USRowing NW Masters Regional Championship

  • Jun 26, 2015 To Jun 28, 2015
  • sprint
  • Vancouver, WA (USA)
  • Hosted By: USRowing
  • 2016 Owned Regatta


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Friday, June 26, 2015
1 12:00 PM MixF+4+ Mixed F+ 4+
    Bainbridge Island Rowing (A)
J. Foy/D. Dale/C. Morrow/B. Shane/K. Campbell (Cox)
34.6 (67)
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
31.2 (65)
    Lake Union Crew (A)
25.0 (61)
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
L. Case/D. Worthington/S. Merritt/B. Calvert/J. Pare (Cox)
23.5 (60)
    Vashon Island Rowing Club (A)
25.0 (61)
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
A. Flanagan/M. Pimlott/T. Lathrop/D. Harrison/j. peter (Cox)
29.6 (64)
2 MixC4x Mixed C 4x
3 WA+Ltwt2- Womens A+ Ltwt 2-
4 MF2x Mens F 2x
5 MAA+Ltwt2x Mens AA+ Ltwt 2x
6 WC+Nov1x Womens C+ Novice 1x
7 MB1x Mens B 1x
8 MixD4x Mixed D 4x
9 WB2- Womens B 2-
10 MA+Nov4+ Mens A+ Novice 4+
11 WCDLtwt1x Womens C-D Ltwt 1x
12 WE4x Womens E 4x
13 MA+Ltwt2- Mens A+ Ltwt 2-
14A ME-FLtwt1x Mens E-F Ltwt 1x
14B Mens G+ Ltwt 1x
15 WA+Nov4+ Womens A+ Novice 4+
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
2.2 (37)
    Green Lake Crew (A)
Z. Cavnar-Lewandowski/C. Lockhart/B. Douangphrachanh/T. Randall/A. Gervasio (Cox)/
3.1 (39)
    Lake Union Crew (A)
0.2 (30)
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
S. Copeland/R. Aplustill/D. Rhein/Z. Buell/H. Sabel (Cox)
12.4 (51)
    Oregon Association of Rowers (A)
28.0 (63)
    Pocock Youth Rowing (A)
A. Lattanner/K. Fisher/N. Semez/O. Arguinchona/A. Marioni (Cox)
0.8 (33)
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
L. Moser/J. Hamilton/D. Grauer/S. Cameron/K. Farr (Cox)
7.8 (46)
    Station L Rowing Club (A)
A. Johnson/T. Grompe/B. Sopko/L. Seurynck/B. Halprin (Cox)
13.5 (52)
    Vancouver Rowing Club (A)
C. Sproule/E. Duncan/C. Charlton/A. Hagendorn/C. Daviau (Cox)
0.1 (29)
    Corvallis Rowing Club (B)
8.6 (47)
    Lake Union Crew (B)
1.8 (36)
    Sammamish Rowing Association (B)
J. Gehring/M. Obenaus/D. Sinclair/C. Whiteside/J. Logsdon (Cox)
7.8 (46)
    Station L Rowing Club (B)
N. Durchanek/K. Bott/K. Falger/F. Frances Sunseri/L. Walker (Cox)
2.6 (38)
16 ME4+ Mens E 4+
    Ancient Mariners Rowing Club (A)
G. Naden/J. Holt/B. Christie/L. O'Donnell/D. Wright-Lonheim (Cox)
    Composite: Corvallis, Willamette RC (A)
    Kent Mitchell Rowing Club (A)
E. ives/M. Still/S. Spiering/j. Dahl/j. peters (Cox)
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
J. Estill/C. Johnson/P. Bhoomreddy/M. Kane/L. Lippi (Cox)
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
K. Hansen/S. Winter/M. Liptack/D. Worthington/K. Lewis (Cox)
    Willamette Rowing Club (A)
B. Byrd/S. Cooper/J. Meyerhoff/S. WU/J. Byrd (Cox)
17 MixAA-B4x Mixed AA-B 4x
18A MAA-BNov1x Mens AA-B Novice 1x
18B MC+Nov1x Mens C+ Novice 1x
    College Club Seattle (A)
R. Colven
21.0 (56)
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
T. Taylor
32.4 (63)
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
R. Wood
6.4 (43)
    Lake Stevens Rowing Club (A)
R. Sternagel
24.0 (58)
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
S. Nara
10.0 (47)
    Vancouver Rowing Club (A)
S. Paquette
7.2 (44)
    Sammamish Rowing Association (B)
P. Dodd
16.9 (53)
19 MAA-A2x Mens AA-A 2x
20 WF+4+ Womens F+ 4+
    Bainbridge Island Rowing (A)
S. Soutter/D. Nelson/K. Kouns/C. Morrow/S. Carson (Cox)
29.6 (64)
    Conibear Rowing Club (A)
J. Oliver/J. Knopp/A. Maren/G. Calvin/K. Aberle (Cox)
25.0 (61)
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
26.5 (62)
    Lake Union Crew (A)
31.2 (65)
    Marin Rowing Association (A)
R. Crowley/G. Brownell/D. Weil/c. keller/B. James (Cox)
23.5 (60)
    Martha's Moms Rowing Club (A)
25.0 (61)
    Oregon Association of Rowers (A)
J. Redner/D. Cornitius/B. Carlson/K. Staples/g. betterton (Cox)
28.0 (63)
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
P. Jonas/S. McKain/M. Mayers/C. Huffman/K. Farr (Cox)
31.2 (65)
    Station L Rowing Club (A)
L. Wylder/M. Armstrong/C. Hofrichter/C. Elardo/K. Degutis (Cox)
28.0 (63)
    Vashon Island Rowing Club (A)
25.0 (61)
    Martha's Moms Rowing Club (B)
31.2 (65)
21 MC2x Mens C 2x
22 MixE4+ Mixed E 4+
    Bainbridge Island Rowing (A)
M. Olason/K. Frost/C. Holloway/C. Sheehan/R. Turnbull (Cox)
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
    Pocock Youth Rowing (A)
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
E. Hoppe/L. Case/J. Austin/S. Waltar/K. Nara (Cox)
    Vancouver Rowing Club (A)
K. Klinger/R. Rahn/H. Holden/R. MCDANIEL/K. Taylor (Cox)
    Vashon Island Rowing Club (A)
23 MA+Ltwt4x Mens A+ Ltwt 4x
24 MixB4+ Mixed B 4+
25 MD4x Mens D 4x
26 WD4+ Womens D 4+
27 MC-D2- Mens C-D 2-
28 WB1x Womens B 1x
29 WCLtwt2x Womens C Ltwt 2x
30 MixAA-A8+ Mixed AA-A 8+
31 WD+Ltwt8+ Womens D+ Ltwt 8+
32 Womens F+ 4x
33 ME1x Mens E 1x
34 WAA-A2x Womens AA-A 2x
Saturday, June 27, 2015
35A ME4x Mens E 4x
35B MF4x Mens F 4x
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
    Delta Deas Rowing Club (A)
R. Crabb/R. Stout/J. Norris/S. Mccall
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
J. Paine/S. Haworth/T. Hawker/L. Chung
    Oregon Association of Rowers (A)
    Vashon Island Rowing Club (A)
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (B)
J. Wrinch/R. Bigauskas/R. Wood/F. Rudge
35C MG+4x Mens G+ 4x
36 WE2- Womens E 2-
37 MC4+ Mens C 4+
    Bainbridge Island Rowing (A)
M. Olson/D. Fannon/B. Fleet/M. Stewart/M. Carlson (Cox)
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
    Lake Union Crew (A)
    Pocock Youth Rowing (A)
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
A. Lynch/B. Barton/W. Senenko/P. Eames/K. Lewis (Cox)
    Station L Rowing Club (A)
    Willamette Rowing Club (A)
R. Williams/a. Brown/M. Brubaker/J. Meyerhoff/S. Callen (Cox)
    Sammamish Rowing Association (B)
P. Colvin/A. Roberts/S. Nara/P. Meyer/K. Nara (Cox)
38 WC4x Womens C 4x
39 WAA-ANov1x Womens AA-A Novice 1x
40 WBNov1x Womens B Novice 1x
41 MixF2x Mixed F 2x
42 MB2x Mens B 2x
43 WAA-A8+ Womens AA-A 8+
44 MD8+ Mens D 8+
45 WD2x Womens D 2x
46 WAA-BLtwt1x Womens AA-B Ltwt 1x
47 MixAA2x Mixed AA 2x
48 WB4+ Womens B 4+
49 WAA+Ltwt4+ Womens AA+ Ltwt 4+
50 ME+2- Mens E+ 2-
    Ancient Mariners Rowing Club (A)
D. Struzyna/B. Lamka
32.4 (63)
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
J. Russell/M. Lowery
30.6 (62)
    Ewauna Rowing Club (A)
J. Schindler/J. Stewart
32.4 (63)
    Green Lake Crew (A)
T. Boyd/S. Hokoda/
30.6 (62)
    Kent Mitchell Rowing Club (A)
w. Hume/S. Spiering
44.1 (69)
    Sacramento State Aquatic Center/Capital (A)
P. Matthiesen/D. Vertin
30.6 (62)
    Station L Rowing Club (A)
G. Wespi/A. Glasfeld
21.0 (56)
    Vashon Island Rowing Club (A)
B. Morser/C. Atwood
28.9 (61)
    Willamette Rowing Club (A)
B. Byrd/S. Cooper
27.2 (60)
    Ancient Mariners Rowing Club (B)
B. Christie/L. O'Donnell
24.0 (58)
    Ancient Mariners Rowing Club (C)
G. Naden/J. Holt
28.9 (61)
51 Womens AA-A Ltwt 1x
52 WE1x Womens E 1x
53 MixB8+ Mixed B 8+
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
    Everett Rowing Association (A)
A. Haack/C. Tietje/K. Plitt/A. Peretti/L. Sutherland/S. Olsen/A. klingman/C. Ronhaar/K. Bodhaine (Cox)
    Green Lake Crew (A)
N. Fradkin/Z. Cavnar-Lewandowski/C. Lockhart/L. Tobias/W. Wheeler/A. Grummer/T. Randall/B. Douangphrachanh/A. Gervasio (Cox)/
    Lake Union Crew (A)
    Pocock Youth Rowing (A)
S. Druker/D. Scoville/R. Boyagoda/N. Harris/N. Semez/M. Maxwell/M. Graudins/D. Chan/L. Cheers (Cox)
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
P. Colvin/A. Roberts/S. Mayer/S. Nara/A. Belousek/Y. Cote/S. Grassia/A. Thain/K. Nara (Cox)
    Willamette Rowing Club (A)
S. Gray/C. Wojda/J. Carpenter/L. Ruedas/S. Gray/K. Brower/H. Wilder/C. Lund/J. Byrd (Cox)
    Lake Union Crew (B)
54 MC1x Mens C 1x
55 MAA-A4+ Mens AA-A 4+
56 MF1x Mens F 1x
57 WC2- Womens C 2-
58 MixG+2x Mixed G+ 2x
    Berkeley Paddling & Rowing Club (A)
S. Schaffran/E. Braithwaite
39.9 (70)
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
38.1 (69)
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
F. Rudge/K. Crawley
31.2 (65)
    Lake Washington Rowing Club (A)
J. Alberti/R. Scholz
41.8 (71)
59 MAA+Ltwt4+ Mens AA+ Ltwt 4+
60 WAA-A4x Womens AA-A 4x
61 WF+2- Womens F+ 2-
62 WD+Ltwt4x Womens D+ Ltwt 4x
63 MixD8+ Mixed D 8+
    Bainbridge Island Rowing (A)
M. Olason/K. Frost/C. Sheehan/K. Berry/L. Kriegh/M. Tsolomitis/T. Goss/B. Fleet/R. Turnbull (Cox)
    Composite: Bainbridge Island Rowing, Ashland, Spokane River (A)
A. Minton/K. Kopf/J. Gasperi/B. Borgias/D. Borgias/G. Sears/S. Borgias/M. Voorhees/J. Grant (Cox)
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
    Green Lake Crew (A)
N. Fradkin/M. Oclander/S. Hokoda/T. Boyd/S. Harper/E. Mora/V. Hughes/W. Caldwell/A. Gervasio (Cox)/
    Lake Union Crew (A)
E. Nelson/M. Angell/B. Lamb/C. Hooker/A. Faulds/B. Hall/A. Payne/A. Rudolph/S. Mickelberry (Cox)
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
E. Hoppe/K. Reith/L. Case/C. Ansberry/B. Lewis/P. Struyvenberg/S. Waltar/T. Zeman/K. Lewis (Cox)
64 MixC8+ Mixed C 8+
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
    Lake Union Crew (A)
    Mt. Baker Crew (A)
A. Wagner/R. Humphries/S. Imbriaco/V. Bhatwadekar/P. fraser/S. Littlepage/M. Pailthorp/A. Savage/A. Waine (Cox)
    Pocock Youth Rowing (A)
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
J. Lambert/D. Crisler/M. Lewis/S. Bustad/B. Heimbeck/C. von Veh/J. Conlu/M. Diederich/J. Logsdon (Cox)
    Willamette Rowing Club (A)
S. Gray/S. Cooper/S. Smith/B. Smith/S. Gray/K. Brower/H. Wilder/N. Moore/J. Byrd (Cox)
    Lake Union Crew (B)
    Pocock Youth Rowing (B)
65A WF1x Womens F 1x
65B WG+1x Womens G+ 1x
66 MD2x Mens D 2x
67 MH+2x Mens H+ 2x
68 MG2x Mens G 2x
    Berkeley Paddling & Rowing Club (A)
D. Hunt/S. Schaffran
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
    East Bay Rowing Club (A)
S. Haworth/W. Hume
69 WD8+ Womens D 8+
    Bainbridge Island Rowing (A)
C. Holloway/M. Tsolomitis/C. Sheehan/J. Stewart/K. Deiley/K. Scanlan/C. Fawley/B. Dahn/S. Carson (Cox)
    Conibear Rowing Club (A)
M. Goodlett/R. Pratt/P. Sparling/K. Skanderup/S. Phillips/S. Smith/B. Seaton/R. Sheckler/K. Aberle (Cox)
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
    Lake Union Crew (A)
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
E. Cauchi/K. Moultrup/S. Reekie/K. Martin/S. Copeland/Z. Buell/D. Rhein/N. Brown/H. Sabel (Cox)
    Marin Rowing Association (A)
K. Thomas/E. Moody/G. Brownell/J. Vanneman/R. Crowley/L. Thoron/M. Benson/L. McCarty/B. James (Cox)
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
T. Bumstead/K. Winter/N. Siemens/A. Woolwine/V. Evans/P. Sandige/S. Amorosi/A. Creighton/K. Farr (Cox)
    Station L Rowing Club (A)
K. Anderson/C. Elardo/S. Ey/K. Kemper/L. Wylder/M. Corbett/j. forrester/T. New/K. Degutis (Cox)
    Conibear Rowing Club (B)
T. Vagen/K. Egolf/r. newell/A. Maren/J. McPhedran/M. Chalker/J. Helgeson/J. Iannucci/S. Yamamoto (Cox)
    Marin Rowing Association (B)
j. nicoloff/T. Walhart/T. Federer/C. Seeligson/S. Mackay/C. Connolly/D. Weil/c. keller/r. arlas (Cox)
70 MAA-B8+ Mens AA-B 8+
71A WDLtwt2x Womens D Ltwt 2x
71B WELtwt2x Womens E Ltwt 2x
72 WF+Ltwt2x Womens F+ Ltwt 2x
73 WB2x Womens B 2x
74 MixC4+ Mixed C 4+
    Bainbridge Island Rowing (A)
M. Olson/D. Fannon/B. Shane/L. Kriegh/M. Carlson (Cox)
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
    Lake Union Crew (A)
C. Hooker/S. Wessels/S. Higgins/C. Palanca-Wessels/S. Mickelberry (Cox)
    Mt. Baker Crew (A)
A. Wagner/P. fraser/M. Pailthorp/E. Rice/M. Bolender (Cox)
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
K. Hansen/S. Winter/T. Wahl/C. Ansberry/K. Lewis (Cox)
    Spokane River Rowing Association (SRRA) (A)
J. Gasperi/B. Borgias/A. Minton/K. Kopf/J. Grant (Cox)
    Willamette Rowing Club (A)
B. Smith/L. Ruedas/S. Gray/K. Brower/J. Byrd (Cox)
    Lake Union Crew (B)
T. Puskas/J. Wolfe/T. Sevareid/K. Pratt/K. Cline (Cox)
    Mt. Baker Crew (B)
S. Imbriaco/J. Naylor/V. Bhatwadekar/A. Savage/A. Waine (Cox)
75 WE4+ Womens E 4+
76 MAA-B2- Mens AA-B 2-
77 WC1x Womens C 1x
78 MixE2x Mixed E 2x
79 MA1x Mens A 1x
80 WAA-A2- Womens AA-A 2-
81 MD4+ Mens D 4+
82A MG1x Mens G 1x
82B Mens H 1x
83 WD4x Womens D 4x
84 Mixed E 8+
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
    Lake Union Crew (A)
L. Leak/J. Metzger/M. Heyn/B. Charters/B. Lamb/W. Wolda/E. Christensen/D. Todd/A. Donoso (Cox)
    Mt. Baker Crew (A)
B. Morcom/N. Lockett/S. Ellmann/d. baker/D. Ostergaard/A. Kolvenbach/P. Defliese/L. Reitzes/A. Bolender (Cox)
    Oregon Association of Rowers (A)
J. Juhlin/M. Jones/C. Wilshire/A. Verner/R. NORD/A. Lewis/M. McCauley/R. Owens/g. betterton (Cox)
    Vashon Island Rowing Club (A)
    Willamette Rowing Club (A)
R. Williams/B. Smith/S. Smith/S. WU/A. Haight/M. Westermeyer/S. Gray/L. Forde/J. Byrd (Cox)
85 MixB2x Mixed B 2x
86 MixE+8+ Mixed E+ 8+
    Composite: Ancient Mariners, Martha's Moms (A)
C. Hurn/D. Struzyna/R. Chapin/W. Yost/A. Vandor/H. Barrett/P. Crutcher/V. Syme/D. Wright-Lonheim (Cox)
21.8 (60)
    Bainbridge Island Rowing (A)
J. Foy/D. Dale/S. GOUGH/M. Najarian/C. Clark/K. Kouns/D. Nelson/K. Scanlan/S. Carson (Cox)
32.0 (67)
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
28.9 (65)
    Composite: Lake Washington, Martha's Moms (A)
J. Alberti/D. kuehn/D. Ellingston/A. Rees/R. Scholz/L. caluori/B. Smith/A. McGhee/N. Domingo (Cox)
23.1 (61)
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
J. Snook/E. Cauchi/C. Johnson/G. Hall/M. Klitgaard/J. Estill/S. Reekie/D. Lowe/L. Lippi (Cox)
20.5 (59)
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
A. Flanagan/A. Linton/D. Taylor/M. Pimlott/D. Harrison/T. Lathrop/B. Lamb/H. van Beelen/j. peter (Cox)
28.9 (65)
87 MixAA-A4+ Mixed AA-A 4+
    Lake Union Crew (A)
    Composite: Oregon Association, Corvallis (A)
    Vancouver Rowing Club (A)
P. Reinhard/K. Burnett/H. Contreras/C. Chan/K. Taylor (Cox)
    Lake Union Crew (B)
    Vancouver Rowing Club (B)
Y. Chamaneh/B. Wristen/B. Corbet/A. Damji/C. Daviau (Cox)
    Vancouver Rowing Club (C)
I. Garcilazo/L. Quigley/S. Botting/A. Osinska/A. Stooshnov (Cox)
88 WC8+ Womens C 8+
Sunday, June 28, 2015
89 WB8+ Womens B 8+
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
    Lake Union Crew (A)
    Marin Rowing Association (A)
S. Theiner/C. Winters/J. Switzer/I. Bagshaw/T. Federer/C. Seeligson/C. Connolly/A. O'Herron/B. James (Cox)
    Pocock Youth Rowing (A)
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
S. Mayer/L. McGinnis/S. Grassia/Y. Cote/E. Pudenz/L. Moser/K. Neuman/J. Aylsworth/K. Farr (Cox)
    Vancouver Rowing Club (A)
S. Drobic/L. Rouse/K. Richardson/J. Chen/B. Biorn/T. Watmore/E. Duncan/A. Hagendorn/A. Stooshnov (Cox)
    Willamette Rowing Club (A)
S. Wright/J. Withycombe/M. Gamburd/C. Lund/S. Gray/K. Brower/H. Wilder/N. Moore/S. Callen (Cox)
    Lake Union Crew (B)
    Pocock Youth Rowing (B)
90 ME8+ Mens E 8+
    Ancient Mariners Rowing Club (A)
G. Naden/J. Holt/B. Lamka/G. Narver/B. Christie/D. Struzyna/L. O'Donnell/K. Sjoblom/D. Wright-Lonheim (Cox)
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
    Kent Mitchell Rowing Club (A)
E. ives/M. Still/j. metras/j. Dahl/M. Batchelder/J. O'Brien/S. Spiering/w. Hume/j. peters (Cox)
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
M. Klitgaard/R. Yaw/D. Ventura/G. Hall/J. Estill/D. Setter/C. Johnson/P. Bhoomreddy/L. Lippi (Cox)
    Vashon Island Rowing Club (A)
    Willamette Rowing Club (A)
B. Byrd/S. Cooper/S. Smith/L. Ruedas/S. Preece/M. Tippie/J. Sweeney/J. Meyerhoff/J. Byrd (Cox)
91 WA-CLtwt2x Womens A-C Ltwt 2x
92 WE2x Womens E 2x
93 MixD4+ Mixed D 4+
94 MixA2x Mixed A 2x
95 MB-C4x Mens B-C 4x
96 WC4+ Womens C 4+
97 MixF4x Mixed F 4x
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
27.4 (64)
    Delta Deas Rowing Club (A)
S. Macdonald/M. Bates/S. Gauvin/J. Norris
23.1 (61)
    Lake Union Crew (A)
B. Lamb/A. Green/M. Connon/A. Payne
20.5 (59)
    Oregon Association of Rowers (A)
J. Juhlin/M. Jones/K. Juhlin/K. Jones
25.9 (63)
    Station L Rowing Club (A)
25.9 (63)
    Composite: Vancouver, Burnaby Lake (A)
L. CROWLEY/G. Bickel/F. Crowley/D. Craveiro
21.8 (60)
    Vashon Island Rowing Club (A)
25.9 (63)
98 MixG+4x Mixed G+ 4x
    Composite: Corvallis, Berkeley (A)
D. Hunt/C. Holdorf/S. Schaffran/E. Braithwaite
30.4 (66)
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
J. Wrinch/F. Rudge/M. Paulson/K. Crawley
32.0 (67)
    Lake Union Crew (A)
G. Andreadis/B. Charters/M. Love/J. Sullivan
30.4 (66)
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
D. Taylor/A. Linton/B. Lamb/H. van Beelen
30.4 (66)
99 MixD2x Mixed D 2x
100 MixC2x Mixed C 2x
101 MA+Nov8+ Mens A+ Novice 8+
102 WAA-A1x Womens AA-A 1x
103 MAA1x Mens AA 1x
104 WA+Nov8+ Womens A+ Novice 8+
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
3.4 (40)
    Lake Union Crew (A)
0.2 (30)
    Oregon Association of Rowers (A)
20.5 (59)
    Pocock Youth Rowing (A)
M. Graudins/N. Harris/K. Fisher/O. Arguinchona/M. Maxwell/A. Lattanner/N. Semez/G. MacNeil/A. Marioni (Cox)
1.0 (34)
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
L. Moser/M. Obenaus/D. Grauer/J. Hamilton/S. Cameron/S. Brouwer/V. Evans/S. Spens/K. Lewis (Cox)
8.8 (48)
    Station L Rowing Club (A)
N. Durchanek/K. Bott/M. Collins/K. Falger/T. Grompe/L. Seurynck/M. Svendsen/A. Johnson/G. Urbatsch (Cox)
3.9 (41)
    Vancouver Rowing Club (A)
C. Guba/P. Brnjac/B. Biorn/A. Osinska/C. Sproule/E. Duncan/C. Charlton/A. Hagendorn/A. Stooshnov (Cox)
1.0 (34)
    Lake Union Crew (B)
L. Spengler/E. Ichikawa/E. Nelson/R. McMahon/U. Deelstra/J. Lee/T. Salameh/S. Ohman/A. Ramos (Cox)
3.4 (40)
    Sammamish Rowing Association (B)
S. Bustad/D. Sinclair/C. Whiteside/L. BEGAY/J. Gehring/E. Schultz/C. Wolyniak/M. Lewis/K. Farr (Cox)
6.5 (45)
    Vancouver Rowing Club (B)
A. Damji/B. Corbet/J. Chen/K. Richardson/L. Rouse/S. Drobic/T. Watmore/S. Botting/C. Daviau (Cox)
1.6 (36)
105 MF+8+ Mens F+ 8+
    Ancient Mariners Rowing Club (A)
C. Hurn/K. Sjoblom/J. McLaughlin/B. Woodman/B. Lamka/D. Struzyna/B. Christie/L. O'Donnell/D. Wright-Lonheim (Cox)
27.4 (64)
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
28.9 (65)
    Gorge Narrows Rowing Club (A)
J. Paine/T. Hawker/R. Bigauskas/R. Wood/J. Wrinch/S. Haworth/L. Chung/K. Weir/L. Gardener (Cox)
23.1 (61)
    Mt. Baker Crew (A)
M. Johnson/J. Massmann/S. Ellmann/P. Opalka/D. Ostergaard/d. baker/P. Defliese/T. Moore/M. Bolender (Cox)
21.8 (60)
    Vashon Island Rowing Club (A)
24.5 (62)
    Ancient Mariners Rowing Club (B)
G. Naden/J. Holt/R. Chapin/G. Narver/G. Benjamin/J. Hartung/B. Yost/T. Olson/F. Chan (Cox)
23.1 (61)
106 MD1x Mens D 1x
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
P. Mote
    Humboldt Bay Rowing Association (A)
M. Kimble
    Pocock Youth Rowing (A)
R. Leet
    Pocock Youth Rowing (A)
T. Shaw
107 Womens F+ 2x
108 WD2- Womens D 2-
109 MB4+ Mens B 4+
110 MF4+ Mens F 4+
    Ancient Mariners Rowing Club (A)
G. Naden/G. Narver/B. Lamka/J. Holt/D. Wright-Lonheim (Cox)
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
    Ewauna Rowing Club (A)
J. Schindler/a. wedam/j. daveler/J. Stewart/R. Olsen (Cox)
    Kent Mitchell Rowing Club (A)
E. ives/M. Still/S. Spiering/w. Hume/j. peters (Cox)
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
D. Worthington/K. Hansen/P. Struyvenberg/S. Merritt/K. Lewis (Cox)
    Willamette Rowing Club (A)
B. Byrd/S. Cooper/C. Wood/B. Smith/J. Byrd (Cox)
    Ancient Mariners Rowing Club (B)
G. Benjamin/J. Hartung/R. Chapin/B. Yost/F. Chan (Cox)
111A WELtwt1x Womens E Ltwt 1x
111B Womens F+ Ltwt 1x
112 WB4x Womens B 4x
113 ME2x Mens E 2x
    College Club Seattle (A)
R. Colven/L. Yaffe
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
J. Russell/M. Lowery
    Deep Cove Rowing Club (A)
W. Perez/A. Grant
    Composite: New York AC, OKC Riversport (A)
C. Windeknecht/J. Sanders
    North Cascades Crew (A)
B. McIsaac/D. Hoffmann/
    Olympia Area Rowing Association (O.A.R.) (A)
B. Maki/S. Wade
    Oregon Association of Rowers (A)
    Pocock Youth Rowing (A)
n. seixas/G. Jones/
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
J. Austin/B. Lewis
    Vancouver Lake Rowing Club (A)
P. Volz/D. Venema
    Vancouver Rowing Club (A)
    Deep Cove Rowing Club (B)
R. Thomson/N. Stewart
114 WE8+ Womens E 8+
    Bainbridge Island Rowing (A)
S. Soutter/B. Dahn/D. Nelson/C. Holloway/K. Scanlan/C. Sheehan/M. Tsolomitis/K. Kouns/M. Carlson (Cox)
    Conibear Rowing Club (A)
M. Goodlett/B. Brown/S. Phillips/M. Chalker/r. newell/E. Warn/A. Maren/N. Yamamoto/S. Yamamoto (Cox)
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
    Lake Union Crew (A)
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
J. Snook/E. Cauchi/V. DeSanta/R. Aplustill/S. Reekie/D. Lowe/S. Copeland/N. Brown/H. Sabel (Cox)
    Marin Rowing Association (A)
K. Thomas/G. Brownell/R. Crowley/J. Vanneman/M. Benson/L. McCarty/D. Weil/c. keller/B. James (Cox)
    Martha's Moms Rowing Club (A)
    Mt. Baker Crew (A)
B. Morcom/N. Lockett/K. Weisman/R. Humphries/M. Deering/A. Kolvenbach/J. Hietter/L. Reitzes/A. Bolender (Cox)
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
E. Starr/W. Stearns/J. Perrin/T. Farr/M. Polis/D. Farrow/M. Proby/S. McKain/K. Farr (Cox)
    Station L Rowing Club (A)
S. Ey/C. Elardo/L. Wylder/j. forrester/C. Hofrichter/T. New/D. Atwood/M. Armstrong/M. Evjen (Cox)
    Bainbridge Island Rowing (B)
C. Bonham/M. Ledoux/S. Haines/C. Clark/A. Livengood/C. Morrow/K. Hammer/B. Shane/K. Campbell (Cox)
    Lake Union Crew (B)
L. Cooper/R. McMahon/E. Nelson/S. Williamson/M. Connon/M. Angell/J. Sullivan/M. Love/A. Donoso (Cox)
115 WA-CLtwt8+ Womens A-C Ltwt 8+
116 MC8+ Mens C 8+
117 WC2x Womens C 2x
118 MixE4x Mixed E 4x
119 WAA-A4+ Womens AA-A 4+
120 MA+Ltwt8+ Mens A+ Ltwt 8+
121 WA-CLtwt4x Womens A-C Ltwt 4x
122 WD1x Womens D 1x
123 MAA-DLtwt1x Mens AA-D Ltwt 1x
124 MAA-A4x Mens AA-A 4x
125 MG+4+ Mens G+ 4+
    Ancient Mariners Rowing Club (A)
C. Hurn/B. Woodman/J. McLaughlin/K. Sjoblom/D. Wright-Lonheim (Cox)
36.3 (68)
    Bainbridge Island Rowing (A)
M. Olason/D. Dale/J. Foy/M. Stewart/R. Turnbull (Cox)
32.9 (66)
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
39.9 (70)
    Kent Mitchell Rowing Club (A)
E. ives/J. O'Brien/S. Spiering/w. Hume/j. peters (Cox)
31.2 (65)
    Los Gatos Rowing Club (A)
G. Hall/J. Estill/C. Johnson/M. Kane/L. Lippi (Cox)
31.2 (65)
    Victoria City Rowing Club (A)
B. Lamb/H. van Beelen/T. Lathrop/D. Harrison/j. peter (Cox)
38.1 (69)
126 WF+8+ Womens F+ 8+
    Bainbridge Island Rowing (A)
C. Bonham/C. Clark/K. Kouns/A. Livengood/C. Morrow/D. Nelson/S. Haines/S. Soutter/K. Campbell (Cox)
21.8 (60)
    Conibear Rowing Club (A)
P. Sparling/R. Pratt/B. Seaton/K. Skanderup/K. Johnson/S. Gleed/G. Calvin/E. Upton/K. Aberle (Cox)
21.8 (60)
    Corvallis Rowing Club (A)
23.1 (61)
    Lake Union Crew (A)
21.8 (60)
    Martha's Moms Rowing Club (A)
23.1 (61)
    Oregon Association of Rowers (A)
21.8 (60)
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
M. Proby/S. McKain/P. Jonas/C. Huffman/M. Mayers/L. Kreher/M. Swindley/C. Johnson/K. Farr (Cox)
28.9 (65)
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change