Island Summer Regatta 2022
- Jul 8, 2022 To Jul 10, 2022
- sprint
- Victoria Rowing Society Boathouse
- Victoria, BC (CAN)
- Hosted By: Victoria City Rowing Club
- Sanctioned by RCA and Rowing BC (2022)
July 5th:
Weigh in windows (one weigh in is good for the whole weekend):
Friday 5pm-7pm (hoping to capture everybody)
Saturday: 5:30am to 6am
Sunday: 5:30am to 6am (if needed)
Practice scale: The scale is open to be used as a practice weigh in anytime outside of the posted weigh in windows (it is in the spracklen room).
Coaches Meeting
We will only do one coaches meeting on the Friday at 2:30pm. Bow markers for the Saturday TT can be picked up at that meeting. Sunday TT bow markers will be available at the registration tent after lunch on Saturday (whatsapp announcement will be made).
Training sessions
The race course training flow pattern will be effective Thursday morning.
Course is open to training sessions:
Thursday (sunrise to sunset)
Friday: Sunrise to 2 hours before racing begins, and from end of racing (when last race comes off the water) to sunset.
Saturday: end of racing (when last race comes off the water) to sunset.
Please contact Equipment Manager Griffin Thomas ahead of time to sign up for training times so we can coordinate safety boats via [email protected]
Crew changes:
Crews are able to be changed in regatta central up until end of day tomorrow. I will try my best to have the draw names match the name in the boat. However, I will prioritize coxswains and lightweights.
Reminder: Family double and dynasty quad are a thing! stay tuned for pre-registration details, though in person on the day will be allowed too.
July 1:
The draw is live on, slight changes will be made as we try to merge events that have low entries.
June 28th:
There is a concession menu available on Venue. As well, the concession will be well-stocked available from lunch on Friday July 8 to Sunday July 10 afternoon when racing concludes. The concession menu is posted at Pre-ordering is recommended for clubs to ensure availability of menu items and to receive a 5% discount. One or more coaches per club can register for an account at and place group orders for their athletes. Orders will be fulfilled in one large order for each service time. Invoices will be emailed to the ordering coach for payment at the regatta concession. Pre-ordering closes on Monday July 4th at 5pm.
June 20th:
Please note:
Due to some feedback, we have switched the schedule around to have TT and Finals all on the same day for the groups. Also the U17 events have been taken out of the Groups to ease boat pool concerns for the Groups.