St. Valentine's Day Classic
- Feb 12, 2023
- indoor
- Mount Saint Michael Academy
- Bronx, NY (USA)
- Hosted By: Pelham Community Rowing Association
- USRowing Indoor Open Regatta
Athlete check-in opens at 8:00AM. Check-in closes one hour prior to the scheduled final event.
Rowers and their coaches are expected to complete the check-in process in a timely manner to allow the rower to become oriented and to warm up before the event. Assume there will be a line. It is the responsibility of the rower to be at the venue early enough to complete lightweight weigh-in and check-in.
Refunds will not be granted for late arrivals, we will try to work you in as best we can to another event but no guarantees.
Race Categories
U14, U17, U19 event participants are required to be under that age for the entire calendar year.
Masters event age categories require you to be in that group for the entire calendar year.
Novice youth events are for participants in their first year of racing.
Lightweights and Weigh-In
Check-in first.
Any competitor in a lightweight event or rowing as a lightweight in an open weight event must weigh in on race day during the 1-hour window beginning two hours before and ending one hour before their race time. For example, if you are scheduled to race at 12PM, you must weigh in between 10AM and 11AM. No exceptions. Weigh-in is off the race floor, ask at check-in where to go.
Athletes who registered as a lightweight and fail to weigh in for any reason will row at their originally assigned time and erg. Results will be recorded in the corresponding heavy/open weight event.
Weight limits are 135 lbs (61.24 kgs) max for all women and 165 lbs (74.84 kgs) max for all men. Weight is measured in pounds.
Weigh-in attire is required. This is limited to a minimum of a unisuit or shorts and a top that covers the torso. There are no naked weigh-ins.
Proper sportsmanship and decorum will be observed by rowers, coaches, and the audience. Rowers are expected to be properly attired for competition, including shirts. Regatta officials reserve the right to ask any person who is not behaving in a sportsman-like way to leave.
If the event is cancelled due to extreme weather we will post a notice on our website. Unfortunately we cannot offer refunds.