Portland Fall Classic

  • Hosted By: Station L Rowing Club, Rose City Rowing Club
  • USRowing Sanctioned Regatta

Update: Saturday 7:50

Recording of the Pre-Race meeting

Update: Friday 9:00pm

Bow Numbers are Posted--Packets will be grouped by club and available after 7am on Sunday at the Registration tent

Updated Schedule is posted:  Flight 1 is moved up 10 minues.  Flight 2 up 15 minutes.  Flight 3 moved up 25 minutes.  All to try and get done earlier in the afternoon

Weather Update: Friday 4:00pm

Like many of you, we are watching the weather (which has been glorious these past weeks!)

NWS forecast is for 10-12 mph SW winds Sunday.  The main front with most of the rain is coming overnight Saturday, so clubs should think twice about setting up tents in exposed places overnight.

There is an option of switching to a shorter (2600) course along the southern end of the lake, which is more protected from winds.  

We are also going to move the schedule up a little bit (10-15 min), so we can be done a bit earlier in the afternoon.  I'll update the schedule tonight.  Bow numbers will be sent out tomorrow, as we are still getting some scratches (send directly to me).

Race Directors will meet with the Chief Referee prior to the Pre-Race meeting tomorrow (still scheduled for 7:00pm Saturday) and will announce any needed updates or changes to the course at the meeting.  Information will also be posted to the "News" page on RC

Results will be at CrewTimer.com

Course Map

Park Venue Map

Time Lapse Video of Course

CHECK VENUE TAB for detailed rules and tips about the venue--team tents, boat storage, etc.

Pre-race meeting will be Saturday Oct 26 at 7:00pm   Link posted below .


Meeting ID: 893 5385 1199