Burnaby Lake Small Boat Invitational

  • Hosted By: Burnaby Lake Rowing Club
  • Sanctioned by RCA and Rowing BC (2022)

NOTE due to construction on the Grandstands there will be restricted spectator viewing of the regatta course



Point Scores for each trophy event are awarded by placement in the 4 km time trial (2p per place) and the 250m sprint (1p per place):

4 km time trial: 1st = 2 pts; 2nd = 4 points, 3rd = 6 points, etc.

250 m sprint: 1st = 1 points; 2nd = 2 points, 3rd = 3 points, etc.

The lowest sum of the scores is the winner. If there is a tie, the boat with the best placing in the 4 K TT is the winner.

The table below has the 4k TT finish placing as the order. The 250m placings have been added with points and the total points are on the right. In all classes the 4k TT winner was the overall winner. In the W1x 2nd and 3rd TT swapped total point placings on 250m results. Similar things happened in the higher placings of the M1X and W2X.

SBI Total Points Table