Poughkeepsie Regatta

  • Hosted By: Hudson River Rowing Association, Inc., Mid Hudson Rowing Association

Posted 09/29/23:  Coaches' & Coxswains' Zoom Meeting Recording:

Passcode: *T.+zU.1

Link for Presentation

Link for Visuals

Posted 09/19/23: Coaches' & Coxswains' Zoom Meeting:  Thursday, September 28, 7:00 PM; 

Meeting ID: 832 1611 3686
Passcode: 729477

  1.   The Zoom recording will be posted here on Friday, 9/29/23.
  2.   A brief C&C meeting will be held at 6:15 AM on the day of the regatta for last-minute updates & questions


08/30/23  Added Mens & Womens Masters 4X events.

The Regatta Committee decided not to include singles and doubles events in this year's regatta.  We had to cancel these events last year due to high winds and are concerned that these conditions could easily repeat this year.  We are considering a variety of alternate formats to bring small boat competition back to Poughkeepsie again in the near future.