Poughkeepsie Regatta

  • Hosted By: Hudson River Rowing Association, Inc., Mid Hudson Rowing Association

The 9/30/22 7PM Poughkeepsie Regatta Coaches and Coxswains Zoom meeting recording:


Passcode: 4^KRZiI1


9/28 - The events schedule has been updated as follows:

Novice races and Men's Masters 2X were dropped due to a lack of entries.

Women's Masters 4+ was moved to after the Men's Masters 4+ to enable some rowers to row in 2 events.

The start times for all events were moved earlier by 25 min - 30 min due to the elimination of the Novice events.

The Draw List with bow numbers will be posted no later than Friday noon.


9/26 -  You are invited to the Poughkeepsie Regatta Friday, Sept 30th, at 7 PM, Zoom Coaches and Coxswains meeting. Coaches, coxswains, and scullers are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Hosts: Paul Stasaitis and Linda Rapp

Topic: Poughkeepsie Regatta Coaches & Coxswains Meeting

Time: Sep 30, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 845 6704 1393

Passcode: 988874

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Meeting ID: 845 6704 1393

Passcode: 988874

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcfDvaAEsq


9/24 - The Event order has been changed to accommodate athletes competing in multiple events.

Womens Junior 4+ has been moved to 8:10 AM.  This will be the 1st race at 4800 M.

Mens Masters 8+ has been moved to 8:50 AM in front of the Womens Masters 8+.

Womens Masters 4+ has been moved to 9:30 AM after the Collegiate 4+ races.

Womens Junior 8+ has been moved to 9:55 AM after the Mens Junior 8+..