Shuffle Off to Buffalo
- Feb 12, 2023
- indoor
- Ergathon
- Buffalo, NY (USA)
- Hosted By: West Side Rowing Club
The West Side Rowing Club would like to invite you to compete in the 2023 Shuffle Off to Buffalo!
This indoor rowing event will be held on Sunday, February, 12th at D'Youville University in the College Center Gym. Events for all ages and skill levels will be offered. For rules and eligibility for this event, please see beow. Any questions, please contact Kirk Lang at
Event Information
(for the most up-to-date listing of events & times, check
- The schedule is tentative and subject to change.
- Open and Junior events will race 2000 meters.
- All masters events will race 1,000 meters.
- All coxswain events will race 500 meters.
- All relay events will race 3,000 meters.
- Events with more than twenty (20) participants will be run in heats.
- The fastest three overall times from the heat(s) for each event will be designated the event medalists (Gold, Silver, and Bronze). Gold medalists will ALSO receive the Shuffle off the Buffalo ceramic tile.
- All races will be held on new (less than 2 years old) Concept 2 Model D ergometers. Model PM5 monitors will be used.
- Spectators will be able to view the races in progress on screen and live.
- Race organizers reserve the right to:
- Change the schedule of events
- Limit the award distribution of medals based on event size.
- Combine events with fewer than five (5) registered participants
- Limit the number of relay entries
- Suspend the use of the Concept 2 timing system and proceed with a manual timing
- Adjust the final race time and schedule based upon the number of entries
- Accelerate the schedule of events by up to 15 minutes.
- All competitors or coaches must check in at the registration desk prior to their event. Competitors should plan on being at the D'Youville University College Center Gym at least 1-1/2 hours prior to their scheduled event (NOTE: the facility opens at 7:30 AM).
Race Preparation
- There will be a minimum of ten (10) designated “warm-up” ergometers available to competitors.
- Please limit your warm-up time to 15 minutes, so as to allow all competitors an opportunity to prepare for their event.
- Do not plan to warm- up on the designated “race” ergometers.
- On Deck Instructions:
- Competitors will be alerted to the On Deck location by an “event board” noting which event is being called to “Race” and which event is being called “On-Deck.”
- All competitors must allow sufficient time to register, weigh in, warm-up and be in the On-Deck location at least ten (10) minutes prior to their event.
- Failure to be in the On-Deck location five (5) minutes prior to the start of their event may result in disqualification.
- Medical EMS Staff will be on-site in the College Center Gym.
- Coaches and athletes should be mindful of the following:
- Athletes with the flu or cold should not compete.
- Athletes should stay hydrated.
- Athletes should generally not eat substantially within two (2) hours before competing.
- Participants who feel ill or out-of-the-ordinary in any way should not race.
- Participants who feel the need to stop, should do so.
- Asthmatic participants need to remember their inhalers.
- Only photography & videography by the approved personnel will be permitted. As of January 6, 2023, WSRC has approved an event photographer. Other individuals not approved by WSRC will be prohibited from taking photographs and video of the event.
Race Rules & Protocol
- Competitors will be able to set their individual foot stretcher and drag settings prior to the start of their race.
- Neither competitors nor coaches will be allowed to adjust neither foot stretcher nor drag settings after the race has started.
- Each participant is allowed to have ONE person as a coxswain to sit in a chair behind the participant.
- This person can be another athlete, friend, parent or coach, but only one person is allowed as coxswain per athlete.
- Coxswains must remain seated during each race.
- Coxswains may not distract or impede any athlete during the race. Coxswains who distract or impede any athlete will be removed from the Ergatta, and the athlete they were coxing may be subject to disqualification, and that athlete’s time will not be collected.
- A shirt or a unisuit top must be worn by all competitors before, during, and after racing.
- Headphones are allowed, but all participants MUST be able to hear the race officials.
- Ergometers are pre-set for your particular event distance. The monitor will automatically prompt participants to stop warming up when the race is about to begin. The monitor will set itself. You will not have to press any buttons as in a regular workout. The monitor will set itself.
- After sitting on your race ergometer, a race volunteer will ask your name to confirm that you are at the correct race ergometer.
- START of each race:
- DO NOT start early. Follow the prompts on your monitor.
- DO NOT touch the monitor, since it serves as a back-up in the event of a computer failure.
- If the monitor stops performing, do not stop rowing until the race official directs you to stop rowing
- END of race:
- DO NOT let go or drop the ergometer handle. Place the handle in the cradle after you have competed.
- A race volunteer will manually record your finish time as a back-up.
- Please DO NOT touch the monitor.
- Leave the race area as soon as possible so as to free up the ergometer for the next race.
Relay Rules & Protocol
- Relay Races will be 3,000 meters
- Relay Races will host teams of 6 people
- Registration for these relay races will be extended to race day without late fee penalty.
- Registration Deadline for relays is 10:00AM
- This group must represent a single college, club, high school, or organization.
- Each competitor will race 500 consecutive meters
- Each team will choose the order of their relay participants
- The lead off rower begins seated on the machine
- Each rower must complete 500 meters before the next rower may take hold of the handle
- When finished with their 500 meter piece, each rower must secure the handle against the ergometer OR hand the handle to the next rower directly.
- Only the next rower may touch, pull or advance the handle during his/her 500 meter piece.
- The coxswain may sit or stand along side the ergometer, but may not otherwise assist the rower. Coxswains may not secure the rower’s feet.
- Crewmates may secure the rowers feet, but may not touch the handle. Only the next transitioning rower in order may touch the handle.
- A team(s) that violates these race rules may be disqualified.
Event Categories
Event | Category | Event Description |
1 | Open Lightweight Women | Female athletes 19 & up and are 135lbs or less. |
2 | Open Women | Female athletes 19 & up |
3 | Womens Collegiate Novice | Female athletes considered to be in their first year of rowing |
4 | Womens Adaptive / Para | |
5 | Open Men | Male athletes 19 & up |
6 | Open Lightweight Men | Male athletes 19 & up and are 155lbs or less |
7 | Mens Collegiate Novice | Male athletes considered to be in their first year of rowing |
8 | Mens Adaptive / Para | |
9 | Womens Masters | Female athletes over the age of 21. Times will be handicapped by age category. |
10 | Womens Masters (1K) Lightweight | Female athletes over the age of 21 and 135lbs or less.* |
11 | Mens Masters (1K) | Male athletes over the age of 21. Times will be handicapped by age category. |
12 | Mens Masters Lightweight | Male athletes over the age of 21 and 155lbs or less.* |
13 | Youth Novice Women | Female athletes that began training with a competitive program after August 1, 2022. |
14 | U17 Lightweight Women | Female athletes who do not reach the age of 17 in 2023 and are 135lbs or less.* |
15 | U19 Lightweight Women | Female athletes who do not reach the age of 19 in 2023 and 135lbs or less.* |
16 | U17 Women | Female athletes who do not reach the age of 17 in 2023. |
17 | U19 Women | Female athletes who do not reach the age of 19 in 2023. |
18 | Womens Coxswain 500-Meter | Female athletes 115lbs or less* |
19 | Youth Novice Men | Male athletes that began training with a competitive program after August 1, 2022. |
20 | U17 Lightweight Men | Male athletes who do not reach the age of 17 in 2023 & are 155lbs or less* |
21 | U19 Lightweight Men | Male athletes who do not reach the age of 19 in 2023 & are 155lbs or less. * |
22 | U17 Men | Male athletes who do not reach the age of 17 in 2023 |
23 | U19 Men | Male athletes who do not reach the age of 19 in 2023 |
24 | Mens Coxswain 500-meter Dash | Male athletes 121lbs or less* |
25 | Mixed Relay (3K) | See "Relay Rules and Protocol" |
Age Calculations
- Although this is not a CRASH-B qualifying event, Masters ages (and subsequent handicap) will be calculated as of race day (Sunday, February 12, 2023)
Weigh Ins
- There are no official weigh-ins at this ergatta. Head Coaches will be responsible for their athletes complying with the weight limit. The maximum weight for lightweight men is 155 lbs. and the maximum weight for lightweight women is 125 lbs.
Entry Fees (USD) |