- May 12, 2024
- sprint
- Lake Quinsigamond
- Worcester, MA (USA)
- Hosted By: Intercollegiate Rowing Association
- USRowing Registered (Self-Insured regatta)
Trailers may arrive at Regatta Point State Park on SATURDAY, May 11TH at 9 AM Access the trailer entrance via NORTH ROAD, which runs east along the north edge of the UMASS Medical Complex. North Road is accessed via Plantation Street. See driving directions below. A Police Officer will be stationed at the east end of North Road to direct you into the park. Once in the park, staff will direct you accordingly.
Trailers MUST NOT park outside of Regatta Point prior to opening. Early arrival trailers are not permitted on site and are not permitted to park at the Donahue Rowing Center prior to Saturday. No exceptions.
If you detach your trailer from your truck, it is imperative that you utilize a block of wood under your trailer crank. The pavement at Regatta Point may experience damage if you do not place a wooden block beneath your trailer crank.
From 290 east take exit 21. At end of ramp turn right onto Plantation St. Drive approximately ¾ of a mile and turn left on North Rd. At the end of North Rd. wait to be directed across Lake Avenue into the Park.
From 290 West take exit 22. Bear right at end of Ramp onto Main St. Proceed to second set of lights and turn left onto Plantation St. Drive approximately 1 mile and turn left on North Rd. at the end of North Rd. wait to be directed across Lake Avenue into the Park.
PRACTICE DAY PARKING: Vehicle entry will not be allowed in Regatta Point Park with the exception of tow vehicles. TEAM BUSES AND VANS will be permitted to park north (direction of start line) of the trailer entrance gate. Parents may drop off tent items outside of Regatta Point but must not leave vehicles unattended. Parents should coordinate with members of your team to have your team assist in carrying items into the park.
RACE DAY PARKING: Vehicle entry will not be allowed in Regatta Point with the exception of tow vehicles. Tow vehicles must enter before 7:00 am and will remain in the lot until the conclusion of racing. There are no in and out privileges. There is no parking south of Regatta
Point. “No Parking” signs will be posted and failure to adhere to parking regulations will
result in towing, ticketing, and possible action by the Regatta. Drop-off will be allowed north of the main gate. All buses will be required to park in a Bus Parking Lot adjacent to the UMass parking garage. All team vans and spectators are asked to utilize the UMass parking garage and take advantage of a FREE REGATTA SHUTTLE servicing these parking garages. PLEASE: Study the attached VENUE PARKING MAP and forward it to anybody associated with your team.
Artificial noisemakers of any kind (horns, whistles, cow bells, etc.) are prohibited by the NCAA and not permitted at any QRA sponsored regattas.
Saturday, May 11th Course Open: 9:00 AM Course Closes: 12:15 PM (Docks close to launching at 11:30 AM.)
Opens again at 1:30 PM. Closes for the day at 5:30 PM. (Docks close to launching at 4:45 PM)
Gates Locked at 6:00PM
PRACTICE TRAFFIC PATTERN: http://www.qra.org/pdf/PracticeTraffic.pdf
Sunday, May 12th Regatta Point will open at 6:00AM on Race Day. RACE DAY TRAFFICE PATTERN: http://www.qra.org/pdf/RacingTraffic.pdf
Team tent set-up is NOT allowed prior to park opening. Your trailer will not be allowed access to Regatta Point if your tent is set up prior to this time. Upon arrival Regatta Volunteers will direct you to designated Team Tent areas. Team tents are not permitted on the north beach below the wall.
It is imperative that all teams clean up after themselves. Dumpsters will be provided and all garbage must be disposed of at these dumpsters. Teams renting a QRA Team Tent must fold all chairs and tables and return them all to their initial location. Please leave the venue as you found it.
ADMISSION- As we did last year, we are requesting that all spectators make their admission donation online in advance. Donations made before race day are $13.00 per person and donations made on race day or at the gate are $15.00 per person. We ask that you encourage your parents and friends to buy in advance and bring their ticket with them or save on their phone. There will be limited staffing at the gate, so they will avoid a possible significant wait. These donations in lieu of an admissions charge allow the QRA to continue to offer safe and fair races for so many. Please share this link (https://quinsigamondrowingassociationinc.thundertix.com/orders/new?performance_id=3070685) or use this QR code for NIRC: