Pineapple Regatta

  • Hosted By: Gentle Giant Rowing Club

Welcome to GGRC's Pineapple Regatta!

Our race is designed to be one that brings clubs together without the stress normally associated with regattas.  No trailering!  You row our boats!  Food?  You can bring something to share but we will provide food!  Should you buy a regatta t-shirt?  We give you one!

The regatta is invitational please reach out to our Program Director, Rich Whelan, about joining in the fun - [email protected].  We want the races to be as competitive as we can make them so we may ask a few questions about your club prior to adding you to the invite list - nothing personal!

You will be asked for t-shirt sizing when you register.  This will give us a guide as to what we need to buy.  If we run out of shirts, we WILL get you shirts after the event.

The event list is a guide only!  The schedule will be different - because we're only rowing our boats, we need to spread things out throughout the event.  We'll have a lot of boats going in and out at all times.  The week fo the race, I'll put out a schedule as early as possible.  While I will do my best to entertain requests, please remember that the later the request, the more difficult it could be for me to make it possible. 

Our race has also grown to a point that we have to start putting caps on events.  As much as we'd love to keep these open for as many entries as we'd like, it does make the schedule much longer.

This year, we wil have Youth Events!  I added some youth 2x and 4+ events.  I may add an 8+ as well.  Last year, we had some Para Rowers - I'd love to add events for them but we do not have some of the equipment that they use.  Please email me on this and we'll work it out.

Some changes to our facility...we've been busy!

  • Ramp from Shore to our Dock - If you rowed in previous years, you likely remember the step up on the pillows to get to the dock...we now have a ramp that elimnates the need for the pillows!  Not only is it MUCH safer but it's also Para Rower friendly!
  • Transition plate between the Docks - If you rowed in previous years, you may remember being told to "mind the gap!"  Well, this year, we have a plate between the two docks to prevent you from falling in.  There is a slight tripping hazard that we are working on.
  • Dock Work - In conjuction with the City of Somerville, we've been busy replacing the boards on our dock.  (The old boards were due to be replaced...they were around 30-40 years old!)

Reach out with questions.

Looking forward to welcoming you to our little club!