Head of the Lake
- Nov 5, 2023
- head
- Lake Washington
- Seattle, WA (USA)
- Hosted By: Lake Washington Rowing Club
- USRowing Sanctioned Regatta
Team Points Results
Frank Cunningham All Points Cup Winner: University of Washington
Bob Ernst Collegiate All Points Winner: University of Washington
Francis Cunningham Junior All Points Cup Winner: Oregon Rowing Unlimited
Masters All Points Winner: College Club Seattle
Team Points by Event Type
Place Finishes by Team
Special Cup Winners
Womens Championship 8+ Sponsored by Pocock Rowing Shells: University of Washington
Womens Championship 4+ Cup: University of Washington
Ben Porter Mens Collegiate 8+ Cup: University of Washington
Mens Championship 4+ Cup Sponsored by Pocock Rowing Shells: University of Washington
Men's Junior 8+ Cup: Green Lake
Women's Junior 8+ Cup: Holy Names Academy
Men's Junior 4+ Cup: Pocock Youth Rowing
Women's Junior 4+ Cup: Holy Names Academy
Womens Open 1x Lucy Pocock Stillwell Cup: Karolin Neubert
Mens Open 1x William Tytus Cup: Giuseppe Bellomo
Mens Masters 1x Gordon McWilliams Cup <50: Rudy Ryback
Mens Masters 1x Gordon McWilliams Cup 50+: David Deschenes
Womens Masters 1x Sherri Cassuto Cup < 50: Megan Northey
Womens Masters 1x Sherri Cassuto Cup 50+: Megan Gradek
News Bulletins
News Bulletin November 3: Heat sheet and schedule, results on Regatta Master, awards, and important traffic notice
News Bulletin October 26: Registration and Scratch Announcement
News Bulletin October 13: Registration and Scratch Announcement
News Bulletin September 20: Registration Open Announcement
What's New for HOTL 2023
- Junior Mens and Womens 4x events are straight quads. The U17 4x+ events will continue to require a coxswain.
- Junior 1x guaranteed entries belong to the club and can have different line-ups from the qualifying race.
- Masters events will feature larger age-group divisions. If your event spans more than 1 age group, a gold medal will be awarded for both the time winner and handicapped winner in your event. If there are more than 10 entries in the event, silver medals will also be awarded. Masters events will be divided into age groups after registration closes on October 25th.
- Masters crews will be allowed to edit line-ups through race time. However, once the registration deadline has passed (October 25th at noon), you will not be able to move your boat from one event to another. The rowers in the boat must meet the age-requirement for the event.
- There is no longer a parent-child event.
- We have added a mixed open gender 2x event.
- Due to cancellation of small boat events in 2021 and 2022, for the 4th straight year, we have not raised fees for small boats.
- When you register for an event, you will be asked to agree with the refund policy.
Small Boat Statement
- If we need to cancel small boat events in 2023, we will consider cancellations in waves. The first wave will be the 1x events 12-16 and 21 beginning at ~9am. The second wave will be the 2x events 24-31 beginning at ~10:45am. The third wave will be 2x events 41 and 42 beginning at ~12:30. Our first consideration is the safety of rowers so we will err on the side of caution but we also want to take into consideration the fact that the water conditions can change over the period of the race.
- If your event is cancelled (both small and large boats) due to weather conditions, you will not be issued a refund. Consider the refund policy when entering small boat events as they are the most likely to be cancelled due to weather.
Refund policy
If you scratch before noon on Monday, October 16, you will receive a refund. If you scratch after this date, refunds will not be issued. If your event is cancelled due to weather conditions, you will not be issued a refund.
Packet Pickup, Merchandise Sales/Pickup
Saturday at LWRC from 3-6PM, Sunday at Conibear starting at 6AM. See the complete HOTL Schedule on our website.
Race-day Communications
Participants can stay up to date with real-time, race day announcements via the HOTL Whatsapp group. We will use this channel to broadcast alterations to the race course, delays or cancellations of events, and announcements of events underway. Join using the link below or scan the QR code with your phone camera.
Coaches and Coxswains Meeting
The coaches and coxswains meeting will be held via Zoom on Friday evening at 7PM. The meeting is required for all coxswains, bow coxswains and coaches. You may attend either the live presentation or watch the recorded presentation. The live presentation will be posted on the HOTL Website following the live event.
Meeting ID: 869 0006 8754
Passcode: 897991
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• +1 507 473 4847 US
2022 Coaches and Coxswains meeting slides are available for viewing now. We will post the 2023 slides as soon as they are available.
Race Videos
There are also videos and maps, including a Google Earth View of the HOTL course.
Race Booklet
The HOTL Race Booklet is available on the HOTL Website.
Trailer Parking
If you are bringing a trailer and you have not contacted Don Kuehn with an ETA, please do so ASAP at hotl@lakewashingtonrowing.com. For trailers arriving on Saturday you may begin parking at 4PM at UW Lot E18. For trailers arriving on Sunday morning you may begin parking at 4:45AM at UW Lot E18. If you are attending the Frostbite Regatta at Greenlake, please move your trailer to UW after racing on Saturday. There will be a security guard on site. Please visit the HOTL UW Parking page for additional parking instructions.
Car Top Boats
All car topped boats must launch and land from Conibear. There is NO launching and landing at the Waterfront Activity Center (WAC). Cars with shells can park in E18 with the trailers. ALL CARS NEED TO ENTER THE E-1 PARKING LOT AT THE NORTH ENTRANCE. The south entrance will be closed. Please visit the HOTL UW Parking page for additional parking instructions.
Boat Rigging and Oar Staging
You must rig your boats in E-18 and walk them to the boathouse for launching. No boats may be rigged or staged in the E-8 parking lot or the wood chip area. You may pre-stage blades in the wood chip area.
Compliance (waivers and SafeSport training) and Packets
In order to participate in the regatta, athletes must have a USRowing membershp current on the day of the race and a signed USRowing waiver. Adult athletes (18 and over) in the US must complete the SafeSport self-attestation and, if applicable, SafeSport trianing. Packets will not be released for any lineups with compliance issues. Please resolve any compliance any issues as soon as possible to help packet pickup run smoothly. Packet pickup is scheduled for Saturday at LWRC from 3:00 to 6:00PM and Sunday morning at Conibear from 5:30 to 8:00AM. Compliance