Quaker City Masters Regatta

  • Hosted By: Fairmount Rowing Association


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Saturday, August 4, 2007
1 Adaptive 2x
3 Womens D-H 8+
2 Mens A-C 1x
    Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc.
D. Day
8.1 (45)
    Bachelors Barge Club
B. Jacobs
3.6 (39)
    Baltimore Rowing Club
T. Shields
4.2 (40)
    Chicago River Rowing & Paddling Center
J. Miros
11.0 (48)
    Fairmount Rowing Association
M. Hayes
1.2 (34)
    Juniper Rowing Club
T. Pope
0.9 (33)
    Malta Boat Club
P. Van Allen
11.0 (48)
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc.
E. Hagberg
3.6 (39)
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc.
M. Monplaisir
3.6 (39)
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc.
C. Johnston
4.9 (41)
    Norwalk River Rowing Association
T. Helmkamp
11.0 (48)
    Norwalk River Rowing Association
B. Senst
0.0 (25)
    Pelham Community Rowing Association
S. Schulich
2.5 (37)
    Pelham Community Rowing Association
B. Brunelle
3.6 (39)
    Potomac Boat Club
T. Nix
2.5 (37)
    Skidmore Community Rowing
J. Gandy
5.6 (42)
    Smith College
A. DiSanti
0.1 (29)
    Unaffiliated (USA)
J. Suter
4.2 (40)
    Unaffiliated (USA)
J. Turner
11.0 (48)
    Unaffiliated (USA)
K. Suter
8.1 (45)
    Unaffiliated (USA)
J. Zeller
7.2 (44)
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
F. Rowe
7.2 (44)
    Union Boat Club
R. Mannino
3.6 (39)
    Upper Merion Boat Club
D. McGovern
1.6 (35)
    Upper Merion Boat Club
J. Tierney
11.0 (48)
    Upper Merion Boat Club
G. Krumenacker
3.0 (38)
    Vesper Boat Club
T. Bell
3.0 (38)
    Vesper Boat Club
J. Oestreich
5.6 (42)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC)
A. Hobbs
10.0 (47)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC)
R. Fisher
9.0 (46)
4 Womens A-C 1x
    Baltimore Rowing Club
W. Shields
3.0 (38)
    Pelham Community Rowing Association
M. Dikkers
12.1 (49)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
K. Agersborg
8.1 (45)
    Three Rivers Rowing Association
F. Amati
4.9 (41)
    Unaffiliated (USA)
A. Fischetti
9.0 (46)
    Vesper Boat Club
A. Kocher
9.0 (46)
    Vesper Boat Club
C. Scott
9.0 (46)
5 Mens D-H 8+
6 Mens D-H 1x
    Bachelors Barge Club
R. Miller
13.2 (50)
    Cape Coral Rowing Club
J. Pokorny
27.2 (60)
    Cooper Rowing Club
S. Heinbockle
14.4 (51)
    Fairmount Rowing Association
T. Toland
15.6 (52)
    Fairmount Rowing Association
M. Fountain
14.4 (51)
    Fairmount Rowing Association
M. Jones
16.9 (53)
    Fairmount Rowing Association
J. Long
25.6 (59)
    Malta Boat Club
R. Stehlik
27.2 (60)
    Malta Boat Club
T. Mickler
16.9 (53)
    Marin Rowing Association
W. Scholtz
13.2 (50)
    Norwalk River Rowing Association
W. Brady
28.9 (61)
    Norwalk River Rowing Association
J. Jarreau
14.4 (51)
    Pelham Community Rowing Association
J. Baynon
24.0 (58)
    Unaffiliated (USA)
C. Norelli
15.6 (52)
    University Barge Club
A. Cook
15.6 (52)
    Vesper Boat Club
R. Jones
38.0 (66)
    Vesper Boat Club
M. Schneider
24.0 (58)
7 Womens D-H 1x
8 Mens Rec 1x
9 Womens A-C 8+
    Avalon Rowing Club
S. Volpe/B. Dembek/T. Konya/P. Adler/S. Sternbach/F. Laud/A. Dias/R. Fox/T. DiAngelo (Cox)
5.8 (44)
    Hudson River Rowing Association, Inc.
M. King/S. Beaudry/S. Herman/S. Hotrovich/R. Fall/R. Soltes/W. Higgins/S. Conger/B. Laura (Cox)
8.0 (47)
    Norwalk River Rowing Association
B. Lysobey/L. Case/C. Galloway/L. Foale/J. Caird/W. Russell/J. Brocki/B. Zucker/J. Josef (Cox)
6.5 (45)
    Prince William Rowing Club, Inc.
M. Heisey/M. King/M. Maebus/R. Coughenour/R. Quinn/B. Newman/G. Thompson/K. Torres/S. Defibaugh (Cox)
8.0 (47)
    Skidmore Community Rowing
E. Mastrianni/E. Swab/H. Smith/K. Mariotti/J. Liebers/D. Lucaroni/T. Barlock/R. Mahoney/C. Tulis (Cox)
6.5 (45)
    Smith College
K. McNamara/C. Jordan/E. Wagner/A. Zultner/C. Baldino/C. Van Der Tuin/C. Cohen/E. Tormey/N. Petendra (Cox)
6.5 (45)
    Three Rivers Rowing Association
B. Ensminger/A. Donovan/J. Sunday/P. Harding/K. Raymond/A. Pfennigwerth/F. Amati/B. Knapp/J. Vogel (Cox)
8.8 (48)
    Vesper Boat Club
T. Rigby/A. Jonik/K. Agersborg/D. Mullen/J. Skaling/R. Jerril/A. Roach/C. Holdsworth/J. Sara (Cox)
7.2 (46)
10 Womens Rec 1x
11 Mens A-C 8+
12 Mens Ltwt A-H 1x
    Baltimore Rowing Club
R. Singewald
24.0 (58)
    Fairmount Rowing Association
S. Jonik
22.5 (57)
    Malta Boat Club
J. Cutler
4.2 (40)
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc.
E. Hagberg
3.6 (39)
    Union Boat Club
R. Mannino
3.6 (39)
    Vesper Boat Club
E. Gribbin
15.6 (52)
14 Womens D-H 4+
15 Mens D-H 4+
13 Womens Ltwt A-H 1x
16 Mixed A-C 2x
17 Mixed A-H 4x
    Bachelors Barge Club (A)
A. Benson/W. Ban/R. Wiedman/E. Sollberger
3.9 (41)
    Cooper Rowing Club (A)
K. Wilson/T. Conray/E. Normoyle/L. Finsrud
8.8 (48)
    Fairmount Rowing Association (A)
F. Biller/E. Bell/T. Bell/K. Biller
2.9 (39)
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (A)
J. Jarreau/B. Lysobey/L. Foale/P. Sikes
5.8 (44)
    Passaic River Rowing Association (PRRA) (A)
C. Scorsone/S. Ward/S. Rauth/R. Martini
6.5 (45)
    Pelham Community Rowing Association (A)
I. Ghitelman/C. Ippolito/A. Meredith/D. Orlando
6.5 (45)
    Prince William Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
P. Hilgartner/J. Clifton/K. Torres/K. Santucci
16.8 (56)
    Swan Creek Rowing Club (A)
R. Bradlee, Jr/C. Hey/J. Wilson/T. Skeehan
11.5 (51)
    University Barge Club (A)
A. Cutler/B. Isdaner/M. Meigs/P. Laskow
12.5 (52)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
J. Cutler/E. Gribbin/A. Roach/C. Holdsworth
10.6 (50)
    Viking Rowing Foundation (A)
B. Sharp/T. Krothee/D. Kintish/J. Chialastri
9.7 (49)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC) (A)
R. Stelik/A. Hurwitz/K. Benarcik/F. Duling
15.7 (55)
    Cooper Rowing Club (B)
S. Rotzko/P. Schneider/J. Knapp/M. Gaier
5.1 (43)
    Passaic River Rowing Association (PRRA) (B)
A. Fiory/J. Lahm/B. Kvetkus/G. Lahm
11.5 (51)
    Vesper Boat Club (B)
P. Simone/A. Jonik/M. Jonik/R. Wilson
12.5 (52)
18 Mixed D-H 2x
    Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School (A)
S. Wolin/S. Knapp
14.6 (53)
    Swan Creek Rowing Club (A)
P. Glover/M. Glover
28.0 (63)
    Three Rivers Rowing Association (A)
L. Lang/J. Kelly
25.0 (61)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
J. Oestreich/M. Beck
11.4 (50)
    Vesper Boat Club (B)
R. Jones/M. Jones
26.5 (62)
    Fairmount Rowing Association (C)
R. Sargent/S. Sargent
31.2 (65)
19 Mens Ltwt A-H 4x
20 Womens Ltwt A-H 4x
21 Father/Son 2x
    Chicago River Rowing & Paddling Center (A)
B. Levinson/J. Levinson
    Fairmount Rowing Association (A)
J. Krajewski/J. Krajewski
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
Z. Franklin/J. Franklin
    Vesper Boat Club (B)
N. Colgan/B. Colgan
22 Womens D-H 4x
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (A)
B. Lysobey/L. Case/L. O'Brien/W. Russell
11.5 (51)
    Prince William Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
R. Coughenour/B. Waltz/N. Rhea/R. Quinn
8.8 (48)
    Skidmore Community Rowing (A)
C. Halse/L. Norris/P. Passen/J. Spinelli
10.6 (50)
    Swan Creek Rowing Club (A)
C. Hey/R. Fox/J. Wilson/M. Michner
11.5 (51)
    Three Rivers Rowing Association (A)
B. Ensminger/P. Harding/J. Start/L. Lang
20.5 (59)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
C. Scott/A. Franklin/S. Cohen/K. Constant
14.6 (54)
23 Mens A-H 2-
24 Mens D-H 4x
    University Barge Club (A)
B. Isdaner/J. Reiss/K. Coady/P. Laskow
18.0 (57)
    Upper Merion Boat Club (A)
D. Cutcliff/J. Barker/J. Hartnett/K. Fox
14.6 (54)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
P. Simone/T. Bell/M. Schneider/R. Wilson
10.6 (50)
    Viking Rowing Foundation (A)
D. McCrossan/J. Chialastri/F. Iezzi/T. Krothee
12.5 (52)
    Viking Rowing Foundation (B)
F. Previti/B. Funk/F. Glaser/A. Staller
20.5 (59)
    Fairmount Rowing Association (E)
S. Jonik/J. Pokorny/B. Galli/R. Sargent
24.5 (62)
25 Womens A-H 2-
26 Womens A-C 2x
    Cooper Rowing Club (A)
F. Rotzko/E. Normoyle
4.2 (41)
    Fairmount Rowing Association (A)
K. Biller/T. Bell
4.2 (41)
    Pelham Community Rowing Association (A)
T. Patterson/M. Staargaard Dikk
7.0 (45)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
K. Agersborg/C. Scott
7.0 (45)
    Philadelphia Girls' Rowing Club (A)
J. Gross/M. Vivarina
0.8 (33)
    Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School (A)
K. Tolcser/J. Gaynor
8.6 (47)
    Skidmore Community Rowing (A)
H. Smith/J. Liebers
3.7 (40)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
M. Cooney/S. Griffith
9.5 (48)
    Prince William Rowing Club, Inc. (B)
R. Coughenour/R. Quinn
6.2 (44)
    Vesper Boat Club (B)
A. Kocher/M. Hilf
7.8 (46)
27 Womens Ltwt A-H 4+
28 Mens Ltwt A-H 4+
29 Mixed A-H 4+
30 Womens D-H 2x
31 Mens A-C 4x
    Cooper Rowing Club (A)
S. Verzella/T. Scattergood/M. Gaier/J. McAdams
8.8 (48)
    Fairmount Rowing Association (A)
F. Biller/M. Fountain/K. Furlong/V. Buvac
2.4 (38)
    Passaic River Rowing Association (PRRA) (A)
C. Scorsone/M. Bell/B. Delisle/R. Martini
1.6 (36)
    Pelham Community Rowing Association (A)
V. Hueston/A. Rubbo/C. Ippolito/A. Meredith
4.5 (42)
    Prince William Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
R. Griggs/H. Umana/J. Hoehn/G. Hayden
7.2 (46)
    Upper Merion Boat Club (A)
D. McGovern/G. Krumenacker/J. Tierney/D. Klann
2.9 (39)
    Vesper Boat Club (H)
A. Lawn/B. Colgan/J. Kelly/E. Gribbin
9.7 (49)
32 Mens D-H 2x
    Annapolis Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
R. Blase/J. Hunt
12.4 (51)
    Fairmount Rowing Association (A)
B. Hudome/R. Lippa
12.4 (51)
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (A)
T. Helmkamp/W. Brady
15.7 (54)
    Passaic River Rowing Association (PRRA) (A)
A. Fiory/J. Lahm
25.0 (61)
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
B. Cox/E. Ryan
22.1 (59)
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (A)
J. Cantrill/D. Kacala
25.0 (61)
    University Barge Club (A)
K. Coady/J. Reiss
26.5 (62)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
P. Simone/R. Wilson
13.5 (52)
    Viking Rowing Foundation (A)
F. Previti/A. Staller
25.0 (61)
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC) (A)
R. Stelik/F. Duling
25.0 (61)
33 Womens A-C 4x
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (A)
L. Case/C. Galloway/J. Brocki/L. Foale
4.5 (42)
    Passaic River Rowing Association (PRRA) (A)
S. Ward/S. Rauth/B. Shergalis/G. Lahm
12.5 (52)
    Pelham Community Rowing Association (A)
D. Orlando/T. Patterson/M. Staargaard Dikk/L. Stirton Aust
9.7 (49)
    Skidmore Community Rowing (A)
K. Mariotti/D. Lucaroni/R. Belsky/J. Spinelli
6.5 (45)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
K. Agersborg/M. Hilf/A. Franklin/A. Kocher
8.0 (47)
    Cooper Rowing Club (B)
J. Mitchell/M. Krouch/J. Close/K. Brown
8.0 (47)
34 Mens A-C 4+
35 Womens A-C 4+
36 Mens A-C 2x
37 Mens Ltwt A-H 2x
38 Womens Ltwt A-H 2x
39 Mixed A-H 8+
40 Corportate Mixed 8+
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change