Midwest Junior Rowing Championship
- May 21, 2022 To May 22, 2022
- sprint
- Harsha Lake
- Bethel, OH (USA)
- Hosted By: Cincinnati Jr. Rowing Club, Inc.
- 2022 Registered Regatta
Event# | Time* | Code | Event | Competitors | Entries |
Saturday, May 21, 2022 | |||||
1 | 8:00 AM | M1x | *Men's Varsity 1x - Presented by Fountain Point Rowing | 28 |
Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc |
H. Siemering
Chicago Rowing Foundation |
M. Notaro
Cincinnati Country Day School Rowing Team |
E. Hettich
Cleveland Foundry Juniors |
O. Keener/
G2 Community Rowing |
N. Heller
Gem City Crew, Inc. |
T. Hurtle
Great Miami Rowing Center |
M. Anderson/
Indianapolis Rowing Center |
C. Boldt
Lake Leelanau Rowing Club |
P. Cabbage
Lake Phalen Rowing |
G. Steinberger
Lincoln Park Boat Club |
Long Lake Rowing Crew |
W. Jaenchen
Minneapolis Rowing Club |
M. Strole
Minneapolis Rowing Club |
G. Messner
Queen City Water Sports Center |
C. Hackett
Queen City Water Sports Center |
C. Birck
Queen City Water Sports Center |
S. Blatt
Queen City Water Sports Center |
A. Featherston
Rochester Rowing Club, Minnesota |
M. Blocksome/
Rochester Rowing Club, Minnesota |
J. Blackmon/
Steel City Rowing Club |
G. Gibson
Sylvan Scullers |
L. Tompa
Sylvan Scullers |
O. Stout
Sylvan Scullers |
C. Adams
University of Iowa Recreational Services |
L. Clarke
Y Quad Cities Rowing |
P. Choudhary
Y Quad Cities Rowing |
A. Anderson
Y Quad Cities Rowing |
T. Wakefield
2 | 8:12 AM | W1x | *Women's Varsity 1x - Presented by Kate by Rolfes Custom Design | 27 |
Central Ohio Rowing |
J. Neal/
Chicago Rowing Foundation |
E. Jackson
Chicago Rowing Foundation |
S. Kunesh
Chicago Rowing Foundation |
C. Mullen
Cincinnati Country Day School Rowing Team |
A. Deming
Cincinnati Country Day School Rowing Team |
I. Wang
Gem City Crew, Inc. |
M. Mooney
Great Miami Rowing Center |
L. Langmeyer/
Indianapolis Rowing Center |
P. Miller
Indianapolis Rowing Center |
E. Robb
Long Lake Rowing Crew |
A. Zealley
Long Lake Rowing Crew |
A. Jaenchen
Long Lake Rowing Crew |
A. Golbus
Mendota Rowing Club |
B. Leonard
Queen City Water Sports Center |
s. palacios
Rochester Rowing Club, Minnesota |
S. Spindler-Krage/
Sylvan Scullers |
K. Harrington
Sylvan Scullers |
E. Graham
Sylvan Scullers |
A. Flynn
Three Rivers Rowing Association |
A. Blackwell
Three Rivers Rowing Association |
M. Duessel
Three Rivers Rowing Association |
C. Billings
Y Quad Cities Rowing |
S. Ramaraju
Y Quad Cities Rowing |
E. Tessen
Y Quad Cities Rowing |
E. morley
Y Quad Cities Rowing |
S. Brewer
Y Quad Cities Rowing |
O. Meskan
3 | MU171x | *Mens U17 1x | 21 |
Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc |
A. Henke
Gem City Crew, Inc. |
J. Phillips
Great Miami Rowing Center |
J. Bentley/
Great Miami Rowing Center |
C. Pence/
Lake Leelanau Rowing Club |
L. Lombardi
Lake Phalen Rowing |
D. Steinberger
Long Lake Rowing Crew |
C. Burica
Louisville Rowing Club, Inc. |
J. Beacham
Mendota Rowing Club |
B. Christianson
Parkersburg South HS Crew |
J. Leisure
Queen City Water Sports Center |
T. Zupan
Queen City Water Sports Center |
J. Albers
Queen City Water Sports Center |
d. distel
Queen City Water Sports Center |
E. Norris
Queen City Water Sports Center |
M. Clark
Queen City Water Sports Center |
J. Boston
Queen City Water Sports Center |
R. Haussman
Sylvan Scullers |
J. Stammer
University of Iowa Recreational Services |
B. Clarke
Y Quad Cities Rowing |
G. Matlock
Y Quad Cities Rowing |
E. Matlock
4 | 9:04 AM | WU171x | *Womens U17 1x | 9 |
Great Miami Rowing Center |
A. Duncomb/
Lincoln Park Boat Club |
J. Cee
Lincoln Park Boat Club |
E. Westhoff
Long Lake Rowing Crew |
N. Redding
Mendota Rowing Club |
J. Lanear
Rochester Rowing Club, Minnesota |
A. Holm/
Sylvan Scullers |
R. McGeary
Three Rivers Rowing Association |
E. Cohen
Y Quad Cities Rowing |
L. Collins
5 | 9:12 AM | M3V4+ | Mens 3rd Varsity 4+ | 8 |
6 | 9:36 AM | W3V4+ | Womens 3rd Varsity 4+ | 9 |
7 | 9:52 AM | M1N8+ | Mens 1st Novice 8+ | 9 |
8 | 10:16 AM | W1N8+ | Womens 1st Novice 8+ | 10 |
9 | 3:24 PM | M2N8+ | Mens 2nd Novice 8+ | 6 |
10 | 3:32 PM | W2N8+ | Womens 2nd Novice 8+ | 6 |
11 | 4:00 PM | MU174X | *Mens U17 4x | 7 |
12 | 4:08 PM | WU174x | *Womens U17 4x | 8 |
13 | 4:16 PM | M2V4x | Mens 2nd Varsity 4x | 3 |
14 | 4:24 PM | W2V4x | Womens 2nd Varsity 4x | 4 |
15 | 4:24 PM | MU164x | *Mens U15/U16 4x+ | 6 |
16 | 4:40 PM | MU164x+ | *Womens U15/ U16 4x+ | 3 |
Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc (A) |
E. Lawler/H. Schrager/E. Smith/E. Winkle=Wagner/S. Shepley (Cox)
Indianapolis Rowing Center (A) |
M. Bain/S. Arauco/C. Carpenter/R. Meyer/O. Mencias (Cox)
Sylvan Scullers (A) |
L. Kuehn/E. Pastor/R. Fink/M. McGeary/L. Adams (Cox)
17 | 10:44 AM | M1V2x | *Men's Varsity 2x -> In Honor of Tom Dryer and 2x Partner Bob Miller | 20 |
Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc (A) |
K. Goldman/J. Lucas
Chicago Rowing Foundation (A) |
A. DiPasquale/A. Swann
Cincinnati Country Day School Rowing Team (A) |
E. Hettich/S. Rufener
Detroit Boat Club Crew (A) |
H. Skupien/B. Shanle
G2 Community Rowing (A) |
V. LeBeau/N. Heller
Gem City Crew, Inc. (A) |
T. Hurtle/A. Jarvis
Great Miami Rowing Center (A) |
S. Hall/G. Rought/
Lake Phalen Rowing (A) |
A. Appleton/A. Taylor
Lincoln Park Boat Club (A) |
M. Wyszkowski Allain/N. HOAG
Long Lake Rowing Crew (A) |
W. Jaenchen/C. Burica
Minneapolis Rowing Club (A) |
J. Lamppa/S. Gardner
Parkersburg South HS Crew (A) |
A. Kirk/J. Leisure
Queen City Water Sports Center (A) |
S. Blatt/M. Clark
Rochester Rowing Club, Minnesota (A) |
M. Blocksome/N. Stanley/
Steel City Rowing Club (A) |
J. Malone/E. Noaman
Sylvan Scullers (A) |
L. Tompa/C. Adams
Three Rivers Rowing Association (A) |
J. Brennan/D. Folan
Y Quad Cities Rowing (A) |
N. Ramaraju/K. Wagher
Lake Phalen Rowing (B) |
N. McCreight/N. Holst
Minneapolis Rowing Club (B) |
G. Ziemer/G. Messner
18 | 11:08 AM | W1V2x | *Women's Varsity 2x - In Honor of Ben C. Record | 20 |
Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc (A) |
A. Chvala/C. Cole
Chicago Rowing Foundation (A) |
K. Demakis/A. Lim
Great Miami Rowing Center (A) |
A. Sancrant/J. McKain/
Indianapolis Rowing Center (A) |
E. Robb/S. Koroneos
Long Lake Rowing Crew (A) |
A. Harris/S. Kuechle
Mendota Rowing Club (A) |
B. Leonard/M. Beck
Minneapolis Rowing Club (A) |
F. Lijesen/t. Miller
Queen City Water Sports Center (A) |
R. McGovern/A. Zupan
Rochester Rowing Club, Minnesota (A) |
A. Welch/M. Behfar/
Steel City Rowing Club (A) |
A. Fagan/E. Rotondi
Sweeps and Sculls Rowing (A) |
M. Mueller/A. Bergan
Sylvan Scullers (A) |
E. Graham/R. McGeary
Three Rivers Rowing Association (A) |
C. Sauer/L. Jochims
University of Iowa Recreational Services (A) |
E. Elizalde/M. Fincham
Wabash Valley Crew (A) |
H. Overton/M. Hughes
Y Quad Cities Rowing (A) |
E. Tessen/E. Ersan
Rochester Rowing Club, Minnesota (B) |
J. Washnieski/S. Spindler-Krage/
Steel City Rowing Club (B) |
J. Dlugosz/S. Gimbel
University of Iowa Recreational Services (B) |
I. Greving/A. Hatch
Y Quad Cities Rowing (B) |
A. Mueller/E. morley
19 | 11:32 AM | MU174+ | *Mens U17 4+ | 10 |
20 | 11:48 AM | WU174+ | *Womens U17 4+ | 12 |
21 | 12:24 PM | M2V8+ | *Mens 2nd Varsity 8+ | 8 |
22 | 12:40 PM | W2V8+ | *Womens 2nd Varsity 8+ | 8 |
23 | 12:56 PM | M1V8+ | *Mens 1st Varsity 8+ | 13 |
24 | 1:12 PM | W1V8+ | *Womens 1st Varsity 8+ | 13 |
Sunday, May 22, 2022 | |||||
25 | 8:00 AM | M1N4+ | Mens 1st Novice 4+ | 22 |
26 | 8:08 AM | W1N4+ | Womens 1st Novice 4+ | 22 |
27 | 8:16 AM | M1V4+ | *Men's Varsity 4+ - Presented by the CJRC Men's Classes of 2005-2006 | 11 |
28 | 8:32 AM | W1V4+ | *Women's Varsity 4+ - Presented by the Women's Titanium 2012 | 19 |
29 | 1:56 PM | MU168+ | *Mens U16 8+ | 3 |
30 | 2:04 PM | WU168+ | *Womens U16 8+ | 6 |
31 | 8:56 AM | MU178+ | *Mens U17 8+ | 9 |
32 | 2:20 PM | WU178+ | *Womens U17 8+ | 7 |
33 | 2:48 PM | M1V2- | *Mens 1st Varsity 2- | 6 |
34 | 2:56 PM | W1V2- | *Womens 1st Varsity 2- | 7 |
35 | 9:32 AM | MU172x | *Mens U17 2x | 12 |
36 | 9:48 AM | WU172x | *Womens U17 2x | 16 |
Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc (A) |
A. Butler/A. Shapiro
Great Miami Rowing Center (A) |
H. Anderson/C. Gunter/
Indianapolis Rowing Center (A) |
A. Bereveskos/M. Fitzgerald
Lincoln Park Boat Club (A) |
J. Cee/E. Westhoff
Mendota Rowing Club (A) |
M. Beck/J. Lanear
Minneapolis Rowing Club (A) |
P. Balfour/M. Locken
Rochester Rowing Club, Minnesota (A) |
A. Holm/A. Bartucz/
Sweeps and Sculls Rowing (A) |
A. Dianis/M. Koscielski
Sylvan Scullers (A) |
R. LaBelle/L. Adams
Three Rivers Rowing Association (A) |
C. Sunday/L. gledhill
Y Quad Cities Rowing (A) |
P. Vanga/M. Choudhary
Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc (B) |
K. Austin/M. Potter
Rochester Rowing Club, Minnesota (B) |
K. Garvey/L. LeQuire/
Y Quad Cities Rowing (B) |
Z. Satterfield/I. Sels
Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc (C) |
E. Lawler/E. Winkle=Wagner
Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc (D) |
N. Allen/A. Mandava
37 | 3:20 PM | M3V8+ | Mens 3rd Varsity 8+ | 5 |
38 | 10:12 AM | W3V8+ | Womens 3rd Varsity 8+ | 10 |
39 | 3:36 PM | M1V4- | *Mens 1st Varsity 4- | 5 |
40 | 3:44 PM | W1V4- | *Womens 1st Varsity 4- | 5 |
41 | 10:28 AM | M2V2x | Mens 2nd Varsity 2x | 10 |
Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc (A) |
N. Sherman/R. Murray
Detroit Boat Club Crew (A) |
A. Villavarayan/C. Villavarayan
Long Lake Rowing Crew (A) |
L. Warford/W. Landro
Parkersburg South HS Crew (A) |
R. Adams/K. Freshour
Sylvan Scullers (A) |
J. Stammer/O. Stout
Three Rivers Rowing Association (A) |
R. McCann/A. MacDonald
Detroit Boat Club Crew (B) |
M. Roustemis/O. Sharpe
Detroit Boat Club Crew (B) |
S. Beleshi/B. Supino
Three Rivers Rowing Association (B) |
T. Walliser/S. Jordan
Three Rivers Rowing Association (C) |
A. Chow/G. Brauer
42 | 10:44 AM | M2V2x | Womens 2nd Varsity 2x | 12 |
Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc (A) |
C. Messimer/C. Shepley
Detroit Boat Club Crew (A) |
C. Fellberg/C. Ward
Great Miami Rowing Center (A) |
R. Baker/A. Edwards/
Indianapolis Rowing Center (A) |
K. Delaney/B. Dalberg
Long Lake Rowing Crew (A) |
N. Redding/A. Jaenchen
Minneapolis Rowing Club (A) |
A. Hanson/V. Dreher
Rochester Rowing Club, Minnesota (A) |
s. Boggust/A. Nordaune Young/
Sylvan Scullers (A) |
K. Harrington/R. McGeary
University of Iowa Recreational Services (A) |
L. Ankenmann/V. Polgreen
Y Quad Cities Rowing (A) |
S. Brewer/L. Collins
Camp Randall Rowing Club, Inc (B) |
S. Cornelius/M. Fafinski
Indianapolis Rowing Center (B) |
B. Peterson/S. PFLEEGER
43 | 11:28 AM | M1V4x | *Men's Varsity 4x - Presented by Cincinnati Masters Rowing | 14 |
44 | 11:36 AM | W1V4x | *Women's Varsity 4x - Presented by the City of Newport KY | 15 |
45 | 12:00 PM | M2V4+ | Mens 2nd Varsity 4+ | 13 |
46 | 12:16 PM | W2V4+ | Womens 2nd Varsity 4+ | 14 |
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change