USRowing Masters National Head Race Championship

  • Oct 5, 2013 To Oct 6, 2013
  • head
  • Oklahoma River
  • Oklahoma City, OK (USA)
  • Hosted By: USRowing
  • 2016 Owned Regatta


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Saturday, October 5, 2013
1c Womens Masters 1x AA-D
    Big Shoulders Rowing Club
A. Idaszak
    Colorado Rowing
M. Page
    Dallas Rowing Club
K. Elting
    Minneapolis Rowing Club
L. Randanzo
    OKC Riversport
K. Kapraun
    OKC Riversport
T. Barrett
    OKC Riversport
M. Allen
    Rocky Mountain Rowing Club
T. Evans
    Tulsa Rowing Club
A. Tillou
    Unaffiliated (USA)
R. Clark
    Wichita Rowing Association
T. Breithaupt
    Willamette Rowing Club
J. Withycombe
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
F. Aweyden
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
S. Wilson-Kowal
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
T. Janzen Cheney
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
T. Taylor
    Winnipeg Rowing Club
B. Smith
1d Womens Masters 1x E-J
6 Mens Masters 2x
    Composite: Dallas, Unaff. (USA) (A)
M. Morschauser/L. Anderson
    Composite: Ft. Worth, White Rock Rowing (A)
T. Carr/P. McDonough
    Kansas City Rowing Club (A)
T. Hills/B. Pack
    Minneapolis Rowing Club (A)
F. McCarthy/J. Dundon
    OKC Riversport (A)
S. Lewis/M. Tower
    Rocky Mountain Rowing Club (A)
D. Estrella/J. Gravenhorst
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
M. Watts/R. Burnett
    Tulsa Rowing Club (A)
R. Reeves/C. Cooper
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
K. Beckman/P. Horvat
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (A)
S. Nakagawa/P. Vilks
    OKC Riversport (B)
K. Powers/J. Burghart
    Composite: Wichita, Kansas City (B)
W. Van Sickle/E. Smith
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (B)
D. Cooke/J. Reitberger
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (C)
E. Johnstone/R. Dansereau
12 Womens Masters 8+
15 Mens Masters 4+
21c Mens Masters 1x AA-D
    Big Shoulders Rowing Club
M. Idaszak
    Dallas Rowing Club
P. Gudmundsson
    Eastern Michigan University
K. Savage
    Fort Worth Rowing Club
P. McDonough
    Rocky Mountain Rowing Club
M. Lodmill
    Texas Rowing Center
D. Feicht
    Tulsa Rowing Club
M. Hartwell
    Tulsa Rowing Club
N. Bergenroth
    Unaffiliated (USA)
J. Roller
    Unaffiliated (USA)
P. Johnson
    White Rock Boathouse, Inc.
T. Carr
    Wichita Rowing Association
R. Symonds
21d Mens Masters 1x E-J
26 Womens Masters 2x
    Bay Area Rowing Club of Houston (A)
M. Maxwell/S. Jones
    Dallas Rowing Club (A)
K. Elting/A. Molenaar
    Mile High Rowing Club (A)
    OKC Riversport (A)
A. Clark/E. Hibbs
    Composite: Rocky Mountain, Kansas City (A)
J. Jewett/K. O'Hara
    Composite: Rocky Mountain, Colorado Rowing (A)
M. Page/T. Evans
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
S. Kho/B. Wolf
    Tulsa Rowing Club (A)
D. Sturd/S. Dunn
    Unaffiliated (USA) (A)
L. Randanzo/D. Johnson
    White Rock Boathouse, Inc. (A)
M. Cathey/C. Reedy
    Wichita Rowing Association (A)
S. Schmidt/T. Breithaupt
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (A)
T. Taylor/B. Smith
    Dallas Rowing Club (B)
P. Adams/N. Middleman
    OKC Riversport (B)
a. Farnum/A. Thiessen
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (B)
K. Malcolmson/C. Evans
    OKC Riversport (C)
J. Tubb/A. Kierl
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (C)
F. Aweyden/S. Wilson-Kowal
    OKC Riversport (D)
L. Maxey/M. Hartman
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (D)
E. Lowen/T. Janzen Cheney
30c Mens Masters 8+
33 Womens Masters 4+
37 MixMstrs4x Mixed Masters 4x
    Composite: Dallas, Bay Area Rowing Club of Houston (A)
P. Salyards/P. Adams/S. Jones/R. Houston
    Kansas City Rowing Club (A)
E. Smith/J. Jewett/W. Van Sickle/K. O'Hara
    OKC Riversport (A)
A. Clark/T. Driscoll/L. McCanlies/A. Holliday
    Rocky Mountain Rowing Club (A)
J. Synder/R. Sax/P. Stevens/T. Evans
    Texas Rowing Center (A)
M. Zuelke/D. Barker/D. Lafferty/S. Radia
    Tulsa Rowing Club (A)
M. Hartwell/Z. Kilburn/D. Sturd/S. Dudding
    Waterford Crew (A)
D. Horrocks/B. Willden/M. Horrocks/A. HENRIKSON
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (A)
R. Dansereau/D. Cooke/K. Malcolmson/C. Evans
    OKC Riversport (B)
a. Farnum/G. Lauth/M. Quinn/E. Hibbs
    Texas Rowing Center (B)
C. Goldschmidt/J. Andrews/J. Nordskog/P. Lim
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (B)
E. Johnstone/B. Miller/S. Nakagawa/D. Blandford
    OKC Riversport (C)
E. Eickman/E. Reshef/L. Barry/R. Sears
    Texas Rowing Center (C)
C. Haennia/L. Vepstas/J. Nicot/C. Hicks
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (C)
E. Lowen/J. Barrett/R. Briere/K. Rannard
    OKC Riversport (D)
K. Adams/M. Allen/C. Collert/K. Powers
    Texas Rowing Center (D)
S. Schisler/D. Feicht/A. Schisler/J. Hyde
Sunday, October 6
54 Mens Masters 4x
65 Mixed Masters 8+
68 Mixed Masters 2x
    Kansas City Rowing Club (A)
M. Hills/S. Maynard-Moody
    OKC Riversport (A)
K. Kapraun/j. sanders
    Rocky Mountain Rowing Club (A)
T. Evans/S. Noble
    Topeka Rowing Association (A)
G. Atkinson/K. Hosfelt
    Tulsa Rowing Club (A)
M. Hartwell/S. Dunn
    Waterford Crew (A)
D. Horrocks/M. Horrocks
    Wichita Rowing Association (A)
W. Van Sickle/C. Van Sickle
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (A)
R. Dansereau/S. Wilson-Kowal
    Kansas City Rowing Club (B)
J. Jewett/E. Smith
    OKC Riversport (B)
A. Clark/A. Holliday
    Wichita Rowing Association (B)
R. Symonds/K. Alt
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (B)
E. Johnstone/F. Aweyden
    Big Shoulders Rowing Club (C)
A. Idaszak/M. Idaszak
    OKC Riversport (C)
L. McCanlies/A. Rupert
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (C)
R. Briere/K. Rannard
    OKC Riversport (D)
T. Matherly/E. Hibbs
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (D)
J. Reitberger/D. Sturd
    OKC Riversport (E)
L. Barry/R. Sears
79 Womens Masters 4x
80 Mixed Masters 4+
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change