Independence Day Regatta

  • Hosted By: Schuylkill Navy of Philadelphia
  • 2016 Registered Regatta


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Friday, July 2, 2010
1 Womens Junior 16 4x
2 Womens Masters 4+
3 Mens Masters 8
4 Father/son 2x (1000m)
5 Father/daughter 2x (1000m)
6 Mother/son 2x (1000m)
7 Mother/daughter 2x (1000m)
8 Womens Novice 1x (1000m)
9 Mens Novice 1x (1000m)
10 Womens Junior 4x
11 Mens Senior 2x
12 Mens Junior 16 1x
13 Mens Junior 2x
14 Womens Junior 1x
15 Womens Junior 16 1x
16 Womens Junior 4+
17 Mens Junior 4x
18 Mens Junior 16 4+
19 Mens 2-
20 Mens Light 2x
    GMS Rowing Center
P. Orlando/R. Klein
    GMS Rowing Center
S. Wolfe/T. Mickelson
    Malta Boat Club
M. Nucci/T. Nace
    New York Athletic Club
J. Gautreau/A. Haight
    New York Athletic Club
C. C/D. D
    New York Athletic Club
E. E/F. F
    Riverside Boat Club
D. Smith/M. Muffelman
    Vesper Boat Club
S. Cutler/E. Schultze
    Vesper Boat Club
B. Tryon/G. Kaplan
    Vesper Boat Club
J. Kapteyn/M. Vuksich
21 Womens Light 2x
22 Womens Inter Light 1x
23 Mens Junior 16 4x
24 Womens Junior 16 4+
25 Mens Intermediate 4+
    Junior Mens Selection Camp (A)
M. Cox/B. Laurint/R. Meder/J. Thaxton/M. Clair (Cox)
    New York Athletic Club (A)
A. A/B. B/C. C/D. D/C. A (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
T. B/T. C/T. D/T. E/T. A (Cox)
    Riverside Boat Club (A)
A. Fosbrook/E. Curry/G. Mahoney/J. Doherty/A. Milad (Cox)
    Sagamore Rowing Association (A)
J. Cahill/B. Giannone/K. Urbanczyk/M. Gautam/A. Landau (Cox)
    Sidney Sussex Boat Club, University of Cambridge (A)
D. Gorton/N. Taylor/P. Chandler/M. Edwardes-Jones/B. Wild (Cox)
    South Jersey Rowing Club (A)
T. Stuart/A. Edwards/B. Cassidy/R. Boutote/N. Hall (Cox)
    University of Pennsylvania Development Camp (A)
K. Browne/C. Gear/C. Sullivan/P. Shay/N. Miller (Cox)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
R. A/R. B/R. C/R. D/C. 1 (Cox)
    Junior Mens Selection Camp (B)
R. Furey/R. Dale/J. Merrell/R. Perrot/L. Pirkl (Cox)
    New York Athletic Club (B)
E. E/F. F/G. G/H. H/A. Aa (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (B)
T. B/T. C/T. D/T. E/T. A (Cox)
    University of Pennsylvania Development Camp (B)
L. Mead/T. Mathison/V. McLaughlin/e. Herrera/K. Quinn (Cox)
    Junior Mens Selection Camp (C)
W. Blodgett/J. Jones/Z. Hershberger/P. Popescu/D. Kelley (Cox)
    University of Pennsylvania Development Camp (C)
D. Morson/N. Barnes/M. VanVoorhis/M. Rizzo/R. Anthony (Cox)
    Junior Mens Selection Camp (D)
P. Eble/A. Hack/Z. Johnson/C. Jones/P. OHara (Cox)
26 Womens Junior 16 2x
27 Mens Intermediate 2x
    GMS Rowing Center
S. Crim/W. Griffith
    Hudson River Rowing Association, Inc.
E. Heaton/A. Sayles
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc.
    New York Athletic Club
R. Welsh/B. Murphy
    New York Rowing Association
D. Garvilov/C. Carlucci
    New York Rowing Association
W. Nowak/S. Ryan
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
R. A/S. A
    Philadelphia Sculling Club
A. Ramsey/N. Colgan
    Potomac Boat Club
T. Myers/G. Gellatly
    Potomac Boat Club
N. Al-Naji/R. Rasmussen
    Potomac Boat Club
E. Meade/J. Hanlon
    Sagamore Rowing Association
K. Lovejoy/C. Mare
    South Jersey Rowing Club
R. Boutote/B. Cassidy
    The Haverford School
E. Malumed/J. Malumed
    Three Rivers Rowing Association
A. Reckless/A. Meininghaus
    Unaffiliated (USA)
C. Murphy/D. Kirrane
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
J. Barker/C. Biddle
    Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC)
A. Swiatowicz/J. Haines
28 Mens Junior 4+
29 Womens Masters 8
30 Mens Masters 4+
31 Mixed Masters 2x
32 Masters Mixed 4x
33 Mens 4+
34 Womens Open 4+
    Alexandria Crew Boosters Club, Inc. (A)
S. Patton/L. Simon/D. Schroeder/K. Bond/B. Dopkeen (Cox)
    New York Athletic Club (A)
K. Seston/K. Coulter/A. Aa/B. Bb/K. Hilton (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
C. Boyle/L. Keane/C. Brennan/E. Jorgensen/C. Lucas (Cox)
    Riverside Boat Club (A)
L. Carroll/C. McDermott/L. McDermott/K. Ward/R. Craft (Cox)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
E. England/C. Koehler/D. Ryaboshapka/T. Goetzinger/H. MacBain (Cox)
    Riverside Boat Club (B)
P. Fader Divoll/A. Pauli/E. van Lennep/L. Diamond/C. Saville (Cox)
    Vesper Boat Club (B)
A. Bolt/N. Bedos/B. Chick/C. Schoenecker/C. 1 (Cox)
    Riverside Boat Club (C)
M. Foster/C. Glandorf/K. Gaffney/L. Maldonado/A. Milad (Cox)
35 Womens Intermediate 2x
36 Mens Inter Light 8
    New York Athletic Club (A)
J. Gautreau/D. Walton/F. Petrucci/D. Hill/R. Suarez/T. Michelson/A. Chase/A. Mansylla/C. A (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
C. D/E. F/F. H/I. J/K. L/M. N/O. P/Q. R/A. B (Cox)
    Riverside Boat Club (A)
B. Willis/F. Four/T. Two/O. One/P. Port/A. Neils/K. Lafferty/J. Georgeson/T. Three (Cox)
37 Mens Junior 1x
    Bachelors Barge Club
K. Yerger
    Bachelors Barge Club
G. Scherpbier
    Bachelors Barge Club
J. Hoban
    Cambridge Boat Club
N. Benning
    Crescent Boat Club
B. Arch
    Crescent Boat Club
O. Ingran
    Crescent Boat Club
J. Gardner-Rosen
    Crescent Boat Club
X. Alexander
    East End Rowing Institute, LTD.
T. Simon
    GMS Rowing Center
J. Cromwell
    GMS Rowing Center
S. Rouse
    GMS Rowing Center
G. Burke
    GMS Rowing Center
M. Savino
    Hudson River Rowing Association, Inc.
K. Mabry
    Hudson River Rowing Association, Inc.
E. Heaton
    Mobjack Rowing Association
Z. Shields
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc.
A. Dowd
    New York Athletic Club
C. Murphy
    New York Rowing Association
S. Zaro
    Pelham Community Rowing Association
P. Fowley
    Pelham Community Rowing Association
M. Coughlin
    Philadelphia Sculling Club
M. Trebilcock
    Potomac Boat Club
P. Lacey
A. Kleijn
Z. Petronic
A. Kirkland
    Sagamore Rowing Association
R. Pavelka
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
B. Clark
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
A. Vogt
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
M. Malec
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC
R. Shimizu
    South Jersey Rowing Club
N. Hoell
    Unaffiliated (USA)
D. DiMarino
    Unaffiliated (USA)
B. Ford
    Washington Street Sculling Camp
R. Smith
    Washington Street Sculling Camp
P. Allen
    Washington Street Sculling Camp
J. Venonsky
    Whitemarsh Boat Club
B. Madara
38 Mens Inter Light 4x
39 Womens Junior 2x
40 Mens Junior 16 2x
41 Mens Intermediate 2-
42 Mens Junior 8
43 Womens Junior 8
44 Womens 1x
45 Mens 1x
    All American Rowing Camp, LLC
J. Dietz II
    Bachelors Barge Club
J. D'Alba
    GMS Rowing Center
W. Griffith
    Malta Boat Club
S. Cunningham
    New York Athletic Club
J. Robatzek
    Palm Beach Rowing Association, Inc.
C. Fraser
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
R. Andersen
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
R. Strauss
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
C. Lambert
    Salisbury Boat Club
B. Werntz
    SoNo Rowing
S. Rawl
    Unaffiliated (USA)
D. Rubin
    Union Boat Club
N. Baker
    University Barge Club
P. Seymour
    Vesper Boat Club
M. Brown
    Vesper Boat Club
D. Scholz
    Vesper Boat Club
M. Bokermann
    Vesper Boat Club
S. Lambers
46 Womens Light 1x Dash
47 Mens Light 1x Dash
48 Womens 1x Dash
49 Mens 1x Dash
50 Disabled 2x
51 Mens Intermediate 1x
    Bachelors Barge Club
J. Keen
    Cincinnati Rowing Club
G. Beglen
    GMS Rowing Center
D. Cullmer
    GMS Rowing Center
W. Griffith
    Guelph Rowing Club
I. Edwards
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc.
C. Buesser
    New York Athletic Club
A. Leonardi
    Occoquan Boat Club
L. Sullivan
    Occoquan Boat Club
K. Gibel
    Palm Beach Rowing Association, Inc.
J. Morrison
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
S. Crim
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
J. Quie
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
N. Nistal
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
T. Brown
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
M. Lacombe
    Potomac Boat Club
J. Moncton
    SoNo Rowing
S. Rawl
    South Jersey Rowing Club
T. Stuart
    Steel City Rowing Club
S. Williamson
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
C. Biddle
    University Barge Club
P. Seymour
    Vesper Boat Club
E. Woelber
    Viking Rowing Foundation
M. Given
    Washington Street Sculling Camp
M. Donohue
52 Womens Intermediate 1x
53 Mens Inter Light 1x
54 Womens Light Inter 4+
55 Womens 2x
    New York Athletic Club
K. Seston/K. Coulter
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association
A. Holmes/C. Reddick
    Swan Creek Rowing Club
M. Streitfield/T. Gordon
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia
L. Welsh/J. Schane
    Vesper Boat Club
C. Meyer/S. Kaplan
    Vesper Boat Club
B. Crawford/D. Jenne
56 Womens 2-
57 Mens 2x
58a Mens Masters 1x (AA-D G H I)
58b Mens Masters 1x (E)
58c Mens Masters 1x (F)
59 Mens Masters Light 1x
60 Womens Masters 1x
61 Womens Masters Light 1x
62 Womens Intermediate 4+
    Brighton Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
L. Gillespie/K. Lantuh/A. Berkowitz/S. Spivey/E. Pollock (Cox)
    New York Athletic Club (A)
M. Ajello/A. Hammerberg/K. Barnes/V. Santos/K. Hilton (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
K. Murphy/K. Mitchell/G. Wolff/S. Daanen/G. Barrila (Cox)
    Riverside Boat Club (A)
L. Eubank/A. Pauli/K. Spelman/K. Casey/R. Craft (Cox)
    Sagamore Rowing Association (A)
R. Roth/M. Mosier/E. Koenig/B. Herman/M. Kearns (Cox)
    Sidney Sussex Boat Club, University of Cambridge (A)
H. Mair/B. Wilson/L. Sweetland/E. Parton/A. Pilkington (Cox)
    South Jersey Rowing Club (A)
K. DiCiurcio/A. Villa/E. Kilborn/C. Bogan/N. Hall (Cox)
    USR Junior Women's Selection Camp (A)
A. Young/K. Mahoney/K. Toothman/E. Frank/C. Devlin (Cox)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
S. Axson/L. Morgenthaler/K. O'Brien/E. Walsh/L. Denman (Cox)
    Viking Rowing Foundation (A)
M. Fitzpatrick/K. Beletskaya/M. Goodwin/M. Birkbeck/D. Urbanek (Cox)
    Riverside Boat Club (B)
L. McDermott/C. McDermott/K. Gaffney/A. Comfort-Cole/C. Saville (Cox)
    USR Junior Women's Selection Camp (B)
M. Dinse/N. Demmerle/L. Gibson/M. Grindle/J. Wong (Cox)
    USR Junior Women's Selection Camp (C)
M. Bruggeman/M. Bowman-Jones/H. Moscati/M. Weller/O. Sayvetz (Cox)
63 Womens Inter Light 2x
64 Mens Intermediate Light 4+
    New York Athletic Club (A)
A. A/B. B/C. C/D. D/C. A (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
S. B/S. C/S. D/S. E/S. A (Cox)
    Riverside Boat Club (A)
O. One/P. Port/S. Star/T. Three/F. Four (Cox)
    Sagamore Rowing Association (A)
C. Mare/D. Brown/T. Smith/M. Messina/M. Kearns (Cox)
    Viking Rowing Foundation (A)
T. Shields/A. Perieni/R. Stewart/A. McGinley/S. Scimeca (Cox)
    New York Athletic Club (B)
F. F/G. G/H. H/I. I/E. E (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (B)
R. B/R. C/R. D/R. E/R. A (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (C)
D. Hosler/B. Blair/P. Samra/M. Johnson/C. McGuire (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (D)
W. Wulbern/G. Lucas/A. Nunziato/L. Farwell/R. Arevalo (Cox)
65 Womens Light 1x
66 Mens Light 1x
67 Mens Intermediate 4x
    Crescent Boat Club (A)
J. Cerrone/D. Bratton/B. Long/C. Bratton
    Malta Boat Club (A)
A. Traubert/C. Roberts/J. O'Mara/S. Travers
    Nereid Boat Club, Inc. (A)
    New York Athletic Club (A)
A. A/B. B/C. C/D. D
    Sidney Sussex Boat Club, University of Cambridge (A)
T. Scholtes/A. Brewer/J. Payton/S. Harrison
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (A)
J. Barker/C. Biddle/J. Gotti/D. Ansel
68 Womens Intermediate 4x
    Bachelors Barge Club (A)
E. Close/L. Rosen/A. Calligari/M. Cusack
    New York Athletic Club (A)
B. Griswold/C. McClintock/J. Wood/M. Carmody
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
G. Zarate de Macedo/H. Becz/M. Hamrick/A. Stafford
    RowPittsburgh (A)
L. Schueler/M. Deiuliis/O. Mbonu/S. Zang
    South Jersey Rowing Club (A)
A. Brooks/H. Brooks/N. Martines/K. Yannes
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (A)
A. Mulholland/K. McFetridge/B. Moore/K. Brown
    USR Junior Women's National Team (A)
R. Grinalds/O. Smith/M. Hoeft/E. Spilsbury
    USR Junior Women's Selection Camp (A)
L. Tadiri/H. Solis-Cohen/L. Youngling/M. Bertasi
    USRowing Junior Womens National Team Sculling Dev Camp (A)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
B. Gribbin/C. Clawson/M. Weber/D. Mitchell
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (B)
L. Lapointe/A. Kendall/K. Coons/V. Greco
    USR Junior Women's Selection Camp (B)
A. Deloia-Moore/S. Greenberg/A. Zadravec/C. Carry
    Vesper Boat Club (B)
E. Theys/M. McAuliffe/M. Webster/A. Japhet
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (C)
S. Pivonka/D. Finnerty/S. Brecht/H. Bailey
    USR Junior Women's Selection Camp (C)
M. Markovic/M. Maydan/A. Chrumka/S. Heywood
69 Mens Inter Light 2x
70 Jr Octuple Sculls
71 Womens Masters 2x
72 Mens Masters 2x
73 Womens 4x
74 Mens Intermediate 8
    Fairmount Rowing Association (A)
S. Krajewski/M. Rawlings/T. Olivera/G. Hawkshurst/B. Dunn/M. Donahue/J. Omara/J. Brown/A. Greenspan (Cox)
    Hudson River Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
A. Sayles/R. Wojcik/K. Peabody/K. Steier/E. Bruzzo/J. Kaufmann/b. clark/A. Lemieszewski/S. Hartmann (Cox)
    Junior Mens Selection Camp (A)
W. Blodgett/M. Cox/Z. Hershberger/J. Jones/R. Meder/P. Popescu/J. Thaxton/W. Valle/D. Kelley (Cox)
    New York Athletic Club (A)
A. A/B. B/C. C/D. D/E. E/F. F/G. G/H. H/C. A (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
C. D/E. F/F. H/I. J/K. L/M. N/O. P/Q. R/A. B (Cox)
    Riverside Boat Club (A)
L. Urban/E. Curry/G. Mahoney/J. Doherty/A. Fosbrook/B. Sherman/K. Evans/M. Angelicola/A. Milad (Cox)
    Sidney Sussex Boat Club, University of Cambridge (A)
T. Scholtes/J. Payton/A. Brewer/S. Harrison/M. Gebbett/M. Baumann/M. Marsh/H. Savell/B. Wild (Cox)
    University of Pennsylvania Development Camp (A)
D. Morson/C. Gear/K. Browne/M. VanVoorhis/C. Sullivan/N. Barnes/e. Herrera/L. Mead/R. Anthony (Cox)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
R. A/R. B/R. C/R. D/R. E/R. F/A. Rower/A. Rower/C. 1 (Cox)
    Junior Mens Selection Camp (B)
P. Eble/R. Dale/M. Evans/A. Hack/Z. Johnson/C. Jones/J. Merrell/R. Perrot/P. OHara (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (B)
Y. B/Z. C/Z. D/Z. E/Z. F/Z. G/Z. H/Z. I/Z. A (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (C)
A. Y/A. W/W. A/A. X/A. U/A. T/A. S/A. R/A. Z (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (D)
Y. B/Y. C/Y. D/Y. E/Y. F/Y. G/Y. H/Y. I/Y. A (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (E)
A. Olesen/A. Rosenthal/W. Muhr/W. Rosenbloom/M. Davidson/D. Larson/K. Smit/N. Larmoyeux/M. Blumenthal (Cox)
75 Womens Intermediate 8
    New York Athletic Club (A)
B. Griswold/C. McClintock/J. Wood/M. Carmody/A. Hammerberg/M. Ajello/K. Barnes/V. Santos/K. Hilton (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
A. Ohrstrom/M. Helen Reick/C. Boyle/K. Burke/H. Becz/E. Jorgensen/C. Brennan/A. Stafford/D. Levin (Cox)
    Riverside Boat Club (A)
L. Eubank/C. Glandorf/K. Gaffney/A. Comfort-Cole/L. Boghossian/L. Maldonado/K. Spelman/A. Hrycko/R. Craft (Cox)
    Rowing South Australia Inc (A)
L. Morgan/B. King/L. Stuart/L. Newland/E. Jackson/S. Van de Ven/E. Fauser/E. Webb/J. Mashado (Cox)
    Sidney Sussex Boat Club, University of Cambridge (A)
B. Parker/L. Meegan/R. Tallon/K. Snow/T. Scott/N. Tapley/H. Taylor/E. Whitelock/A. Pilkington (Cox)
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
D. Ryaboshapka/V. Opitz/C. Campbell/T. Goetzinger/K. Linnemanstons/F. Lauritano/H. Andrus/E. Bennett/H. MacBain (Cox)
    Viking Rowing Foundation (A)
M. Fitzpatrick/K. Beletskaya/M. Goodwin/M. Birkbeck/J. Greanese/B. Badger/J. Feriozi/E. Toboski/D. Urbanek (Cox)
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (B)
L. Lapointe/A. Kendall/J. Jackson/L. Keane/K. Molloy/K. Coons/V. Greco/S. Johnson/G. Barrila (Cox)
76 Mixed Open 2x
77 Mens 4x
    New York Athletic Club (A)
B. Murphy/R. Welsh/J. Robatzek/A. Leonardi
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
R. A/S. A/T. A/Y. A
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
S. Cutler/E. Schultze/J. Redos/T. McGee
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
A. A/B. B/C. C/D. D
    Vesper Boat Club (B)
S. Lambers/Y. Rigogne/M. Brown/G. Kaplan
78 Mens Light 4x
    GMS Rowing Center (A)
R. Klein/B. Tryon/P. Orlando/S. Wolfe
    New York Athletic Club (A)
A. A/B. B/C. C/D. D
    Riverside Boat Club (A)
D. Smith/M. Muffelman/B. Allen/E. Brock
79 Womens 8
80 Mens 8
81 Octuple Sculls
82 Mens Masters 4x
83 Womens Masters 4x
84 Mens Masters 2-
85 Womens Masters 2-
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change