Head of the Niagara & Wright Regatta
- Oct 15, 2023
- head
- Black Rock Canal
- Buffalo, NY (USA)
- Hosted By: West Side Rowing Club
The Head of the Niagara & Wright Regatta (HNWR) will take place on the historic Black Rock Canal in Buffalo, NY.
The Coaches & Coxswain meeting will begin at 8 AM followed by the first race at 9 AM.
All events will be electronically timed and all Masters Results will have age appropriate handicaps applied. All entries must be submitted via Regatta Central by October 10, 2023. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, please contact Kirk Lang at [email protected].
Regatta Rules:
Course: The HNWR is rowed on the Black Rock Canal. Crews will row under two bridges during the race and finish at the finish line across from the boathouse. There will be a no passing under the Ferry Street Lift Bridge, which is the first bridge crews will go through.There will be a slight head current on the course, as crews will be racing from north to south along the Canal. Wind speed and direction will be determined on the day of the race. The course may be shortened to finish in front of the West Side Rowing Club if water conditions create unsafe rowing conditions on the lower section of the course. Launch Site: All crews will launch from the docks located at the West Side Rowing Club. Crews will be called to the water no more than 40 minutes prior to the start of the event. All crews must launch with bows pointed towards the Canal. There will be a 60second limit for all crews on the dock. The dock master will have the authority to impose penalties for excessive time on the dock. When you leave the dock, crew must stay to the east side (City side) of the Canal as they make their way to the start. Crews that interfere with racing boats on their way to the start will be assessed a penalty. No crew on their way to the start should proceed through the Ferry Street Lift Bridge until the Marshall on the water alows them to do so.
Starting Area: All crews must be in the marshaling area at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the event. Boats will be started in order of their bow numbers at approximately 15second intervals. Boats arriving late to the start may lose their starting position or be excluded from the event at the discretion of the Starting Line Official.
Passing on the Race Course: A crew is deemed to be overtaking another crew when it has moved to within one length of open water of the crew ahead. On those portions of the course that are straight, a crew being overtaken shall move to the right and allow the overtaking crew to pass. Where the course turns, a crew being overtaken shall move to the outside of the turn and allow the overtaking crew to pass on the shorter path.
There is a no passing zone underneath the Ferry Street Lift Bridge. Any violation of the passing rules will result in a 30 second penalty.
The horn will sound once for each crew crossing the line. Once crews have crossed the finish line, they must keep rowing until they reach the end of the break wall. Once crews have reached that point, they must turn to their port (towards the park) and begin rowing back towards the boathouse. All crews must stay between the park wall and the red buoys when returning to the docks. Crews that enter the racecourse and interfere with racing boats will be given a 30second penalty.
*The Finish is in front of the West Side Rowing Club Return Dock: All crews will be returning to the Fontana Boathouse docks. There is a 60second time limit on the dock. It is suggested that all coaches have the athletes shoes stored near the return dock and additional athletes to help clear the oars from the return dock area as crews come in.
Lightweight Men: Max of 155 lbs. Lightweight Women: Max of 135 lbs. The honor rule will be imposed for all lightweight events. No weighins will take place at this regatta.
Definition of Categories:
Novice: Began competitive rowing after August 1, 2022
Freshman: Is in Grade 9
Junior Varsity: events are restricted to competitors in the junior year (11th grade) or lower. Juniors, including coxswains, must not have attained the age of 18 years prior to September 1, 2022.
Second Varsity 8: A program must enter the Varsity eight in order to enter a second eight.
Varsity: Any age athlete
Lightweight: Any athlete that is at or below the specified weight for the event they are competing in. 135lbs for women and 155lbs for men
Masters Event: Competitors are over the age of 21
Recreational Events: Competitors are over the age 21 and have not competed in more than 3 events this calendar year. Recreational crews can be mixed crews of male and female athletes. Mixed Crews must be 50% male and 50% female.
Hot Seating: Hot seating boats or rowers requires a minimum of 40 minutes separation, but is always done so at your own risk. All hot seating will take place at the Fontana Boathouse docks.
Registration packets will be available in the upstairs Boardroom of the West Side Rowing Club on the morning of the race. Each packet will contain bow numbers as well as back numbers and safety pins for each entry. Course maps and additional race information will also be included in the regatta packets. All entry fees must be paid in full before a program will receive their entry packet. Event Parking: The main lot of the West Side Rowing Club will be reserved for trailer parking only. If you will be arriving with a trailer on Saturday, please contact Kirk Lang at [email protected] prior to your arrival to ensure a parking . Additional parking information is available in LaSalle Park and Front Park.
Contingency Plan: Should it become clear that we cannot get all all races in we may change the order of events to make sure the higher events are run.
Contingency Plan:
- All crews will be notified on the day of if the canal conditions require the race to be canceled.
- In the event of unrowable water on race day:
- We will run as many events as possible with changes to the race order only if necessary. Should it become clear that we cannot get all of the events in we may change the order of events to make sure the higher events are run.
- Race day can/will be extended until 4pm if there is a possibility the water will become rowable.
- If the Regatta Director decides that all of the events cannot be raced, and subsequently need to change the “order of racing”, the following will be the order:
- All Novice races will be eliminated from the schedule
- Open/Youth/Masters/Collegiate 8+ and 4+ will go off first
- Open/Youth/Masters/Collegiate Lightweight 8+ and 4+ second
- Open/Youth/Masters 4x and 2x third
- Open/Youth/Masters 1x and 2- last and only if the weather improves
- If the regatta is canceled before any racing then your entries will be credited for next year’s regatta.