New Hampshire Championships George Dirth Regatta

  • Oct 12, 2025
  • head
  • Pembroke, NH (USA)
  • Hosted By: Amoskeag Rowing Club
  • Registration Closed



We are honoring George Powers Dirth, a rower at both Derryfield School and Amoskeag Rowing Club. George fell in love with rowing his first practice of his freshman fall, and the New Hampshire Championships was one of his first races. It held an exalted place in his rowing career, and he kept his NHC medals for the rest of his life. After Derryfield, George rowed at Oregon State University in the varsity boat for three years, serving as stroke for two and leading the team to a top 10 Division 1 finish as captain his senior year. His commitment to rowing ran deep--designing the original Amoskeag website, coaching at ARC, and later coaching Juniors Crew in Colorado. On New Years Eve 2013, George perished in an avalanche while backcountry snowboarding, pursuing another passion. In his memory, George’s friends have again chosen to be the major sponsor for our regatta. 

We would like to thank the Town of Pembroke, including the Pembroke Board of Selectmen, Recreation Commission, Town Administration, Emergency Management, Fire, Police, Public Works, and Pembroke Schools; the State of New Hampshire and the Department of Safety; and the other organizations that help make the regatta happen, including Capital Area Amateur Radio Emergency Service and Tri-Town Ambulance, and the parent volunteers and supporters from the Manchester Central, Bedford, Derryfield School, and Concord crew clubs. ARC rowing programs would not be possible without the support of the Town of Hooksett, including the Hooksett Town Council, Dean Shankle, Jr., the Hooksett Town Administrator, and Hooksett residents.  Thank you all.

Thank you Eric Girard, Head Referee, and the other United States Rowing Association referees. We are pleased you are working with us again this year to oversee and ensure another great, and safe, regatta.

Please also help us thank our business sponsors. (see full list on Sponsor page)

A special thank you to the many donors to the George Dirth Memorial Fund for your major sponsorship and support.  Please join us for the presentation of the George Dirth Memorial Cups after the Men’s and Women’s Junior 4+ A race.

The Amoskeag Rowing Club is a charitable organization that provides rowing programs and opportunities for the public and a home for several area school programs at our boathouse in Hooksett, New Hampshire. Visit us at

George’s friends have a saying:  WWGD?  (What would George do?) – He would row.

Janet Harmon, Regatta Chair.