Gator Head Regatta
- Hosted By: Gainesville Area Rowing, Inc.
2022 Gator Head Regatta Rules
Penalties will be assessed for the following-
10 sec Missing a buoy on the course by any part of the shell or hull, but not the oar/s.
30 sec Failure to yield right of way on the course.
30 sec Leaving the dock without a bow number or entering the chute with an incorrect bow number.
60 sec Late to the starting line IF the officials permit the boat to race.
*Unsportsmanlike behavior will result in exclusion from the event
Call of Events: All times are subject to change prior to race day as late entries are received. Final times will be distributed to registered teams and posted at the Regatta Headquarters on Saturday morning. Events will be called 50 minutes prior to the start of the race. A second call will be made 40 minutes prior to the start of an event. Third and final call will be made 35 minutes prior to the start of the race. It is the responsibility of the crew to be at the marshaling area prior to the published start time independent of a call being made. A crew that arrives at the start after their event scheduled time may row exhibition, be excluded from the event, or be penalized at the starter's discretion.
Hot Seating: Allow a minimum of 1 hour for hot seating rowers or equipment. If you have a concern with a crew that is hot seating, please contact Regatta Headquarters on Saturday morning to discuss this issue with the officials. If you are hot seating equipment or rowers, display a pink "Hot Seating" card when coming into the dock and the dock master will give priority docking to that boat. Ask the dock master for a pink "Hot Seating" card at the coaches and coxswains meeting. Hot seating is not justification for wrong bow numbers, late to the start, etc
Dock Area: The dock master has absolute authority in the dock area. Boats will be launching and recovering from separate 60ft long floating docks. All crews have a 3 minute time limit on the dock to launch/recover. As crews come in for lunch and at the end of the day, the launch dock may be used to recover crews if all crews have launched.
Safety: All boats will be inspected prior to launching. Inspection will include bow balls, bow cards, and shoe tie downs. We will be following USRowing rules for presence of tie downs. A boat that is entered in multiple events will be inspected each time it is launched. If a crew needs to make changes to their equipment they will be directed to slings out of the way of boat traffic to make changes. We will have a first aid tent staffed with medically trained individuals. If you have a rower with a medical condition that the referees need to be aware of, please email regatta LOC.
Coaches & Coxswains Meeting: We will be having a coaches and coxswains meeting at 7:15am in front of the Launch Dock. We will go over the racecourse and specific information on the buoys and passing. We strongly encourage coaches, coxswains, and bow coxswains to attend this meeting. Crews are responsible for following late information provided at this meeting regardless of their attendance at the meeting.
Lightweights: Lightweight limits for the Gator Head are 130 lbs. for females and 160 lbs. for males.
Team Launch/Land Support: We will not have an oar staging area. To minimize congestion only two support people plus coach may accompany each boat down to the docks.
Starting: The Starter / Marshall will arrange the crews so that crews cross the starting line at approximately 10 second intervals. Crews should remain near the Start Marshall to hear commands to the start line. A crew must yield to another crew being summoned to the starting area. A crew that arrives at the start after their event has run will participate (as listed above) at the starter's discretion. The starting area is a no passing zone from the buoy nearest the start chute to one boat open water after the chute. (E.g. the following boat may not approach the preceding boat until the following boat is a boat length open water out of the chute.)
Passing: Passing is allowed along the entire course except for in the starting chute. The no passing zones are marked with red buoys. When being passed, if necessary, a crew will yield away from the buoy line of the shortest course and the passing crew will move towards the buoy line to pass. Yielding will occur no later than when the overtaking crew is one boat of open water of the crew being passed. The boat overtaking (Passer) has the right of way to pass as above if a safe pass can be accomplished. Passing may occur towards the buoy line or away from the buoy line at the option of the passer. If a passer calls for a crew to yield, he must be truly passing and not be using the call to slow the other boat.
Crews and scullers must take note of the following: If a pass is attempted and there is not adequate room and time to perform the pass, the Passer is at risk of incurring interference penalties. It is the passer’s responsibility to avoid interference with the yielding boat.Contact with the boat or oars of the boat being overtaken or aggressive maneuvers will be considered an unsafe pass. The boat being overtaken must yield and give suitable room to the Passer if this can be safely accomplished. Generally this will be the shortest line that gives an advantage. Failure to yield to the Passer is one of the most serious infractions of competitive conduct. Crews and scullers must be alert to possible upcoming passing attempts and promptly yield when there is adequate room and time. All shells with bow-loaded coxswains are strongly advised to have their bow seat rower notify the coxswain if a following crew is about to make a pass. Timely instruction from the bow seat rower may assist the coxswain in avoiding an interference penalty.
Protests: Protests for a race must be filed on water at the finish line with an official, no exceptions. You will have one hour from the end of your race to file the written protest with regatta headquarters (near registration) and pay the required $50 fee (cash only)