Lift Bridge Regatta
- Sep 25, 2021
- head
- Fairport Boathouse
- Fairport, NY (USA)
- Hosted By: Fairport Crew Club Inc.
The 16th Annual Fairport Lift Bridge Regatta will be held on SATURDAY, September 25, 2021.
Coaches ONLY meeting 7:00 AM Coaches are required to maintain social distancing and wear masks.
Prior to the race please review course map and rules with your coxswains in lieu of a regular cox meeting.
Fairport Crew’s 16th Annual Lift Bridge Regatta Saturday, September 25, 2021 1 Fairport Crew Club is hosting their annual Lift Bridge Regatta on Saturday, September 25, 2021. While there are no current travel restrictions or quarantine requirements for the state of New York, Fairport Crew Club will closely monitor the ever-evolving situation. Please be aware of your state and local travel requirements when traveling to this event. Teams should regularly monitor the health status of their athletes, coaches, and other support staff daily before and during the event. The President of Fairport Crew Club, Jeanne Lavin, will serve as the regatta’s COVID Officer. Jeanne is the primary contact for all COVID-related questions. (716-912-0996)
General Measures Failure to abide by the COVID protocols may constitute Unsportsmanlike Conduct. The offending crew or organization may be subject to the penalties associated with Unsportsmanlike Conduct, including the team or crew’s exclusion from the regatta. Each competing organization should assign an individual who will be responsible for managing the team’s wellness checks, interactions with regatta staff (including the COVID officer), contacttracing, and any other elements in the event of a positive test. Regardless of vaccinated state, all rowers, coaches, volunteers and spectators are required to wear a mask and practice social distancing. Rowers may take their mask off when they are on the water or eating. If people are eating, they are allowed to remove their mask while eating or drinking and required to put it back on when finished.
- Registration Process: ï· In order to minimize contact among coaches, staff and volunteers, the following measures will be in place:
- o Only one member of each organization will be allowed to pick up the organization’s registration packet. o Every athlete must be compliant, with the proper US Rowing membership in place and a signed waiver on file, before an organization may pick up its registration packet.
- ï§ US Rowing memberships can be activated or renewed by visiting: or by calling the Membership Services Department at (609) 751-0700.
- Â A current listing of your athletes, their member numbers, and expiration dates can be found on your online roster through the Membership Portal at
- · Any remaining balance for outstanding entry fees must be paid before an organization can pick up its registration packet.
- · Coaches should ensure that everyone is compliant before coming to registration. If you are unsure of your compliance status, please contact 609-751-0700 to verify prior to coming to registration.
- · All coaches will be required to confirm that they have successfully completed the Safe Sport which is a requirement by US Rowing. A form will be sent to each club and it needs to be sent back to prior to the end of business Thursday, September 23, 2021.
- o The Coaches Attestation Form can be found on Regatta Central under the Lift Bridge Regatta. ï· Due to COVID restrictions, lineup changes must be done electronically at least 24 hours before the start of the first race of the event for which the crew is entered unless it is a medical substitution.
- · The COVID FORM must be submitted to the registration desk prior to any registration packets being distributed. o The Coaches Attestation Form can be found on Regatta Central under the Lift Bridge Regatta.
- Competition:
- · Each Club will specify one coach to attend the traditional Coxswains Meeting which will be held at the boathouse Saturday morning at 7:00am. It is critical that all coaches maintain physical distance from one another. All coaches should review US Rowing regulations with their team prior to coming onsite and disseminate the information to their squads.
- ï· Coaches should review the race map which is online ( as well as in your registration packet.
- · There is to be no coaching from the land. This will be strictly enforced.
- ï· Coaches will be allowed to pick up medals at the registration table only after the official results have been posted. The results will be also announced on the loud speaker, posted at various
- ï· sites through the park and on a TV screen located near the Fairport Boat house. They will also be on twitter at @FairportLBR. o Rowers and coaches should not approach the registration or timing tables to ask about any results o Any protest will be handled by the Chief Referee. Bow Numbers: ï· Bow numbers will be included in the registration packet. ï· All bow numbers should be returned to the bin labeled “Bow Number” when the crew docks at the end of the race Safety Checks: Due to COVID, the Race Safety Inspectors will not be touching your equipment. Consequently, each boat's coxswain or Coach needs to perform a safety inspection of the boat prior to approaching the launch area by inspecting the following items: ï· Bow ball is secure. ï· Bow cap is in place. ï· Check that each pair of shoes is secure. They should be no looser than roughly 3 finger widths. ï· Stern cap is in place. When approaching the launch area, a Race Safety Inspector will ask each boat's coxswain or rower to confirm that he or she has inspected the boat. If they have not inspected their boat, the boat will be asked to step aside while the Safety Inspector walks the coxswain or rower through performing the safety inspection. Dock: Different from prior years at the Lift Bridge Regatta, due to COVID, each team will be responsible for obtaining its oars and shoe bins. ï· Each team is required to ensure proper cleaning and disinfecting has occurred. ï· The number of people on the launch and recovery docks at any given time will be limited to 1 coach, and 1 person for oars and one person for shoes. Fairport Crew’s 16th Annual Lift Bridge Regatta Saturday, September 25, 2021 4 ï· Each team will need 2 dedicated people for distribution and retrieval of oars and shoes. ï· It is critical that every team pays attention to the race so you are on time to avoid delays in launching or recovery of boats. ï· The Oars to Water Coordinator will manage the adherence to this rule. Everyone must comply with the instructions. Launches: ï· Disinfectant wipes will be provided in all launches. ï· Occupants of the boat should be no more than a driver and referee, except where a radio communications operator is assigned. ï· Referees and Radio Control personnel may remove the mouth/nose protection while following a race to enhance communication and audibility. ï· The driver is responsible for disinfecting the steering wheel and the gear lever upon shift start and completion. Starter’s Area: ï· The starter’s area will have disinfectant wipes available. ï· The starting system will be disinfected by the starter prior to and following each change of shift. Bathrooms/Portable Toilets: ï· Toilets will be cleaned and disinfected regularly. ï· Hand sanitizer will be positioned adjacent to toilets and must be used prior to and following toilet use. The bathrooms next to Fairport Crew Club’s boat house are for Fairport rowers, Coaches, Volunteers, and race officials. Tents: ï· There will be no grills or cooking allowed in any tents. ï· Tents should be limited to rowers and coaches and the COVID officer for each team. If needed, an additional volunteer can be in the tent to assist. Fairport Crew’s 16th Annual Lift Bridge Regatta Saturday, September 25, 2021 5 ï· A food truck and concession stand will be onsite so parents, and families, can purchase food and or drinks. ï· Before leaving the site, all trash should be removed from your site and taken with you when you depart. Medical Tent: ï· The medical tent is located next to the red ARES radio control trailer at the south end of the boathouse. It is a red tent and there will be an ambulance with a paramedic on site in the event there are any medical issues that need to be addressed. ï· Only the sick or injured person and one other assistant (Coach, Parent, or Volunteer) should accompany patient. The Lift Bridge Committee thanks everyone in advance for your support as we work to host a safe, fun, and competitive regatta.