USRowing Club National Championships

  • Hosted By: USRowing
  • 2016 Owned Regatta


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
1 Mens Intermediate 8+
2 Womens Intermediate 4x
    Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
V. Jones/E. Ketelle/S. Sutton/T. Laney
    Bachelors Barge Club (A)
A. Stafford/K. Coons/G. Satas/m. o'leary
    Boston Sculling (A)
E. Welles-Gertz/F. Richardson/K. Fanikos/L. Luo
    New York Athletic Club (A)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
C. Carney/A. Carlyon/K. Thomson/M. Mosier
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
O. Babiec/K. Baldridge/C. Myers/E. Love
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
H. Patrick/M. Abreu/M. Grindle/E. Ballard
    Steel City Rowing Club (A)
J. Hebert/S. Maddamma/M. Pollock/V. Bujala
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
A. Bolt/S. Reynolds/G. Cutler/N. Bedos
    New York Athletic Club (B)
3 Womens Junior B 1x
    Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
S. Podwojski
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
L. Azuela
    Boston Sculling (A)
S. Blacklow
    Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
C. Madden
    East End Rowing Institute, LTD. (A)
B. Ristau
    Essex Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
S. Block
    Maritime Rowing Club (A)
M. Campbell
    Sagamore Rowing Association (A)
A. Bielawski
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
R. Connelly
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
C. Buckley
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (A)
J. Gurman
    Stanton-River Bank Rowing (A)
R. McCormick
    Steel City Rowing Club (A)
J. Gasbarro
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (A)
E. Sharis
    Boston Sculling (B)
C. Brennan
    Community Rowing, Inc. (B)
K. Garrity
    East End Rowing Institute, LTD. (B)
K. Reese
    Essex Rowing Club, Inc. (B)
K. Cebry
    Sammamish Rowing Association (B)
R. Wiley
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (B)
A. Petterson
    SoNo Rowing (B)
N. Clark
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (B)
C. Heiderscheit
    Community Rowing, Inc. (C)
S. Stone
    East End Rowing Institute, LTD. (C)
E. Parillo
    Sammamish Rowing Association (C)
C. Snyder
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (C)
M. Macey
    SoNo Rowing (C)
V. Thorogood
    Community Rowing, Inc. (D)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (D)
B. Lewis
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (D)
L. Hoover
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (E)
S. Gottfried
4 Mens Intermediate Ltwt 4x
5 Mens Junior A 4x
6 Womens Junior A 8+
7 Mens Senior 1x
8 Womens Senior 2-
9 Mens Intermediate Ltwt 4+
10 Womens Intermediate Ltwt 2x
11 Mens Junior A 4+
12 Womens Junior A 2x
    Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
H. Tanasijevich/J. Kish
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
V. Bartell/N. Brandt
    Boston Sculling (A)
G. Guarino/E. McBride
    Composite: CRI, SoNo (A)
M. Willis/J. Orlov
    Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
E. Knudsen/V. Ryan
    Cooper Training Center (A)
B. Robinson/N. Kloss
    East End Rowing Institute, LTD. (A)
L. Woodhull/R. Girard
    Essex Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
R. Corbett/J. Bolduc
    GMS Rowing Center (A)
C. Lott/J. Lajoie
    Greater Dayton Rowing Association (A)
    Jacksonville Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
D. Baker/M. McNulty
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
A. Aaron/M. Howard
    Pittsburgh Rowing Club (A)
S. McDaniel/M. Treser
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Sagamore Rowing Association (A)
A. Massey/S. Dennington
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
H. Saddler/N. Anyanwu
    Sarasota Crew (A)
S. Luther/G. Halula
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (A)
S. Greenberg/B. Ferrara
    Steel City Rowing Club (A)
M. Pollock/V. Bujala
    Thompson Boat Center (A)
N. Nicely/A. Wamstead
    Unaffiliated (USA) (A)
A. McInturf/J. Jelanni
    Austin Rowing Club (B)
D. Brown/A. Colety
    Boston Sculling (B)
K. Fanikos/L. Luo
    Community Rowing, Inc. (B)
E. kehoe/M. Bertasi
    East End Rowing Institute, LTD. (B)
B. Ristau/K. Isola
    Maritime Rowing Club (B)
A. Livestay/Q. Gruver
    San Diego Rowing Club (B)
K. Plaxe/T. Gabbard
    Composite: Sarasota Crew, Unaff. (USA) (B)
S. Sims/C. Rosoff
    Steel City Rowing Club (B)
J. Hebert/A. Lusky
    Austin Rowing Club (C)
C. Allan/B. David
    Boston Sculling (C)
S. Vaughn/E. Collins
    Community Rowing, Inc. (C)
E. Butte/B. Sharon
    Steel City Rowing Club (C)
E. Schauf/R. Hollern
    Austin Rowing Club (D)
L. Ellis/B. Mele
    Boston Sculling (D)
H. Burns/K. Danielsen
    Community Rowing, Inc. (D)
H. Chavez/E. Bergantino
    Steel City Rowing Club (D)
J. Gasbarro/K. Gazica
    Austin Rowing Club (E)
I. Sheehan/B. Loving-Bagwell
    Boston Sculling (E)
C. MacNeille/K. Keller
    Community Rowing, Inc. (E)
E. Adler/C. Perreault
    Boston Sculling (F)
G. Purman/H. Brigham
    Community Rowing, Inc. (F)
A. Forelli/E. Friedan
13 Mens Senior 4+
14 Womens Senior 2x
15 Mens Intermediate 2x
16 Womens Intermediate 4+
17 Mens Senior Ltwt 2x
18 Womens Senior Ltwt 4+
19 Mens Junior B 2x
20 Womens Junior B 4+
21 Mens Intermediate 2-
22 Womens Intermediate 1x
23 Mens Senior Ltwt 2-
24 Womens Senior Ltwt 1x
25 Mens Junior B 8+
26 Womens Junior B 4x
    Boston Sculling (A)
S. Blacklow/S. Bohrer/H. McCall/G. Smith
    Greater Dayton Rowing Association (A)
    Maritime Rowing Club (A)
B. Tobey/V. Hoeft/M. Campbell/E. Caccam
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Sagamore Rowing Association (A)
G. DellAquilo/S. Gunzburg/M. Donner/A. Bielawski
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
R. Connelly/K. Yalcin/H. Benson/R. Wiley
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (A)
c. cashel/A. Petterson/A. Morrison/J. Gurman
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (A)
E. Sharis/C. Heiderscheit/P. Walsh/L. Hoover
    Boston Sculling (B)
M. Santinelli/E. Scholle/M. Getter/S. Brem
    Maritime Rowing Club (B)
A. Savoca/L. Howe/Q. Gruver/L. Bell
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (B)
A. Whiteman/S. Gottfried/P. Lohman/S. Britt
    Community Rowing, Inc. (C)
27 Mens Intermediate Ltwt 1x
28 Womens Intermediate Ltwt 2-
29 Mens Junior A 1x
30 Womens Junior A 2-
31 Mens Senior 4x
32 Womens Senior 8+
33 Mens Senior 4-
34 Mens Junior A 2-
35 Womens Junior A 1x
    Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
V. Jones
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
V. Bartell
    Boston Sculling (A)
E. McBride
    Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
M. Taaffe
    Jacksonville Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
P. White
    Pittsburgh Rowing Club (A)
M. Treser
    Sagamore Rowing Association (A)
A. Massey
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
H. Saddler
    Sarasota Crew (A)
G. Halula
    SoNo Rowing (A)
M. Willis
    Steel City Rowing Club (A)
J. Hebert
    Unaffiliated (USA) (A)
C. Rosoff
    Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc. (B)
H. Tanasijevich
    Austin Rowing Club (B)
A. Colety
    Boston Sculling (B)
S. Vaughn
    Community Rowing, Inc. (B)
B. Sharon
    Greater Dayton Rowing Association (B)
    Jacksonville Rowing Club, Inc. (B)
D. Baker
    Pittsburgh Rowing Club (B)
S. McDaniel
    San Diego Rowing Club (B)
C. Staff
    Sarasota Crew (B)
S. Sims
    Steel City Rowing Club (B)
A. Lusky
    Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc. (C)
J. Kish
    Boston Sculling (C)
E. Collins
    Community Rowing, Inc. (C)
V. Ryan
    Jacksonville Rowing Club, Inc. (C)
M. McNulty
    Sarasota Crew (C)
S. Luther
    Steel City Rowing Club (C)
V. Bujala
    Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc. (D)
L. Caldwell
    Boston Sculling (D)
M. Hendren
    Community Rowing, Inc. (D)
M. Bertasi
    Community Rowing, Inc. (D)
j. mcgill
    Boston Sculling (E)
R. Chinman
    Community Rowing, Inc. (E)
A. Andres
    Boston Sculling (F)
M. Hoffstot
    Community Rowing, Inc. (F)
E. kehoe
    Boston Sculling (G)
C. MacNeille
    Community Rowing, Inc. (G)
E. Butte
    Boston Sculling (H)
F. Richardson
    Boston Sculling (I)
G. Guarino
    Boston Sculling (J)
K. Keller
36 Womens Senior 4-
37 Mens Intermediate Ltwt 8+
38 Womens Intermediate ltwt 4x
    Badger Development Camp (A)
M. Abler/S. Gavell/G. Lapadat/M. Freshley
    Boston Sculling (A)
R. Chinman/K. Keller/G. Purman/H. Brigham
    Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
M. Florentino/L. Luniewicz/E. Geremia/E. Bergantino
    Sagamore Rowing Association (A)
G. DellAquilo/S. Markowitz/M. Donner/A. Massey
    SoNo Rowing (A)
M. Greer/N. Clark/J. Lee/R. Ritchey
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (A)
H. Schofield/L. Staub/M. Ionescu/K. Brown
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
H. Beckner/K. McNeill/K. Laine/E. Euiler
39 Mens Junior A 8+
40 Womens Junior A 4x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
L. Ellis/C. Allan/V. Bartell/A. Colety
    Boston Sculling (A)
E. McBride/G. Guarino/K. Fanikos/L. Luo
    Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
A. Ruenger/E. Barnett/B. Kazimer/L. Randle
    Cooper Training Center (A)
S. Brown/H. Bender/T. Labelle/D. Brooks
    East End Rowing Institute, LTD. (A)
B. Ristau/K. Isola/K. Reese/C. Scavone
    Composite: GMS Rowing, SoNo (A)
M. Willis/C. Lott/J. Lajoie/E. Frank
    Greater Dayton Rowing Association (A)
    Maritime Rowing Club (A)
E. Biddle/O. Bordelon/A. Persico/A. Kenefick
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
J. Cloud/M. Tanklage/M. McMullen/D. Nunes
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
K. Sampson/O. Babiec/C. Babiec/E. Love
    Sagamore Rowing Association (A)
A. Massey/S. Dennington/S. Markowitz/G. DellAquilo
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
C. Staff/N. Anyanwu/H. Saddler/T. Gabbard
    Composite: Sarasota Crew, Unaff. (USA) (A)
S. Sims/S. Luther/G. Halula/C. Rosoff
    Steel City Rowing Club (A)
V. Bujala/A. Lusky/J. Hebert/M. Pollock
    Austin Rowing Club (B)
N. Brandt/D. Brown/B. Loving-Bagwell/B. Mele
    Boston Sculling (B)
S. Vaughn/M. Hoffstot/E. Collins/C. MacNeille
    Community Rowing, Inc. (B)
M. Taaffe/E. kehoe/C. Madden/M. Bertasi
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (B)
A. Heyse/R. Catalana/A. Aaron/M. Howard
    Steel City Rowing Club (B)
E. Schauf/J. Gasbarro/R. Hollern/K. Gazica
    Boston Sculling (C)
M. Hendren/K. Danielsen/H. Burns/R. Chinman
41 Mens Senior 2-
42 Womens Senior 1x
43 Mens Intermediate 4x
44 Womens Intermediate 8+
45 Mens Junior B 1x
46 Mens Intermediate 4+
47 Womens Intermediate 2x
    All American Rowing Camp, LLC (A)
K. Bennett/A. Doolin
    Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
S. Sutton/L. Caldwell
    Bachelors Barge Club (A)
A. Stafford/K. Coons
    Boston Sculling (A)
E. Welles-Gertz/F. Richardson
    Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
R. Shaffer/G. Zarate-Demacedo
    East End Rowing Institute, LTD. (A)
L. Woodhull/R. Girard
    Minneapolis Rowing Club (A)
E. Bagley/R. Kean
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
A. Carlyon/K. Thomson
    Composite: Potomac, GMS Rowing (A)
N. Eisermann/M. OLeary
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
M. Grindle/E. Ballard
    Composite: Sarasota Crew, Seattle RC (A)
C. Goldberg/C. Linnenkohl
    Seattle Rowing Center (A)
M. Boze/C. Dougherty
    Steel City Rowing Club (A)
S. Maddamma/V. Bujala
    US Rowing West Coast Sculling Dev Camp (A)
J. McGill/D. Struk
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (A)
K. Rempel/M. Bergmann
    All American Rowing Camp, LLC (B)
A. Dimatteo/M. Streitfield
    Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc. (B)
M. Deja/S. Podwojski
    Community Rowing, Inc. (B)
M. Chelstowska/C. Draper
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (B)
C. Carney/A. Villa
48 Mens Senior Ltwt 4+
49 Womens Senior Ltwt 2x
50 Mens Junior B 4+
51 Womens Junior B 2x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
I. Sheehan/L. Azuela
    Boston Sculling (A)
S. Brem/G. Smith
    Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
E. Barnett/C. Madden
    East End Rowing Institute, LTD. (A)
K. Reese/E. Parillo
    Essex Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
S. Block/C. Guinee
    Greater Dayton Rowing Association (A)
    Jacksonville Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
I. Wothe/M. Wothe
    Maritime Rowing Club (A)
B. Tobey/V. Hoeft
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
R. Connelly/K. Yalcin
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (A)
c. cashel/J. Gurman
    SoNo Rowing (A)
M. Greer/N. Clark
    Steel City Rowing Club (A)
J. Gasbarro/M. Pollock
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (A)
E. Sharis/C. Heiderscheit
    Boston Sculling (B)
M. Santinelli/E. Scholle
    Community Rowing, Inc. (B)
    Potomac Boat Club (B)
    Sammamish Rowing Association (B)
H. Benson/C. Snyder
    SoNo Rowing (B)
J. Lee/R. Ritchey
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (B)
P. Walsh/L. Hoover
    Boston Sculling (C)
H. McCall/S. Bohrer
    Community Rowing, Inc. (C)
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (C)
A. Whiteman/S. Gottfried
    Boston Sculling (D)
C. Brennan/M. Getter
    Community Rowing, Inc. (D)
    Y Quad Cities Rowing (D)
P. Lohman/S. Britt
    Community Rowing, Inc. (E)
52 Mens Intermediate Ltwt 2x
53 Womens Intermediate Ltwt 4+
54 Mens Junior A 2x
55 Womens Junior A 4+
56 Mens Senior 2x
57 Womens Senior 4+
58 Mens Intermediate Ltwt 2-
59 Womens Intermediate Ltwt 1x
    All American Rowing Camp, LLC (A)
M. Donovan
    Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
T. Laney
    Badger Development Camp (A)
M. Freshley
    Boston Sculling (A)
E. Collins
    Jacksonville Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
P. White
    Long Beach Rowing Association (A)
J. McGill
    Maritime Rowing Club (A)
A. Kenefick
    Minnesota Women's Development Camp (A)
N. Fisher
    Steel City Rowing Club (A)
E. Schauf
    Unaffiliated (USA) (A)
C. Rosoff
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (A)
H. Schofield
    US Rowing West Coast Sculling Dev Camp (A)
J. McGill
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (A)
N. Perron
    Badger Development Camp (B)
S. Gavell
    Steel City Rowing Club (B)
R. Hollern
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (B)
L. Staub
    Winnipeg Rowing Club (B)
J. Plant
    Steel City Rowing Club (C)
K. Gazica
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (C)
M. Ionescu
    Vesper Boat Club (C)
A. Hoetlzel
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (D)
E. Schaefer
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (E)
K. Brown
60 Mens Senior 8+
61 Womens Senior 4x
62 Mens Intermediate 1x
63 Womens Intermediate 2-
64 Mens Senior Ltwt 1x
65 Womens Senior Ltwt 2-
66 Mens Junior B 4x
67 Womens Junior B 8+
68 Mens Senior Ltwt 8+
69 Mens Senior Ltwt 4x
70 Womens Open 1x - Dash
71 Mens Open 1x - Dash
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change