Diamond State Masters

  • Jul 23, 2022 To Jul 24, 2022
  • sprint
  • Noxontown Pond
  • Townsend, DE (USA)
  • Hosted By: Wilmington Rowing Center (WRC)
  • 2022 Registered Regatta


Link to Coaches', Coxswains', Bow Meeting Recording

Important Updates for DSMR

Well … it appears that I spoke too soon this morning of the race sheets settling down.

Due to the excessive heat predicted for this weekend, the Regatta Committee and the Chief Referee have made the following changes to the schedule. 


  • Centers have been reduced to 6 minutes from 7
  • There will be no lunch break
  • The last race will be at 12:36


  • Racing begins at 7:30am (instead of 8am)
  • Centers have been reduced to 9 minutes from 10
  • A lunch break (about 10-11am) remains but we should probably call it “brunch” now
  • The last race is at 1:14

If any crews are unable to make their race due to conflict, let me know. The launch dispatcher will be calling crews at 30, 25, and 20 minutes before their races. We will not be recommending much warm-up on the water.

I am sorry we have to make all these last-minute changes and hope everyone will understand that we do this only because we place everyone's health first. 

The race sheets remain wonky looking with some events run concurrently with others, so please do check them as events are not running 1 through 62 w/o interruption.

Bow Markers: DSMR provides you with alphanumeric bowmarkers when you check in to launch. And, we collect them at the returrn dock. 

Lightweight Weigh-Ins are suspended for this year due to the excessive heat. We do not want anyone to skimp on their hydration. I will have the scales in case of a protest, but please err on the side of staying fully hydrated.

Coaches, Coxswains, and Bowperson Meeting: we will not have our traditional meeting before racing. Instead there will be a mandatory meeting tomorrow evening (Thursday) at 8pm on Zoom with Chief Referee Dennis Smith, myself, and Ken Hutton, who oversees hotseating and launching. The meeting will be recorded and I will send it out afterwards. Here is the Zoom Invitation.  

Line-Up Changes must be made through Regatta Central. After Thursday, however, changes will not be reflected on printed race sheets. 

Excessive Heat: A heat advisory has been declared for the entire region starting today at 11am and extends through Sunday at 8pm. At DSMR, we are particularly concerned with the heat index. At 100 our high heat protocols are triggered, and while the predictions are for that to occur, we are nowhere near the 128-degree heat index of 2019.  Here is the NOAA radar link for the area and here is a very nifty link that NOAA made for us that pinpoints the regatta site exactly and gives detailed weather information including the heat index. 

Please bring extra water. We will have extra water and ice, too, but please bring more yourself.  

Trailers and Cartoppers are welcome to Rodney Point (regatta site) after noon on Friday. Please follow the direction of the parking volunteers and do not park willy nilly. If you anticipate a need for a late arrival Friday evening, please contact me at [email protected] and we will try to accomodate you. 

Friday and Saturday Practice Practice: boats may practice on Noxontown Pond on Friday afternoon and after racing on Saturday until sundown. Practice is at your own risk. There will be no safety personnel on the pond. The practice boat traffic map can be found at http://diamondstatemasters.com/dsmr/practice/ and it will be posted at the launch dock. Boats may row up the pond in lanes 6-4 and row down the course in lanes 1-3.

Hot Seating: all hot seating must be approved by Ken Hutton, the launch dispatcher. ALL hot seats require his permission. This is for safety. Please seek permission early. Hot seating may be allowed for boats with no less than 21 and no more than 45 minutes apart. Boats with hot seating rowers or boats that need to be hot seated will be given a special tag that allows them priority docking at the return docks. It is a crew’s responsibility to hot seat quickly and efficiently. No race will be held beyond its published start time to wait for a hot-seated boat. The launch dispatcher’s decision is final.

Here again is the link for the race sheets.

All the best, 
