Philadelphia Youth Regatta

  • Hosted By: Schuylkill Navy of Philadelphia
  • 2016 Registered Regatta


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Saturday, July 26, 2014
1 Boys J18 Quad
    Bachelors Barge Club (A)
J. Fernsler/S. Glover/D. Hill/D. Hopkins
    Baltimore Rowing Club (A)
M. Couwenhoven/S. Amberger/L. Flowers/G. Warnock
    Bergen County Rowing Academy (A)
S. Luglio/S. Dineen/T. Harte/P. Ciongoli
    Central Pennsylvania Rowing Association (A)
M. Troppe/B. Finley/E. Field/J. Sharpe
    Cooper Training Center (A)
a. kuzy/S. Michal/h. lagatta/M. Tepper
    Crescent Boat Club (A)
W. Schmidt/E. Orts/J. Leyland/J. Walker
    Fairmount Rowing Association (A)
N. Carlson/E. Ashley/J. mccarrie/J. Konopka
    Greenwich Crew (A)
E. Logsdail/O. Probst/T. Sadik/B. Phillips
    Mobjack Rowing Association (A)
T. Dough/Z. Moore/A. Thompson/J. Dickey
    Navesink River Rowing (A)
E. Bovino/N. Hughes/L. Golan/M. Kelly
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc. (A)
P. Dubois/F. Witt/J. Kim/A. Macon
    Niskayuna Rowing (A)
K. Koste/M. Gujral/J. Endler/R. Duffy
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (A)
B. Helms/G. Bauerfeld/K. Conover/G. Mgaloblishvili
    Pelham Community Rowing Association (A)
C. Martin/B. Goodman/H. Mourani/L. Rauschnabel
    Rivanna Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
D. Braatz/M. Landon-Smith/S. Tobey/G. Giacalone
    Rockland Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
D. Boyle/M. Fradianni/E. Jaynes/D. Kelly
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (A)
J. Pechet/C. Johnson-Burrus/G. Wuollet/K. Bowman
    V-Sculls (A)
R. Caputo/C. Friends/M. Elortegi/A. Margotta
    Whitemarsh Boat Club (A)
W. Aftring/S. Ching/E. Horvath/C. Kovach
    Crescent Boat Club (B)
T. Kutchner/C. Coursen/E. Genyk/B. Weaver
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc. (B)
W. Prettyman/B. Caltavuturo/E. Prettyman/M. Orlando
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (B)
R. Cunningham/S. Klink/v. Ayala/R. Solecki
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (B)
M. Salamon/C. Centano/E. Grugan/E. Baime
2 Girls J18 Quad
    Augustine Classical Academy (A)
M. Trouwborst/E. Hopkins/S. Wistort/M. Hopkins
    Bachelors Barge Club (A)
K. Butscher/R. Myers/S. Stanley/T. Gilad
    Central Pennsylvania Rowing Association (A)
M. Orr/A. Coyne/C. Lucchi/M. Lucchi
    Cooper Training Center (A)
J. Soper/L. Donohue/N. Martin/R. Pierce
    Fairmount Rowing Association (A)
S. Klippel/K. McGowan/A. Connell/s. horn
    Friends of Shenendehowa Crew, Inc. (A)
M. Strangia/M. Ritter/Z. Deno/G. LeBlanc
    Mobjack Rowing Association (A)
B. Hamilton/M. Hogge/M. Marbain/L. Howlett
    Navesink River Rowing (A)
v. pierce/S. Obusek/V. Castano/T. Algayer
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc. (A)
E. Dwyer/G. Hefferon/O. Lavin/L. Klatsky
    Niskayuna Rowing (A)
T. Alix/E. Ball/G. O'Hara/G. Geraghty
    Pelham Community Rowing Association (A)
o. garcia/S. Riina/E. Calder/b. lillis
    Rivanna Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
C. Earles/A. Gale/P. Riegle/L. Eisenberg
    Rockland Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
S. Pritzker/c. mcgovern/P. Vignone/C. McGrath
    Three Rivers Rowing Association (A)
    University Barge Club (A)
M. Kate/M. Sabina/M. Meghan/G. Lawrence
    Whitemarsh Boat Club (A)
G. George/L. Guenther/K. Sayers/E. Holt
    Bachelors Barge Club (B)
H. Webb/M. Grossman/K. Montegna/K. Waltman
    Cooper Training Center (B)
M. Chinnici/E. Lipshultz/S. Burgess-Harris/E. Barbell
    Fairmount Rowing Association (B)
M. Subhan/L. Phelan/S. Djerassi/S. Jaskot
    Niskayuna Rowing (B)
R. Padula/V. Schaefer/L. Geraghty/S. Wisoff
3 Boys J16 Eight
4 Girls J16 Eight
5 Boys J18 Four
6 Girls J18 Four
7 Boys J16 Double
8 Girls J18 Double
9 Boys J18 Double
    Bachelors Barge Club (A)
C. McCooe/Q. Cachon
    Baltimore Rowing Club (A)
B. Steedman/J. Rodman
    Bergen County Rowing Academy (A)
S. Luglio/N. Riedel
    Crescent Boat Club (A)
T. Madden/B. Weaver
    Fairmount Rowing Association (A)
B. Scherpbier/W. Elliott
    Greenwich Crew (A)
A. Hoffmeister/B. Manca
    Mobjack Rowing Association (A)
Z. Moore/A. Thompson
    Montclair High School (A)
O. Daly-Smith/A. Pollack
    Navesink River Rowing (A)
E. Bovino/N. Hughes
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc. (A)
M. Orlando/E. Prettyman
    Niskayuna Rowing (A)
K. Koste/R. Duffy
    North Jersey Rowing (A)
E. Walker/M. Prapopulos
    Pelham Community Rowing Association (A)
M. Cornman/J. Shirocky
    Rivanna Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
S. Tobey/M. Landon-Smith
    Rockland Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
A. Donlan/T. Jenss
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (A)
C. Adams/G. Adams
    University Barge Club (A)
M. Maccoll/W. Gross
    Whitemarsh Boat Club (A)
E. Horvath/C. Kovach
    Baltimore Rowing Club (B)
M. Couwenhoven/T. Maher
    Crescent Boat Club (B)
W. Robb/B. Guckin
    Fairmount Rowing Association (B)
M. Miller/C. Waite
    Mobjack Rowing Association (B)
T. Dough/J. Dickey
    Navesink River Rowing (B)
B. Hennessy/m. williams
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc. (B)
W. Prettyman/B. Caltavuturo
    Niskayuna Rowing (B)
M. Gujral/J. Endler
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (B)
R. Cunningham/R. Solecki
    Rivanna Rowing Club, Inc. (B)
D. Braatz/G. Giacalone
    Rockland Rowing Association, Inc. (B)
K. Christopherson/C. LOVRIN
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (B)
G. Wuollet/C. Centano
    Whitemarsh Boat Club (B)
R. Borowski/S. Moya
    Crescent Boat Club (C)
E. Orts/T. Kutchner
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc. (C)
J. Grimm/E. Padilla
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (C)
C. Johnson-Burrus/K. Bowman
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc. (D)
W. Creedon/B. Hnat
10 Girls J16 Double
11 Boys Pair w/o
12 Girls Pair w/o
13 Boys J16 Single
    Bachelors Barge Club (A)
D. Hopkins
    Bergen County Rowing Academy (A)
T. Ranjan
    Central Pennsylvania Rowing Association (A)
M. Troppe
    Cooper Training Center (A)
h. lagatta
    Crescent Boat Club (A)
E. Dunbar
    Friends of Shenendehowa Crew, Inc. (A)
S. Ryan
    Hudson River Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
B. Panzer
    Navesink River Rowing (A)
T. Johnston
    Niskayuna Rowing (A)
N. Chaskin
    North Jersey Rowing (A)
E. Walker
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (A)
K. Petreski
    Pelham Community Rowing Association (A)
K. Shahida
    Rockland Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
R. McNichol
    Sunrise Training Systems (A)
M. Melnik
    V-Sculls (A)
A. Margotta
    Whitemarsh Boat Club (A)
S. Ching
    Bergen County Rowing Academy (B)
N. Ismail
    Cooper Training Center (B)
d. mitnick
    Crescent Boat Club (B)
K. Tryon
    Friends of Shenendehowa Crew, Inc. (B)
J. Kennedy
    Hudson River Rowing Association, Inc. (B)
B. Leyva
    Navesink River Rowing (B)
M. Kelly
    Niskayuna Rowing (B)
L. McGrinder
    North Jersey Rowing (B)
B. Saks
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (B)
L. McDonough
    V-Sculls (B)
T. Mudd
    Whitemarsh Boat Club (B)
B. Subak
    Bergen County Rowing Academy (C)
T. Barrett
    Crescent Boat Club (C)
A. Panchella
    Friends of Shenendehowa Crew, Inc. (C)
A. Leonardo
    Niskayuna Rowing (C)
J. Lampman
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (C)
K. Andersen
    V-Sculls (C)
A. Bhandari
    Crescent Boat Club (D)
I. Ward
    Crescent Boat Club (E)
J. Frye
    Crescent Boat Club (F)
J. Fiorilli
    Crescent Boat Club (G)
B. Neal
    Crescent Boat Club (H)
D. Rostucher
    Crescent Boat Club (I)
M. Dogan
14 Girls J16 Single
15 Boys J16 Four
16 Girls J16 Four
17 Boys J18 Single
18 Girls J18 Single
19 Boys Eight
20 Girls Eight
21 Boys J16 Quad
22 Girls J16 Quad
    Bachelors Barge Club (A)
D. Mervine/K. Hudson/L. Alcorn/E. Murphy
    Baltimore Rowing Club (A)
A. Hinton/M. Hinton/L. McDaniel/M. Doak
    Bergen County Rowing Academy (A)
J. Giannotta/C. Diaz/M. Katsapis/E. WALBY
    Central Pennsylvania Rowing Association (A)
M. Frymoyer/E. Oakes/A. Spaventa/E. Johnson
    Fairmount Rowing Association (A)
C. Kaufhold/A. Miller/J. Konopka/R. Genyk
    Great River Rowing (A)
M. Newman/M. Parente/L. Knapp/M. McGuire
    Greenwich Crew (A)
V. Logsdail/J. Steinman/K. Cox/M. Mcmillan
    Mobjack Rowing Association (A)
C. Martin/J. Robins/k. james/S. Fravel
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc. (A)
C. benintende/E. Gilman/S. Gilman/A. Freed
    Niskayuna Rowing (A)
J. Sinkus/K. Feeney/K. Molina/M. Rogers
    Pelham Community Rowing Association (A)
J. Bausano/S. Pendrill/S. Lesser-Roy./A. Grammatica
    Rockland Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
L. Tasker/c. mcgovern/M. Bose/J. Nelson
    Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School (A)
M. Dodd/B. Martin/M. Macy/I. Grieco
    Bachelors Barge Club (B)
M. Beckman/S. Kane/r. osborne/J. Rothstein
    Baltimore Rowing Club (B)
G. McDaniel/N. Trader/J. Hammett/N. Moore
    Mobjack Rowing Association (B)
A. Young/B. Hamilton/L. Thompson/M. Lee
    Niskayuna Rowing (B)
L. Hoole/L. Lukoski/A. Dinius/E. Gervasio
23 Boys Single Dash
24 Girls Single Dash
25 Boys Eight Dash
26 Girls Eight Dash
27 Boys Novice Quad - started rowing after May 1
28 Girls Novice Quad - started rowing after May 1
29 Mens/Womens/Mixed Jr Octuple
30 Boys Under 14 Eight
31 Girls Under 14 Eight
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change