7th Annual Mohawk Meltdown
- Mar 14, 2020
- indoor
- Niskayuna High School Main Gym
- Niskayuna, NY (USA)
- Hosted By: Niskayuna Rowing
- Cancelled
After much consideration, we have made the decision to change the format of this year’s Mohawk Meltdown to a virtual regatta.
How a Virtual Mohawk Meltdown Will Work
Participants can do their piece between now and 11:59 PM on Sunday, March 15. Find an erg, row your race, and send us a picture of the performance monitor screen. We will compile the results and announce them on the morning of Wednesday, March 18.
We will name this year’s Section 2 All Star Team based on the results. (Top freshman, top lightweight, top varsity and next fastest time for High School races. Top two 7th grade and top two 8th grade finishers for Middle School.)
All participants who registered with Regatta Central will receive a full refund. Therefore, we will not be awarding medals, but we will post the results on our web site and we will send them to Concept2.
Distances/Times will be the same as if you rowed in person.
Everyone is on their honor with respect to Freshman, Novice, Lightweight, Age, Grade, etc.
Send a picture of your performance monitor to: [email protected].
Please include the following information in your email:
Date of Birth
Event #
Thank you for your participation. We look forward to having you join us back at Niskayuna for the 2021 Mohawk Meltdown! Best wishes for a fast spring.
Mohawk Meltdown Regatta Committee