Canadian Indoor Rowing Championships
- Jan 30, 2022
- virtual
- Virtual on TIME-TEAM Race Platform
- Toronto , Ontario (CAN)
- Hosted By: Canadian Indoor Rowing Association
Download the Competitor Information Guide here. 2022 Competitor Info Guide
- Competitors’ age eligibility is based on their age on race day January 30, 2022.
- Competitors must be a minimum age of 13 to compete at CIRC.
- Nationality must be indicated at time of registration. All nationalities are welcome.
- Lightweights Men 75kg maximum, Women 61.5kg. All scales must show in kilograms.
- Download Lightweight Weigh-In Procedures here.
- Para classifications are PR1, PR2 and PR3. Athletes may enter as classified, or "unclassified" if classification is pending. Results will indicate this status. Ask your national federation for an opportunity to become classified.
- Open - no age or maximum weight restrictions
- U23 is age 22 or under as of January 30, 2022
- U19 is age 18 or under as of January 30, 2022
- U17 is age 16 or under as of January 30, 2022. No lightweight category for U17.
- Masters starts at age 30, and in age groupings as shown on Event Listing.
- Team members from 'We Are Invictus' and 'Solider On are invted to participate in 4 minute and 1 minute races.
- Only static Concept2 ergometers may be used for this race. PM3, PM4 or PM5 monitors.
- Rowers must remain connected to the Time-Team Race platform during the race.
- * NEW * Competitors are encouraged to video their own race, or connect to the video option on Time-Team to provide officials an additional opportunity for verfication of results. More information on this topic added to Section 6.2 of COMPETITOR INFO GUIDE on January 15. See GUIDE link above.
- There is no opportunity to submit scores after or before January 30 Race day to be included in the results.
- As a sanctioned event, competitors may submit the score attained at CIRC to qualify for a place in the virtual final of 2022 WRICH Hamburg February 25-26 (Virtual). There are no direct qualification events at CIRC. The top 3 ranked competitors in each race category from each of the 5 continental groupings (Africa, Americas, Asia, Europe, Oceania) based on score will qualify for the 15 virtual places at the WRICH (in that same race category). Competitors who would like to be considered for a virtual place in the 2022 WRICH must meet all eligibility requirements for the WRICH and pay the WRICH entry fee. Go to World Rowing website https://worldrowing.com/event/2022-world-rowing-indoor-championships for more on this topic.
This event is sanctioned by Rowing Canada Aviron