Heart of Texas

  • Hosted By: Austin Rowing Club
  • USRowing Sanctioned Regatta

This is the 42nd anniversary for the Heart of Texas Regatta.  Austin Rowing club has had the pleasure of hosting this past-paced regatta on Lady Bird Lake since 1983.  The HoT is a USRowing Nationalls Recognized Regatta that is held annually late in February.  That timing makes it one of the first spring regattas of the spring.  In the begining the regatta was primarily for visiting crews.  Today the event has grown to include Master's, Open, and Junior events across two days of racing. It is held on a seven lane, fully buoyed 1,000 meter course with a state-of-the-art starting platform.  This regatta sess over 600 entries with 1,000+ competitors annually.  


Below, you can see some of our t-shirt art work that we've had over the years.  Head over to the merchanise section to view this year's t-shirt art!