Springfield Rockrimmon Regatta
- Sep 10, 2022
- head
- Connecticut River
- Springfield, MA (USA)
- Hosted By: Pioneer Valley Riverfront Club
1.0 The Race Course
1.1 General: The Springfield Rockrimmon Regatta (SRR) is a stake race therefore competitors follow a buoy line with racing going in two different directions. Caution must be used to remain in your lane as well as be observant of other rowers.
1.2 Buoys:
Large Orange – Line buoy, the majority found on the course
Green – Represents the Start and Finish line (also used as stake see 3.3)
Red/White – Are on either side of the starting chute
Yellow – Need to be on your starboard side when starting to pass through the bend Orange – Indicate hazards and shallow areas (also used as stake see 3.3)
1.3 Bridge: Use only the archways indicated on the course map or during the coaches & coxswain’s meeting before the race.
2.0 Starting The Race
2.1 Launching: After leaving the dock, competitors need to make their way toward the Warm-Up Area and avoid the Chute and shallow areas by the shoreline. Once in the Warm-Up Area, boats can stop to make adjustments, etc.
2.2 Railroad Bridge: When in the Warm-Up Area, be aware of your event’s race time and be within hearing distance of the Marshals. If you come up upon the Railroad Bridge, you have gone too far. DO NOT row past this bridge.
2.3 Start: The Starter will call the events from the Chute with the Marshal organizing the competitors. Failing to yield to boats trying to line up can result in a delay start penalty. The Starter can also give this penalty for a boat being out of order or late to the start.
2.4 Chute: Pay attention to the commands to start paddling and when to bring up to full speed. Boats should be in a single file, with 2-3 lengths of open water between them.
3.0 Racing
3.1 Line Buoys: The buoy line will be on the port side, be aware of any orange buoys on starboard to indicate hazards. The hull of the boat must always be to the right of the buoy line, otherwise a missed buoy penalty will be assessed. An oar can cross over the buoy. Any boat that crosses the buoy line must take the shortest path to get back in its lane.
3.2 The Bend: Around the 1500m mark when going upriver, the course will turn to the right. From the shore and going toward the course there is a shallow area marked by orange buoys with yellow buoys on the end. All of the buoys need to be on the starboard side of the boat, otherwise a missed buoy penalty will be assessed for each that are missed.
3.3 Stakes: There are two green buoys at the stake. Competitors need to complete a turn around both, otherwise a miss stake penalty will be assessed. The stake at 1500m is for youth events and within the line of buoys, other events will row past it for the stake at the 2500m mark (the end of the buoy line).
3.4 Passing: When a passing boat is within one length of open water of a slower competitor, the boat being overtaken must yield and move away from the buoy line in sufficient time to avoid collision. Failure to do so will result in a penalty.
EXCEPTION: A boat being overtaken does not have to yield when 3 boat lengths before turning the stake. The passing boat will have to go to the outside.
3.5 Interference: Any contact between boats with either the shells or oars is prohibited and will result in an interference penalty. Rowers at fault will be determined by evaluating who’s right of way was violated per rules 3.1 and 3.4. Even though 3.1 stated an oar can cross over a buoy, if it effects a competitor on the other side, this will be interference.
4.0 The Finish
4.1 Archway: The bridge archway before the finish line should be treated the same way as the buoy line in rule 3.4. Both boats need to give adequate room for the other in order to avoid interference. There is only one available archway as dictated by the course map, if another is used, the competitor will be assessed a missed buoy penalty.
4.2 Finish Buoys: All boats must finish the race between the two green finish line buoys. Failure to do so will result in a missed buoy penalty.
4.3 Return: After finishing the race, row down river toward the Warm-Up Area. Make sure to clear the chute and pay attention to other boats coming up from behind.
4.4 Obstruction: When returning to the dock, avoid getting in the way of events lining up to approach the chute. Try to expedite crossing the river when there is an available break.
5.0 Notes On Viewing Races
5.1 Bike Path: The Connecticut Riverwalk & Bikeway passes next to the PVRC boat house. The path follows the river north and offers a view of the course.
5.2 Boat House: PVRC’s boat house was built in 1901 and was home to the Rockrimmon Boat and Canoe Club. This regatta honors the history of the first rowers in the house by using their name.
6.0 Summary
Seconds Penalty Notes
10 |
Delay Start |
Failure to yield to boats in the starting area, starting out of order, late to start |
15 |
Missed Buoy |
The hull of the boat is on the wrong side of the buoy, includes not rowing in between both green buoys at the finish and using the wrong bridge archway |
25 |
Miss Stake-1 |
Complete turn around the stake but missed 2nd stake buoy |
45 |
Miss Stake-2 |
Turn is initiated before the stake and both buoys are miss |
30 |
Failure to Yield |
If passing boat wants the lane by the buoy line, slower boat must yield to the outside when within one boat length (see exception*) |
40 |
Interference |
Creating contact between boats |
*Exception: slower boat does not need to yield when three lengths from the stake