowing Club (A)
C. Yang/E. Voelker/B. Tidwell/K. Swartzlander
    RowLA (A)
S. Huber/F. Akutagawa/G. Ferracci/N. Rhodes/
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc. (A)
E. Wojewoda/M. Waram/A. McClelland/S. Spade
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (B)
M. Robbins/F. Cramer/H. Yoder/D. Hathaway/
    Norcal Crew (B)
P. Odai/L. Fathers/M. Doohan/O. Stinson
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (B)
L. Vaisburd/M. Jones/V. Chu/P. Nagy
    River City Rowing Club (B)
C. Nordstrom/N. Buchanan/L. La Mar/E. Federico
31 Womens U15 4x+
32 Mens U16 1x
    Artemis Rowing
R. Arroyo/
    California Yacht Club
T. Westernoff
    California Yacht Club
K. Reddy
    Delta Sculling Center
N. McDaniel
    Humboldt Bay Rowing Association
D. Scofield
    Long Beach Junior Crew
K. Price
    Long Beach Junior Crew
M. Roudabush
    Long Beach Junior Crew
G. Guettler
    Los Gatos Rowing Club
    Los Gatos Rowing Club
    Mission Rowing
E. Axelsson
    Norcal Crew
A. Olariu
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC
Z. Perlroth
    River City Rowing Club
C. Ge
    River City Rowing Club
C. Syme
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc.
A. Kim
33 Mens U17 4x
34 Womens Youth 4+
35 Womens Youth 4+ "B"
36 Mens Youth 2x
    Artemis Rowing (A)
C. Fritz/R. Kasow
    Brophy College Preparatory Crew (A)
    California Yacht Club (A)
G. Lee/R. Natterson
    Channel Islands Rowing Club (A)
A. Suski/H. McNeil/
    Golden State Rowing Club (A)
A. Feldhammer/C. Fung
    Humboldt Bay Rowing Association (A)
C. Lee/K. Turpin
    Long Beach Junior Crew (A)
E. Young/T. Griffin
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
D. Yoo/A. Roberts/
    Marin Rowing Association (A)
J. Nassi/J. Runyan
    Newport Sea Base Rowing (A)
J. Natapradja/A. Schnore
    North Bay Rowing Club (A)
    Oakland United Rowing (A)
W. Klatt/H. Meyer
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (A)
C. Vaksman/A. Kawaja
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc. (A)
H. Singh/B. Shanle
    Utah Crew (A)
B. Perreca/J. Billick/
    Waterford Crew (A)
N. Heatley/L. Martindale
    Brophy College Preparatory Crew (B)
    Long Beach Junior Crew (B)
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (B)
V. Venkatesh/D. Milligan/
    Marin Rowing Association (B)
H. Lin/A. Villavarayan
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (B)
M. Calalang/J. Crown
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc. (B)
J. Falls/B. Felli
    Utah Crew (B)
T. Payne/T. McMillan/
    Waterford Crew (B)
L. Ford/D. Lloyd
    Brophy College Preparatory Crew (C)
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (C)
M. Flynn/H. Slinger
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (D)
A. Panezic/N. Pazmino
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (E)
C. Corso/G. Sun
37 Mens U16 8+
38 Womens Youth 4-
39 Mens U15 4x+
40 Womens U16 1x
41 Womens U17 4x
    Lake Las Vegas Rowing Club (A)
J. Mineo/N. Mineo/I. Jerez/C. Rojo
    Long Beach Junior Crew (A)
B. Knapp/S. Brown/M. Conboy/K. Kelly
    Marina Aquatic Center Junior Rowing (A)
S. Shannon/D. Jacob/M. Mozenter/S. Stuart
    Newport Aquatic Center (A)
L. Gonzalez/D. dusi/C. Lopez/K. Dahl
    Newport Sea Base Rowing (A)
F. Dandler/O. Baitoo/R. Gutzwiller/H. Hoeppner
    Norcal Crew (A)
H. Brzozowski/C. Finegold/R. Vishnoi/F. Beasley
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (A)
S. Tafoya/D. Flynn/J. Oh/A. Naveen
    River City Rowing Club (A)
N. Riddle/J. He/P. Buck/G. Schwarz
    RowLA (A)
L. Demmer/N. Basmajian/N. Rhodes/T. Tsering/
    Utah Crew (A)
E. Hilker/E. Guevara/E. Maughan/R. Khor-Brogan/
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (B)
A. Bollyky/S. Frankel/S. Sanders/K. Avila
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (C)
S. Nath/L. Abbo/G. Pate/M. Soroka
42 Mens Youth 4+
43 Mens Youth 4+ "B"
44 Womens Youth 2x
    Artemis Rowing (A)
A. Campbell/J. Landreth
    California Yacht Club (A)
A. Ba/M. Bruce
    Channel Islands Rowing Club (A)
S. Adamo/N. Lee/
    Delta Sculling Center (A)
J. Deuel/A. Munoz/
    Ikaika Hawaii (A)
K. Barlag/I. Duy/
    Lake Las Vegas Rowing Club (A)
E. Gusick/E. Vermillion
    Long Beach Junior Crew (A)
S. Macklin/C. Mason
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
E. Beaudoin-Rousseau/E. Curtis
    Marina Aquatic Center Junior Rowing (A)
A. McCulloch/K. Ward
    Newport Aquatic Center (A)
    Norcal Crew (A)
K. Bhargava/G. Adrouny
    North Bay Rowing Club (A)
    Oakland United Rowing (A)
J. Waltzer/F. Rosales
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (A)
O. PETRI/L. Henn
    River City Rowing Club (A)
K. Parsons/S. Wallace
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc. (A)
E. Rosenfeld/H. Strickbine
    Utah Crew (A)
M. Kemp/A. Young/
    Waterford Crew (A)
I. Raemisch/A. Holtey
    Newport Aquatic Center (B)
    Norcal Crew (B)
A. Raffle/P. Raffle
    Oakland United Rowing (B)
L. Brunato/A. Buluswar
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (B)
V. Sun/I. Costello
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (C)
A. Dommer/A. Ha
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (E)
L. Vaisburd/M. Jones
    Redwood Scullers/PACJC (F)
T. deLaet-Jagerson/P. Nagy
45 Womens U16 8+
46 Mens Youth 4-
47 Mens/Womens/Mixed Youth Inclusive 2x
48 Mens/Womens Youth Pr1 1x
49 Mens/Womens Youth Pr2 1x
50 Mixed Youth PR2 2x
51 Mixed Youth PR3 2x
52 Mixed Youth PR3 4+
53 Open Gender Youth 2x
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change