Wichita Frostbite Regatta
- Nov 3, 2024
- head
- Little Arkansas River
- Wichita, KS (USA)
- Hosted By: Wichita Rowing Association
- USRowing Registered (Self-Insured regatta)
- Cancelled
Frostbite Regatta Rules & Race Requirements
Trailer Parking Notice:
One (1) trailer per team will be allowed to park in the Primary Lot; this trailer will get a parking stall based on a first-come first-served basis (see map)
Additional trailers may be allowed but will be dependent on available space to accommodate all crews. It is possible that a second trailer may not be able to be parked adjacent to the team primary trailer.
If a crew desires/plans to bring a second trailer pleas advise the LOC (Local Organizing Committee) prior to the regatta by email at [email protected]
Map is subject to change at the discretion of the LOC. Zoom in on the map for more detail. If you would like a copy of the image file, contact the Regatta Chair. Click here for map image.
Regatta Weekend Practices:
Crews will be allowed to practice on Friday and Saturday prior to the regatta. However, there will not be any safety launches on the water on Friday or Saturday and coach launches will not be allowed on the water. Also, Crews will not be allowed on the water after sunset.
Crew Classifications:
Collegiate: An athlete who is currently enrolled full-time in a college, university, or community college.
Novice: A novice is defined as a rower or coxswain who is in their first year of competition. In the Novice events, all rowers must be novices by this definition. For safety considerations, the coxswain in a Novice entry need not be in their first year.
Open: Any competitor that is not a female Junior or female High School rower.
Masters: A competitor who has, or will, attain 21 years of age by December 31 of the current calendar year. Age fraction is rounded down. A Masters crew shall include only Masters Rowers; however the coxswain need not be of Master’s age. The, US Rowing handicap formula, with 2.45 multiplier, will be used for rowers over the age of 27.
Juniors: A rower, sculler or coxswain who, in the current calendar year, has not attained the age of 19 and who is a member of a Junior Rowing Program. Note: Junior Quads may race either with, or without, a coxswain.
Recreational Single: A recreational single shall be no more than 24 feet long and at least 17 inches wide at the water line.
Lightweight Women: Maximum individual weight is 135 lbs. There is no averaging of rower weights. There will be no weigh-ins; you are on the honor system.
Lightweight Men: Maximum individual weight is 165 lbs. There is no averaging of rower weights. There will be no weigh-ins; you are on the honor system.
Mixed Crew: Crew typically made up of men and women rowers in equal numbers; although crews with more women rowers than men rowers will be allowed to compete in this event as long as there is at least one male rower. The coxswain can be either sex but does not count towards the mixed rower numbers.
Coaches, Club Mixed 8+ event: at the Wichita Frostbite a coach or club rower is defined as any athlete except those who are current NCAA rowing coaches or athletes.
Shell Safety Requirements:
For the Safety of all participants, all shells are required to have Bow balls conforming to the 'US Rowing Rules of Rowing'. Failure to have a bow ball may result in a penalty. Additional safety requirements include quick heel release devices being installed on all shells in the Frostbite Regatta. All of these items are the responsibility of the individual Crew, their Coaches and their Program. Coaches are responsible for ensuring that their athletes are familiar with rowing safety. Masters and Club rowers must also be aware of all equipment safety requirements.
Bow Markers:
For the safety of all crews and to insure proper identification of crews, bow markers are required on all boats. Bow Markers will be provided and must be returned to the drop box at the takeout dock immediately after the race has concluded. Crews failing to return the Shell Bow Marker will be assessed a $5.00 fee per bow marker.
Race Course:
The Race Course is on the Little Arkansas River through Riverside Park in Wichita, Kansas. The race distance is approximately 2450 m. There are three bridges on the race course and there are bends and curves along most of the race course. The race start is just south of the 11th Street Bridge and the finish is at the beginning of the curve in the river past the WRA Boathouse. Shortly past the finish line, and around the bend in the river, is a dam that the crews must stay back from.
Race Course Details:
The race course is fully buoyed from start to finish. Bridge arches for warm up and race lanes are marked by large signs with green arrows.
Yellow buoys separate the warm up lane from the race course.
Orange buoys are hazard buoys indicating danger, hidden obstacles and/or shallow water.
Green buoys are used to lead into Bridge arches between race lanes. Shells may go on either side of green buoys and crews may be directed by officials to go to one side or the other.
Coxswains use the right-hand rule when going upstream and downstream such that they are rowing nearer to the right shore in their direction of movement.
After crossing the finish line crews must clear the finish line area and proceed to the turnaround buoy past the finish line. No crew shall cut across the yellow buoy line after the finish line, including hot-seating crews. Crews are to continue to row and row immediately to the dock in the return lane. Caution: There is a dam just past the finish line; stay back from dam area.
Race Times:
Boats will not be allowed to row outside their scheduled times. Dock space is limited The Dock Masters will do what they can to accommodate hot-seating crews; however, quick dock access is not guaranteed. Hot seat at your own risk.
Race Day Activities
First Aid:
On Race Day, in addition to the multiple officials present, safety launches will be stationed along the race course. EMS is within approximately 1 mile of the regatta site and will respond to 911 for medical emergencies. A Basic first aid kit and ice will be available at the Registration table on Saturday and at the First Aid tent near the WRA Boathouse on Sunday.
Calling of Events:
First call for an event will occur 45 minutes prior to the event.
Second call for an event will occur 35 minutes prior to the event.
Launch time is 30 minutes prior to event.
The best effort will be made to launch Crews in numerical order. Be sure to arrive at the launch dock staging area with sufficient time to be put into queue in proper launch order.
Make sure shells are equipped with proper safety equipment prior to arriving at launch dock area.
Each crew will be allotted 90 seconds to launch or land their boat on the dock.
Coxswains are to follow the directions of the Dock Master, who can assess a penalty for crews not complying with instructions.
Crews shall clear the dock area immediately upon launching.
Crews are to make their equipment adjustments in the boat storage area or on the water. No equipment adjustments will be permitted at the Launch Dock or on the water in the area of the dock.
Crews are encouraged to stay in numerical order while rowing upstream. Prior to reaching the start line staging area, crews should be lined up in order of bow marker numbers, lowest to highest.
Be at the staging area at least five minutes prior to the start of your race.
Think Safety: Always be aware of smaller, and/or slower shells that you may overtake during your warm-up.
Caution must be exercised by all crews with regard to encroachment into the race course during warm-up. Encroachment into the race course during warm-up may result in a penalty, see Penalties section. Crews shall also stay clear of bridge pillars, obstructions and shallow areas
Race Start:
The Wichita Frostbite Regatta is a Head Race and as such is a flying start with shells starting in single file at approximate 10 second intervals.
Coxswains are to approach the starting line as directed by the Starting Official.
Think Safety: Please be aware of smaller, and/or slower shells that you may overtake during the race.
Caution must be exercised by all crews with regard to encroachment into the warm-up lane while racing. Crews shall also stay clear of bridge pillars, obstructions and shallow areas.
Overtaking cannot occur at any individual bridge arch along the race course. None of the individual bridge arches along the race course are wide enought for 2 shells to go though side by side or even with shell overlap. Faster shells must be given the shortest route and the right of way. When passing another shell, the overtaking shell has the right of way, but the coxswain is obliged to make it apparent to the crew ahead on which side the coxswain wishes to pass. The crew being overtaken must give the overtaking shell room to pass, usually on the inside of the curve. If, in the opinion of the officials, insufficient room is given, an interference penalty will be assessed. No crew shall press its right of way to the point of collision. Respect for the safety of other competitors must be shown at all times.
Time Penalties may be assessed for the following conditions:
Buoy violation: Buoy penalties may be assessed when a blade crosses the yellow buoy line separating the warm-up/return lane from the race lanes. These penalties will apply no matter which direction the shell is proceeding. Blades crossing the yellow buoy line may present a hazard to shells racing or warming up or returning to the dock area. A shell hull crossing the yellow buoy line is a serious encroachment into the race course or warm-up lane. A shell that has any of its blades cross the yellow buoy line may be assessed an interference penalty. A shell whose hull crosses the yellow buoy line will be assessed a 30 sec penalty and may also be assessed an interference penalty. No penalties will be accessed for crossing over orange hazard buoy lines or for crossing over the green buoy lines. The orange and the green buoys indicate areas of hazard, bridges, submerged obstructions and/or shallow water hazards. These hazards may impose their own penalties.
Yellow Buoy violation – blade: may be assessed an interference penalty.
Yellow Buoy violation – hull: 30 seconds, and a possible interference penalty.
Interference: 30 seconds..
Failure to yield: 30 seconds.
Late to Start: 10 seconds. (arrival at start staging area after all shells in event have already started)
No bow marker at Start: 10 seconds.
Failure to follow Dock-Master instructions: 10 seconds, possible exclusion.
Unsportsmanlike Conduct: Disqualification.
All protests must be made within 30 minutes of the finish of the race. A $50.00 protest fee must be turned in at the registration table at the Regatta Headquarters at the WRA Boathouse. The fee will be returned if the protest is upheld.
Race times and results will be posted to the Crew Timer App and also at the Regatta Headquarters.
Medals will be awarded to first, second and third place crews. Medals will not be awarded to single entry events (i.e. no participation medals). For events with only three (3) entries, only first and second place medals will be awarded. First place crews will be awarded a Frostbite Logo Medal.
Clean Up:
Please help us keep our Park beautiful! Waste containers are provided throughout the Regatta area. Please be a good sport and leave your area clean.
Entries and Scratches:
Late entries are accepted until the date listed on Dates & Deadlines; they will incur a penalty fee. Late entries will also most likely be placed at the back of the event draw. Please advise the LOC of any scratches that occur after registration.
Food Vendors:
If any crew wishes to sell or take donations for food, the crew must have city vendor and food handlers licenses and inform the LOC in an email by October 1.
THANK YOU for your help in making the Frostbite Regatta SAFE and Enjoyable for ALL!
Please email the regatta/event host with any related questions