USRowing Northwest Youth Championships
- May 19, 2023 To May 21, 2023
- sprint
- Vancouer Lake
- Vancouver, WA (USA)
- Hosted By: USRowing
- USRowing Owned
Park Guidelines
Park Security:â¯Security will be provided at the park from 6:00 pm to 6:00 am on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. However, PVRA, USRowing, and regatta organizers will not be held responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged equipment. At the end of each day, be sure that food is stored away (critters come out at night!) and that tool boxes and valuables are locked up and stored out of the open.
Trash & Dumpsters: Please be sure to comb your team tent and boat areas for trash at the end of each day of the regatta, and deliver your trash to the large dumpsters in the North parking lot (please do not overflow the small dumpsters in the park). Teams that fail to clean up around their team tent and boat storage area will be assessed a park fine for not doing so.
Water: All available water spigots are potable. There is a water spigot available at the North Eagle Shelter and at the Food Vendor Area. Please be aware that, due to power outages or contamination, water might not be available at the venue. We suggest that you bring enough water for your team in case we experience water issues at the park.
Pets: NO DOGS ARE ALLOWED IN THE PARK. From April through October, dogs are forbidden in the area of Vancouver Lake Park where we hold regattas. Regatta participants who violate this rule jeopardize future rowing events at the park. This rule will be strictly enforced. Please do not bring your dog or you will be asked to leave.
Vehicle Paths:â¯Please drive only on marked roads.â¯The Park STRICTLY PROHIBITS driving on the grass or the beach for ANY reason.â¯All equipment must be carried from the parking lot – hand trucks are available to borrow at the Volunteer Tent.
Bus Unloading/Loading: Buses are not allowed to enter the parking lot.â¯Buses dropping off or picking up athletes should do so on the main road in the designated locations. Buses will also be allowed to park in the “Bus Parking Only” areas. Please obey the posted signage.
RV Parking and Camping:â¯All RVs must park in the overflow lot. Overnight camping in the park is strictly PROHIBTED, either in tents or RVs. Please do not contact the city or county to obtain special use permits. Park employees will patrol the park at night and anyone found camping or staying in an RV overnight will be asked to leave.
Irrigation:â¯The Park maintains a regular irrigation schedule for all grass areas. The sprinklers may be turned on any evening during the regatta. Put away anything that might be damaged by getting wet.
Health & Safety Guidelines
First Aid:â¯All organizations are encouraged to provide first aid kits for their athletes, taking into consideration the special needs of their athletes. Please carry your emergency medical consent forms with you. Medical assistance will be available at the first aid tent, near the volunteer tent, in the vendor area. Crews requiring attention should go directly to the first aid tent.
Hygiene: Athletes, coaches, officials and any other paid or volunteer staff must practice good hygiene including washing their hands frequently and covering their sneezes and coughs. Wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before and after activity, especially after touching shared objects or blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth. If soap and water are not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains 60-95% alcohol content. Cover all surfaces of your hands and rub them together until they are dry. Athletes should not share water bottles, uniforms, towels, or snacks and should not spit (saliva, sunflower seeds, etc.). Teams should provide handwashing or hand sanitizing stations in their team areas. Additional handwashing and sanitizer stations will also be available throughout the park at the restrooms.
Cleaning: Clean high touch surfaces and disinfect shared equipment before and after each use. Restrooms will be cleaned and disinfected regularly. Current CDC guidance for cleaning and disinfection for COVID-19 states that disinfectants should be registered by the EPA for use against the COVID-19. Find the current list here: List N: Disinfectants for Use Against SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). Disinfectants based on hydrogen peroxide or alcohol are safer than harsher chemicals. The University of Washington has a handout with options for safer cleaning and disinfecting products that work well against COVID-19.