Michigan Club Invitational Regatta

  • Jul 25, 2020
  • sprint
  • Argo Pond
  • Ann Arbor, MI (USA)
  • Hosted By: Ann Arbor Rowing Club
  • 2020 Registered Regatta
  • Cancelled

Open to all clubs and individuals from the State of Michigan and the surrounding region by invitation. Affiliation to a rowing club is not required.  Please indiciate the expected finish of multiple entries in an event by designating A, B, and C boats etc.

Participating organizations must be active members of USRowing and must compete under their official USRowing membership name. The only exception to this rule is single entries. These single scullers must be full-privilege individual members of USRowing and must race as "Unaffiliated."

No event will have more than 6 heats (18 entries) -- many events may have only one heat (3 entries). In fairness to all MCI competitors  AARC will not accept any lineup changes or substitutions after 7:30AM on the day before the regatta, July 22, 2015.   Prior to this time, any changes from the entries entered on Regatta Central must be in writing/email and must provide the date, time, name of requestor, club name, event #, rower names,  DOB/ages (if a masters event) of all the rowers involved in the change.  If the rowers are not already on the home club's established Regatta Central Roster, AARC may accept the changes only if time permits and the changes requested are deemed by AARC to benefit the regatta.

Heats for 4x, 4+ and 8+ are run on 4 minute centers. Do not be late to the dock.

Do not attempt to hotseat athletes, equipment or coxswains in races with fewer than three events between them. For example, an athlete or piece of equipment that competes or is used in Event #4 may not compete or be used in Events 5, 6 or 7. This includes heats; i.e., do not attempt to hotseat equipment in heats of the same event. The Dockmaster will make reasonable attempts to accommodate hotseating in races with three or more events between them. Please give notice to the Dockmaster when leaving the dock that your boat requires hotseat access after its race. The Dockmaster has final say on all hotseating decisions.

There is no fee cap at the MCI.  Rowing organizations will be billed for all races entered.

Event Categories:

1) High School/Junior: a competitor who in the current calendar year does not attain the age of 19, or who is and has been continuously enrolled in secondary school as a full time student seeking a diploma. A competitor thus ceases to be a Junior after December 31 of the year of his or her 18th birthday, or of the year in which he or she completes the 12th grade of secondary school, having been a full time student, whichever is later.

2) Open: Open to all age categories.

3) Masters: individual who has attained the age of 21, during the current calendar year. A competitor's age is determined as of December 31 of the current calendar year. The age of a crew is determined by the average of the crew rounded down to the highest contained integer. The Coxswain's age shall not be counted. Each member of the crew with the exception of the coxswain must be within the masters' age limitations. An athlete in the "AA" Category (ages 21-26) may only average an "A" boat (ages 27-35).

*****Masters registration forms that are missing date of birth will default to 21 years, the youngest possible masters age.*****

4) Mixed: At least 1 & no more than half of the rowers in the shell may be male.

5) Novice: Learned to row in the calendar year 2014; Individuals who took a rowing class in a previous year but who did not race at more than one regatta or row regularly for more than 2 months in that year may also be considered novices.

6) Recreational: Rowers in these events should be novice rowers or rowers who row for fun and occasionally race, but have no intention of competing at Masters Nationals or other highly competitive regattas. Typically, these rowers practice no more than two times a week.

7) Adaptive/inclusive: Must have an adaptive rating and/or be willing to be rated at the event.