Wichita Frostbite Regatta
- Nov 5, 2023
- head
- Little Arkansas River
- Wichita, KS (USA)
- Hosted By: Wichita Rowing Association
- USRowing Sanctioned Regatta
Trailer Parking Notice:
One (1) trailer per team will be allowed to park at the Boathouse area, this trailer will get a parking stall based on a first-come first-served basis
Additional trailers may be allowed but will be dependent on available space to accommodate all crews. It is possible that a second trailer may not be able to be parked adjacent to the team primary trailer.
If a crew desires/plans to bring a second trailer pleas advise the LOC (Local Organizing Committee) prior to the regatta by email at [email protected]
Trailer parking is subject to change at the discretion of the LOC. If you would like a copy of the trailer parking digital file, contact the Regatta Chair.
Area Vehicle Parking