Head of the Trent Regatta

  • Hosted By: Peterborough Rowing Club
  • Sanctioned by RCA and ROWONTARIO (2019)


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Saturday, October 5, 2019
1 8:40 AM Mens Champ 1x
2 8:40 AM Mens University 1x
    Brock University (A)
O. Rugelis/
    Brock University (A)
F. Shein/
    Carleton University (A)
    Club d'aviron de l'Universite de Montreal (A)
A. Ali Taiga/
    Lakehead University Varsity Rowing Team (A)
C. Gillis/
    McGill University Rowing Club (A)
J. Lapikas/
    Nipissing University Rowing Club (A)
K. Abbasabadi/
    Queen's University Rowing (A)
a. hubbard/
    Queen's University Rowing (A)
B. Jansco-Szabo/
    Queen's University Rowing (A)
L. Austin/
    Queen's University Rowing (A)
G. Shearing/
    Trent University Rowing (A)
I. Holmquist/
    University of Guelph (A)
C. Weber-Martin/
    University of Ottawa (A)
T. Van Ginnekan/
    University of Toronto (A)
T. Been/
    Western University (UWO) (A)
C. Ames/
    Western University (UWO) (A)
R. Clegg/
    Western University (UWO) (A)
M. Pamenter/
    Lakehead University Varsity Rowing Team (B)
A. Paradkar/
    University of Toronto (B)
R. Xu/
3 8:40 AM Mens University Lightweight 1x
    Brock University (A)
T. Markewich/
    Carleton University (A)
    McGill University Rowing Club (A)
C. Frieman/
    OntarioTech University (A)
B. Hall/
    Queen's University Rowing (A)
E. Notley/
    University of Guelph (A)
J. Lovett/
    University of Toronto (A)
M. McNeil/
    Western University (UWO) (A)
A. Brandt/
    Club d'aviron de l'Universite de Montreal (B)
A. Rizkallah/
    University of Toronto (B)
K. Kimmins/
    University of Toronto (C)
S. Lortz/
4 8:40 AM Mens Club 1x
5 8:40 AM Womens Champ 1x
6 8:40 AM Mens Masters 1x
7 8:40 AM Womens University 1x
8 8:40 AM Womens University Lightweight 1x
    Brock University (A)
J. Isnor/
    Carleton University (A)
    Nipissing University Rowing Club (A)
B. Fournier/
    Queen's University Rowing (A)
J. Carlton/
    University of Guelph (A)
K. Flaherty/
    University of Ottawa (A)
    University of Ottawa (A)
    University of Toronto (A)
J. Carter/
    Western University (UWO) (A)
R. Knight/
    University of Guelph (B)
A. Krelove/
9 8:40 AM Womens Club 1x
10 8:40 AM Womens Masters 1x
11 10:25 AM Womens University 8+
    Brock University (A)
A. Maloney/S. Van Baalen/B. Spanics/A. Martin/I. Mazzarolo/S. VanBeilen/S. Tigwell/J. Veerman/S. Buzzell (Cox)/
    Brock University (A)
H. Parkin/M. Lachnit/O. Sommer/H. Wade/O. Reynolds/K. Rourke/R. O Neill/A. Verge/K. Wright (Cox)/
    Trent University Rowing (A)
T. West/E. Trickey/c. cullen/G. VandenBroek/P. Burns/B. Tombs/T. Bryan/A. Armstrong/K. Thompson (Cox)/
    University of Ottawa (A)
    University of Toronto (A)
K. Gay/C. Kendall/E. Principe/H. Story-Korman/R. Loves/J. Toljagic/Z. Thompson (Cox)/
    Western University (UWO) (A)
Y. Ensminger/K. Urabe/C. Deane/I. Perkucin/K. Arthur/E. Bolinger/A. Drew/L. Kelley/E. Alizadeh (Cox)/
    Western University (UWO) (A)
E. Skoett/J. Carmichael/J. Blunt/K. Riley/S. Morris/F. Johnson/E. Shimkoff/A. Skinkle/M. Orr (Cox)/
12 10:25 AM Womens University Lightweight 8+
13 10:25 AM Mens University 4+
    Brock University (A)
B. Andrews/E. Hohnstein/S. Stewart/D. Campbell/L. Arbour (Cox)/
    Cambridge Rowing Club (A)
    Carleton University (A)
    McGill University Rowing Club (A)
C. McCullogh/Q. Basiren/M. Bolduc/J. Blanchet/J. Kist (Cox)/
    Queen's University Rowing (A)
B. Jansco-Szabo/M. Bryenton/G. Shearing/a. hubbard/K. Daibes (Cox)/
    Royal Military College (A)
D. Walcott/W. Goldney/S. Mountford/D. Deguara/A. Blok (Cox)/
    Royal Military College (A)
J. Carmichael/J. Murphy/L. Hrechka/L. Vickers/M. Ahola (Cox)/
    Trent University Rowing (A)
S. Willis/I. Holmquist/S. Kielar/l. butt/E. O'Prey (Cox)/
    University of Guelph (A)
C. White/K. Grambow/C. Rodenburg/T. Gordon/G. DesOrmeaux (Cox)/
    University of Ottawa (A)
    University of Toronto (A)
S. Plenderleith/A. Gordienko/A. Chu/A. King/H. Bartlett (Cox)/
    Western University (UWO) (A)
A. Nicolson/B. Reid/J. Butler/B. Kozak/J. Doyle (Cox)/
14 10:25 AM Mens University Lightweight 4+
15 10:25 AM Womens Univerity JV 2x
16 11:40 AM Womens University 2-
17 1:10 PM University Mixed Alumni 8+
    Club d'aviron de l'Universite de Montreal (A)
A. Sanchez/A. Laplante-Rayworth/B. Martin/M. Laylle/E. Triaud/J. Taillon/A. Cardinal/M. Gauthier/A. Vincent (Cox)
    Composite: Leander, McMaster (A)
A. Oldham/L. Madill/D. Arends/M. Wurtele/I. Finlay/B. Georgievski/A. Hepburn/M. Rao/M. Remy (Cox)/
    McGill University Rowing Club (A)
    OntarioTech University (A)
    OntarioTech University (A)
    Queen's University Rowing (A)
S. Gowdy/R. Crisans/C. Forstinger/R. Meyers/S. Robinson/C. Sutherland/B. York/D. Carnegie/N. Splinter (Cox)
    Trent University Rowing (A)
J. Dyer/
    Trent University Rowing (A)
    University of Guelph (A)
    University of Toronto (A)
    University of Toronto (A)
    University of Toronto Alumni (A)
    Western University (UWO) (A)
18 1:10 PM Womens University 2x
    Carleton University (A)
    Lakehead University Varsity Rowing Team (A)
L. Mason/W. Mangelli/
    McGill University Rowing Club (A)
T. Gordoa/J. Dekker/
    McMaster University Rowing Club (A)
B. Reed/
    McMaster University Rowing Club (A)
V. Collins/M. Okuda-Rayfuse/
    Nipissing University Rowing Club (A)
O. Petroff/M. Coombs/
    OntarioTech University (A)
S. Mathew/K. Hawke/
    Trent University Rowing (A)
A. Armstrong/T. Bryan/
    University of Guelph (A)
S. McCarthy/P. Hutchinson/
    University of Ottawa (A)
    University of Toronto (A)
A. Okumura/J. Fahey/
    Western University (UWO) (A)
N. Baranowski/L. Gadsdon/
    Brock University (B)
E. Broski/B. Reynolds/
    Nipissing University Rowing Club (B)
J. Sommers/O. Fetterly/
    University of Toronto (B)
E. Principe/J. Toljagic/
19 1:10 PM Womens University Lightweight 2x
    Brock University (A)
C. Zanatta/J. Beaudette/
    Cambridge Rowing Club (A)
j. murphy/M. Hutson/
    Carleton University (A)
    Club d'aviron de l'Universite de Montreal (A)
L. Couture Fernandez/V. Adam/
    McGill University Rowing Club (A)
S. Wong/G. Jones/
    Queen's University Rowing (A)
D. Vangsgaard/G. Chase/
    University of Guelph (A)
K. Pollock/S. East/
    University of Ottawa (A)
    University of Toronto (A)
K. Miehlbradt/S. Corradini/
    Western University (UWO) (A)
T. McElligott/J. Aswald/
20 1:10 PM Mens University JV 4+
21 1:10 PM Mens Club 2x
22 2:25 PM Mens University 2-
23 3:45 PM Mens University 8+
    Brock University (A)
D. Brophy/M. Ciepiela/D. Campbell/F. Shein/O. Noel/J. Chiarot/J. Kwinecki/J. Gula/L. Arbour (Cox)/
    Carleton University (A)
    McGill University Rowing Club (A)
J. Lapikas/a. feldiorean/a. valentin/Z. Xie/W. Gilbert/C. Parlar/V. Rolland/A. Khan/E. Chan (Cox)/
    Royal Military College (A)
D. Walcott/W. Goldney/S. Mountford/D. Deguara/J. Carmichael/J. Murphy/L. Hrechka/L. Vickers/A. Blok (Cox)/
    Trent University Rowing (A)
S. Willis/l. butt/R. Jamieson/L. Latendresse/T. May/f. chaux/J. Dobbie/A. Dunkley/E. O'Prey (Cox)/
    University of Guelph (A)
C. Weber-Martin/K. Grambow/C. White/C. Rodenburg/J. Lovett/M. Flach/A. Ciaccia/T. Gordon/G. DesOrmeaux (Cox)/
    University of Toronto (A)
S. Plenderleith/T. Been/R. Xu/R. Grzesiuk/M. D'Amico/A. Gordienko/A. Chu/A. King/K. Myler (Cox)/
    Western University (UWO) (A)
C. Ames/R. Clegg/B. Reid/M. Pamenter/D. Veenstra/K. Pollock/S. Carmel/B. Kozak/J. Doyle (Cox)/
    Western University (UWO) (A)
B. Layton/L. Vukasinovic/M. Doyle/B. Griffiths/L. Summers/A. Stiles/J. Payne/R. Gilliland/D. Carrillo (Cox)/
24 3:45 PM Mens University Lightweight 8+
25 3:45 PM Womens University 4+
    Brock University (A)
A. Maloney/S. Van Baalen/B. Spanics/A. Martin/S. Buzzell (Cox)/
    Cambridge Rowing Club (A)
    Carleton University (A)
    McGill University Rowing Club (A)
J. Hillyard/V. Leger/J. Touzot/S. Seay/I. Zarazua (Cox)/
    Trent University Rowing (A)
G. VandenBroek/B. Tombs/c. cullen/E. Trickey/K. Thompson (Cox)/
    University of Ottawa (A)
    University of Toronto (A)
K. Gay/H. Story-Korman/R. Loves/Z. Thompson (Cox)/
    Western University (UWO) (A)
N. Baranowski/L. Gadsdon/K. Arthur/J. Blunt/M. Orr (Cox)/
    Brock University (B)
I. Mazzarolo/S. Tigwell/S. VanBeilen/J. Veerman/K. Wellman (Cox)/
26 3:45 PM Womens University Lightweight 4+
    Brock University (A)
E. Corkery/C. Zanatta/J. Beaudette/A. Piazza/B. Kew (Cox)/
    McMaster University Rowing Club (A)
s. oresnik/v. lee/F. Alberts/M. Okuda-Rayfuse (Cox)/
    Trent University Rowing (A)
P. Janelle/A. Sibbald/E. Point/R. Shepherd/S. Cutulle (Cox)/
    University of Guelph (A)
K. Pollock/K. Flaherty/S. East/A. Krelove/M. Landell (Cox)/
    University of Toronto (A)
L. Ashwood/K. Miehlbradt/J. Carter/S. Corradini/H. Bartlett (Cox)/
    Western University (UWO) (A)
S. Morris/T. McElligott/R. Knight/J. Aswald/E. Alizadeh (Cox)/
    Brock University (B)
M. Hingston/S. Weaver/O. Jose/A. Jansen/J. Isnor (Cox)/
27 3:45 PM Mens University JV 2x
    Brock University (A)
J. Gula/O. Noel/
    Cambridge Rowing Club (A)
J. Song/J. Kool
    McGill University Rowing Club (A)
a. johnston/V. Fedotov/
    Nipissing University Rowing Club (A)
N. Hoey/T. Zecca/
    Queen's University Rowing (A)
L. Austin/J. Sergeantson/
    Queen's University Rowing (A)
E. Perrone/P. Morse/
    Trent University Rowing (A)
L. Poole/l. mursell/
    University of Ottawa (A)
R. Sampson/B. Murray/
    University of Toronto (A)
K. Kimmins/L. Penny
28 3:45 PM Womens Club 2x
29 5:15 PM Mens University Novice 8+
    Carleton University (A)
C. Marshall/C. Breedy/H. Murphy/M. Skachkov/J. Dipchand/P. Gibson/C. Ashley/M. Graham/L. Hadler (Cox)/
    McGill University Rowing Club (A)
L. Huber/A. Busa/O. Siler/O. Judelson-Kelly/G. Comick/F. Auger/S. Ye/N. Balit/M. Yeates (Cox)/
    McMaster University Rowing Club (A)
    McMaster University Rowing Club (A)
    OntarioTech University (A)
I. Stahlschmidt-Kah/A. Motyka/I. Adebiyi/B. Martins/s. Moosavi/T. Little/E. Yuen/J. King/
    Queen's University Rowing (A)
J. Jackson/B. Higgs/T. Burr/I. Keefe/M. Brown/M. Guglietti/A. Fraser Learn/S. Alnakeeb/K. Daibes (Cox)/
    Royal Military College (A)
L. Macdonald/S. Jones/A. Smith/P. Oxendler/P. Fohr/j. migneault/J. Lisgo/J. Keyeu/A. Blok (Cox)/
    Trent University Rowing (A)
J. Rutledge/N. Dewar/S. Moore/J. Patterson/J. Drost/C. Malone/K. Hinds/D. Gould/H. Schwighard (Cox)/
    Trent University Rowing (A)
J. Findlay/T. Burgess/A. Bunn/J. Burns/C. Wilkins/W. Loopstra/T. Keir/C. Nwosu/C. Corso (Cox)/
    University of Guelph (A)
D. O'Reilly/S. Campbell/C. Bell/E. Petsanis/D. Salloum/T. Zekveld/J. Foxcroft/K. Boyall/M. Teeter (Cox)/
    University of Ottawa (A)
L. Edson/F. Ben Nejma/T. Wunderlich/M. McManus/B. Hicks/D. Yang/A. Shanbloug/A. Hickey/R. Therrien (Cox)/
    University of Toronto (A)
A. McQuillan-Gordon/K. Jones/Q. Carlisle/T. Darcie/J. Juodis/J. Smith/T. Jian/J. Mace/K. Myler (Cox)/
    Western University (UWO) (A)
J. Pedlow/M. Jutte/A. Bowman/M. Quigley/M. Grenke/M. Grenke/O. James/Z. Khattab/S. Cuoci (Cox)/
30 5:15 PM Womens University Novice 8+
    Brock University (A)
O. Tanham/J. Frome/M. Andrade/C. Albanese/J. Khouzam/A. Stewart/E. Turpel/K. Kamalasanan Nandalan/R. Wong (Cox)/
    Carleton University (A)
E. McColville/G. Simonds/
    Club d'aviron de l'Universite de Montreal (A)
L. Djerroud/L. Dunton/I. Arauz de Robles/B. Noel/B. Robitaille/E. Labonté/M. Bergeron/C. Massé/A. Cotton (Cox)/
    McGill University Rowing Club (A)
J. Schuurmans/M. Ruus/E. Borondy/M. Turnbull/R. Moratinos/M. Talwalkar/O. O'Beime/j. Adlhoch-Mathe/A. Lewandowski (Cox)/
    McMaster University Rowing Club (A)
    OntarioTech University (A)
R. Geddes/J. Leishman/R. Costa/L. England/A. Linaratos/R. Baig/S. Tootonsab/K. Latour/G. Jaskaran (Cox)/
    Queen's University Rowing (A)
E. Blakslee/M. Van Klei/E. MacGowan/M. Macinnis/G. Cross-Bermingham/M. Idzikowski/J. Deane/S. Margorian/M. Stellato (Cox)/
    Trent University Rowing (A)
K. Nixon/Z. Duffy/M. Bawden/S. Barber/H. Murphy/S. Basile/A. Margetson/J. Wilson/G. Gardner (Cox)/
    Trent University Rowing (A)
S. Dunkley/A. Kaczmarek/M. Ball/A. Baker/F. Perko/B. Elbers/G. Won/J. Barr/A. Thompson (Cox)/
    University of Guelph (A)
    University of Ottawa (A)
    University of Toronto (A)
    Western University (UWO) (A)
S. Adam/J. Winslade/H. Moreale/H. Adzija/E. Teasell/M. McColl/M. Lyon-Brown/R. Wong/E. Alizadeh (Cox)/
31 5:15 PM Mens University 2x
    Brock University (A)
S. Stewart/O. Rugelis/
    Carleton University (A)
    Club d'aviron de l'Universite de Montreal (A)
A. Ali Taiga/F. Viard/
    McGill University Rowing Club (A)
C. McCullogh/Q. Basiren/
    McGill University Rowing Club (A)
J. Lapikas/a. feldiorean/
    McMaster University Rowing Club (A)
M. Morton/J. Bresolin/
    OntarioTech University (A)
    Trent University Rowing (A)
S. Kielar/I. Holmquist/
    University of Ottawa (A)
    University of Toronto (A)
M. D'Amico/R. Grzesiuk/
    Western University (UWO) (A)
J. Butler/K. Pollock/
32 5:15 PM Mens University Lightweight 2x
    Brock University (A)
T. Markewich/S. Harris/
    Carleton University (A)
    Club d'aviron de l'Universite de Montreal (A)
L. Le Scieller/D. Cabana/
    McGill University Rowing Club (A)
D. McCool/C. Frieman/
    McMaster University Rowing Club (A)
I. De Ysasi Cabrera/
    OntarioTech University (A)
    Queen's University Rowing (A)
B. Ravenscroft/M. Trolio/
    Trent University Rowing (A)
B. Rivers/M. Dupius/
    University of Guelph (A)
A. Ciaccia/A. Knoop/
    University of Ottawa (A)
    University of Toronto (A)
M. McNeil/
    Western University (UWO) (A)
P. Gogan/C. Newell/
33 5:15 PM Womens University JV 4+
Sunday, October 6, 2019
34 8:40 AM Wall Mens Club 1x (Wall)
35 8:40 AM Wall Mens Masters 1x (Wall)
36 8:40 AM Wall Mens Grand Masters 50+ 1x (Wall)
37 8:40 AM Wall Womens Club 1x (Wall)
38 8:40 AM Wall Womens Masters 1x (Wall)
39 8:40 AM Wall Womens Grand Masters 50+ 1x (Wall)
40 8:10 AM Sprint Mens U19 1x (Sprint)
41 8:10 AM Sprint Womens U19 1x (Sprint)
42 10:25 AM Long Womens Masters/Club 8+ (LC)
43 10:25 AM Long Mens Club 4+ (LC)
44 10:25 AM Long Womens U19 8+ (LC)
45 10:25 AM Long Mens U19 2x (LC)
46 10:00 AM Sprint Womens U19 2x (Sprint)
47 10:00 AM Sprint Mens U19 4x+ (Sprint)
48 12:10 PM Wall Mixed Club 8+ (Wall)
49 12:10 PM Long Womens U19 4x+ (LC)
50 12:10 PM Long Mens U19 4+ (LC)
51 12:10 PM Long Mens Masters 2x (LC)
52 12:10 PM Long Mens Club 1x (LC)
53 11:45 AM Sprint Womens Club 2x (Sprint)
54 11:45 AM Sprint Mens Masters 2x (Sprint)
55 1:55 PM Wall Mixed Club 4x (Wall)
56 1:55 PM Long Womens Youth 16+ 1x (LC)
57 1:55 PM Long Mens U19 4x+ (LC)
58 1:55 PM Long Womens U19 4+ (LC)
59 1:30 PM Sprint Mens U19 2x (Sprint)
60 1:30 PM Sprint Womens U19 4x+ (Sprint)
61 3:40 PM Wall Mixed Club 4+ (Wall)
62 3:40 PM Long Mens U19 8+ (LC)
63 3:40 PM Long Womens U19 2x (LC)
64 3:40 PM Long Womens Masters 2x (LC)
65 3:40 PM Long Womens Club 1x (LC)
66 3:15 PM Sprint Womens Masters 2x (Sprint)
67 3:15 PM Sprint Mens Club 2x (Sprint)
68 5:25 PM Wall Mixed Club 2x (Wall)
69 5:25 PM Long Mens Masters/Club 8+ (LC)
70 5:25 PM Long Womens Club 4+ (LC)
71 5:25 PM Long Mens Youth 16+ 1x (LC)
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change