Canadian University Rowing Championship

  • Hosted By: Brock University
  • Sanctioned by RCA and ROWONTARIO (2021)


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Saturday, November 6, 2021
1 9:00 AM M 1x Mens Open 1x
    Nipissing University Rowing Club
K. Abbasabadi
    University of British Columbia (1)
L. Smit
    Queen's University Rowing (2)
G. Stone
    Trent University (3)
M. Caryk/
T. Been
    University of Guelph (5)
C. Weber-Martin
    Brock University (6)
J. Martens
    University of Victoria Rowing Club (7)
W. Simpson
    Western University (UWO) (8)
a. hembruff/
    University of Ottawa (9)
L. Edson/
    University of Toronto (10)
M. Chen
    University of Calgary Rowing Club (11)
J. Bent/
    McMaster University Rowing Club (12)
J. Bresolin/
    Dalhousie University Rowing (13)
E. Watkins
    Concordia University (14)
F. Gareau
2 9:30 AM W 2x Womens Ltwt 2x
    University of British Columbia (1)
M. Law/E. Paterson
    Queen's University Rowing (2)
B. Hill/D. Vangsgaard
    University of Victoria Rowing Club (3)
g. olsen/P. Letham
    Brock University (4)
Z. Durcak/I. Durcak
    University of Toronto (5)
S. Maclure/S. Corradini
    MURC (A)
J. Touzot/K. Mercer
    Western University (UWO) (7)
K. Riley/A. Freeman/
    University of Guelph (8)
T. Wortley/S. Ribey
    Trent University (9)
R. Shepherd/P. Plat-Dekoter/
    Dalhousie University Rowing (10)
R. Henderson/S. Inkpen
    University of Ottawa (11)
K. Burrows/K. McGovern/
    McMaster University Rowing Club (12)
s. oresnik/A. Wang/
3 10:00 AM M 1x Mens Ltwt 1x
    Brock University (1)
C. Dodds
    Queen's University Rowing (2)
a. hubbard
    University of Victoria Rowing Club (3)
P. Keane
    Western University (UWO) (4)
J. Langelaan/
    University of British Columbia (5)
H. Graham
    University of Toronto (6)
K. Kimmins
    University of Guelph (7)
K. Sobkowich
    Carleton University (8)
B. Edge/
    University of Waterloo (9)
A. Gulsaran/
V. rolland
    University of Calgary Rowing Club (11)
J. Perri/
    McMaster University Rowing Club (12)
A. Barnes/
    Trent University (13)
T. Luebke/
4 10:30 AM W 2- Womens Open 2-
5 11:00 AM M 8+ Mens Open 8+
    University of British Columbia (1)
C. Schultz/J. Black/A. Ewashko/J. Kemper/J. Cullen/Q. Storey/L. Smit/Q. Schmidt/P. Ye (Cox)
    Western University (UWO) (2)
M. Pamenter/a. hembruff/d. johnson/M. Doyle/l. cui/A. Oxley/R. Magony/j. coughler/C. Wang (Cox)/
    University of Victoria Rowing Club (3)
A. Stapff/L. Hodgins/C. Attridge/S. Randall/J. Phillips/H. Thomas/M. Rodgers/P. Keane/N. Murray-Coplen (Cox)
    Brock University (4)
S. Stewart/M. Ciepiela/D. Brophy/W. Bryden/J. Hickman/O. Rugelis/J. Martens/J. Boles/C. Sebastianelli (Cox)
    University of Toronto (5)
J. McDonald/P. Mikulash/M. D'Amico/T. Jirousek/M. Chen/R. Grzesiuk/K. Kimmins/O. Darling/L. Pureza Dagenais (Cox)
    Carleton University (A)
D. Damas/S. Leslie/D. McCoy/J. Moffat/B. Koskowich/P. Gibson/L. Diamant-Boustead/B. Edge/C. Breedy (Cox)/
    Queen's University Rowing (7)
L. Celia/a. hubbard/B. Jancso-Szabo/G. Stone/K. Nummi/L. Austin/A. Abicht/R. Bryden/M. Stellato (Cox)
    StFX Rowing Club (8)
P. MacGregor/A. Kennedy/G. Squires/W. Mahoney/J. Harding/E. Copp/T. Kays/K. Bennett/G. Maiorino (Cox)
6 11:30 AM W 4+ Womens Ltwt 4+
    University of British Columbia (1)
R. LaFreniere/E. Paterson/M. Camplin/M. Law/V. Schuster (Cox)
    University of Victoria Rowing Club (A)
P. Letham/S. Faubert/g. olsen/H. Meeson/H. Ross (Cox)
    Western University (UWO) (3)
K. Riley/s. butler/C. Sawchuck/A. Freeman/M. Orr (Cox)/
    Brock University (A)
O. Jose/R. O Neill/J. Isnor/Z. Durcak/R. Pisek (Cox)
    Dalhousie University Rowing (5)
A. Dlugolecki/R. Henderson/L. Graham/M. Mason/F. Sivilotti (Cox)
    MURC (A)
J. Touzot/A. Saito/E. Taguedong/K. Mercer/G. Gaidoshik (Cox)
    Queen's University Rowing (7)
J. Lu/J. Stephenson/I. Ngo/G. Jansen/A. Karanikas (Cox)
    University of Guelph (8)
K. Darou-Santos/T. Wortley/S. Ribey/A. Smith/K. Hickie-Bentzen (Cox)
    University of Ottawa (9)
K. McGovern/A. Pastic/J. Foreman/K. Burrows/M. Foley (Cox)/
7 12:30 PM W 1x Womens Open 1x
    University of British Columbia (1)
K. Clark
    University of Victoria Rowing Club (2)
P. Battersby
    Western University (UWO) (3)
G. Yarema/
    University of Guelph (4)
H. Chase
    Queen's University Rowing (5)
C. Ellison
    Brock University (6)
J. Kesseler
    University of Toronto (7)
A. Okumura
    University of Calgary Rowing Club (8)
C. O'Brien/
    University of Waterloo (9)
N. Kozak/
    University of Saskatchewan Rowing Club (10)
P. Howe
    University of Ottawa (11)
G. Zitikyte/
    Trent University (12)
G. Vanderbroek/
    StFX Rowing Club (13)
O. Crewe
    OntarioTech University (14)
K. Hawke
    McMaster University Rowing Club (15)
D. Ciparis/
8 1:00 PM M 2x Mens Ltwt 2x
    Brock University (A)
T. Markewich/S. Harris
    Western University (UWO) (2)
A. Brandt/Z. Masciangelo/
    University of British Columbia (3)
N. Schramm/E. Crick
    University of Victoria Rowing Club (4)
G. DiPompeo/M. Thompson
    University of Toronto (5)
E. Liu/F. Currie
    MURC (A)
F. Sanchez/E. Henderson
    Carleton University (7)
L. Diamant-Boustead/D. McCoy/
    McMaster University Rowing Club (8)
A. Corr/W. Bleecker/
    Queen's University Rowing (9)
L. Celia/A. Abicht
    Trent University (10)
T. Luebke/S. Grasdal/
    University of Waterloo (11)
A. Duko/B. Mcgregor/
9 1:30 PM M 2- Mens Open 2-
    Western University (UWO) (1)
M. Pamenter/a. hembruff/
    University of British Columbia (2)
J. Black/J. Cullen
    University of Victoria Rowing Club (3)
A. Stapff/C. Attridge
    Queen's University Rowing (4)
B. Jancso-Szabo/R. Bryden
    Brock University (5)
S. Stewart/M. Ciepiela
    University of Toronto (6)
T. Jirousek/M. D'Amico
    MURC (A)
W. Gilbert/M. Maile
    University of Calgary Rowing Club (8)
P. Milner/M. Dressler/
    Carleton University (9)
B. Koskowich/S. Leslie/
    University of Ottawa (A)
A. McDermott/L. Edson/
    University of Guelph (11)
C. Weber-Martin/C. Rodenburg
    StFX Rowing Club (12)
P. MacGregor/A. Kennedy
    Dalhousie University Rowing (13)
C. Cranmer-Smith/J. Chevalier
10 2:00 PM W 1x Womens Ltwt 1x
    University of British Columbia (1)
R. LaFreniere
    University of Victoria Rowing Club (2)
H. Meeson
    Western University (UWO) (3)
C. Sawchuck/
    Queen's University Rowing (4)
L. Matai
    Laurentian University (5)
A. Maillet
    Brock University (6)
J. Isnor
    University of Toronto (7)
K. Myler
    University of Calgary Rowing Club (8)
A. Webster/
    University of Guelph (9)
A. Smith
    McMaster University Rowing Club (10)
s. oresnik/
    OntarioTech University (11)
K. Hawke
    University of Ottawa (13)
J. Foreman/
    Carleton University (14)
M. Jolley/
    Dalhousie University Rowing (15)
S. Inkpen
A. Saito
11 2:30 PM M 4+ Mens Ltwt 4+
12 3:00 PM W 8+ Womens Open 8+
    Western University (UWO) (1)
G. Yarema/J. Blunt/R. Weber/R. Butterworth/E. Bolinger/s. burry/L. Kelley/M. Mihorean/M. Orr (Cox)/
    University of Victoria Rowing Club (2)
P. Battersby/e. kitchen/K. Edwards/a. Cronk/M. Hemphill/D. McCulloch/n. hardcastle/A. Rooker/H. Ross (Cox)
    University of British Columbia (3)
S. Jones/E. Sousa/J. Sevick/K. Clark/L. Stankiewicz/C. Brillon/J. Tancon/F. Anna/A. Birkenshaw (Cox)
    Brock University (A)
J. Mowry/M. Hingston/S. Slattery/V. Collins/R. O Neill/F. Thomas/O. Jose/I. Durcak/C. Sebastianelli (Cox)
    University of Calgary Rowing Club (5)
C. Klapstein/E. Dawson/C. Kruschel/E. Grove/C. O'Brien/A. Mamer/N. Pavlovic/A. Bender/A. Webster (Cox)/
    University of Toronto (6)
K. Gay/A. Okumura/R. Loves/H. Story-Korman/A. Cassidy/K. Rust/G. Crispin-Frei/S. Corradini/Z. Thompson (Cox)
    University of Ottawa (7)
L. Guy/K. Hudson/V. Scholten/G. Zitikyte/R. Crichton/F. McGougall/L. Vink/A. Pastic/M. Lyons (Cox)/
    MURC (A)
J. Hillyard/R. Trigg/M. Johns/J. Schuurmans/E. Taguedong/H. Rydlo/H. Chisolm/L. Hartal/G. Gaidoshik (Cox)
    University of Guelph (9)
C. Gardiner/E. Jenkins/H. Chase/A. Masood/R. Whittaker/i. Schwarz/K. Dhillon/S. Elson/M. Teeter (Cox)
    Queen's University Rowing (10)
B. Hill/C. Ellison/D. Vangsgaard/L. Matai/J. Lu/J. Stephenson/I. Ngo/G. Jansen/J. Cho (Cox)
    StFX Rowing Club (11)
A. Cook/C. Sahu/O. Crewe/K. Regenvanu/B. Campbell/S. Romanuck/S. McKee/M. Taljaard/E. Smith (Cox)
    Trent University (12)
R. Shepherd/P. Plat-Dekoter/G. Vanderbroek/B. Tombs/T. Bryan/T. West/A. Sibbald/C. Waldeck/S. Cutulle (Cox)/
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change