Independence Day Regatta

  • Hosted By: Schuylkill Navy of Philadelphia
  • 2016 Registered Regatta


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Saturday, July 5, 2008
1 Womens Masters 4+
2 Mens Masters 8
3 Womens Novice 1x (1000m)
4 Mens Novice 1x (1000m)
5 Mens Senior 2x
6 Mens Light 2x
7 Womens Light 2x
8 Mens Intermediate 2-
9 Womens Intermediate 2-
10 Mens Intermediate 4+
11 Mens Intermediate 2x
12 Womens Intermediate 2x
13 Womens Inter. Light 1x
    Baltimore Rowing Club
E. Kloss
    GMS Rowing Center
P. Meyer
    GMS Rowing Center
K. Hopewell
    GMS Rowing Center
A. Archer
    GMS Rowing Center
A. Kobayashi
    Passaic River Rowing Association (PRRA)
R. Louie
    Pelham Community Rowing Association
C. D'Arcy
    Riverside Boat Club
S. Sydlik
    Riverside Boat Club
I. Van Meerbeek
    Riverside Boat Club
A. Sneff
    St. Catharines Rowing Club
A. Thomas
    St. Catharines Rowing Club
A. Meiklejohn
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
S. Bryan
14 Mens Inter. Light 1x
15 Womens Intermediate 1x
16 Mens Intermediate 1x
17 Womens Masters 8
18 Mens Masters 4+
    Capital Rowing Club (A)
3.7 (40)
    Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
B. Reynolds/S. Schulich/R. Mcgurrin/M. Van Der Heide/C. Reagan (Cox)
1.7 (36)
    Fairmount Rowing Association (A)
C. McElroy/T. Toland/J. Krajewski/J. Hankee/M. Bersani (Cox)
7.8 (46)
    Greenwich Crew (A)
A. Reino/M. Tebay/H. Pohl/P. Pugliese/R. A (Cox)
18.2 (56)
    Hudson River Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
J. Bean/M. Greene/D. Mateer/M. Dinges/B. Kane (Cox)
15.7 (54)
    Occoquan Boat Club (A)
C. Shuster/G. Shuster/N. Shuster/K. Shuster/B. Willis (Cox)
25.0 (61)
    Palm Beach Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
J. Moore/C. Redhead/D. Huntington/C. Ives/J. Chatzky (Cox)
7.0 (45)
    Pelham Community Rowing Association (A)
M. Ward/V. Huston/G. Houlihan/C. Ippolito/K. Ward (Cox)
7.8 (46)
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
R. Price/N. Davies/J. Forrest/M. Spindel/C. Conzemius (Cox)
1.7 (36)
    Riverside Boat Club (A)
J. Sisk/E. Frankenberry/J. Hanley/E. Cook/R. Nelson (Cox)
14.6 (53)
    Thompson Boat Center (A)
J. Ring/B. Harley/R. Geiser/S. Cauffman/B. Mccormack (Cox)
8.6 (47)
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (A)
J. Cantrill/G. Farmer/R. Madden/D. Kacala/J. Hartigan (Cox)
26.5 (62)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
A. Hirsch/J. Kelly/P. Simone/R. Wilson/M. Schneider (Cox)
10.5 (49)
    Capital Rowing Club (B)
1.7 (36)
    Community Rowing, Inc. (B)
P. Beaman/G. Piantedosi/B. Staby/E. Salley/M. Bell (Cox)
13.5 (52)
    Hudson River Rowing Association, Inc. (B)
R. Humphrey/S. Martel/B. King/J. Hirst/A. Panagulias (Cox)
1.7 (36)
    Palm Beach Rowing Association, Inc. (B)
J. Pew/S. Norman/a. balogh/D. Spencer/J. Chatzky (Cox)
12.4 (51)
    Potomac Boat Club (B)
C. Jungbluth/N. Holland/T. Nix/T. Baxter/A. Nguyen (Cox)
7.0 (45)
    Thompson Boat Center (B)
S. Fondriest/P. Gruber/J. Mulligan/A. Le Sage/L. Cahill (Cox)
10.5 (49)
    Capital Rowing Club (C)
0.2 (30)
    Community Rowing, Inc. (C)
P. Watkins/M. Jafri/S. Nunes/H. Susanto/A. Byron (Cox)
2.2 (37)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC) (C)
J. Williams/B. Venti/M. Iacone/S. Rosenberg/A. Evans (Cox)
1.4 (35)
    Community Rowing, Inc. (D)
M. Hyde/P. Lester/C. Christensen/P. Mcgowan/M. Chin (Cox)
22.1 (59)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC) (D)
B. Reinhard/M. Holcomb/F. Mraz/M. Peters/A. Evans (Cox)
14.6 (53)
    Fairmount Rowing Association (F)
S. Jonik/R. Sargent/B. Galli/J. Pokorny/M. Cipollone (Cox)
28.0 (63)
19 Mens Masters 1x
20 Mens Masters Light 1x
    Fairmount Rowing Association
S. Jonik
24.0 (58)
    Malta Boat Club
J. Cutler
4.9 (41)
    Pelham Community Rowing Association
A. Scinta
11.0 (48)
    Vesper Boat Club
E. Gribbin
16.9 (53)
21 Womens Masters 1x
    Bachelors Barge Club
J. Michel
22.5 (57)
    Bachelors Barge Club
K. Tetlow
50.6 (72)
    Bachelors Barge Club
T. Hogan
19.6 (55)
    Bachelors Barge Club
S. Cohen
19.6 (55)
    Cambridge Boat Club
J. Morse
38.0 (66)
    Capital Rowing Club
M. Fryc
2.0 (36)
    Community Rowing, Inc.
C. Egan
18.2 (54)
    Fairmount Rowing Association
S. Sargent
34.2 (64)
    GMS Rowing Center
K. Lhomm
21.0 (56)
    Pelham Community Rowing Association
I. Ghitelman
16.9 (53)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
K. Agersborg
9.0 (46)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
G. Cipollone
14.4 (51)
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
L. Lindblad
1.6 (35)
M. Colombo
19.6 (55)
    Vesper Boat Club
B. Meehan
5.6 (42)
    Vesper Boat Club
A. Franklin
18.2 (54)
    Vesper Boat Club
C. Scott
10.0 (47)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC)
J. Casey
0.0 (28)
    Yorktown High School
C. Dinion
7.2 (44)
22 Womens Masters Light 1x
23 Womens Junior 16 4x
24 Womens Junior 4x
25 Mens Junior 16 1x
26 Mens Junior 2x
27 Womens Inter. 4+
28 Womens Junior 1x
29 Womens Junior 16 1x
30 Womens Junior 4+
    Fairmount Rowing Association (A)
E. Ciccotti/J. Brinks/S. Burke/B. Gribbin/S. McGovern (Cox)
    Hudson River Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
E. Whalen/A. Cantarella/A. Tillou/B. Woeckner/E. Briskey (Cox)
    Mobjack Rowing Association (A)
J. Fosdyck/K. Farr/E. Baranek/S. Bass/K. Hazelwood (Cox)
    Pacific Crew/Deep Water Rowing Association (A)
    Pelham Community Rowing Association (A)
C. D'Arcy/A. Goldman/A. Da'Loia-Moore/C. McGonigle/K. Colabella (Cox)
    South Jersey Rowing Club (A)
L. Bouchard/M. Quien/C. O'Brien/A. Sohn/A. Young (Cox)
    Thames River Sculls (A)
L. Mink/G. Bentz/L. Salesky/C. Schmitz/K. Ritz (Cox)
    Three Rivers Rowing Association (A)
L. Rivoir/M. Amato/K. Lees/A. Grandinetti/K. ??? (Cox)
    Unaffiliated (USA) (A)
C. Capuano/B. Taylor/S. Duncan/A. Young/E. McKenzie (Cox)
    USR Junior Women's Development Camp (A)
    Hudson River Rowing Association, Inc. (B)
S. Burns/S. Pond/S. Stangl/R. Buchanon/E. Rausch (Cox)
    Mobjack Rowing Association (B)
K. Latimer/M. Martin/C. Robertson/S. Frye/Z. Swartz (Cox)
    Pelham Community Rowing Association (B)
N. Cooperman/C. Boxer/U. Leone/K. Orlando/K. Cartelli (Cox)
    Thames River Sculls (B)
S. Deabay/R. Hutchins/S. Lawton/B. Hendricks/E. Lee (Cox)
    USR Junior Women's Development Camp (B)
    Thames River Sculls (C)
D. Soldato/M. McHugh/J. Harriman/T. Cyr/K. Hansen (Cox)
31 Mens Junior 4x
32 Womens Masters 2x
    Bachelors Barge Club
S. Butterweck/S. Cohen
12.4 (51)
    Bachelors Barge Club
E. Villa Kaufer/E. Manduchi
2.6 (38)
    Baltimore Rowing Club
L. Pipitone/E. Turtle
7.0 (45)
    Bantam Boat Club
M. Fryc/P. Besteman
1.4 (35)
    Community Rowing, Inc.
C. Egan/J. Morse
23.5 (60)
    Community Rowing, Inc.
P. Wayne/D. Grinnell
23.5 (60)
    Cooper Rowing Club
J. Close/K. Brown
7.8 (46)
    GMS Rowing Center
K. Lhomm/K. Simmons
15.7 (54)
    GMS Rowing Center
P. Meyer/M. Dong
8.6 (47)
    Hampton Roads Rowing Club, Ltd.
P. Reali/S. Lyons
4.2 (41)
    Passaic River Rowing Association (PRRA)
S. Rauth/G. Lahm
16.9 (55)
    Passaic River Rowing Association (PRRA)
H. Woznack/D. Cenit
1.7 (36)
    Pelham Community Rowing Association
M. Durand/S. Sales
9.5 (48)
    Philadelphia Adaptive Rowing PAR
K. Lewis/T. Bell
4.9 (42)
    Philadelphia Girls' Rowing Club
A. Northrup/T. Savard
19.4 (57)
    Rivanna Rowing Club, Inc.
H. Kerner/C. Coffman
7.0 (45)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
T. Kalb/C. Purcell
10.5 (49)
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
S. Bryan/L. Lindblad
1.1 (34)
M. Colombo/K. Stahly
15.7 (54)
    Vesper Boat Club
D. Mullen/L. Finsrud
12.4 (51)
    Vesper Boat Club
B. Meehan/C. Scott
6.2 (44)
    Vesper Boat Club
M. Cooney/S. Griffith
10.5 (49)
    Whitemarsh Boat Club
L. Guinivan/L. Lehane
0.0 (27)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC)
L. Morgan/J. Clark
4.2 (41)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC)
F. Isakoff/C. King
31.2 (65)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC)
K. Qualls/R. Crawford
22.1 (59)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC)
J. Edmiston/D. Volpe
3.1 (39)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC)
M. Brokaw/K. Benarcik
3.1 (39)
    Yorktown High School
C. Dinion/J. Rone
12.4 (51)
33 Mens Masters 2x
    Community Rowing, Inc.
P. Beaman/M. Hyde
19.4 (57)
    Community Rowing, Inc.
B. Reynolds/R. Mcgurrin
1.7 (36)
    Cooper Rowing Club
M. Gaier/J. McAdams
9.5 (48)
    Fairmount Rowing Association
R. Lippa/B. Hudome
13.5 (52)
    Fairmount Rowing Association
J. Preston/J. Oberlies
11.4 (50)
    Malta Boat Club
R. Stehlik/F. Duling
26.5 (62)
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc.
B. Canha/D. Dowd
12.4 (51)
    Palm Beach Rowing Association, Inc.
S. Norman/a. balogh
7.0 (45)
    Passaic River Rowing Association (PRRA)
B. Delisle/R. Martini
1.7 (36)
    Passaic River Rowing Association (PRRA)
J. Flynn/A. Scarpelli
1.7 (36)
    Passaic River Rowing Association (PRRA)
A. Fiory/J. Lahm
26.5 (62)
    Pelham Community Rowing Association
S. Schulich/B. Brunelle
3.1 (39)
    Pelham Community Rowing Association
G. Lewis/M. Durand
15.7 (54)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
J. Hogan/D. Kurland
12.4 (51)
    Potomac Boat Club
B. Cox/M. Alloway
22.1 (59)
    Riverside Boat Club
J. Hanley/E. Cook
18.2 (56)
    Unaffiliated (USA)
G. Oxnam/G. Terry
3.7 (40)
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
R. Boyd/R. Baldry
2.6 (38)
    University Barge Club
K. Coady/J. Reiss
28.0 (63)
    Upper Merion Boat Club
J. Grogan/B. Russell
25.0 (61)
    Upper Merion Boat Club
D. Klann/D. McGovern
2.2 (37)
    Vesper Boat Club
B. Colgan/E. Gribbin
13.5 (52)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC)
A. Hobbs/R. Fisher
8.6 (47)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC)
M. Holcomb/B. Reinhard
16.9 (55)
34 Mens Masters 4x
    Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
B. Reynolds/R. Mcgurrin/P. Beaman/M. Hyde
7.2 (46)
    Fairmount Rowing Association (A)
F. Biller/S. Matanovic/J. Kieffer/C. McElroy
2.4 (38)
    Passaic River Rowing Association (PRRA) (A)
C. Scorsone/B. Delisle/A. Scarpelli/R. Martini
2.0 (37)
    Pelham Community Rowing Association (A)
A. Scinta/D. Hughes/J. Verni/M. Carmody
11.5 (51)
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (A)
J. Cantrill/R. Madden/G. Farmer/D. Kacala
24.5 (62)
    University Barge Club (A)
C. Seybolt/W. Jim/A. Cook/W. Rick
8.8 (48)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
A. Hirsch/M. OConnor/K. Wilson/T. O'Hara
8.0 (47)
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (B)
P. Garberson/R. Baldry/R. Boyd/a. Pretam
1.0 (34)
    Vesper Boat Club (B)
B. Colgan/P. Horvat/A. Scholl/E. Gribbin
7.2 (46)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC) (C)
P. Strzemienski/H. Mueller/J. Paulson/D. Krause
24.5 (62)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC) (D)
B. Reinhard/M. Holcomb/A. Hobbs/R. Fischer
11.5 (51)
    Fairmount Rowing Association (F)
S. Jonik/J. Willemen/J. Pokorny/R. Sargent
23.1 (61)
35 Womens Masters 4x
    Baltimore Rowing Club (A)
L. Bolin/G. Davis/E. Turtle/A. Kleine
1.0 (34)
    Cooper Rowing Club (A)
E. Normoyle/J. Close/J. Mitchell/K. Brown
8.8 (48)
    Passaic River Rowing Association (PRRA) (A)
H. Woznack/D. Cenit/S. Rauth/G. Lahm
6.5 (45)
    Pelham Community Rowing Association (A)
J. Carmody/D. Lowery Knapp/P. Wakeham/D. Orlando
10.6 (50)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
J. Donsky/E. Belk/D. Brumble/A. Myarick
6.5 (45)
    Philadelphia Girls' Rowing Club (A)
F. Goldstein/J. Repp/P. Patrizi/C. D'Ambrosio
11.5 (51)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (A)
S. Padilla/P. Davitt/K. Huber/P. Raila
6.5 (45)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
J. Michel/K. Tetlow/T. Hogan/E. Carver
24.5 (62)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC) (A)
J. Edmiston/J. Bloom/N. Falasco/D. Volpe
7.2 (46)
    Baltimore Rowing Club (B)
L. Pipitone/A. Couwenhoven/E. Erbelding/H. Hutton
11.5 (51)
    Vesper Boat Club (B)
K. Agersborg/M. Hilf/A. Franklin/A. Kocher
8.8 (48)
36 Mens Junior 16 4+
    Fairmount Rowing Association (A)
J. Delaney/N. Walchonski/H. Kieffer/D. Mirabile/M. Coyle (Cox)
    Hudson River Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
    Mobjack Rowing Association (A)
A. Markantonatos/M. Thomas/B. Hedrick/S. Kram/M. Hendrix (Cox)
    Pelham Community Rowing Association (A)
W. Strobel/J. Walsh/M. Coughin/P. Fowley/C. Leonard (Cox)
    Three Rivers Rowing Association (A)
G. Maher/R. Meder/J. Dater/A. Volosky/E. Diamond (Cox)
37 Mens Junior 16 4x
38 Womens Junior 16 4+
39 Mens Inter. Light 4x
40 Mens 2-
41 Womens 2-
42 Womens Light 1x
43 Mens Light 1x
44 Mens Intermediate 8
45 Womens Intermediate 8
46 Womens 1x- grand & petite finals
47 Mens 1x- grand & petite finals
48 Womens Junior 16 2x
49 Mens Junior 4+
    Fairmount Rowing Association (A)
C. Sullivan/Z. Siegel/M. Bonavitacola/M. Schluckebier/R. Nave (Cox)
    Greenwich Crew (A)
G. Ouheusden/D. Whiteford/N. Hoffmann/S. Hagan/K. Gilder (Cox)
    Hudson River Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
    Mobjack Rowing Association (A)
A. Markantonatos/W. Benett/B. Hedrick/G. Wilt/K. Hazelwood (Cox)
    Pacific Crew/Deep Water Rowing Association (A)
    Pelham Community Rowing Association (A)
M. Streb/T. Truesdale/B. O'Grady/A. Micheli/K. Cartelli (Cox)
    St. Catharines Rowing Club (A)
B. Duncan/C. Gill/P. Vrugteveen/R. Moreau/T. Weightman (Cox)
    Thames River Sculls (A)
A. Bi/D. Forget/S. Ginter/L. Pelletier/K. Hansen (Cox)
    Three Rivers Rowing Association (A)
J. Rudolph/J. Flickinger/P. Bohn/J. Inks/M. Sparta (Cox)
    USR Development Camp- Boston (A)
    Hudson River Rowing Association, Inc. (B)
    Mobjack Rowing Association (B)
M. Heaney/R. Rainville/S. Kram/B. Freudenberg/A. Merz (Cox)
    St. Catharines Rowing Club (B)
M. Fisher/B. Zimmerman/J. Finley/B. Pinell/M. Hendrekson (Cox)
    USR Development Camp- Boston (B)
    Hudson River Rowing Association, Inc. (C)
    USR Development Camp- Boston (C)
    USR Development Camp- Boston (D)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (J)
R. Roarke/J. Palmer/R. Johnson/B. Lewis/R. Tsao (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (K)
G. Martin/G. Oprea/R. Rubino/J. Schuppe/J. Mellinger (Cox)
50 Mens Junior 1x
51 Mens Junior 16 2x
52 Womens Junior 2x
53 Mens 4+
54 Womens 4+
55 Mens Junior 8
    Fairmount Rowing Association (A)
M. Bonavitacola/M. Stewart/P. Wisniowski/D. McDonald/C. Sullivan/D. Digney/M. Gulkis/M. Schluckebier/A. Dreher (Cox)
    Hudson River Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
    New York Rowing Association (A)
    Pelham Community Rowing Association (A)
J. Russo/A. Snow/G. Williams/J. Verni Jr/J. Walsh/W. Strobel/M. Coughin/P. Fowley/C. Leonard (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
R. Rubino/J. Schuppe/G. Martin/M. Leasure/R. Roarke/G. Oprea/J. Gentile/R. Bigelow/S. Ojserkis (Cox)
    St. Catharines Rowing Club (A)
B. Duncan/M. Alm/W. Malone/N. Schudlo/J. Kirkey/C. Gill/P. Vrugteveen/R. Moreau/K. Bruggeling (Cox)
    Three Rivers Rowing Association (A)
P. Alter/P. Warden/A. Meininghaus/J. Hasley/K. Pffirman/J. Rectenwald/S. Williamson/N. Reilly/M. Clair (Cox)
    USR Development Camp- Boston (A)
    Hudson River Rowing Association, Inc. (B)
    Three Rivers Rowing Association (B)
W. Lindamood/J. Boehm/A. Miller/S. Caplan/C. Colwick/A. Klein/T. Foglia/S. Szilagyi/J. Miller (Cox)
    USR Development Camp- Boston (B)
    Three Rivers Rowing Association (C)
R. Meder/J. Dater/A. Volosky/C. Lennon/D. Gamble/R. Greene/N. Iddings/C. Belanger/E. Diamond (Cox)
    Three Rivers Rowing Association (D)
H. Walther/C. Jackson/T. McConnell/W. Clem/K. Huber/A. Sparta/J. Lemberg/P. Raimondi/M. Sparta (Cox)
56 Womens Junior 8
    Hudson River Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
C. Beach/K. Seckler/J. Seckler/L. Aber/E. Whalen/A. Tillou/A. Cantarella/B. Woeckner/E. Briskey (Cox)
    Mobjack Rowing Association (A)
J. Fosdyck/E. Baranek/S. Bass/C. Robertson/M. Martin/G. Shomaker/K. Latimer/K. Hickman/Z. Swartz (Cox)
    Mount Saint Joseph Academy (A)
    Pelham Community Rowing Association (A)
A. Goldman/C. McGonigle/A. Da'Loia-Moore/M. Hoover/M. Santangelo/E. Nash/J. McGrath/K. McGonigle/K. Colabella (Cox)
    South Jersey Rowing Club (A)
K. Wilson/V. Brencher/J. Ruane/G. Cutler/G. Beck/N. Volpe/J. Podrat/A. Brooks/A. Young (Cox)
    Thames River Sculls (A)
L. Mink/C. Schmitz/L. Salesky/G. Bentz/S. Deabay/N. Babchack/R. Hutchins/S. Schmitz/K. Ritz (Cox)
    Three Rivers Rowing Association (A)
E. Parisi/M. De Iuliis/K. Hilderbrand/B. Storm/E. Foley/E. Bohn/K. McCarthy/O. Klipa/K. ??? (Cox)
    USR Junior Women's Development Camp (A)
    Thames River Sculls (B)
A. Liaugaudas/T. Babchack/S. Lawton/T. Cyr/J. Harriman/M. McHugh/D. Soldato/B. Hendricks/E. Lee (Cox)
    Three Rivers Rowing Association (B)
M. Sattler/M. Weaver/D. Hanna/M. Miller/J. Herbert/R. Kahn/K. Lees/J. Egan/S. Potter (Cox)
    USR Junior Women's Development Camp (B)
57 Womens Light 4+
58 Mens Light 4+
59 Womens 2x
60 Mens 2x
61 Womens Inter. Light 2x
62 Mens Intermediate Light 4+
63 Womens Inter. Light 4+
64 Mens Intermediate 4x
65 Womens Intermediate 4x
66 Mens Inter. Light 2x
67 Mens 4x
68 Womens 4x
69 Womens 8
70 Mens 8
71 Disabled 2x
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change