USRowing U17/U15 National Championships
- Hosted By: USRowing
- 2019 Owned Regatta
Event# | Time* | Code | Event | Competitors | Entries |
Sunday, June 2, 2019 | |||||
0 | U15 Events (1k Distance) | ||||
1 | MU151x | Mens U15 1x | 18 |
Advanced Community Rowing Association INC. |
N. Cordaro/
Bergen County Rowing Academy |
T. Isogai/
Bergen County Rowing Academy |
R. Modi/
Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. |
A. Weaver/
Gem City Crew, Inc. |
T. Hurtle/
Malvern Preparatory School |
W. Hicks/
Narragansett Boat Club |
N. Caton/
Nereid Boat Club, Inc. |
g. king/
Nereid Boat Club, Inc. |
L. Miles/
Oak Neck Rowing Academy |
A. Kadirov/
Rockland Rowing Association, Inc. |
Sarasota Crew |
J. Corr/
Sarasota Crew |
G. McCurdy/
The Knox School |
J. You/
Three Rivers Rowing Association |
C. Paluselli/
Three Rivers Rowing Association |
P. Leong/
Three Rivers Rowing Association |
D. Folan/
Whitemarsh Boat Club |
Q. Ryan/
2 | WU151x | Womens U15 1x | 14 |
Advanced Community Rowing Association INC. |
O. Kim/
Atomic Rowing |
L. Dulin/
Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. |
Greenwich Crew |
D. Wilkowski/
Litchfield Hills Rowing Club, Inc. |
M. Burgess/
Litchfield Hills Rowing Club, Inc. |
K. Langlais/
Pelham Community Rowing Association |
M. Bidwell/
Rockland Rowing Association, Inc. |
Row Georgia |
Sagamore Rowing Association |
M. Benabraham/
Three Rivers Rowing Association |
M. Duessel/
Three Rivers Rowing Association |
A. Balajee/
Three Rivers Rowing Association |
J. Deiuliis/
Whitemarsh Boat Club |
D. Diskin/
3 | MU154+ | Mens U15 4+ | 2 |
4 | WU154+ | Womens U15 4+ | 4 |
5 | MU152x | Mens U15 2x | 9 |
6 | WU152x | Womens U15 2x | 11 |
7 | MU158+ | Mens U15 8+ | 0 |
8 | WU158+ | Womens U15 8+ | 3 |
9 | MU154x+ | Mens U15 4x+ | 3 |
Advanced Community Rowing Association INC. (A) |
X. Miyadai/N. KROKHMAL/G. Giakouminakis/R. Grin/E. klar (Cox)/
Greenwich Crew (A) |
N. Walding/T. Eberwein/M. Tomkiel/C. Zukauskas/F. McKenzie (Cox)/
Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School (A) |
M. Digeso/M. Sefcik/I. Sondhof/W. Kirchherr/C. Alexander (Cox)/
10 | WU154x+ | Womens U15 4x+ | 3 |
11 | MU154x | Mens U15 4x | 5 |
12 | WU154x | Womens U15 4x | 5 |
13 | U17 Events (2k Distance) | ||||
13 | MU171x | Mens U17 1x | 50 |
Advanced Community Rowing Association INC. |
A. Klar/
Advanced Community Rowing Association INC. |
E. Shatouhy/
Advanced Community Rowing Association INC. |
T. Ahmed/
Baltimore Rowing Club |
M. Calderon/
Conestoga Crew Club |
M. Alexeev/
Conestoga Crew Club |
G. Caria/
Crescent Boat Club |
N. Roberts/
Gem City Crew, Inc. |
E. Page/
Gem City Crew, Inc. |
W. Deuser/
Germantown Friends School Rowing |
R. May/
GMS Rowing Center |
P. Liston/
Haddon Township High School |
C. Clark/
Litchfield Hills Rowing Club, Inc. |
T. Burgess/
Los Gatos Rowing Club |
S. Aghazarian/
Miami International RowHouse |
L. Del Risco/
Miami International RowHouse |
M. Mestre/
Narragansett Boat Club |
L. Gaitskell/
Navesink River Rowing |
Nereid Boat Club, Inc. |
M. Iwanski/
Nereid Boat Club, Inc. |
L. Bateman/
New Canaan High School Crew |
J. Phelps/
New Canaan High School Crew |
Q. Daly/
New Canaan High School Crew |
J. Crehan/
Niskayuna Rowing |
P. Bertram/
Norcal Crew |
A. Newman/
O.A.R.S., Inc. dba Albany Rowing Center |
A. Gower/
Oak Neck Rowing Academy |
O. Elden/
Oak Neck Rowing Academy |
E. Seidner/
Oak Neck Rowing Academy |
J. Bressel/
Oak Neck Rowing Academy |
J. McNicholas/
Oak Neck Rowing Academy |
b. fernandez/
Resilient Rowing Club |
A. Hohlt/
Rockland Rowing Association, Inc. |
Row Georgia |
Sarasota Crew |
T. Morris/
Sarasota Crew |
M. Marsh/
Sarasota Crew |
j. schumann/
Sarasota Crew |
M. Kuipers/
Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School |
E. Weatherwax/
South Jersey Rowing Club |
D. Frankel/
South Jersey Rowing Club |
H. Gueiss/
Texas Rowing Center |
E. Love/
Three Rivers Rowing Association |
S. Jordan/
Three Rivers Rowing Association |
B. Mason/
Three Rivers Rowing Association |
L. Tompa/
Unaffiliated (USA) |
I. Harrison/
West Cambridge Rowing |
A. Gharibian/
West Cambridge Rowing |
T. Green/
West Side Rowing Club |
P. Reilly/
Williamsburg Boat Club |
J. Rooks/
14 | WU171x | Womens U17 1x | 35 |
Advanced Community Rowing Association INC. |
A. Svensson/
Atomic Rowing |
O. Colston/
Colorado Jr. Crew |
B. Lynch/
Conestoga Crew Club |
A. Kulkarni/
Conestoga Crew Club |
B. Vallin/
Conshohocken Rowing Center Inc. |
H. McCormack/
Dallas Rowing Club |
N. Ricci/
Dallas Rowing Club |
K. Leininger/
Dallas Rowing Club |
K. Leininger/
Dallas Rowing Club |
L. Hill/
Gem City Crew, Inc. |
K. Raasch/
Gem City Crew, Inc. |
M. Mooney/
Gem City Crew, Inc. |
G. Powderly/
Germantown Friends School Rowing |
M. Hua/
Great River Rowing |
A. Tirollo/
Haddon Township High School |
M. Fitzpatrick/
Litchfield Hills Rowing Club, Inc. |
A. Terhune/
Los Gatos Rowing Club |
T. Heyl/
New Canaan High School Crew |
K. Sill/
New Canaan High School Crew |
D. Stretinska/
Rockland Rowing Association, Inc. |
Rockland Rowing Association, Inc. |
Row Georgia |
Row Georgia |
Sarasota Crew |
K. Bodor/
Sarasota Crew |
B. Picazio/
Sarasota Crew |
A. Koester/
Sarasota Crew |
E. Bianco/
South Jersey Rowing Club |
M. Stack/
The Knox School |
I. Halpin/
The Stewards Foundation, Inc. |
S. Morrison/
Three Rivers Rowing Association |
A. Bakkenist/
Three Rivers Rowing Association |
C. Sauer-Cook/
West Cambridge Rowing |
A. Dargon/
Williamsburg Boat Club |
K. Smith/
15 | MU172- | Mens U17 2- | 9 |
16 | WU172- | Womens U17 2- | 7 |
17 | MU172x | Mens U17 2x | 33 |
Advanced Community Rowing Association INC. (A) |
B. Heenan/T. Ahmed/
Baltimore Rowing Club (A) |
M. Calderon/J. Thompson/
Conestoga Crew Club (A) |
g. margossian/P. Young/
Gainesville Area Rowing, Inc. (A) |
J. Dubois/A. Furlow/
Gem City Crew, Inc. (A) |
M. Earnhardt/A. Holten/
Germantown Friends School Rowing (A) |
A. Solomon/R. Soong/
Great River Rowing (A) |
A. Sarma/D. Kambas/
Haddon Township High School (A) |
J. Buan/J. Weber/
Los Gatos Rowing Club (A) |
E. Stubbs/J. Renner/
Los Gatos Rowing Club (A) |
A. Smith/G. Ross/
Malvern Preparatory School (A) |
M. Davis/D. Ward/
Miami International RowHouse (A) |
N. Degwitz-Krijger/K. leight/
Miami Rowing and Watersports Center, Inc. (A) |
E. BAZAN/N. Nadal/
Nereid Boat Club, Inc. (A) |
C. Critchley/D. Levine/
Norcal Crew (A) |
R. Dahlgren/A. Tadinada/
Oak Neck Rowing Academy (A) |
J. McNicholas/J. Bressel/
Pelham Community Rowing Association (A) |
D. Oberst/J. Kroell/
Rockland Rowing Association, Inc. (A) |
Row Georgia (A) |
RowAmerica Rye (A) |
P. Dodman/L. Lee/
Sarasota Crew (A) |
B. Perdew/D. DeNiro/
Three Rivers Rowing Association (A) |
J. Beltz/K. Lamm/
Triad United Rowing Association (A) |
M. Hronich/I. Gates/
West Cambridge Rowing (A) |
A. Gharibian/T. Green/
Whitemarsh Boat Club (A) |
D. Boyle/s. rawson/
Great River Rowing (B) |
A. Boudreau/K. Benjamin/
Haddon Township High School (B) |
M. Kocher III/B. Moser/
Miami International RowHouse (B) |
L. Del Risco/W. Lleonart/
Oak Neck Rowing Academy (B) |
E. Seidner/O. Elden/
Sarasota Crew (B) |
j. schumann/M. Kuipers/
Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School (B) |
T. Arnason/M. McLain/
Three Rivers Rowing Association (B) |
S. Liu/E. Gleason/
Three Rivers Rowing Association (C) |
C. Paluselli/N. Shetty/
18 | WU172x | Womens U17 2x | 22 |
Advanced Community Rowing Association INC. (A) |
T. Gallo/S. Edwards/
Baltimore Rowing Club (A) |
K. Coudon/F. Brummer/
Dallas Rowing Club (A) |
A. Nimmagadda/A. Franklin/
Gem City Crew, Inc. (A) |
S. Cooper/R. Trawick/
Germantown Friends School Rowing (A) |
L. Lee/N. Lee/
Great River Rowing (A) |
a. terhune/A. Tirollo/
Greenwich Crew (A) |
I. Busch/E. Andersen/
Navesink River Rowing (A) |
K. Nilsen/A. Tuorto/
Nereid Boat Club, Inc. (A) |
G. Young/A. Qiang/
Niskayuna Rowing (A) |
E. Liguori/J. Liguori/
Pelham Community Rowing Association (A) |
C. Pulkkinen/K. Alexander/
Rocket City Rowing Crew, Inc. (A) |
A. White/A. Henderson/
Sarasota Crew (A) |
B. Picazio/E. Bianco/
South Jersey Rowing Club (A) |
E. Fourney/J. Eattock/
Three Rivers Rowing Association (A) |
H. Kim/J. Pitell/
Whitemarsh Boat Club (A) |
A. Kowalik/E. Rawson/
Williamsburg Boat Club (A) |
A. Cornish/M. Albert/
Navesink River Rowing (B) |
S. Yevchak/E. Johnson/
Nereid Boat Club, Inc. (B) |
I. Moreno/R. Goel/
South Jersey Rowing Club (B) |
E. Kupa/G. Kennevan/
Three Rivers Rowing Association (B) |
E. Sokulski/A. Bakkenist/
Whitemarsh Boat Club (B) |
J. Veith/S. Hulme/
19 | MU174+ | Mens U17 4+ | 21 |
20 | WU174+ | Womens U17 4+ | 18 |
21 | MU174x | Mens U17 4x | 18 |
22 | WU174x | Womens U17 4x | 21 |
23 | MU178+ | Mens U17 8+ | 17 |
24 | WU178+ | Womens U17 8+ | 15 |
25 | MU17Inc2x | Mens U17 Inclusive 2x | 0 |
25 | WU17Inc2x | Womens U17 Inclusive 2x | 0 |
25 | MxU17Inc2x | Mixed U17 Inclusive 2x | 0 |
26 | MU17PR1x | Mens U17 PR1/PR2 1x | 0 |
26 | WU17PR1x | Womens U17 PR1/PR2 1x | 0 |
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change