Shocker Sprints

  • Feb 11, 2023
  • virtual
  • Virtual
  • Wichita, KS (USA)
  • Hosted By: Wichita State University Rowing Team

The 2023 Shocker Sprints will be held in a combination of a virtual and in-person format.

This year the regatta will be using Time-Team for our race software. 

Event T-SHIRTs will be available through PRE-ORDER only

ALL PARTICIPANTS will given a secret code granting them permission to race prior to the regatta.

Below are the rules and regulations for both types of racing.


Rules and Regulations for Participants

We will be using Time-Team’s racing platform for both our in-person and virtual entries. 

This platform supports the PM3,4, and 5 monitors and will work on any computer operating system. Participants at home will need to connect their concept2 ergometer to a computer using a USB AB cable and will need an internet connection. In-person participants will have this provided for them. All participants MUST use a cencept2 ergometer. Anyone not using a concept2 ergometer will be disqualified. 

Here is a video on how to connect your ergometer to the race platform:
The Race Platform Link is:

Each event will have a lobby prior to race time. Participants are requested to be in the lobby no less than 10 min before their race time to ensure connective issues are resolved and that racing can begin on time. 

Once it is time to start the race, race officials will move participants from the waiting room into the actual race. Here, the commands sit ready and row will be displayed on your screen to start the races. Once all the races finish and the results are finalized, the results will be posted on Time_team, Row2k, regatta central, and the Shocker Rowing website.

The format for the races is finals only.  Keep in mind that events may be large enough to require multiple heats to accommodate all athletes. The best overall time will win each event.

  • Waivers
    • All participants are expected to have a USRA waiver on file
    • In-person participants, if not USRA members will have a waiver to sign at registration
  • Event Classifications 
    • Open - 
      • No restrictions
    • Lightweight – 
      • All participants entering into a lightweight event must adhere to the following lightweight restrictions:
        • In-Person weigh-in will take place from 8-9 am next to Registration. 
          • Lightweight Men = 165 lbs max
          • Lightweight Women = 135 lbs max
        • Virtual Participants who do not make weight are expected to communicate with the regatta staff prior to the start of their race.
        • Any Lightweight competitor that does not make weight will be allowed to compete at their pre-assigned time, but his/her result will be placed into the Open division for that category.
    • Junior –
      • Restricted to entrants in high school (or lower grade) who in the current calendar year do not attain the age of 19.
    • Master –
      • A competitor who has, or will, attain 21 years of age by December 31 of the current calendar year.  Age fraction is rounded down.  The US Rowing handicap formula will be used for rowers over the age of 27.

Racing Rules: 

  • All participants must compete under their own name and will use/need the below to compete. In-person participants will have these items provided for them.
    • Concept2 Ergometer
    • PM5, PM4, or PM3 monitor with updated firmware
    • Laptop
    • Stable internet connection
    • Event code – provided by regatta staff the day before the event
  • Handicaps:
    • Altitude adjustments will be granted for teams/competitors that complete their 2,000-meter ergometer race at 5,400 feet or higher to allow for fair competition. Ten seconds will be subtracted from the team/competitor's final time. The Race Committee may require proof of altitude for those who are above this threshold. 
    • Competitors in Master's events will have their handicap subtracted off the final raw time. 
      • Handicaps will be calculated by using the USRA Handicap formula
    • Team 1K
      • Handicaps will be applied for the following and are stackable and must be notated prior to racing at the registration table:
        • 8 seconds for each female on the team
        • 3 seconds for each lightweight
        • Masters handicap (calculated by US Rowing Handicap based on age)
  • Awards
    • Medals earned will be mailed to virtual participants after the results have been confirmed.
    • Medals will be awarded to the winner of each category raced as determined by the classification of age, weight, and gender.
    • Competitors are only eligible to win a medal for the event in which they are entered.
    • Medals will only be awarded from first to third pace except when fewer than 4 individuals are entered in a race. If fewer than 4 individuals, medals will be awarded to one less than the number of competitors.

Additional Rules: 

  • Interpretation of Rules
    • The meaning and application of these rules will be determined solely by the Race Committee. All deliberations and decisions by the Race Committee will be secret, arbitrary, and final.

Troubleshooting: On the day of racing, we want to make sure you can easily get in touch with us. 

  • Open our Zoom Link - Code: 837652  The zoom link will be used for
    • Troubleshooting
    • Race updates
    • Event codes
  • Follow the following in order to race
    • Connect your PM5, PM4, or PM3 to laptop
    • Open Time-Team Regatta Software
    • Type in your event Code (these will be  e-mailed to participants as well as on the zoom link)
    • Wait for your event to start.  We will have a waiting room when you first join using your event code. When it is your time to compete, you will automatically be connected to the event. If you have any issues with this step, please reach out to the regatta through the zoom link.