Head of the Trent Regatta

  • Hosted By: Peterborough Rowing Club
  • Sanctioned by RCA and ROWONTARIO (2019)


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Saturday, October 5, 2019
1 8:40 AM Mens Champ 1x
2 8:40 AM Mens University 1x
3 8:40 AM Mens University Lightweight 1x
4 8:40 AM Mens Club 1x
    Don Rowing Club (A)
J. Thomson/
    Don Rowing Club (A)
E. Seawright/
    Hanlan Boat Club (A)
F. Erazo/
    Kingston Rowing Club (A)
S. Whitehall/
    Kingston Rowing Club (A)
O. Kane/
    Leander Boat Club (A)
G. Hanta/
    Ottawa Rowing Club (A)
P. Zaporzan/
    Trent University Rowing (A)
S. Willis/
    Trent University Rowing (A)
J. Dobbie/
    Western University (UWO) (A)
J. Cinquina/
    Hanlan Boat Club (B)
B. Mcgregor/
    Ottawa Rowing Club (B)
B. Edge/
    Quinte Rowing Club (C)
J. Coward/
5 8:40 AM Womens Champ 1x
6 8:40 AM Mens Masters 1x
    Berry Hill Boat Club (A)
V. Reynolds/
    Burnstown Rowing Club (A)
A. Mactaggart/
    Don Rowing Club (A)
A. Bellerby/
    Hanlan Boat Club (A)
E. Szonyi/
    Leander Boat Club (A)
R. Klajnscek/
    Ottawa Rowing Club (A)
R. Marland/
    St. Catharines Rowing Club (A)
B. Thorne/
J. Dietrich/
    Unaffiliated (CAN) (A)
M. Forgeron/
    Argonaut Rowing Club (B)
M. Ostrowski/
    Burnstown Rowing Club (B)
L. Hall/
    Georgian Bay Rowing Club (B)
D. Rourke/
    Unaffiliated (CAN) (B)
H. Hering/
    Peterborough Rowing Club (C)
m. sprayson/
7 8:40 AM Womens University 1x
8 8:40 AM Womens University Lightweight 1x
9 8:40 AM Womens Club 1x
    Cambridge Rowing Club (A)
K. Fisher/
    Don Rowing Club (A)
M. Mercado/
    Durham Rowing Club (A)
S. Burry/
    Guelph Rowing Club (A)
E. De Wit/
    Leander Boat Club (A)
J. Winterburn/
10 8:40 AM Womens Masters 1x
    Georgian Bay Rowing Club (A)
D. Barr/
    Hanlan Boat Club (A)
L. Vermin/
    Leander Boat Club (A)
D. Larocque/
    Ottawa Rowing Club (A)
C. Ramonat/
    Peterborough Rowing Club (A)
M. Stranges/
    Ottawa Rowing Club (B)
J. Fournier/
    Peterborough Rowing Club (B)
R. Lloyd/
    Peterborough Rowing Club (C)
T. Germa/
11 10:25 AM Womens University 8+
12 10:25 AM Womens University Lightweight 8+
13 10:25 AM Mens University 4+
14 10:25 AM Mens University Lightweight 4+
15 10:25 AM Womens Univerity JV 2x
16 11:40 AM Womens University 2-
17 1:10 PM University Mixed Alumni 8+
    Club d'aviron de l'Universite de Montreal (A)
A. Sanchez/A. Laplante-Rayworth/B. Martin/M. Laylle/E. Triaud/J. Taillon/A. Cardinal/M. Gauthier/A. Vincent (Cox)
    Composite: Leander, McMaster (A)
A. Oldham/L. Madill/D. Arends/M. Wurtele/I. Finlay/B. Georgievski/A. Hepburn/M. Rao/M. Remy (Cox)/
    McGill University Rowing Club (A)
    OntarioTech University (A)
    OntarioTech University (A)
    Queen's University Rowing (A)
S. Gowdy/R. Crisans/C. Forstinger/R. Meyers/S. Robinson/C. Sutherland/B. York/D. Carnegie/N. Splinter (Cox)
    Trent University Rowing (A)
J. Dyer/
    Trent University Rowing (A)
    University of Guelph (A)
    University of Toronto (A)
    University of Toronto (A)
    University of Toronto Alumni (A)
    Western University (UWO) (A)
18 1:10 PM Womens University 2x
19 1:10 PM Womens University Lightweight 2x
20 1:10 PM Mens University JV 4+
21 1:10 PM Mens Club 2x
22 2:25 PM Mens University 2-
23 3:45 PM Mens University 8+
24 3:45 PM Mens University Lightweight 8+
25 3:45 PM Womens University 4+
26 3:45 PM Womens University Lightweight 4+
27 3:45 PM Mens University JV 2x
28 3:45 PM Womens Club 2x
29 5:15 PM Mens University Novice 8+
30 5:15 PM Womens University Novice 8+
31 5:15 PM Mens University 2x
32 5:15 PM Mens University Lightweight 2x
33 5:15 PM Womens University JV 4+
Sunday, October 6, 2019
34 8:40 AM Wall Mens Club 1x (Wall)
    Argonaut Rowing Club
E. Schultze/
    Don Rowing Club
J. Thomson/
    Don Rowing Club
E. Seawright/
    Leander Boat Club
A. Oldham/
    Ottawa Rowing Club
T. Ho/
35 8:40 AM Wall Mens Masters 1x (Wall)
36 8:40 AM Wall Mens Grand Masters 50+ 1x (Wall)
    Don Rowing Club (A)
M. Neary/
    Georgian Bay Rowing Club (A)
M. Clark/
    Georgian Bay Rowing Club (A)
C. Huet/
    Guelph Rowing Club (A)
D. Barker/
    Leander Boat Club (A)
H. Gumulak/
    Ottawa Rowing Club (A)
s. taylor/
    Western Rowing Club (A)
F. Mels/
    Ottawa Rowing Club (B)
M. Marion/
    Ottawa Rowing Club (C)
P. Aubin/
37 8:40 AM Wall Womens Club 1x (Wall)
38 8:40 AM Wall Womens Masters 1x (Wall)
39 8:40 AM Wall Womens Grand Masters 50+ 1x (Wall)
40 8:10 AM Sprint Mens U19 1x (Sprint)
41 8:10 AM Sprint Womens U19 1x (Sprint)
42 10:25 AM Long Womens Masters/Club 8+ (LC)
43 10:25 AM Long Mens Club 4+ (LC)
    Argonaut Rowing Club (A)
J. Holmes/J. Scannell/G. Bolton/M. Sreckovic/N. Patterson (Cox)/
    Don Rowing Club (A)
D. Cameron/S. Vouilloz/S. SARKAR/S. Birch/R. Jangra (Cox)/
    Don Rowing Club (A)
G. Hauck/G. Mack/D. Loucks/T. Kovacs/A. Birch (Cox)/
    Georgian Bay Rowing Club (A)
D. Rourke/J. Garms/M. Clark/D. Halpin/R. Rosloski (Cox)/
    Leander Boat Club (A)
C. Pollock/G. Gage/B. Love/M. Jansen/R. Rosloski (Cox)/
44 10:25 AM Long Womens U19 8+ (LC)
45 10:25 AM Long Mens U19 2x (LC)
    Don Rowing Club (A)
R. Poot/A. Duko/
    Georgian Bay Rowing Club (A)
J. Rourke/O. Andrew/
    Hanlan Boat Club (A)
J. Orr/H. Currie/
    Island Lake Rowing Club (A)
C. Gomez/Q. Everett/
    Kingston Rowing Club (A)
D. Bradizza/A. Abicht/
    Kingston Rowing Club (A)
O. Newbiggin/W. Vandenburg/
    Leander Boat Club (A)
G. Yates-Krull/L. Baker/
    Leander Boat Club (A)
J. Henderson/I. Dekker/
    Leander Boat Club (A)
M. Wyatt-Stoffman/R. MacPherson/
    London Rowing Club (ON) (A)
K. Mels-Williams/H. Bruin/
    London Rowing Club (ON) (A)
K. Miller/A. Callender/
    Ottawa Rowing Club (A)
G. Harris/M. Lokhonia/
    Peterborough Rowing Club (A)
K. Holmquist/T. Luebke/
    Peterborough Rowing Club (A)
W. Bleecker/L. Peeters/
46 10:00 AM Sprint Womens U19 2x (Sprint)
47 10:00 AM Sprint Mens U19 4x+ (Sprint)
48 12:10 PM Wall Mixed Club 8+ (Wall)
49 12:10 PM Long Womens U19 4x+ (LC)
    Argonaut Rowing Club (A)
C. Steen/R. Randall/M. Caesar/J. Blunt/C. You (Cox)/
    Don Rowing Club (A)
E. Seawright/H. Forgeron/K. Smith/A. Foksa/A. Birch (Cox)/
    Don Rowing Club (A)
E. Sati/M. Isado/N. Yarzon/A. Najjar/A. Kollmann (Cox)/
    Elmwood School (A)
A. Petit/l. james brennan/r. burke/f. dionne/O. Rice Hui (Cox)/
    Kingston Rowing Club (A)
C. Derbyshire/i. ferguson/E. Aucoin/B. Mahood/
    Leander Boat Club (A)
D. Davis/S. Deathe/Z. Durcak/i. durcak/H. Woodard (Cox)/
    London Rowing Club (ON) (A)
C. Sigut/O. Latour/J. Smith/A. Dlugolecki/B. Trampleasure (Cox)/
    Peterborough Rowing Club (A)
S. Fejk/A. Boone/E. Kennedy/S. Gillespie/T. Luebke (Cox)/
    Argonaut Rowing Club (B)
L. Tigert/Y. Ostrowski/A. Bellefeuille/J. Teixeira/P. Rao (Cox)/
    Elmwood School (B)
d. rostom/s. mcmahon/m. zhang/S. Allam/M. Wu (Cox)/
50 12:10 PM Long Mens U19 4+ (LC)
    Hanlan Boat Club (A)
y. Jiang/b. chan/M. Whittaker/M. Roden/M. Bateman (Cox)/
    Leander Boat Club (A)
G. Youn/A. Bodor/L. Foese/L. Deathe/M. Walker (Cox)/
    Peterborough Rowing Club (A)
K. Holmquist/T. Luebke/W. Bleecker/L. Peeters/A. Boone (Cox)/
    Ridley College Rowing Club (A)
N. Schramm/G. Bowley/A. Gomez/M. hopkins/S. Jansen-Rudan (Cox)
    Ridley College Rowing Club (A)
C. Murphy/B. Hopkins/C. Vorias/C. Xue/H. Luo (Cox)
51 12:10 PM Long Mens Masters 2x (LC)
    Berry Hill Boat Club (A)
V. Reynolds/s. taylor/
    Burnstown Rowing Club (A)
M. Robson/W. Stevens/
    Georgian Bay Rowing Club (A)
B. Rankin/g. Lorberg/
    Guelph Rowing Club (A)
D. Barker/G. Barr/
    Leander Boat Club (A)
K. Jeans/B. Church/
    Leander Boat Club (A)
C. Andreychuk/H. Gumulak/
    Ottawa Rowing Club (A)
T. Hermann-Boettcher/R. Park/
    Composite: Penn AC, Georgian Bay (A)
W. Greene/B. Ingleton/
    Peterborough Rowing Club (A)
R. Reid/D. Lienert/
    Western Rowing Club (A)
J. Dwyer/S. Matthews/
    Leander Boat Club (B)
Z. Hollingham/G. Kott/
    Ottawa Rowing Club (B)
K. Herman/D. Maloney/
    Western Rowing Club (B)
A. Smith/P. Stiles/
    Ottawa Rowing Club (C)
E. Aubin/S. Higgins/
    Ottawa Rowing Club (D)
L. Sukstorf/D. Boeckh/
    Ottawa Rowing Club (D)
J. Jeffrey/P. Aubin/
    Leander Boat Club (E)
R. Reinholt/D. Myke/
52 12:10 PM Long Mens Club 1x (LC)
53 11:45 AM Sprint Womens Club 2x (Sprint)
54 11:45 AM Sprint Mens Masters 2x (Sprint)
55 1:55 PM Wall Mixed Club 4x (Wall)
    Argonaut Rowing Club (A)
L. Marshall/T. Hope/M. Polo/B. Tenn/
    Leander Boat Club (A)
B. Georgievski/E. Boothe/G. Boily-Larouche/
    Ottawa Rowing Club (A)
J. Turcot/L. Essiambre/T. Ho/j. moir/
    Ottawa Rowing Club (A)
A. McCarthy/K. Belisle/S. Schlieman/R. Macdonald/
    Western Rowing Club (A)
J. Durack/A. Smith/P. Stiles/K. Ross/
    Composite: Leander, Barrie (B)
M. Arends/L. Madill/D. Arends/A. Oldham/
56 1:55 PM Long Womens Youth 16+ 1x (LC)
    Barrie Rowing Club (A)
C. MacDonald/
    Kingston Rowing Club (A)
b. doyle/
    Kingston Rowing Club (A)
J. Stephenson/
    Kingston Rowing Club (A)
K. Selkirk/
    Leander Boat Club (A)
D. Davis/
    Ottawa Rowing Club (A)
R. Weber/
    Peterborough Rowing Club (A)
G. O'Farrell/
    Ridley College Rowing Club (A)
C. Drennan/
    Barrie Rowing Club (B)
J. March/
    Kingston Rowing Club (B)
P. Becher/
    Leander Boat Club (B)
M. Walker/
57 1:55 PM Long Mens U19 4x+ (LC)
58 1:55 PM Long Womens U19 4+ (LC)
59 1:30 PM Sprint Mens U19 2x (Sprint)
60 1:30 PM Sprint Womens U19 4x+ (Sprint)
    Elmwood School (A)
m. zhang/l. james brennan/s. le/r. burke/
    Elmwood School (A)
A. Petit/j. mcdonald/s. mcmahon/f. dionne/
    Leander Boat Club (A)
D. Davis/S. Deathe/Z. Durcak/i. durcak/
61 3:40 PM Wall Mixed Club 4+ (Wall)
62 3:40 PM Long Mens U19 8+ (LC)
63 3:40 PM Long Womens U19 2x (LC)
    Argonaut Rowing Club (A)
B. Jachymek/K. Darou-Santos/
    Don Rowing Club (A)
S. Hawthorne/A. Pamenter/
    Elmwood School (A)
M. Wu/O. Rice Hui/
    Georgian Bay Rowing Club (A)
E. Hackett/K. Burrows/
    Island Lake Rowing Club (A)
E. Szabo/A. Welsh/
    Kingston Rowing Club (A)
J. Stephenson/I. Jodoin/
    Kingston Rowing Club (A)
K. Selkirk/P. Becher/
    Kingston Rowing Club (A)
L. Parker/b. doyle/
    Kingston Rowing Club (A)
k. batch/N. Manning/
    Leander Boat Club (A)
S. Sawatzky/S. Jeffrey/
    Leander Boat Club (A)
S. Stockton/C. Ruan/
    Leander Boat Club (A)
M. Walker/O. Austin/
    Leander Boat Club (A)
E. Lazenby/h. thompson/
    Ottawa Rowing Club (A)
M. Zhang/E. Khatchadourian/
    Peterborough Rowing Club (A)
H. Boyes/L. MacKenzie/
    Peterborough Rowing Club (A)
K. Giles/S. Fejk/
    Elmwood School (B)
S. Allam/f. dionne/
    Ridley College Rowing Club (B)
C. Sun/V. Russell/
    Elmwood School (C)
A. Petit/d. rostom/
64 3:40 PM Long Womens Masters 2x (LC)
65 3:40 PM Long Womens Club 1x (LC)
66 3:15 PM Sprint Womens Masters 2x (Sprint)
67 3:15 PM Sprint Mens Club 2x (Sprint)
68 5:25 PM Wall Mixed Club 2x (Wall)
    Argonaut Rowing Club (A)
S. Reynolds/A. Meiklejohn/
    Composite: Cambridge, Guelph (A)
C. Harvey/H. Ridpath/
    Georgian Bay Rowing Club (A)
E. Hackett/C. Rankin/
    Leander Boat Club (A)
D. Arends/A. Oldham/
    Ottawa Rowing Club (A)
T. Ho/K. Belisle/
    Ottawa Rowing Club (A)
L. Essiambre/J. Turcot/
    Ottawa Rowing Club (A)
S. Schlieman/A. McCarthy/
    Georgian Bay Rowing Club (B)
K. Barr McGill/B. Wink/
69 5:25 PM Long Mens Masters/Club 8+ (LC)
70 5:25 PM Long Womens Club 4+ (LC)
71 5:25 PM Long Mens Youth 16+ 1x (LC)
    Argonaut Rowing Club (A)
P. Janes/
    Hanlan Boat Club (A)
F. Currie/
    Island Lake Rowing Club (A)
S. Lindsay/
    Peterborough Rowing Club (A)
K. Holmquist/
    Peterborough Rowing Club (A)
T. Luebke/
    Peterborough Rowing Club (A)
W. Bleecker/
    Leander Boat Club (B)
R. MacPherson/
    Leander Boat Club (B)
L. Deathe/
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change