USRowing Club National Championships

  • Hosted By: USRowing
  • 2016 Owned Regatta


Event# Time* Code Event Competitors
Saturday, July 18, 2009
1 Mens Intermediate 8+
2 Womens Intermediate 4x
3 Womens Junior B 1x
    Unaffiliated (USA) (..)
B. Atkinson
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
    Boston Sculling (A)
G. Guarino
    Clermont High School Crew (A)
S. Hlass
    Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
E. Tadiri
    Essex Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
E. Hannum
    Norcal Crew (A)
C. Chuter
    RowPittsburgh (A)
    Sammamish Rowing Association (A)
    Sarasota Crew (A)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (A)
    Steel City Rowing Club (A)
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc. (A)
    USR Development Camp - Atlanta Rowing Club (A)
A. Thompson
    Clermont High School Crew (B)
L. Brigner
    Community Rowing, Inc. (B)
    Kansas City Rowing Club (B)
L. Miller
    Sammamish Rowing Association (B)
    Steel City Rowing Club (B)
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc. (B)
    Clermont High School Crew (C)
J. Youngstrom
    Community Rowing, Inc. (C)
    Steel City Rowing Club (C)
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc. (C)
    Steel City Rowing Club (D)
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc. (D)
4 Mens Intermediate Ltwt 4x
5 Mens Junior A 4x
    Canada-CanAmMex (A)
    Detroit Boat Club Crew (A)
A. Fildes/C. Samul/C. Mott/N. Blanzy
    Fedemex (A)
C. Jaime/L. Luis/L. Joel/M. Omar
    Kansas City Rowing Club (A)
N. Massey/J. Anderson/K. Hadley/K. McNamara
    Maritime Rowing Club (A)
    Narragansett Boat Club (A)
E. Schultze/J. Ryan/D. Clark/B. Wagner
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Quad Cities Rowing Association (A)
    Rockland Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
J. Hewson/P. Devoe/J. Guido/L. Warren
    RowPittsburgh (A)
    Sagamore Rowing Association (A)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (A)
    SoNo Rowing (A)
    Maritime Rowing Club (B)
M. Squitieri/T. Dodge/J. Patrick/C. Eagan
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (B)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (C)
6 Womens Junior A 8+
7 Mens Senior 1x
8 Womens Senior 2-
9 Mens Intermediate Ltwt 4+
10 Womens Intermediate Ltwt 2x
11 Mens Junior A 4+
12 Womens Junior A 2x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
G. Fleming/M. Serou
    Boston Sculling (A)
J. Zieff/G. Guarino
    Canada-CanAmMex (A)
    Clermont High School Crew (A)
S. Hlass/B. Clifton
    Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
    Crescent Boat Club (A)
J. Lees/J. Lees
    Detroit Boat Club Crew (A)
M. Keady/M. Fragel
    East End Rowing Institute, LTD. (A)
C. Hale/R. Henriquez
    Essex Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
C. Hannum/J. Johnson
    Kansas City Rowing Club (A)
H. Doyle/L. Miller
    Long Island Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
T. DiPaola/M. Catalanotto
    Maritime Rowing Club (A)
P. Kelley/M. Nilan
    Mel High Crew/Melbourne High School Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
J. Smithson/K. Smithson
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (A)
M. Morgan/L. Cappio
    Quad Cities Rowing Association (A)
K. Bracke/B. Baustian
    Rockland Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
C. Baratz/M. Hylas
    RowPittsburgh (A)
    Sagamore Rowing Association (A)
    South Jersey Rowing Club (A)
J. Stoner/K. Creran
    Southeast Juniors (A)
    Steel City Rowing Club (A)
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc. (A)
    Austin Rowing Club (B)
    Boston Sculling (B)
S. Gavell/M. Keady
    Community Rowing, Inc. (B)
    Crescent Boat Club (B)
A. Harris/J. Roloff
    East End Rowing Institute, LTD. (B)
D. Wolkiewicz/C. Hanlon
    Maritime Rowing Club (B)
J. DeCata/D. Lockwood
    South Jersey Rowing Club (B)
J. Andrews/A. Koontz
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc. (B)
    Austin Rowing Club (C)
    Boston Sculling (C)
M. Keady/Z. Keck
    Community Rowing, Inc. (C)
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc. (C)
    Austin Rowing Club (D)
    Boston Sculling (D)
E. Welles-Gertz/J. Hollingsworth
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc. (D)
13 Mens Senior 4+
14 Womens Senior 2x
15 Mens Intermediate 2x
    Baltimore Rowing Club (A)
    Canada-CanAmMex (A)
    Crescent Boat Club (A)
E. Herrera/B. Long
    Greater Dayton Rowing Association (A)
B. Walz/J. Mercuri
    Indianapolis Rowing Center (A)
P. Close/H. Zepeda
    Maritime Rowing Club (A)
    Mendota Development Camp (A)
    New York Athletic Club (A)
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (A)
B. Senst/B. Ambrette
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
P. Mastroyannis/N. Al-Naji
    RowPittsburgh (A)
    Sarasota Crew (A)
    Steel City Rowing Club (A)
    Tampa Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
S. Rawl/W. Griffith
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club (A)
P. Helfer/M. Lindberg
    USR Development Camp - Atlanta Rowing Club (A)
J. Morrison/R. Blasiak
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
G. Charte/J. Cox
    Crescent Boat Club (B)
J. Pagano/D. Bratton
    Potomac Boat Club (B)
D. Abruzzese/K. Bryukhanov
    Potomac Boat Club (C)
16 Womens Intermediate 4+
17 Mens Senior Ltwt 2x
18 Womens Senior Ltwt 4+
19 Mens Junior B 2x
20 Womens Junior B 4+
21 Mens Intermediate 2-
22 Womens Intermediate 1x
    Unaffiliated (USA) (..)
    Unaffiliated (USA) (..)
D. Brzozowski
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
A. Leddy
    Canada-CanAmMex (A)
    Fedemex (A)
C. Ana
    New York Athletic Club (A)
K. Coulter
    OKC Riversport (A)
K. Schiro
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
G. Doepker
    Philadelphia Girls' Rowing Club (A)
L. Zimmaro
    RowPittsburgh (A)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
A. Shook
    Steel City Rowing Club (A)
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc. (A)
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (A)
K. McFetridge
    USR Development Camp - MIT (A)
K. Woodacre
    USR Development Camp - Atlanta Rowing Club (A)
K. Hanks
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
B. Crawford
    Austin Rowing Club (B)
H. Thompson
    Fedemex (B)
D. Paola
    Steel City Rowing Club (B)
    USR Development Camp - MIT (B)
M. Aiken
    Vesper Boat Club (B)
    GMS Rowing Center (L)
L. Jones
23 Mens Senior Ltwt 2-
24 Womens Senior Ltwt 1x
25 Mens Junior B 8+
26 Womens Junior B 4x
27 Mens Intermediate Ltwt 1x
28 Womens Intermediate Ltwt 2-
29 Mens Junior A 1x
30 Womens Junior A 2-
31 Mens Senior 4x
    Atlanta Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
J. Smith/C. Browder/T. DeKoekkoek/L. Aparicio
    Crescent Boat Club (A)
J. Cerrone/A. Ramsey/C. Morel/C. Bratton
    Mendota Development Camp (A)
    RowPittsburgh (A)
32 Womens Senior 8+
33 Mens Senior 4-
34 Mens Junior A 2-
35 Womens Junior A 1x
    Unaffiliated (USA) (..)
B. Atkinson
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
H. House
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
    Baltimore Rowing Club (A)
A. Pakalniskyte
    Boston Sculling (A)
S. Gavell
    Canada-CanAmMex (A)
    Clermont High School Crew (A)
J. Youngstrom
    Community Rowing, Inc. (A)
A. Todorovic-Jones
    East End Rowing Institute, LTD. (A)
D. Wolkiewicz
    Essex Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
S. Fowle
    Fedemex (A)
C. Zaida
    Kansas City Rowing Club (A)
H. Doyle
    Maritime Rowing Club (A)
M. Hoeft
    Quad Cities Rowing Association (A)
B. Baustian
    Riverside Boat Club (A)
B. Husebye
    RowPittsburgh (A)
    South Jersey Rowing Club (A)
    Steel City Rowing Club (A)
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc. (A)
    University Barge Club (A)
G. Cutler
    Austin Rowing Club (B)
    Boston Sculling (B)
J. Hollingsworth
    Clermont High School Crew (B)
L. Siegman
    Community Rowing, Inc. (B)
    East End Rowing Institute, LTD. (B)
C. Hanlon
    Essex Rowing Club, Inc. (B)
J. Johnson
    Fedemex (B)
V. Neiba
    Kansas City Rowing Club (B)
B. Royle
    Maritime Rowing Club (B)
M. Bess
    South Jersey Rowing Club (B)
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc. (B)
    Boston Sculling (C)
M. Keady
    Community Rowing, Inc. (C)
    East End Rowing Institute, LTD. (C)
C. Hale
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc. (C)
    Boston Sculling (D)
M. Keady
    East End Rowing Institute, LTD. (D)
M. Steenbergen
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc. (D)
    Boston Sculling (E)
Z. Keck
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc. (E)
    Boston Sculling (F)
E. Welles-Gertz
    Boston Sculling (G)
J. Zieff
    Boston Sculling (H)
G. Guarino
36 Womens Senior 4-
37 Mens Intermediate Ltwt 8+
Sunday, July 19, 2009
38 Womens Intermediate ltwt 4x
39 Mens Junior A 8+
40 Womens Junior A 4x
41 Mens Senior 2-
42 Womens Senior 1x
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (A)
S. Hedges
    RowPittsburgh (A)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
A. Shook
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (A)
L. Welsh
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
S. Kaplan
    Vesper Boat Club (B)
B. Crawford
    Vesper Boat Club (C)
A. Spinks
    GMS Rowing Center (J)
J. Kirst
    GMS Rowing Center (L)
L. Jones
43 Mens Intermediate 4x
44 Womens Intermediate 8+
45 Mens Junior B 1x
46 Mens Intermediate 4+
47 Womens Intermediate 2x
    Austin Rowing Club (A)
A. Leddy/H. Thompson
    Badger Development Camp (A)
G. Latz/V. Opitz
    Bloomington USRowing Pre-Elite Camp (A)
    Canada-CanAmMex (A)
    Crescent Boat Club (A)
E. Bratton/A. Kendall
    Fedemex (A)
D. Paola/C. Ana
    Kansas City Rowing Club (A)
B. Royle/L. Miller
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (A)
S. Hayes/M. Jacobi
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (A)
S. Kettell/D. Reed-Hudson
    Philadelphia Girls' Rowing Club (A)
L. Zimmaro/J. Smith
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
H. Trevithick/S. Kozuszek
    Quad Cities Rowing Association (A)
    RowPittsburgh (A)
    South Jersey Rowing Club (A)
H. Brooks/B. Wertan
    Steel City Rowing Club (A)
    Tempe Junior Crew, Inc. (A)
    Undine Barge Club of Philadelphia (A)
K. McFetridge/N. Wagner
    USR CanAmMex (A)
    USR Development Camp - MIT (A)
E. Donald/R. Donald
    USR Development Camp - Atlanta Rowing Club (A)
K. Hanks/A. Thompson
    Vesper Boat Club (A)
    Badger Development Camp (B)
K. Mansfield/H. Leinss
    Bloomington USRowing Pre-Elite Camp (B)
    Fedemex (B)
V. Andrea/R. Haniel
    Norwalk River Rowing Association (B)
M. Morgan/L. Cappio
    Penn A.C. Rowing Association (B)
A. Burrill/S. Groff
    South Jersey Rowing Club (B)
B. Yannes/G. Beck
    USR CanAmMex (B)
    USR Development Camp - MIT (B)
M. Aiken/K. Burke
    Bloomington USRowing Pre-Elite Camp (C)
    USR Development Camp - MIT (C)
A. Dixon/C. Kuehnel
    Bloomington USRowing Pre-Elite Camp (D)
    USR Development Camp - MIT (D)
R. Heywood/E. Wierzbowski
    USR Development Camp - MIT (E)
M. Griffin/K. McGillis
    USR Development Camp - MIT (F)
C. McClintock/L. Petrie
    USR Development Camp - MIT (G)
E. Lobkowicz/K. Everett
48 Mens Senior Ltwt 4+
49 Womens Senior Ltwt 2x
50 Mens Junior B 4+
51 Womens Junior B 2x
52 Mens Intermediate Ltwt 2x
53 Womens Intermediate Ltwt 4+
54 Mens Junior A 2x
    Canada-CanAmMex (A)
    Clermont High School Crew (A)
P. Spall/C. Smith
    Crescent Boat Club (A)
A. Ramsey/C. Morel
    Detroit Boat Club Crew (A)
A. Fildes/C. Samul
    Essex Rowing Club, Inc. (A)
C. Garvey/S. Fanning
    Fedemex (A)
L. Joel/L. Luis
    Kansas City Rowing Club (A)
J. Anderson/K. Hadley
    Maritime Rowing Club (A)
    Potomac Boat Club (A)
    Quad Cities Rowing Association (A)
    Rockland Rowing Association, Inc. (A)
J. Hewson/P. Devoe
    RowPittsburgh (A)
    Sagamore Rowing Association (A)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (A)
    SoNo Rowing (A)
    South Jersey Rowing Club (A)
C. Tweardy/N. Hoell
    Southeast Juniors (A)
    Steel City Rowing Club (A)
    Detroit Boat Club Crew (B)
N. Blanzy/C. Mott
    Fedemex (B)
M. Omar/Z. Francisco
    Potomac Boat Club (B)
    Quad Cities Rowing Association (B)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (B)
    South Jersey Rowing Club (B)
K. Console/E. Volpe
    Steel City Rowing Club (B)
    Potomac Boat Club (C)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (C)
    Potomac Boat Club (D)
    Saugatuck Rowing Club, LLC (D)
55 Womens Junior A 4+
56 Mens Senior 2x
    Crescent Boat Club (A)
J. Cerrone/C. Bratton
    Maritime Rowing Club (A)
    Mendota Development Camp (A)
    RowPittsburgh (A)
    Maritime Rowing Club (B)
57 Womens Senior 4+
58 Mens Intermediate Ltwt 2-
59 Womens Intermediate Ltwt 1x
60 Mens Senior 8+
61 Womens Senior 4x
62 Mens Intermediate 1x
63 Womens Intermediate 2-
64 Mens Senior Ltwt 1x
    Unaffiliated (USA) (..)
J. Swinford
    Bachelors Barge Club (A)
    Detroit Boat Club Crew (A)
G. Sleator
    Greater Columbus Rowing Association (A)
R. Briggs
    Maine Rowing Association (A)
P. Tsebro
    RowPittsburgh (A)
    San Diego Rowing Club (A)
S. Wainwright
    Steel City Rowing Club (A)
    The Milwaukee Rowing Club (A)
M. Lindberg
65 Womens Senior Ltwt 2-
66 Mens Junior B 4x
67 Womens Junior B 8+
68 Mens Senior Ltwt 8+
69 Mens Senior Ltwt 4x
70 Womens Open 1x - Dash
71 Mens Open 1x - Dash
*-Event times, if listed, are tentative and subject to change