Covered Bridge Regatta

  • Apr 16, 2021 To Apr 17, 2021
  • sprint
  • Eugene, OR (USA)
  • Hosted By: Oregon Association of Rowers

Lots of hotels in the Eugene/Springfield area - especially near I5 exit 195.


Quality Inn rate this year is $120.00 - room with 2 queen beds

Ask for Covered Bridge Regatta Rate.

+1 (541) 516-1250




Guest Bedrooms available in Lowell (not Bed & Breakfast) ALL ROOMS TAKEN

Several families in the town of Lowell have offered low-cost housing near the race course. Accommodations include a private bedroom and breakfast (rates: $75 per person per night  or $100 for two nights). Contact Ruth George for details (541-937-2078 or