Secret City Head Race

  • Hosted By: Oak Ridge Rowing Association, Inc.

Course Maps via Google Maps

ORRA will provide hard-copies to each crew. This same information is also captured on Google Maps, here.

Smile for the Camera!

Row2K will be onsite, taking photos of the action.  Watch for these to be published shortly after the regatta.

New Feature Added to Regatta Central Entries

The race structure, which seeks to offer the greatest flexibility for shells and crews also created a bit of an issue figuring out "who" was in a particular Division. Regatta Central has solved this by displaying the attributes of the individual racers on every Event. For example, if you look at Event #7, you will see the age group, category, M/F/Mixed, lightweight, novice classifications for all entries.  This may significantly help you plan your entries. ORRA will consolidate similar categories in the day's results, but coaches can shuffle boats and people as necessary to allow more athletes on the water. Here is an image from one of the 2x events... Note the Line Up provides you with the Categories, and then clicking on the lineup displays the crew.

Where are the Atomic Entries?

Atomic will have a full complement of crews, both Juniors and Masters on the water.  As such, we're watching the entries fill and will jump in to specific entries to bring additional depth to those events. Atomic Juniors anticipate racing everything from 1x to 8+. Atomic Masters will scull (only) this year. As with many programs, we're wrestling with our own equipment overlaps/conflicts to give everyone as much flexibility as possible. Coaches- pleae contact Head Coach John Davis with questions about how to (for example) throw your Womens 1V 8+ in to the same time slot as Atomic.

Registration is OPEN for the Secret City Head Race.

Although no times are yet listed, athletes/crews may assume that the first Division, on both Saturday and Sunday, starts racing with the 8+ promptly at 9:00 am. The late morning Division is scheduled to start at 11:00 am with the 8+ to ensure adequate time for all boats to returrn, and for equipment to be cleaned and second wave crews to make their way to the Start. Similarly, the afternoon Divisions start two hours apart. There will be at least 2 hours from the beginning ot the late morning to the early afternoon Division so that ORRA can rotate referees, support boats, and grab lunch.

Tracking COVID in Anderson County and East TN

Athletes are strongly encouraged to remain aware of the risks from COVID in their own communities, and under no circumstances should an athlete that is ill travel to East TN. ORRA, working with our Chief Medical Officer,will insist that athletes that may have been exposed, are in quarantine, or who are sick must stay home.

The following COVID tracking resources are specific to Anderson County and are offered for your use.

TN Department of Health Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Unified Command Dashboard

Epi Curves (visitors can select individual counties, including Anderson County, TN)