Southern California League Cal Cup

  • Mar 12, 2022
  • sprint
  • Long Beach, CA (USA)
  • Hosted By: Long Beach Junior Crew
  • 2022 Registered Regatta

Southern California League Cup Regatta


Saturday, March 12th, 2022


This Regatta is registered with USRowing


The Southern Cal Cup League Regatta will be a partially-buoyed, stakeboat start, 1,400m sprint course running from the 2nd St Bridge to the finish line at the north end of Marine Stadium.


Please submit all entries on  


Dates, Deadlines and times :

Open for regular entries                                                     2-25-22 at 7:30pm 

Close for regular entries                                                    3-5-22 at 11:59pm  

Payments due                                                                 3-11-22 at 11:59pm



Marine Stadium site information:



The current edition of the U.S.R.A. Racing Rules of Rowing applies except as modified herein. This is a USRowing registered regatta therefore all participating organizations must be USRowing Organizational Members.




Race Schedule

When submitting a question about the race schedule to:  [email protected]

Please make sure to specify your program's name and the team you are representing (ie: LBJC, Varsity Men) and include the event number, name, and the desired number of boats you would like to discuss (ie: Event #6 MV2 - 1 boat, Event #24 MV1x - 2 boats, etc.).

Because this is only a one day event, each team will be allowed one entry per event; however, it is encouraged to enter additional desired boats at Regatta Central that may be added as space allows in the race schedule.  Entries will be added on a first come, first served basis.  LBJC reserves the right to add and drop events based on over or under subscribed entries.


Payment/Scratch/Add Policy

Payment is due on entry closing day, Saturday March 5th, 2022 at 11:59 pm PST.  Events scratched by  Saturday March 5th, 2022 at 11:59 pm PST will receive a refund up to 25% of your club’s  total overall regatta fees. After March 5th all entry fees are NON-REFUNDABLE due to fixed costs.


After the entry deadline, when scratching an event, please E-mail  [email protected] and also complete the scratch on regattacentral. 


All attending rowers and coxswains shall have completed the online USRowing wavier.


Boat Storage and Parking

Trailers and busses shall enter the Marine Stadium parking area via the Appian Way gate at the southwest end of Marine Stadium, located at the intersection of Appian Way and Bayshore.  The entrance to Marine Stadium is on Paoli Way.  

Visiting teams will be provided with trash bags.  Teams should clean up their areas.  Trash can be dropped off at the large trash container located at the Clerk of the Course.  Teams can drop everything off on their way out at the end of the day.   If a team's spot is not clean, the team will be fined $500.  Let's keep the park clean!  Thank you for your attention on this.


Parking will be $20, cash only. 





Marine Stadium

5225 Paoli Way

Long Beach, California 90803


Parking lot gate is scheduled to be opened at 6:00 AM on race day. Early arrivals will not be admitted to Marine Stadium before 6:00 AM. Please be considerate of our neighbors! ALL VEHICLES ARRIVING EARLY MUST TURN ENGINES AND RADIOS OFF.


For Friday arrivals, the gates will be closed at 7:00 pm.


All visiting teams and their hospitality shall set up and row from the beach side of Marine Stadium and not on the Pete Archer Rowing Center side.  All visitor parking shall be on the beach side of Marine Stadium and not on the Pete Archer Rowing Center side. During the event, all visiting coaches on foot or bicycle are to remain on beach side and not on the Pete Archer Rowing Center side of Marine Stadium.


There will be a $20 parking fee per vehicle to park in the Marine Stadium parking lot on race day.


Bow Markers

Each crew shall provide their own bow numbers, and each rowing shell shall have a bow clip.


Safety Inspection

Each team shall provide their own bow balls which shall be present and secure on each racing shell. Rowing shoe heels shall be tied no more than three inches from the foot plate.  Coaches: please check your equipment. Inspection sweeps will take place at 6:30am on race day.



Novice Definition

A rower whose first rowing practice was on or after June 1st, 2021


Lightweight rowers/Weigh-In

There will be no weigh ins, 155lbs for men and 135lbs for women, on your honor.



Coaches/Coxswain Meeting

Starting at 7:00am on the beach side, north end of Marine Stadium adjacent to the Clerk-of-the Course.



Point System

Men's and Women's High Point trophies will be awarded according to the point structure below and attached to race schedule.












U17 4x











U17 4+






U17 8+


U17 2x























**In events with multiple flights, the top 3 times across all flights will be awarded points***

In the event that no times were taken, the top 3 boats in each flight will be awarded points

B boats do not score. Only the highest placing boat from each team scores points. A “B” entry can prevent another team from scoring, but they do not score themselves. If a team has two entries in a race and finish 1st and 3rd, for example, the 1st place boat gets 1st place points, but the 3rd place boat does not get any points. No 3rd place points are awarded in this instance: the 4th place boat does not move up to score the 3rd place points. 

Only the top 3 finishers score. Points are not given to 4th and subsequent finishers.



Men's and Women's high points trophies will be awarded according to the point structure attached above.  Over all combined team Point trophies will be awarded to only Southern California League teams according to the point structure above.




Medals will be awarded to first, second, and third place distributed at the conclusion of the regatta.


Side Note:

To help us run our regatta smoothly, it is important that your rowers not only know what event they are racing but also know their event number, lane assignment and whether they are racing as the 'A', 'B' etc. boat.


Schedule of Events:

6:00 am Gates to open on Appian Way

6:30 am Team check in: submit waivers and team rosters

7:00 am Coaches/coxswain meeting

7:50 am Racing begins

4:00 pm Conclusion


Thank you for your participation, we're looking forward to another great regatta!

We look forward to seeing you everyone and wish you the best of luck in your racing.
