Wichita Frostbite Regatta
- Nov 1, 2020
- head
- Little Arkansas River
- Wichita, KS (USA)
- Hosted By: Wichita Rowing Association
- Cancelled
The Wichita Frostbite Regatta could not be run safely or successfully without the help of a large cadre of volunteers pre-race, during the race and post race.
The Wichita Rowing Association welcomes help from anyone interested:
- WRA members
- WRA parents
- WRA family and friends
- Parents, family and friends of WSU rowers
- Anyone interested in how a rowing event is run!
Gain experience in:
- event management
- sponsorship attraction
- volunteer managment
Contact Regatta Chairman, Jay Pfeiffer
[email protected] or 316-619-2355