Elk Lake Spring Regatta

  • Hosted By: Victoria City Rowing Club
  • Sanctioned by RCA and Rowing BC (2022)


Reminder that the U19 Novice events are considered Jr Novice (as in encouraged that u17 and u19 enter that event.


The Masters singles have been swapped days to allow people to row the masters doubles and singles and they have also been shifted around that day to space out singles and quads.  

On Sunday, the Mens Open Ltwt 2x has been swapped with the u15 mens Jr 2x (to allow for athletes to be in the open mens eight). 

U19 eights have been moved to the beginning of the day

U19 singles have been pushed to later in the days (To allow the athletes in eights to row in the singles).

U17 4+'s have been moved to earlier in the day. To give more room for hulls etc to be shared/rigged. 


There have been some tweaks to the event list. There was discussion about moving the U19 mens eight to earlier in the day, but that would cause some ripple effect disruptions. 

Event Updates. 


U17 coxed quads, added on both days. 

U19 Womens Novice Quad (it was missed by accident).

Swapped (dates were switched to help balance athlete load and by club requests):

U19 Novice Quads

Event 16, Womens Open Lwt 2x with Event 28 Mixed Master 2x