Philadelphia Youth Regatta
- Jul 17, 2010
- sprint
- Schuylkill River
- Philadelphia, PA (USA)
- Hosted By: Schuylkill Navy of Philadelphia
- 2016 Registered Regatta
Event# | Time* | Code | Event | Competitors | Entries |
Saturday, July 17, 2010 | |||||
1 | Boys J16 Four | 6 |
Fairmount Rowing Association (A) |
N. Seigel/W. Blommer/W. Risko/J. Dwyer/M. Ayjian (Cox)
Mobjack Rowing Association (A) |
A. Merz/C. Johnson/A. Johnson/Z. Payne/M. Hendrix (Cox)
New York Rowing Association (A) |
B. Levy/S. Mazin/F. Quiogue/C. Reifsnyder/E. Lindsay (Cox)
Pennsylvania Barge Club (A) |
N. Ward/J. Baseman/J. Clapper/S. Farris/P. Shafer (Cox)
Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School (A) |
L. O'Brien/R. Halloran/J. Thompson/D. Gilgallon/M. Gregory (Cox)
Mobjack Rowing Association (B) |
s. hickman/A. Farina/P. Machen/J. Cheatham/K. Mielnik (Cox)
2 | Girls J16 Four | 9 |
Fairmount Rowing Association (A) |
M. Familetti/C. Flynn/C. Davis/R. Farrell/A. Lorei (Cox)
Harriton Boat Club (A) |
E. Butler/D. Kelly/H. Barton/L. Tonetti/E. Hershorin (Cox)
Mobjack Rowing Association (A) |
E. Keane/E. Arsenovic/G. Lauer/H. Beverage/K. Rondeau (Cox)
Regatta Point Rowing (A) |
L. Van Benschoten/E. Seibring/A. Routenberg/M. Riley/M. McDonnell (Cox)
Row New York (A) |
A. Bokhari/E. Buford/S. McCann/K. Nozile/C. Di Maio (Cox)
Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School (A) |
K. Wegner/K. Kolbe/K. Wegner/S. Coco/M. Hart (Cox)
Syracuse Chargers Rowing Club (A) |
Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School (B) |
A. Samach/A. Georgia/C. Murphy/H. Richards/L. Cuomo (Cox)
Syracuse Chargers Rowing Club (B) |
3 | Boys J16 Quad | 9 |
4 | Girls J16 Quad | 11 |
5 | Boys Pair w/o | 4 |
6 | Girls Pair w/o | 1 |
7 | Boys Four | 6 |
8 | Girls J16 Eight | 3 |
9 | Boys J18 Single | 17 |
Unaffiliated (USA) (..) |
B. Ford
Crescent Boat Club (A) |
O. Ingran
Fairmount Rowing Association (A) |
H. Kieffer
Lake Ridge Community Rowing Club (A) |
K. Kim
Mobjack Rowing Association (A) |
Z. Shields
Nereid Boat Club, Inc. (A) |
A. Dowd
New York Athletic Club (A) |
C. Murphy
New York Rowing Association (A) |
B. Keri
Pelham Community Rowing Association (A) |
M. Coughlin
Potomac Boat Club (A) |
G. Young
Warwick High School (A) |
T. Kates
Warwick High School (A) |
D. Hartwick
Washington Street Sculling Camp (A) |
J. Venonsky
Whitemarsh Boat Club (A) |
B. Madara
Crescent Boat Club (B) |
B. Arch
Pelham Community Rowing Association (B) |
P. Goldstein
Crescent Boat Club (C) |
P. Woodruff
10 | Boys J16 Single | 16 |
11 | Girls J18 Single | 11 |
12 | Girls J16 Single | 6 |
13 | Boys J16 Eight | 3 |
Fairmount Rowing Association (A) |
M. Pettit/W. Blommer/N. Seigel/B. Pusey/S. Long/A. McGowan/W. Risko/J. Dwyer/M. Ayjian (Cox)
Mobjack Rowing Association (A) |
A. Merz/A. Johnson/C. Johnson/Z. Payne/A. Farina/s. hickman/P. Machen/J. Cheatham/M. Hendrix (Cox)
Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School (A) |
J. Jameson/D. Gilgallon/L. O'Brien/R. Halloran/J. Thompson/S. Merrill/E. Connolly/I. Danforth/M. Gregory (Cox)
14 | Girls J18 Four | 11 |
Fairmount Rowing Association (A) |
L. Turner/M. Dwyer/N. Frederick/O. DeSalvo/M. Mahoney (Cox)
Harriton Boat Club (A) |
S. Lincoln/A. Wegbreit/E. Hayden/C. Fenlin/R. Grossman (Cox)
Mobjack Rowing Association (A) |
E. Keane/K. Hickman/G. Lauer/E. Arsenovic/M. Divelbiss (Cox)
Nereid Boat Club, Inc. (A) |
L. Pikus/M. McCrudden/J. Pikus/H. Wodenshek/M. Baltzer (Cox)
Pelham Community Rowing Association (A) |
A. Goldman/C. Coash/G. Torell/C. Jensen/M. Hughes (Cox)
Regatta Point Rowing (A) |
M. Lobo/H. Awad/K. Chicojay/S. Kranz/Z. McCabe (Cox)
Syracuse Chargers Rowing Club (A) |
Vesper Boat Club (A) |
Whitemarsh Boat Club (A) |
E. Carbone/K. OConnell/K. Casebeer/M. OBrien/M. Raggazino (Cox)
Syracuse Chargers Rowing Club (B) |
Syracuse Chargers Rowing Club (C) |
15 | Boys J18 Double | 21 |
Bachelors Barge Club (A) |
M. Massey/J. Hoban
Crescent Boat Club (A) |
J. Gardner-Rosen/X. Alexander
East Arm Rowing Club (A) |
N. Arner/K. Dieterle
Fairmount Rowing Association (A) |
N. Walchonski/G. Lynch
Lake Ridge Community Rowing Club (A) |
C. Condray/W. SPENCER
Mobjack Rowing Association (A) |
M. Thomas/C. Towne
Navesink River Rowing (A) |
D. Rowland/C. Nelson
Nereid Boat Club, Inc. (A) |
C. Cole/M. Kelly
Nereid Boat Club, Inc. (A) |
T. Mukherjee/E. Romanko
New York Rowing Association (A) |
D. Garvilov/J. Collins
Pelham Community Rowing Association (A) |
J. Chung/J. Selvaggio
Regatta Point Rowing (A) |
S. Constable/J. Miller
Syracuse Chargers Rowing Club (A) |
Vesper Boat Club (A) |
Bachelors Barge Club (B) |
C. Law/G. Scherpbier
Nereid Boat Club, Inc. (B) |
T. Casazza/C. Delaunay
New York Rowing Association (B) |
B. Schlegel/C. Croughan
Pelham Community Rowing Association (B) |
C. Corwen/J. Walsh
Vesper Boat Club (B) |
Bachelors Barge Club (C) |
M. Lowney/K. Yerger
Pelham Community Rowing Association (C) |
A. King/N. Hindle
16 | Boys J16 Double | 16 |
Bachelors Barge Club (A) |
N. Tarshish/A. Bair
Crescent Boat Club (A) |
M. Weaver/M. DiCarlo
Fairmount Rowing Association (A) |
S. Miller/S. Hudson
Lake Ridge Community Rowing Club (A) |
N. Skeen/D. Johnson
Mobjack Rowing Association (A) |
P. Machen/A. James
New York Rowing Association (A) |
B. Lee/C. Reifsnyder
Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School (A) |
P. LaFalce/T. Finlay
Washington Street Sculling Camp (A) |
A. Tammany/A. Velte
Westfield High School dba Westfield Competitive Rowing, Inc. (A) |
M. Paone/I. Yeager
Bachelors Barge Club (B) |
R. Dickstein/T. Bartholomew
Crescent Boat Club (B) |
G. Wielgus/S. Kosma
Lake Ridge Community Rowing Club (B) |
N. Petrihos/J. Uperti
Nereid Boat Club, Inc. (B) |
T. Wentz/B. Sullivan
Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School (B) |
B. Wakeman/C. Yepsen
Crescent Boat Club (C) |
M. Wedlock/T. Villaneuva
Crescent Boat Club (D) |
B. White/J. Browne
17 | Boys Eight | 5 |
18 | Girls J18 Double | 18 |
19 | Girls J16 Double | 23 |
Bachelors Barge Club (A) |
L. Rothstein/S. Belanger
Brigantine Rowing Club (A) |
M. Hogan/E. Bryz-Gornia
Crescent Boat Club (A) |
C. McCormick/E. Dunne
Fairmount Rowing Association (A) |
A. Kielty/G. Kieffer
McGann Mercy High School (A) |
K. Reese/E. Parillo
Mobjack Rowing Association (A) |
H. Beverage/K. Worland
Nereid Boat Club, Inc. (A) |
A. Schneider/E. Waggoner
New York Rowing Association (A) |
A. Futterman/M. DiBuono
North Jersey Rowing (A) |
M. Del Duca/C. Painter
Pelham Community Rowing Association (A) |
J. Coash/M. Rubbo
Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School (A) |
M. Hampton/P. Merriman
Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (A) |
K. Kleczka/M. Noteware
Bachelors Barge Club (B) |
G. Frusone/M. Rudkin
Brigantine Rowing Club (B) |
E. Buongiorno/T. Mason
Crescent Boat Club (B) |
G. Lynch/E. Eisler
Mobjack Rowing Association (B) |
A. Silvus/C. Jones
Pelham Community Rowing Association (B) |
J. Pinder/P. Pinder
Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School (B) |
L. Olson/M. Song
Swan Creek Rowing Club (B) |
M. Bitzer/S. Sager
Bachelors Barge Club (C) |
S. Thomas/M. Amsterdam
Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School (C) |
M. Battle/J. Morrow
Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School (D) |
K. Fairley/A. Barry
Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School (E) |
G. Hedges/A. Messier
20 | Girls Eight | 5 |
21 | Boys J18 Quad | 12 |
22 | Girls J18 Quad | 10 |
23 | Boys Single Dash | 12 |
Mobjack Rowing Association (A) |
Z. Shields
New York Rowing Association (A) |
C. Reifsnyder
North Jersey Rowing (A) |
A. Massood
Pelham Community Rowing Association (A) |
M. Coughlin
Whitemarsh Boat Club (A) |
B. Madara
Mobjack Rowing Association (B) |
C. Towne
New York Rowing Association (B) |
B. Lee
Pelham Community Rowing Association (B) |
P. Goldstein
Mobjack Rowing Association (C) |
M. Thomas
Washington Street Sculling Camp (F) |
A. Stoczko
Washington Street Sculling Camp (G) |
A. Velte
Washington Street Sculling Camp (H) |
J. Venonsky
24 | Girls Single Dash | 5 |
Mobjack Rowing Association (A) |
K. Rondeau
North Jersey Rowing (A) |
S. Elstien
Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A) |
J. Andrews
V-Sculls (A) |
S. Penfield
North Jersey Rowing (B) |
S. Elsing
25 | Boys Eight Dash | 4 |
26 | Girls Eight Dash | 7 |
27 | Boys Novice 4x | 6 |
Crescent Boat Club (A) |
M. Brecht/I. Morrissey/A. Brecht/T. Mahan
Mobjack Rowing Association (A) |
M. Hendrix/J. Cheatham/K. Mielnik/T. Thomas
New York Rowing Association (A) |
C. DeLara/J. Pascali/W. Poulos/J. Cucci
Saratoga Rowing Association, Inc./ Saratoga Springs High School (A) |
W. Peake/M. Chernoff/J. Nixon/C. Reale
Crescent Boat Club (B) |
A. Ignas/I. Soltero/N. Walker/A. Melski
New York Rowing Association (B) |
B. A/J. B/B. Levy/S. Mazin
28 | Girls Novice 4x | 5 |
29 | Novice 8+ | 2 |
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change