Secret City Head Race
- Oct 17, 2020 To Oct 18, 2020
- head
- 697 Melton Lake Drive
- Oak Ridge, TN (USA)
- Hosted By: Oak Ridge Rowing Association, Inc.
Course Maps via Google Maps
ORRA will provide hard-copies to each crew. This same information is also captured on Google Maps, here.
Trailer Laydown and Small Boats
ORRA is providing trailer laydown areas on 50-foot centers. We also have 1x/small-boat/private-boat laydown areas adjacent to the Launch and Recovery areas. No private vehicles are allowed in these areas. Tow vehicles must drop their trailer and then park elsewhere.
Downstream Secret City Head Race Course - Saturday, October 17, 2020
Distance: 4,702 meters.
Launch: ORRA Embayment, 697 Melton Hill Drive, Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Race Start: Gibbs Ferry Landing, near navigation mileage point 53.4m
Race End: Oak Ridge City - Melton Hill Park Pavillion, near navigation mileage point 50.4m
Recovery: ORRA Embayment, 697 Melton Hill Drive, Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Upstream Secret City Head Race Course - Sunday, October 18, 2020
Distance: 4,702 meters.
Launch: ORRA Embayment, 697 Melton Hill Drive, Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Race Start: Haw Ridge Nature Preserve, near navigation mileage point 47.4m.
Race End: Oak Ridge City - Melton Hill Park Pavillion, near navigation mileage point 50.4m
Recovery: ORRA Embayment, 697 Melton Hill Drive, Oak Ridge, TN 37830
Melton Lake
Melton Lake is part of the Clinch River system, and is dam-controlled, via the Tenessee Valley Authority's Norris Dam located approximately 17 water-miles above our facility, and via Melton Hill Lake, approximateily 16 water-miles downstream.
Mid-October in Oak Ridge TN provides terrific racing weather conditions. Early mornings may start around 50F, with temperatures frequently near 70 in the afternoon, cooling rapidly at dusk. This is also prime Fall "leaf season" in East TN. The narrow river channel will burst with the changing colors of the leaves. The current forecast has overnight lows in the 40's, recovering nicely in the afternoon.