Pumpkinhead - Head of the Colorado

  • Hosted By: Austin Rowing Club
  • USRowing Sanctioned Regatta

I. Venue Information
Festival Beach Park 
Lady Bird Lake
Austin, TX 78702

The venue is defined by using the streets Chicon and Nash Hernandez. 

Nash Hernandez is the northern border of the venue and stretches from the Western entrance to the boat ramp on the eastern side of the venue.  Chicon runs through the park creating a loop. 



Parking within Chicon loop and Nash Hernandez toward the boat ramp will be limited to boat trailers and tow vehicles.  Parking on Nash Hernandez that creates the north boarder of the venue will be permit parking only but not limited to trailers and tow vehicles.  Parking within the venue is not guaranteed and is done on a first come bases. 

Vehicle permits are required and must be picked up at registration

Schedule for driving within the venue. 

Vehicles are allowed to enter the Chicon loop on the schedule posted below.  This includes trailers and their tow vehicles, as well as parents, booster clubs, or additional equipment vehicles. Regardless of if you have a permit or not, no vehicles are allowed to enter/exit the Chicon loop or the eastern part of Nash Hernandez during these times:

  • Friday between 1pm and 6:00pm
  • Saturday between 6:30am and 60 minutes after the conclusion of the final race of the day.

Loading and Unloading of equipment vehicles

Parents, coaches, booster members who need to unload equipment will have to unload during these times, otherwise will need to unload from Nash Hernandez on the north side of the venue.  Someone must be with a vehicle that is being loaded or unloaded at all times. 


Buses are not allowed to park at the venue.  We have designated a bus loading and unloading area at the exit of the Chicon loop.  Please note that buses need to be actively loading or unloading to be stopped in this area.  Parking attendants will be around to help maneuver traffic around the bus while loading. 


No parking on the grass at any time for any reason. 

Austin Rowing club is working closely with the City of Austin Parks and Recreation Department to better enforce regatta-parking guidelines.  Please help us maintain our relationship with City of Austin by following the guidelines. 

Any vehicle found not following the above guidelines will be towed.